Golfing Scores
In First Round
Are Announced
Monday Noon Is Deadline
For Playing Off Final
Games, Dr. Bell Said
Results for both flights in the first
round of the golf tournament were
made known yesterday by the wo-
men's physical education depart-
All games were match play, and'
in the first flight, which includes
those with qualifying scores below
60, Clara Jacob defeated Elizabeth
Anderson one up. The two players
halved four of the scheduled nine
holes; the second, the third, the
eighth and the ninth holes in a close
game. Miss Jacobs will play Ger-
trude Andresen in the finals.
In the second flight, which in-
cludes those players shooting a qual-
ifying score above 60, Julia Goddeyne
defeated Mary Shemaitis two up.
Miss Shemaitis was dormied at the
end of the eighth, but lost the ninth
hole, giving the match to Miss God-
deyne. Miss Goddeyne will meet
Florence McCracken in the finals to
decide the winner of the second
Prepare For Cool Days
and .
At a ceremony which will take
place at Grass Lake this aftrenoon
at four o'clock, Grace, Jones, '40,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Jones, will become the bride of, Tru-
man Lantis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Lantis, also of Grass Lake.
Meribah Leach, '40, of Marble-
head, Mass., a sorority sister of the
bride, will be maid of honor. The
bridesmaids will be Jean Thompson,
'40, of Mountain Lakes, New Jersey,
Mrs. Robert Gach, '40, of Ann Ar-
bor, also sorority sisters of the bride,.
and Jean and Constance Latta, of
Monroe, the bride's nieces.
Barbara Taft To Sing
Mr. Lantis has chosen for his best
man Kenneth Shelly of Grass Lake,
The ushers will be Keith Shelly, Lynn
Lantis, brother of the bridegroom,
and Horace Robinson, all of Grass
Lake, and John Fisher, of . Jackson.
Barbara Taft, '41, of Detroit, will
sing "Because."
Miss Jones received her A.B. de-
gree and Teacher's certificate from
the University of Michigan with the
class of '40. She is a member of
Alpha Delta sorority, of which she
served as treasurer for two years.
She was a member of Choral Union
or three years.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
;ion will be held at the home of the
bride's parents. Tonight, the couple
will go to Dearborn, and will travel
to Northern Michigan, later. They
will make their home in Dearborn,
where Mr. Lantis is employed.
Students Among Guests
Out-of-town guests will include
Mrs. Franklin Schull, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Creal, Miss Betty Welch, '41,
and Miss Erma Erlewine, all of Ann
Arbor, Mrs. Blaine Gavett, of Grand
Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ander-
son, Mr. Robert Pietrowski, '39, Miss
Ruth Barry, '41, and Miss Elizabeth
Allison, '40, all of Detroit, Mr. Gil-
bert Maynard, '39, of Iowa, Mr. and
Mrs. George Anderson, of Toledo,
Miss R. June Cleary, '42, of West
Virginia, Miss Margaret Wilson, '40,
Change In Hours
The Corner
12 Noon to 7 P.M.
75c to $1.25
202 South Thayer
Phone 6056
Monday Is Our Holiday
Lovett Continues
Teaching Square
Dancing Classes
Continuing with the series of
square dancing lessons. Benjamin B.
Lovett will instruct those attending
in the fifth lesson at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the League Ballroom.
Several rules must be enforced so
as to limit the attendance in accord-
ance with the floor space, the Sum-
mer Session Office announced. No
one will be accepted after 7:45 and
Summer Session receipts will be re-
quested at the door. It has been
stressed that two person will be ad-
mitted on a single receipt.
A class for those interested in
learning how to call, direct and
teach square dancing will be held
at 5 p.m. Monday in the League
Ballroom. This will take the place
of the calling class, which previously
immediately followed the regular
Monday evening class.
of St. Joseph, Mich., and Miss Nancy
Urmston, '42, and Miss Viola Modlin,
'42, of Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo H. Crawford
of Birmingham announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Betty
Jane, to Arthur J. Brandt, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Brandt,
of Birmingham. No date has been
set for the wedding as yet.
Miss Crawford is a member of
Delta Gamma sorority, a graduate
of Miss Newman's school and a lead-
ing golfer in the junior women's
group' of that district.
(Continued from Page 2)
You are cordially invited to share
the inspiration of the devotional and
social hour.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints: Sunday School and dis-
cussion group, 9:30 a.m., Michigan
League Chapel.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers).
Meeting for worship today at 5 p.m.
in the Upper Room, Lane Hall. Busi-
ness meeting at 6 p.m.; cost supper
at7. All interested are invited to at-
First Presbyterian Church. Sun-
day, July 21. 10:45 a.m. "Our De-
fense Is Within" will be the subject
of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
5:30 p.m. Sunday evening Ves-
pers led by the Minister. Dr. W. P.
Lemon, on "What the Other Half
Believe." This Sunday evening his
subject will be a Scientist's "Religion
Without God." A cost supper at 5:30,
meeting at 6:30 o'clock.
First Congregational Church, State
and William. Rev. Leonard A. Parr,
D.D. 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr.
Parr will speak on "Possess Your
Possessions." Mr. John Secrist will
sing, "The Hour of Prayer," and the
choir will sing, "A Mighty Fortress
Is Our God."
This is the closing service for the
summer, and a full attendance is
St. Andrew's Ephscopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, Church School
Bldg.; 4:00 p.m. Student tour of the
Saline Valley Farms and Industries,
A Cooperative Experiment. Speaker,
Mr. Harold Gray, with movies of the
farm. Picnic supper, 25 cents. Swim-
ming and baseball. Please note that
cars will leave Harris Hall at 4 p.m.,
an hour earlier than usual. All Epis-
copal students and their friends cord-
ially invited.
Lutheran Students: Rev. Yoder
conducts early services at 8:30 a.m.,
and regular services at 10:30 a.m.
every Sunday in Trinity Lutheran
Church, and Rev. Stelhoen conducts
regular serviees at 10:30 a.m. every
Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church.
There will be a meeting of the
Lutheran Student Association for Lu-
theran students and their friends this
Sunday evening in the Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Supper will be served
at 6:00 p.m. with a social hour after-
ward. The meeting will adjourn early
so the group can attend the concert
in Hill Auditorium.
Unitarian Church, State and Hur-
on Streets. Edwin H. Wilson, of
the Third Unitarian Church, Chicago,
Summer Minister. 11:00 a.m. "Some
Unitarian Answers: A Liberal Cate-
chism." 7:30 p.m. Discssion
"Moral Means for Moral Ends." Re-
Panel Discussion, Sunday at 7:30
p.m. Unitarian Church, State and
Huron Streets. "Moral Means for
Moral Ends." Participating, Profes-
sor L. L. Bernard, Washington Uni-
versity, St. Louis; Rev. Edwin H.
Wilson, Chicago; Professor Robert
Angell, Norman F. Maiser, A. K.
Visual Education Demonstration:
Dr. F. Dean McClusky will demon-
strate the use of teaching slides
Monday at 11:00 a.m. in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium. This demonstra-
tion is a part of the Visual-Sensory
Education Week program.
There will be a lecture "The
Thirty-School Experiment," by Ru-
dolph Linquist, Director of Cran-
brook School, Bloomfield Hills, at
4:05 p.m.
There will be a lecture "The Op-
portunity and Responsibility of the
Municipal University," by Charles L.
Spain, Executive Vice - President,
Wayne University, at 4:05 p.m., Mon-
day, July 22, in the University High
School Auditorium.
"The Economic Defense of the
Western Hemisphere," is the lecture
to be given by W. S. Culbertson,
Washington, D.C. at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day, July 22, in the Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building.
Harlow S. Person, Consultant in
Business Economics and Manage-
ment, New York City, will give a
lecture "Technological Progress in
Economic Society," at 8:15 p.m.,
Monday, July 22, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Graduation Recital. Pauline Sla-
vin, pianist, of Washington, D.C., will
be heard in recital Monday. eveing,
July 22, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School
o#f Music Auditorium, in partial ful-
fullment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. The public
is invited to attend.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its reg-
ular weekly luncheon at 12:10 in the
Michigan Union on Tuesday. Dr. Lee
Thurston of the University of Pitts-
burg will speak on the subject, "A
College Professor views Interschol-
astic Athletics."
Faculty Concert. The next concert
in the Faculty Series offered this
summer will be presented in Hill
Auditorium Tuesday eveing, July 23,
at 8:30 o'clock. On this occasion the
following faculty members will be
heard: Thelma Lewis, soprao; and
Arthur Poister, organist, and Ernest
Krenek, pianist, guest instructors.
The public is invited to attend with-
out admission charge.
Physical Education Luncheon.
There will be a luncheon for all
physical education students (grad-
uates and undergraduates) on Wed-
nesday, July 24, at 12:00 at the
Union. Small discussion groups will
be held at each table and a short
talk will be given following the
Speech Students: On Wednesday,
July 24, Mrs. L. B. Welch, Assistant
Executive Secretary of the National
Association of Teachers of Speech,
will be in the outer lobby of the.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater at 4 p.m.
and in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building at 5 p.m. to con-
fer with students relative to mem-
bership and the placement service
of the National Association of Tea-
chers of Speech.
Graduate Speech Students: On
Wednesday, July 24, at 4 p.m. in the
Men's Lounge of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Stud-
ies a Symposium will be held in In-
terpretation, Dramatics (practical
and history of the theater), and
tificate to be recommended by the
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session:
The Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given on Saturday,
Aug. 3, at 9 o'clock in 2432 U.E.S.
Printed information regarding the
exasmination may be secured at the
School of Education office.
The Museum of Classical Archae-
ology, Newberry Hall, will hold Open
House, Monday Evening, July 22,
7:30-10:00 p.m. The public is cord-
ially invited.
Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
School of Education, and School of
Tentative lists of seniors for Au-
gust graduation have been posted on
the bulletin board in Room 4, U.
Exhibition of American Painting
presented by the graduate study pro-
gram in American Culture and Insti-
tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Michigan Civil Service
Economic Analyst, salary range
$150-190, July 24.
Liquor Warehouseman, salary
range $130-150, July 24.
Domestic, salary range $95-110,
July 24.
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appohit-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
Last date for filing application is
noted in each case:
United States Civil Service
Senior Cook, salary $2,000, Aug. 5.
Teacher in Indian Community and
Boarding Schools:
Agriculture, salary $1,800 and $2,000
Aug. 12.
Elementary Grades, salary $1,620
and $1,800, Aug. 12.
Home Economics, salary $1,620 and
$1,800, Aug. 12.
Remedial Reading, salary, $1,800,
Aug. 12.
Rural Merchandising, salary $1,800,
Aug. 12.
Science, salary $1,800, Aug. 12.
Special or Opportunity Classes,
salary $1,620, Aug. 12.
Senior Cotton Technologist, sal-
ary $4,600, Aug. 12.
Cotton Technologist, salary $3,800,
Aug. 12.
Associate Cotton Technologist, sal-
ary $3,200, Aug. 12.
Assistant Cotton Technologist, sal-
ary $2,600, Aug. 12.
Senior Laboratory Mechanic (glass
blower), salary $2,00,0, Aug.* 12.
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall: office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
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Ardena Cleansing Cream . . $1 to $6
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SGhead £arry
On State at the head of North University
LAUNDRY- 2-1044. Sox darned.
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607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Shorts.................... .04
Pajama Suits .............. .10
Socks, pair...................03
Handkerchiefs ..............02
Bath Towels .... ...........03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
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wools are our specialty.
TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
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WANTED-Small apartment. WELL.
furnished, private bath and kitch-
en, at $35 approximately. Write
Box 1, Michigan Daily, or call
Mowers, 2-3241.
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, School of Music, and
School of Education: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by July 24th. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this. date in order to make
up the work should file a petition
addressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 4 U. H.
where. it will be transmitted. The
petition must carry the written ap-
proval of the instructor concerned.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
All the simplicity, the beauty of
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