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July 24, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-24

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State Historical
Group Obtains
800 Old Books
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Useless-Book Canvass
Yields Ancient Volumes
Aid Local Libraries
The W. K. Kellogg Foundation,
which has been the donor of many
gifts to the University, its latest be-
ing the new dental school, was re-
cently the indirect cause of the addi-
tion of more than 800 interesting old
books which were obtained by the
Michigan Historical Collection.
The Foundation collected during
April and May from seven counties
in southern Michigan, 904,789 worn-
out books which were judged worth-
less. In return for each five such
books handed in, one new publication,
to be chosen by the local library, was
supplied by the sponsors of the move-
The Michigan Historical Collection,
hearing that approximately one mil-
lion books were to be sent to the pulp
mills, obtained permission to go
through them and retain the val-
uable volumes. While nothing of any
great value was uncovered, Miss
Annie Muir MacIntyre, research as-
sistant of the Collection, stated that
much of interest to students of early
Michigan literature was found.
Among the books, which have since
been turned in to the General Lib-
rary and the Clements Library, were
county histories, old atlases of the
state, various official publications
and works of comparatively unknown
Michigan authors. One of the most
interesting, Miss MacIntyre said, was
the "Immigrants' Guide," which
dealt with the topography of the
state, illustrating by maps their ad-
vice as to the best sites for farm
lands open to new settlers in Michi-
gan's early days.
Mrs. Zoe Wright, the Foundation
librarian, has been assisting local
libraries in choosing books to replace
the old ones collected by children and
civic groups in the seven counties.
The campaign in Van Buren County,
where the movement was started,
culminated May 1, designated as
Library Day.
In that county alone more than
167,200 volumes were collected, which
means that they will be replaced on
the library shelves by 33,000 new
books. A further agreement provides,
that each new book purchased by the;
library will be matched by one do-
nated by the Foundation, the book to
be of the local library's choice.
The Michigan Historical Collection,
which has offices on the Ground
Floor of the Rackham Building, spent
the better part of a week, working
from 6 to 10 p.m., carrying out their
tremendous task of separating the
wheat from the chaff of almost one
million dust-covered volumes.
Stockwell Hall Holds Tea
Stockwell Hall residents will en-
tertain guests today from 4 p.m. to
5 p.m. when the usual weekly social
tea will be held in the living room.
Mrs. Virginia Miner Harryman
and Mrs. Lura D. Niles, house direc-
tors at the West Quadrangle will pre-
side over the tea table.


Tennis Tourney Togs

-. -
For all sport wear the service-
ability of detachable skirts is
proven. Better shops recommend
detachable skirts for tennis, golf,
bicycling and other sports.

Sadie Hawkins
Dance Features
Informal Garb
Pinafores, overalls, slacks or shorts
-anything goes for the Sadlie Hawk-
ins dance to be given Saturday at
the League, according to Betty Hoag,
'41, in charge of the affair.
Sadie Hawkins, spinster in the
Li'l Abner cartoon, will swing out
on the Michigan campus for the
first time to mark the only women's
invitational dance of the Summer
Session. Informality is to reign over
the affair, where the women will
bring their dates in whole or par-
tial costume.
A few suggestions came from Miss
Hoag as to how women may dress,
but none for the men who must
merely match their moods, and use
their own imagination. Dancers are
asked to wear at least some sugges-
tion of a costume, if only a ban-
danna or for girls a big hair bow, to
get into the spirit of the party.
For those with more ingenuity,
there will be a costume committee
scouting around to find the best
imitator ofra Kentucky mountaineer.
A prize will be given for the best
woman's and the best man's costume.
The hillbilly motif is to be carried
out to any extreme from tattered
shorts like Daisy Mae wears to a
cotton dress with a sun bonnet.
A word to those who cannot pic-
ture themselves garbed in a costume,
the committee is there to enforce
penalties as well as give prizes. The
normal price is 35c a person, but the
committee may tack on as many as
five extra pennies for those who
come prettied up in regular date
'clothes. This al. powerful group of
judges is made up of Agnes Landers,
Miss Hoag, Bob Bishop and Logan
Education Clubs
Name A nnual
Mixer Committee
Men's and Women's Education
Clubs announced yesterday the com-
mittees in charge of their coopera-
tively-sponsored mixer for all stu-
dents in education, their wives and
frineds to be held at 7:30 p.m. Mon-
day, July 29.
Headed by Ruth Harrke and Don-
ald McDonald, the committee is
composed of Dorothy Simonson, Lyd-
ia Osterberg, Dorothy Canham, La-
mora Meuller, Clara Lefevre, Pauline
Brimhall, Elizabeth Smith, Arline
Morin, Mary Eliza Shannon, Emma
Anderson, Pearl Helmer, Esther Ho-
warth, Myrtle Hammond, Mariam
Weckman, Elizabeth Trout, Pauline
Black and Anna Voorheis.
Under Mr. Percy Danforth the
publicity committee is headed by
Hester Martin



'ZLeddi ng s
CN and

the woman's angle in engineering, Sara Ruth Watson, 30, bridge
builders' consultant in Cleveland, wants bridges designed with a
greater eye for beauty. She wants more art in cantilevers.

PARACHUTIST IN U. S. A.-Uncle Sam has his own
parachute troopers-those men who fight flames in forest fires.
This man landed near Hamilton, Mont. The football helmet and
the mask are designed to prevent injury in landing.

A Saturday morning wedding in
Detroit last week united in marriage
two former students of the Univer-
sity, Anabel Avery, '40, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Avery, of
Detroit, and Robert V. Baxley, '40,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Williar H. Bax-
ley, of Pleasantville, N. Y.
Many of the couple's University
classmates were in the bridal party
of the affair, which took place in
Christ Church, Cranbrook. Mrs. Har-
vey B. Greene, of Birmingham, sister
of the bride, was the maid of honor.
The four bridesmaids were Martha
Cook, '40, of Hillsdale, Annalbel
Dredge, '40, of Cleveland, O., Al-
berta Wood, '40, of Anchorage, Ky.,
and Enora Ferriss, '40, of Detroit.
Assisting the bridegroom were Rob-
ert L. Space, best, man, and Goss
Smith, of Milwaukee, Wis., Gilbert
Phares, of Chicago, Ill., Harvey
Greene, of Birmingham, and Brady
Anderson, of Ann Arbor.
The bride wore a marquisette gown
with a full skirt, trimmed at the
neck with antique rose point lace.
A Juliet cap of the lace held her full
length veil, and she carried orchids.
The couple plans to live in Detroit.

B U M T H U M B-"Babbling
Buck" Newsom, Detroit Tiger
pitcher who'd won his last 13
starts, won't get into this pose
again for a while. His thumb
was broken in a Boston game
with Red Sox. Major league
record is 19 victories.

T H E 0 N C E O V E R, N OT L I GH T L Y-Sound as a dollar (American) must naval men
be. They're being examined aboard the U.S.S. Wyoming by Dr. Jack Terry, who's from Dallas, Tex.

By.The Two B's

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darner
Careful work at a low price.


607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Shirts.................... .14
Pajama Suits...............10
Socks, pair.................03
Bath Towels.............. .03
All Wor$ Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Silks,
wools are our specialty.



'Family Affair' At Majestic
"Family Affair" arrived at the Ma-
jestic Theatre yesterday with the
four starring roles capably handled
by Nancy Kelly, Robert Cummings,
Roland Young and Hugh Herbert.
A Wall Street Entan%1':ment
It is an amusing (in fact it might
even be called, funny if it weren't
for this hot weather) story of the
trials and tribulations of the Boston
Wall Street. The black sheep, Amos
Bullerton (Roland Young) of a high
brow Bostonian family is dishonor-
ably discharged from any further
connections with said family. He
feebly tries to impress his daughter
(Nancy Kelly) by entertaining her at
a swanky night club during her visit
in New York. Things immediately
progress from bad to worse and he
is exposed as being what he is rather
than what he wanted to be. However,
the attempt which seems to prove
unfortunate at the time really rees-
tablishes him in the Boston Wall
Street when, through the philander-
ing of Gilikin, owner of the Alloy
Copper Mines, his fate ishshifted
into brighter channels.
Upon being sent to head a Boston
branch, Bullerton discovers that he

's still the black sheep as far as
Boston is concerned and his troubles
begin. His daughter and legal ad-
viser hop to his rescus by devising
an impossible scheme which wouldn't
work anywhere 'other than in the
movies and the doting, mid-Victorian
grandfather is finally persuaded to
approve of his supposedly good-for-
nothing son.
Hugh Herbert Is Good
Of course there must be a love
angle and this is suppled by Cum-
mings and Kelly who turn out a
rather unromantic romance but at
least it is in the realm of possibility
and that's more than we can say for
the rest of the picture. Hugh Her-
bert is just plain Hugh Herbert and
we've seen Kelly and Cummings do
a better job than this; however, we
laughed and that's a good sign.
MATS. 28c - EVES. 39c
Now Playing -

C 0 0 D T I M E B Y 8 : 3 0-Flower-bedecked "Eight
Thirty" stands in charmed circle at Boston, Jockey Harry Rich-
ards up, after winning $50,000 Massachusetts Handicap. His 1:49
equalled track record. Hash was second, Challedon, third.

CANADIANS EX PAN D -Sentry boxes are on the con-
struction program at Camp Valcartier, one of the many points in
Canada where men are being trained for war service, possibly in
Europe. Censors passed this picture; the camp's in Quebec.

TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 Ma:
nard St., Phone 5689.



r e-tzo" ' in %ode"2 coolin"-

TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34


SPECIAL - Regular $6.00 Eugene
Super Permanent, Now $3.00. Col-
lege Beauty Shop. Phone 22813.
Open Evenings.


Afheqt afdad


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1I Do Like Your Meals'
Many of our customers have





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