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July 21, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-21

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SUNDAE", JULY 21, 1940

SUNDAY. JULY 21. 1940

A War


Of Words




Chicago Holds
A Convention




Box Score
Of Sea War

End Of Democratic Convention Signals

Beginning Of America's Biggest Show

In England

In The East..

* #

0 ..


England's scornful silence in the
face of Adolf Hitler's "last" offer
of peace on Germany's terms indi-
cated to a tensely waiting world that
the island empire was ready at the
end of this 46th week of the war to
meet the Nazi threat of "total de-
Declaring that he saw no reason
why the war should go ' on, and
prophesying that if it does the Brit-
ish Empire will be completely anni-
hilated, Hitler presented Prime Min-
ister Winston Churchill with the
choice between acceptance of terms
which Germany would impose as a
victor nation and continuation of
hostilities which could only end in
the destruction of the empire. What
his terms would be the Chancellor
did not hint, but he made plain to
England that she would have to sue
for peace as a vanquished nation.
Invasion Held Near
The unofficial attitude of British
leaders ' was that Hitler had said
nothing new, and that his speech
was designed primarily for home con-
sumption, but the feeling was wide-;
spread that the long-anticipated
Battle of Britain was not far off.-
The War Office at the same time
announced a drastic shakeup in the
high command in which Lieut. Gen.
Sir Alan Brooke, recently general1
officer in charge of the Southern1
Command, takes over the post of
Gen. Sir Edmund Ironside as Com-1
mander in Chief of the Home Forces.1
General Ironside was named Fieldf
Marshal, andeViscount Gort, former-
ly Commander of the British Expe-
ditionary Force, Inspector Generalr
of Forces for Training.
Meanwhile Nazi air raiders struck
swiftly at widely-separated sectorse
of the British Isles, and more than
150 British pursuit ships and Ger-
man bombers yesterday engaged in
two gigantic dogfights over the Eng-
lish Channel.a

The importance of "nuisance val-
ue" was clearly demonstrated this
week when dynamic Japan oppor-
tunistically moved to harass desper-
ate Britannia and reaped herself
excessive gains.
Action was swift and determined
in the archipelago kingdom. The
powerful army clique high-pressured
the comparatively peaceable cabinet
of Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai out of
the government and added another
figure to the dictatorial hall of fame
-Prince Fumimaro Konoye.
Konoye found no difficulties in
simulating the tactics of his six poli-
tical bedmates in Europe. The Prince
announced himself chief new formu-
lator of national policy. He quickly
looked to the South Seas where
French Indo-China, the Dutch East
Indies, British Burma and Siam lie
with a flimsy armor of protection.
Simultaneously Japan emphasized
its on-the-war-path attitude by bold-
ly informing the U.S. that the ma-
rines in Shanghai must be disarmed
as "apology" for a three-week old
"insult" that arose over the arrest
of 14 Japanese soldiers, out of uni-
form in the International Settle-
And evidently when the cat is away
the mice can play: Japanese war lords
heard with satisfaction Winston
Churchill ignore cries of "Munich!"
to give Japan right of way in the
Far East-Her demands for closing
the Burma Road, vital supply artery
for die-hard China are among the
concessions that Churchill's diplo -
matic surrender will include.
How Japan's bluff will affect the
United States is a question that world
events have yet to answer.
Defense Booms Business
NEW YORK, July 20.-(')-The
$10,000;000,000 defense program has
given impetus to an unusual summera
upswing in factory payrolls and em-
ployment, business reports said to-

Britain .. 7
France .. 3
Italy ... 1
Iran ... 1
Totals .. 12
(x) Tonnage


29,705 20 76
60,073 1000 0
5,069 0 0
x 0 0
94,847 1020 76
unidentified ship

to pick his own vice-presidential
candidate. Here Democrats merely
followed the lead of Republicans who
two weeks earlier had, in deference
to Willkie's wishes, forced the vice-
presidential candidacy upon McNary,
"the gogd soldier," who really didn't
want it.
But a packed-to-the-rafters con-
vention crowd watched the party
battles with the glee of ancient Ro-
mans observing the Christians in the
lions' pit, and warded off Chicago
heat 'by consuming 55,000 bottles of
The garrulity was strong. Nomina-
tion demonstrations were spurred on
by the carefree crowd regardless of
the candidate, and boos to shout down
speakers were started by politicians
with a purpose in mind, and taken
up by the windy city's Democrats for
the fun of it. Dark horse, white-
haired Paul V. McNutt found him-
self the unfortunate victim of the
verbal persecutions and spent 15 min-
utes in an effort to withdraw his
name. When Wallace was named
McNutt sat in his box hand-on-
chin, ignoring photographers, ap-
parently downcast, although presum-
ably pensive.

Losses by nations (includes naval
Britain, 339; France, 40; Norway,
69; Germany, 60; Sweden, 46; Neth-
erlands, 36; Greece, 31; Denmark,
30; Italy, 23; Finland, 15; Belgium,
18; Estonia, 6; Lithuania, 3; Yugo-
slavia, 2; Poland, 1; Soviet, 1; Iran,
1; Argentina, 1; Rumania, 1; Japan,
1; Latvia, 1; Spain, 1. Total, 716.
The World Last Night
LONDON-Germans intensify air
raids on British shipping, at least
four Nazi bombers downed; Britain
seen shifting partly to offensive
plans while waiting Nazi invasion.
BERLIN-Germany thunders a
warning to submit or be destroyed
at Britain, with Hitler apparently
ready-to start Nazi war machine roll-
ing if British reject his "last appeal
to reason."
ROME-Informed Fascist weekly
declares landing of German troops
in Britain is "logically a question of
BUCHAREST-Lean Rumanian
wheat forecasts reflects poor crop
throughout Southeast Europe, prob-
ably diminished exports to Germany.
HAVANA-Secretary of State Hull
arrives for opening of American For-
eign Ministers conference; Hemi-
sphere defense and economy draw
chief interest.

Speaker William B. Bankhead (left) of Alabama, who ran second
in the Democratic vice-presidential balloting, wishes luck to Secretary
of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace as they meet in Chicago the day after
Wallace's selection as President Roosevelt's running mate.

Mr. and Mrs. Average Citizen set-
tled down at week's end to enjoy
America's biggest show-a Presiden-
tial campaign-as the Democratic
National Convention ended with
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry A.
Wallace picked to oppose Wendell L.
Willkie and Charles L. McNary at
the polls in November.
While the Chicago Tribune howled,
"Draft Roosevelt and He'll Draft
You," the Convention went ahead
'lnd, in a precedent-shattering but
idely-expected move, drafted its
strongest possible presidential can-
didate and named as his running
mate a man better fitted to counter
McNary's popularity in the Western
States than any other candidate it
could have chosen.
Relatively little difficulty was en-
countered by Roosevelt leaders in
securing the President's renomina-

tion on the second ballot, except from
precedent-bound, old-line Demo-
crats, but wide dissatisfaction was
felt with the choice of Wallace.
Main point at issue was the fact
that Wallace is no old-time Demo-
cra . His nomination was heckled
on the floor of the convention be-
cause he was registered as a Repub-
lican until 1936. The phrase, "a real
Democrat," punctuated almost every
seconding speech for Speaker Wil-
liam Bankhead, Paul V. McNutt and
James A. Farley, and one Bankhead
supporter declared that "just be-
cause the Republicans nominated a
Democrat, we don't have to nomin-
ate a Republican."
Nevertheless, Administration wheel
horses, led by Senator Byrd of Vir-
ginia, hammered the delegates into
line with the threat that Roosevelt
would not run unless he were allowed


Old Kit Bag

WASHINGTON, July 20. -('P)-
Vice-President Garner, foe of a third
term for Franklin Roosevelt, packed
away some office belongings today,
expressed his private views to a few
Senatorial cronies and, friends said,
made ready to quit the Capital.
His friends said Garner planned
to go to his Uvalde, Tex., home to
vote in the primary elections on July
27, and might stay there, leaving
Congress, the Administration and the
Democratic Party to their own de-
Garner declined to say whether he
had sent any congratulatory message
to the President or Wallace, but
friends said they understood. he had

Fifteen To Two
The German box score of the fight
had 15 British planes shot down, as'
against two German, while the Brit-
ish tallied eleven German planes de-
stroyed as against five British.
Parliament was told last week in
plain, matter-of-fact language by
Prime Minister Churchill that she
must bow to Japan's demands that
the British stop sending aid to China.
While cries of "appeasement" and
"Munich" rang through the Com-
mons, Churchill declared that the
immediate danger of invasion at
home was such that England could
not afford to become embroiled with
Japan, and he reiterated Britain's
oft-expressed desire to contribute to
"a process of peace and conciliation
between Japan and China."
In France... *
Thirty-thousand Jews in Paris,
many of them German, Austrian, or
Czechoslovakian refugees, have de-
cided to run no farther from Hitler.
All that is left of the capital's 200,000
Jewish population, have begun
timidly to open up their smallshops,
some of them even acting as guides
for sightseeing German officers.
Every foreign consulate is besieged
by crowds of Jews seeking visas, but
since wire and postal communications
are completely cut off, it has been
impossible, reports say, for any of
these to be aided. The Soviet Con-
sulate has turned away thousands of
Jews of Russian birth "pending re-
ceipt of instructions from Moscow."
Observers declare, however, that
rumors of any sort of census of Paris'
Jewish population are mere inven-
tion. An official at the Israelite Con-
sistory told a representative of the
New York Times:
"Marshal Petain's French Govern-
ment alone will decide what is go-
ing to happen to us. Probably Mar-
shal Petain will see fit to decree
some restrictions, but we are con-
fident they will prove far from the
catastrophes our pessimists predict."
In Germany...
Goose-stepping Nazi legions par-
aded victoriously down Unter den
Linden in Berlin last week as Ger-
many celebrated the return of the
men and machines that conquered
Propaganda Minister Joseph Goeb-
bels told the troops: "You have just
one more battle to win-then bells
of peace will ring." When the in-
vasion of the British Isles has brought
its reward, Goebbels said, "we will
build a better Europe."
Hitler's virtual ultimatum to the
British Government was regarded in
German circles as a sane appeal to
reason, and instrumental in eliciting
flirtmhninh~arfr2 C .1nr-rf o f

Der, Fuehrer Looks
world's greatest shipyards, banks
with tremendous economic power, "
unlimited coal resources, forests of
smoke-stacks. It is, says Hitler, one LEGEND
of his war aims to divest Britain of
her economic power. NAVAL BASES
Up to 1850 British factories were
without real competition. Since thenM
many nations have challenged Brit- COASTAL DEFENSE IN'
ish industrial supremacy. In the Cri-
mean war the English bested Russia, INDUSTRIAL AREAS-
In the first World War they knocked COAL
aside Germany. Now Britain isI
threatened again by a great!indust- IRON ORE
rial power - Germany - a country SMELTING WORKS-
that already has far outstripped her
in producing finished iron and steel. 'CATTLE
Italy, Japan, the U. S. are other SHEEP
industrial powers making inroads in-
to British markets, PIGS-
England Soul Of Empire WHEAT-
The British Isles (94,000 square GENERAL AGRICULTUI
miles against Germany's.262,924) are
head, heart, and soul, of the Brit-
ish Empire -greatest empire the.
world has ever known. Every raw
material that an industrial country
needs is found somewhere in the em-
pire. (The United States and its
possessions have most things-but
lack nickel, rubber, tin.) The Brit-
ish Isles themselves export annually.
35,000,000 or more tons of coal-and
coal has for 100 years been the foun-
dation of British economic strength.
In England a surprisingly high
number of persons live normally on
income from investments. Most of a
the population is in London or the
industrial areas. Only 7 per cent of
the population lives off the land. It is CLFDEN
said that at one time in World WarA
1 England had food for only two A
weeks. England climbed to world su-.
premacy by sacrificing self-suffi-
ciency. Her ships must come in.
England Divides Work
Here's how England divides her -
London - Commerce, marketing;
politics; some manufacturing, bank-. -
South Wales (Cardiff, Bristol- -
Coal; metal refining; iron and steel
processing. This is the "depressed
area." The Duke of Windsor, when.
he was King Edward VIII, said
something should be done about pov-
erty, disease and squalor of workers
In this region.
Birmingham area - Manufactur- A T L A J
ing; coal; iron ore. This is "Black.
England," home of heavy industries.
Liverpool. Manchester-Iron and.

To England's Industrial Wealth

Meeting Faces
Crucial Task
AMID SUSPENSE, deepened by
Hitler's surrender-or-die ultima-
tum to England ,the world's atten-
tion turns to peaceful events else-
where of hardly less potential sig-
Another island, serene and beau-
tiful in a new world tropical set-
ting, is the stage for events of a na-
ture which could go even farther to
influence world destiny than the im-
mediate fate of England.
In Cuba, the Pan-American Con-
ference is gathering in the most im-
portant meeting that the new world
international family council ever has
Down all the years since the begin-
ning of the dream of Western Hemi-
sphere solidarity to insulate the New
World against the wars and ills of
the old, there has never been an hour
of greater peril-and of greater
promise-for that concept.
If there was ever a golden oppor-
tunity for realization of that dream,
it is now. The peaceful gathering of
representatives of equal and friendly
national sovereignties of the New
World at Havana is bordered by a
war-torn world. A dozen nations in
Europe, great and small, strew the
wake of the Nazi conqueror with
their wreckage.
European Famine Looms- Up
Ominous echoes of the war in Eu-
rope and the chaos that must long
follow there, whatever the military
outcome, form their own meaningful
accompaniment for the Havana Con-
ference. . There is a rising chorus of
prediction of winter famine in Eu-
rope on a scale never before known.
A winter of want in Europe among
the millions trampled by the war,
many of them innocent bystanders
would have worldwide repercussions
Across the Atlantic the New World
is a bulging storehouse of plenty, an
alluring objective for an all-con-
quering Rome-Berlin Axis alliance,
already wresting food reserves from
conquered countries to feed its own
armies and peoples.
The form that aggression in the
Americas takes-whether economic
or military, or through "fifth cl-
umn" machinations-is less imme-
diately important than the certainty
that it will come'in some form. The
Havana conferees can have no seri-
ous doubt of that, for all Hitler's
renewed assurances that he has no
ambitions in this part of the world.
Under War Influence
Day to day developments of the
Battle of Britain will have a strong
influence on the Havana delibera-
tions. The imminence of the- danger
for the Americas, if not their ulti-
mate security, is bound up closely
with the fate of Britain's fleet. What
may happen within weeks or days
to that fleet, or to indicate its future
disposition if England herself falls,
will be a matter of vital consequence
to the Americas in conference as-
Hitler's Reichstag speech, with its
pistol-point threat of utter destruc-
tions of England and her Empire,
gave the Havana conference and the
world at least a hint of what he ex-
pects to happen.,
In effect it says that the German
all-out attack on Englan4/will drive
Churchill and the British Govern-
ment to refuge in some other part
of the British Empire.
'No Furthmer Ambtion'
That would bring the war into the
Western Hemisphere, presumably
see Canada become the base of the
refugee government of the British
Empire. Hitler asserts that he has

no intention of reaching beyond Eu-
rope in the establishment of the
Axis "new order," but he also inti-
mates that he planned to follow a
resisting British Empire government
wherever it went. and to destroy it.
This is a matter of increasing con-
cern to the Americas.
The strongest card for unity Sec-
retary Hull has to play as representa-
tive of the United States at Havana
would seem to be this: Despite a
red-hot Presidential campaign in
this country, the rival candidates
and party platforms are both pledged
to the "total defense" motto, a two-
ocean navy and air power to match
and supplement it. That makes a
collective Pan-American Monroe
Doctrine of "one-for-all-and-all-for /
-one" nearer realization than it ever
has been.
Michigan Orders Reach
Twenty-Five Millions
DETROIT, July 20.-UP)--Mich-
igan and Detroit industry will re-
ceive a "transfusion" of more than
$25,000,000 for British war orders
and contracts to bolster national

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