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July 24, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-24

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Continued Hot




The Language
Of Goethe .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


U. S. Blasts Soviet
March Into Baltic;
Halts Recognition

Welles Deplores 'Devious'
Ways That Russia Took
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Reaffirms American
Opposition To Force
MOSCOW, July 24. -(A)- All
males between the ages of 19 and
50 not previously registered for
military service were ordered to-
day to register in the first two
weeks of September.
The chief military command in
a posted order also commanded
women specialists between the
same ages to register. These in-
clude telegraphers, nurses, doctors,
parachute folders and photo lab-
oratory workers.
WASHINGTON, July 23.-(P)-
The United States, roundly criticizing
Soviet Russia for "annihilating" the
political independence of three Baltic
republics, made known today it would
not recognize their absorption into
the Soviet system.
Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary
of State in the absence of Secretary
Hull, spoke out at a press conference
against "the devious processes" by
which he said Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania were to be deprived of
their freedom by "one of their more
powerful neighbors."
TheActing Secretary did not men-'
tion Russia by name, but he left
no doubt in any one's mind as to his
meaning. Newly elected parliaments
in the Baltic Republics had voted in
recent days, following Red Army
occupation of their countries and an
intensive propaganda campaign, to+
seek union with the Soviet.
"The people of the United States
are opposed to predatory activities
no matter whether they are carriedi
on by the use of force or by the
threat of ofree," Welles declared in
the prepared statement he read to
newsmen. "They are likewise op-
posed to any form of intervention,
on the part of one state, however;
powerful, in the domestic concerns
of any other soverign states, how-
ever weak."
Varro Methods
To Be Treated
By Prof. Kent
First of the country's distinguished
linguistic scholars to arrive in Ann
Arbor for the third special summer,
meeting of the Linguistic Society of
America Friday and Saturday, Pro-
fessor Roland G. Kent of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania will appear
this evening on the regular lecture
program of the University's Lin-
guistic Institute. He will speak at
7:30 p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium
on the subject, "Varro and his Lin-
guistic Methods."
One of the "old guard" in the
Linguistic Society, Professor Kent
was a signer of the call that led to the
founding of the organization in 1927.
For years he has been its secretary-
treasurer, and in that office has been
helpful in aiding the establishment
of the Linguistic Institute at the
University of Michigan. His academic
post is that of professor of compara-
tive philology at the University of
Varro, subject of Dr. Kent's lec-
ture, is of especial historical interest
to persons interested in language.
Voluminous writer, soldier, politician,
friend of Julius Caesar, Varro found
time in a crowded life to engage in,
considerable language research, par-
ticularly in etymology. Lacking the
linguistic knowledge that enables the

modern scholar to trace interlingual
relationships, he yet was able to make
some very clever guesses as to a num-
ber of Latin word-derivations.
Tea Dance To Be Held
At 3:30 P.M. In League
The usual Wednesday tea dance
will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
In the League ballroom, Ruth Streel-

Means Speaks
On Corporate
Form Question
Economist Says Solution
May Result Through
Defense Program
Claiming that the corporate form
of business organization must con-
tinue to exsist in order to avoid fas-
cism, and that the present defense
program may prove to be a trail
grounds wherein the problems of the
corporate form may be solved, Gar-
diner C. Means of the U. S. Bureau
of the Budget last night addressed
the Graduate Study Program in
American Culture and Institutions
on "Corporate Organization and Con-
centration of Economic Power."
Expressing the opinion that the
abolition of the corporate form would
lead to fascism, Dr. Means said he
believed that with "our Yankee in-
genuity, a Democratic solution to the
big corporation problem may be
found. We may see growing out of
the defense program something that
can be used in peacetime without
surrendering the democratic system."
Three Problems
Dr. Means indicated three prob-
lems of special importance concern-
ing the corporate form, the short
run price policy, the long run, or
monoply, price policy and the con-
centration of power.
The short run price policy, the
traditional idea of perfect competi-
tion and automatic adjustments, is
not practical he said, for the adjust-
ments do not, in practice, take place
as they should. The problem, he as-
serted, is to keep the long run price
policy and at the same time maintain
the proper balance of centratlization
and decentralization of controlling
Power Differentiation
Dr. Means distinguished between
centralized and decentralized power
by citing the examples of the A&P
form, highly centralized with all
matters of policy issuing from the
center, and the Independent Grocers'
Alliance, where the administration
is centralized but the policy is de-
termined from the perifery.
The lecturer introduced his topic
with a survey of the 200 largest cor-
porations, which, he said, in 1933,
controlled 55 per cent of,.the nation's
corporate wealth, 64 per cent of the
instruments of production, 20 per
cent of the total national wealth
and from 40 to 50 per cent of the
industrial wealth.
Dr. Means was educated at Har-
vard University, where he took his
A. B. degree in 1918, A. M. in 1927
and Ph. D. in 1933. He also attended
the Lowell Textile School from 1920
to 1922.
From 1919 to 1920 he was a mem-
ber of the Near East Relief staff in
Turkey. In textile manuf cturing
from 1922 to 1924, he went to the
Columbia Law School in 1927 as re-
search worker in economics.
Group To Visit
Excursionists Will Leave
At 1 P.M._Today
At 1 p.m. today the ninth group
of Summer Session excursionists will
leave in special buses from Angell
Hall bound for Henry Ford's Green-

field Village in Dearborn, to return
to Ann Rrbor at about 5:45 p.m.
Tickets for the trip can be secured
up to noon today at the Summer Ses-
sion Office.
The trip, a repetition of last Wed-
nesday's for the benefit of those who
could not attend at that time, will
include not only the Village proper,
but also Thomas A Edison's original
Menlo Park factory, laboratory and
library, and an indoor museum of

'What A Life'
To Open Run
Here Today
Clifford Goldsmith Play
Stars William Kinzer
In HenryAldrich Role
Baird To Direct
Local Production
Henry Aldrich, who became Ameri-
ca's high school hero in 1938 when
he was portrayed on Broadway by
Ezra Stone, will come to life again
in the Michigan Repertory Players'
of "What a Life" which opens at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
William Kinzer will recreate the
role of Henry, while taking the part
of Barbara Pearson in Clifford Gold-
smith's comedy is Adeline Gittlin who
has had roles this season in "The
Star Wagon" and "The Critic." Bar-
bara, Henry's sweetheart, was played
by Betty Fields in the New York
Theft Of Instruments
The play centers on the theft of a
number of band instruments in high
school, the suspicion of Henry and
the latter's attempts to prove him-
self innocent and find the guilty
Mrs. Claribel Baird, chairman of
the speech department at Oklahoma
College for Women wil direct the
play. An assistant to Prof. Valentine
B. Windt of the speech department
for several seasons, Mrs. Baird has
taken parts in a number of Univer-
sity plays appearing in "The Good
Hope" last summer and in "The
Star Wagon" this season.
"What a Life" is the first produc-
tion this summer that has not caused
worries for costumiere Evelyn Co-
hen and art director Alexander Wy-
ckoff. After working on such difficult
costume jobs as she did in "The
Critic," ,Two On an Island" and "The
Star Wagon", Miss Cohen had only
to procure a number of "youngish"
dresses and suits for her characters
in this play.
Simple Set
Mr. Wyckoff, who had to prepare
extremely varied sets for "Two On an
Island" ranging from that of the top
of the Statue of Liberty to a typical
New York coffee shop had one scene
to prepare this week-a principal's
Among the other leading members
of the cast are James Bartonas Mr.
Nelson; Lazelle Laughlin as Miss
Shea; June Madison as Miss Eggle-
ston, Roy Rector as George Biglow;
Nancy Bowman as Mrs. Aldrich, and
Fred Nelson as Mrs. Brady.

F. D.R. Dons
Political Garb
Says Party Bolted Burke;
Douglas And Hanes Were
Always Anti-New Deal
'Indispensable Man'
Derided By Wilikie
HYDE PARK, N. Y., July 23.-()
-President Roosevelt donned politi-
cal harness today long enough to
speak his mind about Senator Ed-
ward R. Burke, Lewis W. Douglas,
John W. Hanes and former Senator
James A. Reed-four anti-third
term Democrats who have teamed
up with Wendell L. Willkie.
Prompted entirely by press con-
ference questions, Mr. Roosevelt said
he understood the Democratic Party
had bolted from Burke; that the Ad-
ministration felt the minds of Doug-
las and Hanes, former government
officials, ran more to dollars than
to humanity; and that Reed was well
qualified to lead dissident Demo-
The President was first asked whe-
ther the word "bolt" properly de-
scribed Burke's offer of support for
Willkie. He made the remark about
the party bolting Burke and then
grinned when a roar of laughter at
his answer had subsided.
Burke was defeated for renomina-
tion in the Nebraska primary by
Governor R. L. Corchran
Mr. Roosevelt was reminded, he
said, of Lew Douglas and Johnny
Hanes by an inquiry about how he
regarded "this dissent of Jefferson-
ian Democrats."
Willkie Says President
Is Thinking Of Politics
CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 23.-(P)-
Wendell L. Willkie, enjoying himself
today in the "whoop-it-up" atmos-
phere of Cheyenne's frontier days
rodeo, jovially observed that Pres-
ident Roosevelt's comment on Dem-
ocrats who have announced support
for Willkie showed "that the Pres-
ident is thinking of something be-
sides the affairs of state."
The Republican presidential nom-
inee let go some of the sharpest jabs
he has delivered at the New Deal
and President Roosevelt since be-
ginning a pre-campaign vacation in
He told a platform crowd at Bigh-
ton, Colo., that "in this country there
is no such thing as the indispensable

Detained In Marseilles;
0 S
U. S. Conscription Nearer


Orders Daladier

Senate Military Committee
Approves Registration
Of 42 Million Men ,
Senate May Pass
On Bill Next Week
WASHINGTON, July 23.--(R)--
Compulsory military training moved
a long step nearer reality today when
the Senate Military Committee ap-
proved a revised Burke-Wadsworth
Bill providing for registration of
42,000,000 men, of whom 1,500,000
would be drafted in the first year.
Details remain to be worked out,
but in the main the measure calls
1. Registration of all males be-
tween 18 and 64.
2. Actual conscription of about
1,500,000 men between 21 and 30 in
the first year, starting Oct. 1, 1940.
There are an estimated 11,500,000
between these ages.
3. A training period of one year
for those selected.
4. Base pay equal to that of the
lower grades of the regular armed
forces, starting at $21 a month.
5. Later draftees to be chosen from
the 21 to 45 age groups.
Senator Sheppard (Dem-Tex),
chairman of the committee, pre-
dicted the measure would be ready
for Senate consideration next week.
Sheppard did not announce the com-
mittee vote, but said there were "few
dissenting" voices.
In explaining the measure to re-
porters, Brig. Gen. W. E. Shedd, As-
sistant Chief of Staff, said the men
would be classified for exemptions
by local boards, similar to the World
War draft boards. Men with fam-
ilies, he said, or men employed in
national defense work would be
placed in deferred groups.
The War Department contem-
plates that youths between 18 and
21 and men between 45 and 64 would
be available for home defense ser-
vice. Legislation providing this prob-
ably will be submitted to Congress
Malloy Off Detroit Squad
Woody Malloy, former University
golf captain, was barred from the
Detroit squad in the National Public
Links Chamionship Tourney by the
United States Golf Association Mon-
day when it was learned that he was
a resident of Ann Arbor.

Addresses Culture Group

Nation Looks In Vain For Relief
From Record-Breaking Heat Wave,

Culture Series
To Hear Gauss,
Princeton Dean To Discuss
Place Of Individualism
In American Life Today
Dean Christian Gauss of Prince-
ton University and Dumas Malone,
derctor of the Harvard University1
Press will give today's lectures in thei
Graduate Study Program in Ameri-
can Culture and Institutions.
Dr. Malone will speak at 4:15 p.m.
on "The Ebb and Flow of Statecraft".
Dean Gauss will talk at 8:15 p.m.;
on "The Role of Individualism in
American Life". Both lectures will be
held in the Rackham School aud-
itorium and will be open to the public.
Native Of Ann Arbor
A native of Ann Arbor, Dean Gauss
took his A. B. degree from the Uni-
versity here in 1898 and his A. M. the
following year, and in 1933 received
the LL. D. degree. He received a
Litt. D. degree from Washington in
1914 and an L. H. D. degree from
Lehigh in 1928.
An instructor in the romance lang-
uages department here from 1899 to
1901, Dean Gauss then went to Le-
high University until 1905. In that
year he was made assistant profes-
sor of romance languages at Prince-
ton University; he became professor
of modern languages there in 1907,
was chairman of the department
from 1913 to 1936 and since 1925 has
been Dean of the college.
Lectured In New York
He has also lectured at the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati, New York Uni-
versity and Columbia University.
Dean Gauss is the author of "The
German Emperor", "Through College
on Nothing a Year", "Why We Went
to War", "Life in College" and "A
Primer for Tomorrow". He is the
editor of "Selections from J. J. Rous-
seau", "Democracy Today, An Ameri-
can Interpretation" and "Flaubert's
Madame Bovary" and the translator
of Ferrero's "The Women of the
Caesars" and, with Alice Gauss, his
wife, Bainville's "History of France".
Band To Present
Ensemble Recital
Students enrolled in the fifth an-
nual High School Band Clinic will
present the first series of ensemble
recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
Sectional directors for the ensem-
ble sections are Arthur Best, wood-
winds; Harold Mueller, flutes; Jo-
seph White, horns, and Donald
Marrs, brass.
The program follows:
Waldlied by Muller (horn quartet);
Selection by Thurner (oboe duet);
Fantasia by Johnson (clarinet quar-
tet); Adagio and Minuetto, from So-
nata, Op. 2 by Beethoven (woodwind
quartet); Debutante by Clareke

Britain Awaits Imminent
Thrust After Rejecting
Germany's 'Last' Offer
Income Tax Upped
To Pay For Defense
VICHY, France, July 23.- (P)--
Marshal Petain's Government,
launching a full investigation of
Frenchmen allegedly responsible
for France's entry into the war-
and her defeat-tonight ordered
ex-Premier Edouard Daladier and
others confined to Marseilles.
Daladier and several other par-
liamentarians who left France
when ex-Premier Paul Reynaud's
government fell to Petain's "ar-
mistice regime," arrived at Mar-
seille today from French Morocco.
LONDON, July 24 (Wednesday).-
(Y)'-Britain, trading aerial blows
again today with Germany, esti-
mated Germany has lost at least
133 planes in the last five weeks of
intensive raiding, and 4,000 to 5,000
since the war began.
(By The Associated Press)
Nazi Germany served notice on
Great Britain last night that "wea-
pons will speak" and neutral reports
from Belgium and Holland indicated
Adolf Hitler's promised blitzkrieg
may come soon.
Only Adolf Hitler and his closest
aides know when Germany will at-
tempt the invasion of Britain, but
there were these straws in the mar-
tial winds:
1. Definite and final rejection by
the British of Hitler's "last chance"
peace appeal voiced in his speech
to the German Rechstag last Fri-
day. Hitler had indicated he would
await Britain's answer before loosing
his military might.
2. Word from neutral sources of
"greatly increased activities" in
Dutch and Belgian dockyards and
railways in the last few days, with
Germany apparently concentrating
military supplies in the lowlands,
the jumping off place for an inva-
sion of Britain.
3. More intense bombing activities
by both Germany and Britain, with
the Nazis again raiding Scotland and
England and the Royal Air Force
attacking aerial and oil centers in
The British people learned they
must pay a tremendous price for the
war upon "Hitlerism." They were
told by Sir Kingsley Wood, Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer, that they
must pay a 42/2 percent standard
income tax, plus a sales tax, .which
will cost them one-third of the
wholesale valfue of such "luxuries"
as furniture and lipstick.
U.S. Proposes
Joint Mandate
Over Colonies
Asks Action To Safeguard
European Possessions
In Western Hemisphere
(By The Associated Press)
HAVANA, July 23.-The United
States proposed today that all Amer-
ican republics join in a mandate over
European possessions in the Western
Hemisphere to keep theirsovereignty
inviolable until Europe's war is over,
or eventually to give them indepen-
At the same time, Bolivia was re-
ported seeking a transcontinental
South American railroad which could
act in emergencies as an auxiliary to

the Panama Canal in moving troops
and guns from coast to coast.
The joint trusteeship over Euro-
pean colonies in the New World was
envisioned in a draft of a conven-
tion offered less than a day after
the conference of American foreign
ministers opened. Broadly, it pro-
(1) That the Americans act as
trustees of the European possessions
in this hemisphere.

Death Toll Rises To 52;
Midwest Suffers Most
In Nature's Blitzkrieg
(By The Associated Press)
Scattered showers cooled some
sections of the nation yesterday but
most residents of the broad swelter-
belt between the Rockies and the
Atlantic looked in vain for signs of
Pennsylvania, New York and New
England enjoyed a temperate inter-
lude while the Midwest suffered anew
from nature's blitzkrieg.
Deaths attributed directly to the
heat increased to 52 and the total
of drownings rose to 165.
Fifty cases of exhaustion were re-
ported in Washington, D. C., alone,
in the midst of 90-degree weather.
Nebraska recorded readings in three
figures for the seventh day in a row.
The scope and severity of the sul-
try spell was measured by tempera-
tures of 111 in Pierre, S. D., 104 in
Rapid City, S. D., 98 in Milwaukee,
94 in Des Moines and Detroit, and
91 in Baltimore and Indianapolic.
In Chicago the highest mark, of
the summer-95-was registered. It
was the fifth consecutive day the
mercury moved up into the nineties
there. For the first time within the
memories of the warmest attaches,
coats were removed in the august

She Found It

Thermometer Reads 94
In Ann Arbor With No
Abatement In Sight
The weatherman promised that{
things would be "plenty hot" in Ann
Arbor for the next few days as the
current heat wave continued un-
abated yesterday.
For an entire hour yesterday (from'
2 to 3 p.m.) the official thermometer
at the University Observatory regis-
tered an even 94 degrees, a reading
which to those who take pleasure in
small things was one-tenth of one
degree lower than Monday's and the
year's hottest.
There appeared to be no chance
of an immediate break in the hot
spell which now enters its sixth con-
secutive day. At 10 p.m. last night
the Observatory reported a tempera-
ture of 81, a fall of only 13 degrees
in eight hours' time. And at 7 p.m.
it was at 86, four degrees above Mon-
day night's reading at that hour.
And as thousands of swimmers
sought relief from the heat, the
Huron River claimed another wea-
ther-refugee late Monday night.
William Ryan, a 22-year-old chem-
ical engineer from Chicago who was
on the first day of what was to be
a two-week vacation, became ex-
hausted while trying to swim across
the river near Belleville with his
17-year-old brother Robert.

Chubby Judy Ham, year and a

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