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July 19, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-19

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Mehigan under the authority of the Board in Control
o i wnt Publicatios.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.-
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republici on of all news dipatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in tis newspaper. All
rights of reullication of al other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mal matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$400; by mal, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK, N. Y.
- r, 4ssoiated Cq gi te Prs%, 193940
Editorial Staff'
Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen
sty Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr
4soeiatie Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Norton C. Jampel, Su-
zaine Potter.
Business Staff
usiness Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman
in Defense .I. .
N TIMES like these it is dishearten-
ing to see politicians playing with
the issue of national defense. To be sure, events
themselves "have brought this issue before te
the counptry. In the campaign that lies ahead
both paries will beentitled to use every honest
argument they can make to support the claim
that they are bet equipped to organize industry
and man power for the task that lies ahead. But
neither party is entitled to fudge tehe record for
the sake of winning yotes. And that is precisely
what politicians in both parties now seem intent
on doing.
The Republicans set the fashion in this matter
at Philadelphia. The authors of the party's plat-
form were rash enough to attempt to "fasten
upon the New Deal full responsibility for our
ipreparedness" - whereas the record plainly
shows that a majority of Senate Republicans
have voted against important defense measures
during the last two years. Now the Democrats
are having their turn at the same game. Last
night in Chicago Senator Barkley accused the
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover Administrations
of "sorely neglecting both arms of our national
defense" by reducing Army and Navy appropri-
ations during the twelve years from 1921 to 1932.
This is an extraordinary charge to be made by
a Democratic spokesman, when the record shows
that during the years from 1921 to 1932 the
Democratic party itself had only one thing to
say about the reduction of Army and Navy
appropriations-namely, that it was not pro-
ceeding fast enough. These were the years, let
us remember, before Hitler came to power in,
Germany. The rearhament race had not yet
}begun in Europe. And the thoughts of sane men
everywhere turned naturally to the hope of pro-
gressive disarmament which would lighten the
tremendous burdens inherited from the World
War by hard-pressed taxpayers. The Democratic
party joined fully in the expression of this hope.
Let us turn to the official Campaign Books
of the Democratic party in 1924 and in 1928-
right in the middle of this famous twelve-year
period when, it is now alleged, three Republican
Administrations were so derelict in their duties
regarding national defense. Do we find the
Democratic party clamoring for larger appropri-
ations for the Army and Navy? Do we find it
complaining of the cuts already made? Do we
find it opposing the post-war policy of a re-
duction of armaments by treaty agreement?
We do not.
We find the Democratic party in 1924 de-
i0anding "a strict and sweeping reduction of
armaments by lad and sea." We find it re-
gffirming this demand in 1928. We find it criti-
cizing President Coolidge for failing to negotiate

treaties which would make possible some reduc-
tion "of light cruisers, of submarines, of air-
craft." We find it actually attacking Mr. Coo-
lidge, when following the failure of the Geneva
conference of 1927, he brought in a Navy bill
that must regarded as modest by present Demo-
cratic standards. We find it attempting to arouse
the counrty against this Navy bill, by attacking
it as a "monster" Navy program. We find it
boasting that Mr. Coolidge had been forced to
reduce his request for appropriations. And we
find it actually rejoicing over Mr. Coolidge's
failure to strengthen the Navy as the Democrats
Would now have it strengthened: "Rarely has
an American President been more severely re-
primanded by the American people."
The Democratic politicians at Chicago will be.
well advised to halt this line of attack begun by
Speaker Bankhead on Monday night and con-
tinued last night by Senator Barkley. For if they
go ahead, if they try to claim a monoply of fore-
sight for themselves, if they really go as far as
to write into their platform a denounciation of
the Republican record on national defense dur-
ing the years from 1921 to 1932, their own record

Straight Dope
By Himself
()UR PERSONALITY of the week is none other
than that Barnum of the hinterlands, Val-
entin Bartftold Windt. Mr. Windt is one of our
numerous bosses and easily ranks above the
others in more journalistic pursuits. He is, ex-
cept when producing a show, the most agree-
able of men. He produces a show at least three
weeks out of evry four during the school year.
His success lies in his undoubted ability to irri-
tate an actor until in sheer self defense the actor
surpasses himself in gaining a characterization.'
That this gives a good show is true. It is also
true that it annoys the actor in question almost
beyond endurance. This however, is a matter
of not the slightest importance to Valentine Bar-
These tactics are seriously compromised when
the actor determines to fight fire with flame
by irritating Mr. Windt beyond endurance. The
regular thespians are not very successful with
this strategy but musicians have scored a few
signal successes.
About twice a year, for the benefit of his
irascible soul, Mr. Windt is forced or induced to
put on a musical. This is a beginning of a period
of sackcloth and ashes for our backwoods im-
pressario. The first difficulty is the casting. The
musical advisors around our hero are invaribly
set upon casting a set of voices that ought to
(but never quite do) grace the Metropolitan. Mr.
Windt, understandably, wants actors who, for
the most part need several large bushel baskets
and a burlap sack or two to carry a tune. This
brings bitter, albeit amiably disposed conflict.
A CAST being assembled, generally consisting
of about half actors and half singers, Brother
Windt goes to work. On occasion he has been
heard to remark in his most plaintive voice
that baritones aren't so bad and that sopranos
are nice people, but that tenors will be the end
of him. This is the more strange since if Mr.
Windt ever turned singer his voice would un-
questionably lie well within the tenor range.
This fact deters him not at all in his battles
with the primi houmini of the Mendelssohn
Perhaps the most noted struggle of the age
was between our lightweight champion and Ann
Arbor's best known student tenor. The affair
was recent enough to cling in the memory in
all its pristine vigor. The tenor was required by
the score of the opera to sing an impassioned
ditty to the window of his beloved. He insisted
that this was silly. Mr. Windt said he felt in no
position to change the music of Mozart. The
tenor asked if his director had never seen a
Bing Crosby movie. What, inquired the now
thoroughly baffled Mr. Windt, had that to do
with a Mozart aria? "Just this," said the tenor.
"You don't see Crosby just getting out and sing-
ing. He sells a song while he's shaving with an
electric razor or something."
THAT WAS THE PAYOFF for our mighty
mite. "They didn't have electric razors then,
Mozart's songs sell themselves, and I'm the
director of this play," he said in a voice of what
might have been thunder in another man. The
tenor after a few more or less face-saving grow
sang as desired without the benefit of razors,
electric or otherwise. This was the most notable
victory of a long carreer in the lyric theatre,
but there have been others. One soprano, who
was supposedly cold, unimpassioned and un-
emotional, now gives credit for a happy mar-
riage to Mr. Windt's insistence upon liberation
of her" emotions. A contralto was restrained in
an exactly opposite direction.
For the baritones, may their tribe decrease,
Mr. Windt seems less able to do much in the
way of improvement of emotional response. Per-
haps it is because they need it less, perhaps be-
cause they are such an egotistical tribe that even
the blandishments and ravings of Windt can-
not change them. As the price for printing this
mild satire we feel we ought to note that this
summer's musical, "Patience," by Gilbert and

Sullivan has a model cast, hard-working, dili-
gent and frugal. Mr. Windt loves them all dear-
ly and they him. Sweetness and light reign su-
preme and a veritable love feast is in progress.
Rehearsals start next week.
Is Football
Declinng.. .
Stepping into his No. 1 role, that of football
expert, our versatile Jimmy Conzelman rises to
report that the University of Wyoming is about
to build a dormitory that will house its football
players-without charge, of course. The football
business has been bad at Wyoming, but it is
hoped that a new dormitory will mean a better
team, and a better team is expected to produce
better gate receipts with which to pay for this
housing project.
The bond peddlers, who have underwritten
stadia at St. Mary's in California, at Iowa and
at other schools, could have told the Cowboys-
the university's extra-curricular name-that
this is a dubious investment. Football crowds,
simply are not what they used to be. Once only
graduates "magna cum laude" and the first
families of the water side of Beacon Street could
even hope to get a ticket to the Yale-Harvard
game. During the last decade, tickets have been
available to all comers, yet a lot of them have
gone begging.
The situation grows worse as one moves west-
ward. In the Big Ten region, the boom that
Rockne created has collapsed completely. It is
largely the fault of the academic sports pro-
moters. They placed such emphasis on cham-
pions, undefeated teams and Rose Bowl invita-

Robert S.AIle
Chicago-The real story of what went on be-
hind the scene of the Democratic convention
is one of the, most amazing chapters in Roose-
velt's varigated political history. It was a chapter
of indecision, confusion and just plain muddling
on the part of the White House circle. In the
words of one delegate, they "dicn't even have
sense enough to hire a band."
Also it was a chapter of expert sabotage on
the part of the Wheeler, Garner, and Farley
highlight of the entire backstage drama was
the pressure put on the President to make his
statement via Senator Barkley, that he did not
desire a third term. It took a battery of his
closest friends, including Harold Ickes, Bob
Jackson, Miss Perkins, and Justice Frank Mur-
phy to get this.
What they wanted was some statement which
would clarify the muddied waters of the con-
vention, and bring the third term issue squarely
into the open. Originally, Roosevelt had shied
away from making any statemnt at all, appar-
ently proposing to let -the convention have an
absolutely free hand to take its own course.
Lfxperienced Leadership
When the convention met, therefore, not a
thing had been done by the Roosevelt people to
organize their forces. Harry Hopkins, the Presi-
dent's closest friend, but a man who has never
even organized a county convention, was the
main master mind, with Attorney General Jack-
son working in the background.' Inexperienced
and with few acquaintances among the dele-
gates or local and state leaders, they were easy
marks for their veteran rivals.
As a result, when the delegates began to drift
into Chicago, at least 800 of them already pled-
ged to Roosevelt, they also began to drift to the
man they knew-James A. Farley. Jim not only
knew them, but remembered their first names
instantly, and began to wise-crack about "a
third term" and Roosevelt.
A delegate doesn't mind being instructed in
advance, and obeying instructions. But he does
like to be consulted. And when the arriving dele-
gates were not even able to shake hands with
the Roosevelt leaders, they began to wonder why
they had paid their own good cash to travel all
the way from Maine and California, Florida and
New Mexico.
Joe Guffey's Band
The New Dealers didn't even hire a band.
There is nothing like a band to pep up a con-
vention, but Garner's Texans were the only
ones that thought of it.
Paul McNutt was wise enough to rent a big
layout in the Central Hotel, install a Hawaiian
orchestra and entertainers and give the folks
free entertainment. But the Roosevelt camp
didn't get a band until an hour before Barkley's
keynote speech, when Senator Joe Guffey and
other Pennsylvania leaders chipped in and made
up a purse of $110.
In the end it was a good thing they had the
music. For when the convention staged its first
demonstration for Roosevelt, the band hired by
the hostile National Committee sat with arms
folded. The day before they had played "Take
Me Out to the Ball Game," when Jim Farley
came on the platform.
'Appeasement' For Isolationists
Thus, during the first two days at Chicago,
everything happened which, from Roosevelt's
viewpoint, shouldn't have happened. Senator
Wagner suddenly adopted Chamberlain's ap-
peasment tactics in the Platform Committee and
appointed the most unadulterated isolationists
in the Senate to draft the war plank. They were
Bennett Clark of Missouri, Worth Clark of Idaho,
Wheeler of Montana and McCarran of Nevada.

Not even Henry Cabot Lodge in all his glory
was a more rabid isolationist than any one of
these. Senator Pittman, chairman of the Senate
Foreigns Relations Committee, was barred from
the platform group, and when Breckenridge
Long, Assistant Secretary of State, asked to ad-
vise with the committee, he was kicked-out.
Again, before Speaker Bankhead delivered his
keynote speech, Democratic National Committee
aides sent for it and said it was too long for
the radio time. So the speech was cut. And for
some entirely unexplained reason, the parts
which were cut included the only three refer-
ences to the President by name. That was why,
in Bankhead's' address, Roosevelt's name was
not mentioned.
Anti-Third Term Strategy
Meanwhile, Senator Wheeler confided that if
the antis could stall the convention along and
win a few more delegates, they could make the
nomination so unpalatable that the President
would refuse to take it. The antis knew they
had no chance to win, but they figured that if
they could grab 100 votes in addition to the 200
which they already controlled, then one of two
things would happen:
1. Roosevelt would not consider the vote a
genuine draft, and would refuse to run.
2. If he did run, he would have lost enough
prestige, because of the convention bickering,
seriously to impair his chances against Mr. Will- ,
It was at this point that the inner circle step-
ped into the picture with drastic moves. They
decided that if something was not done soon it
would be to late.
So they besieged the White House by telephone

All notie,for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
A preview of school films is being
held in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
daily, until July 25. The film to be
presented today, Friday, July 19, in-
cludes Vocations and Social Studies
as its area of interest.
The English Department will give
its second tea today, July 19,
4:30-6 p.m. in the Assembly Room,
3rd floor -of the Rackham Building.
All graduate students in English are
cordially invited to attend.
Picnic for the Student Evangelical
Chapel at 6:00 p.m. at the fireplace
on the Island, today.
Vibration Problems Symposium,
under the direction of Professor S.
Timoshenko, will be held today,
July 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation Institute Audi-
torium, corner of N. University Ave.
and Twelfth St. (across from the
Michigan League). The main speak-
er of the evening will be Dr. Carl W.
Nelson of the-Timken Roller Bearing
Company, Canton, Ohio. Subject:
"Railway Track Stresses." All inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
"How Democratic Is Education?"
and "Some Neglected Factors in Na-
tional Defense, talks by Hugo Reich-
ard, former Vice-President of the
university Student Senate, and Her-
bert Witt, National Executive Secre-
tary of the American Student Union,
respectively, will be given this eve-
ning, July 19, at 8 p.m. in Unity Hall,
corner of State and Huron. A cor-
dial invitation is extended to all to
hear these talks and to participate in
the discussion following.
Graduation Recital. Paul Ray Jones,
Pianist, of Westerville, Ohio, will give
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
degree this evening, July 19, at
8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music
Auditorium. The general public is
invited to attend.
"Two on an Island" by Elmer Rice,
will be given at 8:30 p.m. in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Another performance will be given
on Saturday night.
This is the fourth production of the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. Tickets are
available at the box-office (phone
6300); prices are 75c, 5c, and 35c.
The State Prison of Southern Mich-
igan at Jackson is to be visited by
the next Summer Session Excursion
group. The party leaves in special
motorbuses from State Street in front
of Angell Hall at 8:00 a.m. and re-
turns to Ann Arbor at 1:00 p.m.,
Saturday, July 20. The round trip
on the bus is $1.25. Reservations
must be made in room 1213 Angell
Hall before Friday, July 19, at 4:30
The Michigan Wolverine will hold
its regular Sunday Evening Social
Hour from 6:00-10:30 Sunday, July
21. Classical music from 6:00-7:00
will be followed by popular recordings
from 7:00-1,0:30. Light suppers will
be served. There will be a door charge
of $.15.
Vespers: The econd Summer Ses-
sion Vespers will be held in Hill

Auditorium Sunday, July 21st, 8:00
p.m. An all-music program will be
given by the Summer Session Chorus
under the direction of Professor Olaf
Christiansen of Oberlin College.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday July 21 at 2:30 p.m. in the
rear of the Rackham Building for
a trip to Clear Lake County Park.
Swimming, hiking, softball. Supper
outdoors around a camp fire followed
by social hour. Those having cars
are asked to bring them. All gradu-
ate students, faculty and alumni in-
Graduate Record Program will be
held on Saturday, July 20 from 3 to
5 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. - The program will
consist of the Overture, La Grande
Paque Russe by Rimsky-Korsakoff;
Symphony No. 4 by Sibelius; Daphne
and Chloe, 2nd Suite by Ravel; Gym-
nopedies No. 1 and 2 by Satie and
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor by
Bach. Dr. Charles Hockett will be
in charge. All are invited to attend.
Square Dance Teachers' Class. A
class for those who are interested in
learning how to call square dancing
will be held at 5:00 p.m. Monday,
July 22, in the Michigan League
Ballroom. This will take. the place
of the calling class previously held
after the -square dancing Monday
evening. Mr. Benjamin B. Lovett will
be in charge. There is no fee for the
Lectuire-Recital gof IHmlet:Profes-

Grin And Bear It..

By Lichty


"Fingerprints, health examination, case history, delays, red tape!
Is this what you call THROWING a man in jail?"

7:30-10:00 p.m. The public is cord-
ially invited.
Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
Sciool of Education, and School of
Tentative lists of seniors for Au-
gust graduation have been posted on
the bulletin board in Room 4, U.
Exhibition of American Painting
presented by the graduate study pro-
gram in- American Culture and Insti-
tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
cept Sunday; 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, July 20th, will be the final
day for dropping a course without
record in the summer session. Courses
may be dropped only with permis-
sion of the classifier after confer-
ence with the instructor.
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, School of- Music, and
School of Education: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive a.
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by July 24th. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make
up the work should file a petition
addressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 4 U. H.
where it will be transmitted. The
petition must carry the written ap-
proval of the instructor concerned.
The University Burea4 of Appoint-
nients and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Michigan Civil Service
Economic Analyst, salary range
$150-190, July 24.
Liquor Warehouseman, salary
range $130-15, July 24.
Domestic, salary range $95-110,
July 24.
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-

pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
Last date for filing application is
noted in each case:
United States Civil Service
Senior Cook, salary $2,000, Aug. 5.
Teacher in Indian Community and
Boarding Schools:
Agriculture, salary $1,800 and $2,000
Aug. 12.
Elementary Grades, salary $1,620
and $1,800, Aug. 12.
Home Economics, salary $1,620 and
$1,800, Aug. 12.
Remedial Reading, salary, $1,800,
Aug. 12.
Rural Merchandising, salary $1,800,
Aug. 12.
Science, salary $1,800, Aug. 12.
Special or Opportunity Classes,
salary $1,620, Aug. 12.
Senior Cotton Technologist, sal-
ary $4,600, Aug. 12.
Cotton Technologist, salary $3,800,
Aug. 12.
Associate .Cotton Technologist, sal-
ary $3,200, Aug. 12.
Assistant Cotton Technologist, sai-
ary $2,600, Aug. 12.
Senior Laboratory Mechanic (glass
blower), salary $2,000, - Aug. 12.
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall: office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Requisition French Ships
LONDON, July 18.-UP)-AlI French
merchant ships in British ports are
being requisitioned for the duration
of the war, the Ministry of Shipping
announced tonight. France will re-
ceive the ships back and be paid for
their use "at the end of the war,"
the announcement said.

750 KC - Cihs 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC-NBC Blue 1430 KC - Mutual
Friday Afternoon
12:00 The Goldbergs The Old Dean News Ace The Happy Gang
12:15 Life Beautiful Julia Blake Between Bookends
12:30 Rgt. to Happin's Bradcast At Home In World News Ace
12:45 Road Of Life Man on the Street Fan on the Street Carters of Elm St.
1:00 Dr. Malone Light of the World Your Voice & You Bradford's Orch.
1:15 Joyce Jordan Grimm's Daughter " Organ
1:30 Fletcher Wiley Valiant Lady To Be Announced Garden Club
1:45 My Son And I Betty Crocker Songs
2:00 Society Girl Detroit at Boston Orphans of Divorce Concert Orchestra
2:15 News Honeymoon Hill McFarland Orch.
2:30 Linda's Ist. Love John's Other Wif Turf Club
2:45 Editor's D'ghter Just Plain Bill To Be Announced
3:00 Lone Journey " Backstage Wife News Ace
3:15 Mrs. Page " Stella Dallas Turf Club
3:30W oman 'o Crge Lorenzo Jones Jamboree
3:45 Alice Blair" Widder Brown"
4:00 Kathleen Norris Mary Marlin Girl Alone
4:15 Golden Store Ma Perkins Malcolm Claire
4:30 Meet Miss Julia Pepper Young - Irene Wicker Miss Trent
4:45 "Scatter" Baines vic and Sade Tropical Moods Tea Dance Tunes
5:00 News-Musical Recordings Show World n News- elody
5:15 Hollywood Records-News To Be Announced Turf Club
5:30 News-Review Tnree Cheers Day In Review Baseball Scores
5:45 World Today Lowell Thomas Bud Shaver Orian Melodies
Friday Evening

.6:00 Stevenson News
6:15 Inside of Sports
6:30 Al Pearce's Gang
6:45 "
7:00 Hollywood Man
7:15 t
7:30 Choose Up Sides
7:45 Feature; News
8:00 Johnny Presentsj
8:15 ">
8:30 Grand Central
9:00 Public Affairs

Sport Review
C. C. Bradner
Bill Elliott
Sports Parade
Cities Service Hour
Waltz Time
What's My Name?
Don Ameche

Bourbonnois Orch.
The Factfinder
Lone Ranger
Strictly Business
Death Valley Days
Grant Park Orch.
Harry Hellmann

Rolin' Home
Dokedale Grocery
An Editor Looks
'Val Clare-News
Carson Robison
Senator Ludington
Talent Hunt
Theatre Quiz
Mormon Chorus
Chamber Music

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