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July 19, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-19

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Generally Fair Friday


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In Dlefense .«.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session





Term Nomination


Churchill Tells
English Nation
It Must Yield
To Japanese

Summer Parley To Open Today
At 4:15 P.M. In Union Ballroom

Tells Of Decision In Radio Talk
Following Naming Of Wallace
As Vice-Presidential Candidate


Biritain 's



Reiterates Desire
For Chinese Peace'
BERLIN, July 18.-(P)-A DNB
dispatch from Copenhagen said
tonight Denmark had withdrawn
from the League of Nations.
LONDON, July 18.-(P)--England
was told today in cold and matter-
of-fact phrases by Prime Minister
Churchill that her peril at home is
such that the nation's ministers'
must sleep beside their desks and
that the dangers to her empire have
made it essertial that she yield to
Japan on the other side of the world.
He made a brief, unemotional9
statement and answered questions in
the House of Commons where, yes-y
terday, news of Britain's decision to]
close temporarily the remaining
routes for supplies totherChinese
Government brought cries of "ap-
peasement" and "Munich."
Scores 'Exodus'c
In surprisingly sharp language,
Churchill also put his foot down on]
any "large scale exodus" from Britains
to overseas,
He said: "I do not believe the1
military situation requires or justi-
fies such a proceeding-having re-'
gard to the relatives dangers of
going and staying-nor, in fact, is
it physically possible."
In his Far-Eastern statement,
Churchill reiterated Britain's often-
expressed desire to contribute to "a
process of peace and conciliation be-
tween Japan and China."
Points Listed
1. Britain and Burma have agreed'
to suspend for three months the1
transport of ammunition, gasoline,
trucks and railway material to China
both from Hongkong and over the
road from Burma
2. Britain has not forgotten her
obligations to China nor .her desire
to see her free and independent, but
the dominant fact now is that "we1
ourselves are engaged in a life and
death struggle."'
3. "Rapidly growing tension" with
Japan over passage of supplies to
China demanded that something be
done yet permanent closure of the
supply routes would be repudiation
of British promises to help China;
therefore, "what we have made is a.
temporary arrangement in the hope
that the time so gained may lead to a
solution just and equitable to both."
Berlin Welcomes Home
Troops From France '
BERLIN, July 18.-(/P)-The bells
of Berlin rang jubilantly tnight to,
welcome home victorious troops from
France, while in western skies the
German airforce struck with her fury;
against England.
Even as throngs gathered along
Unted Den Linden, the high com-
mand reported new and destructive'
bombing raids in Britain and an-
nounced German troops had occu-
pied the French island of Ouessant,
opposite England's Land's End and
commanding the southern -entrance
to the English Channel.
Nazi bombers, said the high com-
mand, attacked Britain's key mili-
tary training center at Aldershot,
30 miles from London and smashi
at airports, industrial plants andj
harbors in southern and central Eng-
Spanish Fascists March
In Street Demonstration
MADRID, July 18.-()-The or-
ganized Falangist (Fascist) workers
of Spain took their cue today from

Conferring here with Helen Corman, general chairman, of the
Summer Parley, are keynoters Prof. Lawrence Preuss, Prof. Emeritus
William Hobbs, Kenneth Morgan and Prof. DeWitt Parker. /

Four Views On American Intervention To Be
Theme Is 'This War We Live In'


Four representative views of Amer-
ican policy toward the present Euro-
pean war will be presented by faculty
men at 4:15 p.m. today in the Union
Ballroom to sound the opening of
the two-day faculty-student Summer
Parley, entitled, "This War We Live
Prof.-Emeritus William H. Hobbs,
of the geology department, will pre-
sent the view of the interventionist;
Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the politi-
cal science <department that of the
limited interventionist; Prof. DeWitt
Parker of the philosophy department
the :non-interventionist; and Mr.
Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, the
Reichard To Speak
At ASUGathering
Hugo Reichard, '39, one of the
seven students refused readmission
to the University in the fall because
of political activities on the campus
"detrimental to the public interest,"
will present the case of the banned
students in a meeting at 8 p.m. today
in Unity Hall, American Student
Union officials announced yester-
day. The speech of the former vice-
president of the local chapter of the
ASU is entitled, "How Democratic
Is Education?" V
r National ASU president Bert Witt,
of New York, will also address the
same meeting on "Some Neglected
Factors in National Defense."

Panel meetings headed by student
chairmen will be held at 3:15 p.m.
and 7:45 p.m. tomorrow at the Union
on the implications of the war on
problems of civil liberties, education,
religion andhthe national election.
Following the section meetings, a
joint closing session will be held
at 9 p.m. in the ballroom to, con-
clude the parley. At that time any
resolutions that may have been
brought up in the afternoon and
evening discussions will be formu-
Panel chairmen as announced by
Helen Corman. '41, general chair-
man, are : Joseph Fauman. Grad.,
civil liberties; Philip Westbrook, '43L,
the national election; J. B. Geisel,
Grad., education; and Daniel Suits,
religion. Agendas prepared by the
faculty and student advisers will be
distributed at the afternoon and
evening meetings.
Some of the problems to be dis-
cussed at the panel meeting on reli-
gion that was not reported on in
yesterday's Daily are: The defini-
tion of religion; It it pessimistic or
optimistic? Is religion filling the
needs of young people today? if not--
why not?
The following faculty men have
been added to the list of advisers:
Prof.-Emeritus William' C. Bagley
of Columbia University, education;
Prof. William Diamond of the Ger-
man department, education; Prof.
Wesley Mauer of the journalism de-
partment, religion; and Prof. Arthur
Van Duren of the German depart-
ment, education.

Secretary Of Agriculture
Placed After Bucking
Antagonistic Convention
Rides On Shoulders
Of Big-Vote States
(A')-Roosevelt leaders made Henry
A. Wallace the Democratic Party's
Vice-presidential nominee tonight,
but only after bucking an unexpec-
tedly antagonistic, booing and widely
divided national convention.
Wallace, the President's choice,
won while the Chief Executive waited
in the White House for the conven-
tion's decision. Already prepared was
an address accepting his third term
nomination, ready to be delivered to
the delegates by radio upon Wallace's
nomination, but requiring revision
had the convention chosen any other
The Iowan, Secretary of Agricul-
ture from the start of the Roosevelt
administration and an uncompro-
mising New Dealer, rode in mostly
upon the shoulders of the populous.
big-vote states, with the assistance
of the smaller delegations from the
Midwest farm states.
Before, delegations began switch-
ing their ballots, in the customary
routine of making the choice unan-
imous, Wallace had 627 7110 votes,
Speaker Bankhead 329.26; Paul V.
McNutt 66.63; James A. Farley 8;
Bascom N. Timmons 1; Senator
Prentiss Brown 1; Jesse H. Jones
11'/2; Senator Barkley of Kentucky1
2; Senator Lucas of Illinois 1; Sen-
ator O'Mahoney of Wyoming 31/2.
Wallace, who will be 52 next Oct.
7. is a mild-mannered man who has
devoted most of his life to agriculture.,
A prolific writer an dspeech-maker,1
the nominee devotes almost the whole
of his time to the task at hand.
Culture Group
Hears Lecture
By Daniel Rich
Art Institute Director Tells
Of Psychology Of U.S.
PaintingIn Slide-Talk
the Psychology of American paint-
Ing: a study in loneliness was de-.
picted in a slide-illustrated lecture
here yesterday by Daniel Catton
Rich, director of fine arts at the
Chicago Art Institute, in the final'
lecture of the week for the Graduate
Study Program in American Culture
and Institutions.
Working against an environment
dominated by the practical outlook
of the pioneers and captains of in-
dustry and the Puritan's despise of
art as a frivolity, our early Amer-
ican artists soon fell victims of an
artistic loneliness, Mr. Rich pointed
out in describing the psychological
background of art on this continent.
Nt only was the budding artist
denied a market for his works and
an appreciation of his art, Mr. Rich
explained, but he was also faced with
a dearth of other masters to study.
He was isolated from the world of
art with no companions to appreciate
or criticize his work. Lacking were
the stimulus of other artists working
about him; a culture to interpret
and recognition as an active member
of the community.
Inexcessible were even the rudi-
mentary tools required by the ar-
tist, Mr. Rich emphasized in quoting
a letter written by Copley in 1762,

in which Copley begged a fellow
Swiss artist to send him a box of
pastel crayons.

Next Vice-Presidentr

Policy Series
To Have Tallh
By Culbertson
Former Ambassador To
Chile Will Speak Here
At 4:15 P.M. Monday
Dr. William Smith Culbertson,
former Ambassador to Chile, will de-
liver the fourth lecture in the cur-
rent American Policy Series spon-
sored by the Summer Session at 4:15
p.m. Monday in the Rackham Am-
A former professor and -chairman
of the economics department at the
Foreign Service School at George-
town University, Dr. Culbertson was
a speaker heer last year at the con-
ference on Latin American studies
and presided over the iconference on
commercial relations.
Dr. Culbertson has had a long
career with the various economics
departments in the United States
government serving on the U.S. Tar-
iff Board, the Federal Trade Com-
mission and the Conference on Lim-
itation of Armaments in 1921. He
also worked as industrial adviser
of the NRA in 1933 and as envoy to
In addition, Dr. Culbertson is for-
mier chairman of the institute of
Politics at Williamstown, Mass., and
a member of the American Bar As-
sociation, American Economic Asso-
ciation. American Society on Inter-
national Law and the, Federal Bar

iggest Show
In Years Given
By Convention
40,000 Gather In Big Top
Of Stadium To Strain
Voices For Party
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, July 18.-If the Demo-
cratic National covention accomplish-
es nothing .else before it adjourns, it
has at least provided Chicago with its
biggest show in four years, and proved
conclusively that the windy city has
the toughest cops, prettiest women
and most enthusiastic democrats in
the United States.
The ingling Brothers and Bar-
num and Bailey Circus is in town this
weekend, but the real big-top is un-
der the girded dome of Chicago's gi-
gantic stadium where 40,000 hoot-
ing, cheering, sweating Democrats
are giving their last vocal chords for
the party.
Among the panorama of fist fights,
demonstrations, parades and bad
mathematics that is the convention,
several moments of deep seriousness
stand out. When convention chair-
man Barkley called upon the First
Lady, Mrs. Franklin Delano Roose-
velt, to address the convention the
galleries and delegates after a spon-
taneous cheer settled down to listen
attentively. Mrs. Roosevelt briefly
declared that only "A United People
who love their' country, and will live
for it to the best of their ability" can
insure the safety of the United States
in the immediate future.
High point of the evening for the
Michigan delegation was the nomina-
tion of Senator Prentiss M. Brown
for the vice-presidency by Murray
D. Van Waggoner,1Democratic candi-
date for governor.
When Van Waggoner concluded his
speech, in which he declared Senator
Brown had given "outstanding serv-
ice to country, state and party for
more than 25 years," the band swung
into the University's fighting song,
"The Victors;" the Michigan dele-
gatioh attempted to organize a dem-
onstration which died "A-Bornin'."
Chairman Alben W. Barkley is by
all odds the hardest working man at
the convention. *When he isn't
furiously banging the gavel to restore
order out of chaos, he is fanning
himself vigorously, conferring with
party whips, tabulators, and disgrun-
tled delegates-all under the glare
of 12 powerful spotlights.
While the chairman of the Nebras-
ka delegation earnestly expounded
(Continued on Page 3)

Stresses Pace Of Foreign
Events As Influencing
His Unprecedented Move
Had Made Plans
For Private Life
WASHINGTON, July 19. (Friday).
-(P)-President Roosevelt accepted
tonight the Democratic convention's
precedent-breaking nomination to a
third term.,
In a radio address to the conven-
tion, the Chief Executive stressed the
swift pace of foreign events as in-
fluencing his decision to accept the
party's call and attempt to shatter
Mr. Roosevelt asserted he made
plans for a private life of his own
choice to begin next January, at the
conclusion of his second term.
"These plans, like so many other
plans," he said, "had 1'been made in
a world which now seems as distant
as another planet.
"Today, all private plans, all -pri-
vate lives have been repealed by an
over-riding public danger.
"In the face ofthat public danger
all those who can be of service to
the public have no choice but to
offer themselves for service in those
capacities for which they may be fit-
"Those are the reasons why I have
had to admit to myself, and now to
state to you, that my conscience will
not let me turn my back to a call
to service."
Roosevelt Informed
Of Nomination By Byrnes
CHICAGO, July 18.-(JP)-From a
dimly-lighted, peach colored tele-
phone booth in a reception room of
a Lakeside- Hotel (Blackstone) to-
day, President sRoosevelt received his
first official notification that the
Democratic National Convention had
shattered precedent by nominating
him for a third term.
The notification came in the form
of a telephone message from Sen-
ator James F. Byrnes, long-time per-
sonal friend of the President and his
unofficial manager for the Chicago
As described by committee mem-
bers, there was nothing of the breath-
less suspense that is supposed to ac-
company historical moments. The
gray haired, twinkly-eyed Byrnes
stepped into the small, plain ante-
room, sat down on a small chair,
lifted the receiver off one of the two
telephones on a little white shelf
and asked the operator to get him
the White House.
Byrnes' conversation ran some-
thing like this:
"Hello, Mr. President, I am going
to be very formal with you. You
know, we are charged with the duty
of giving you some surprising news."
The President, who often chats
with Byrnes on the phone when both
are in Washington, evidently quipped
about the speedy action of the com-
mittee in notifying him of the con-
vention action.
Byrnes' reply to the President's
joke was said to have been: "Well,
we can't hold our horses."

Dr. Tidwell Instructs Linguists
In Difficulties OfUsing Dialect

With illustrations drawn from the
familiar Uncle Remus stories of Joel
Chandler Harris, Dr. James N. Tid-
well of Westminster College yester-
day noon explained to .the Linguistic
Institute luncheon conference the
difficulties of accurately represent-
ing dialect in fiction.
The inadequacy of the alphabet
to represent the actual sounds of
speech, declared Dr. Tidwell, makes
it necessary for a writer either to
re-spell all words with uniform values
for each letter or letter combina-
tion, or to re-spell those words which
have particular value for their di-
alectal significance. Harris, he indi-
cated, chose the latter of these meth-
ods, and believed that thereby he
had attained phonetic accuracy.
That Harris' representation is,
nevertheless, phonetically inaccurate,
was Dr. Tidwell's contention. Anal-
ysis of a phonetic transcription of
a passage from one of the Uncle
Remus tales reveals that Harris had
several values for each novel charac-
ter, and that in general he re-spelled
without consistent system. He spelled
'oblige,' for example, both "'blige'"
and "'blie'," and 'laugh' appears

dialect did succeed in indicating
some genuine dialectal features, ten
of which Dr. Tidwell enumerated.
One of these was the palatization
shown in the pronunciation "chune"
for 'tune.' Another was the loss of
post-vocalic 'r' although Harris ap-
parently was inconsistent in his re-
spelling to show this loss. Harris
also recognized a Southern speech
form in his respellings "skeer" and
"cheer" for 'scare' and 'chair.' The
frequent Southern loss of a final
consonant Harris represented by the
use of the apostrophe: and the
Southern palatalization of initial ve-
lar consonants he recognized by such
spellings as "gyarden" for 'garden'
and "kyar'n's" for 'carryings.'
Bloomfield To Talk
On 'The Word' Today
In the second of a series of public
lectures sponsored by the Linguistic
Institute, Professor Leonard Bloom-
field, chairman of the department df
linguistics of the University of Chi-
cago, will speak at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Rackham Amphitheatre on
the subject, "The Word."
Professor Bloomfield, announced

MeClusky Addresses Educators;
Dr. E. B. Elliott To Speak Today

Active application of factual ma-
terial collected in surveys and
through governmental agencies in
an integrated community program
is the greatest> field for developing
guidance of youth on a civic scale,.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
education school recommended to
his capacity audience yesterday in
the morning lecture of the Educa-
tional Conference Week series.
More knowledge about the labor
market, the migration of rural youth,
the degree and kinds of skills which
youth possess must be ogtained. Pro-
fessor McClusky maintained, before
adequate remedies can be prescribed
for the employment problems of the
majority of young people. Records
of what has actually happened in

Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state super-
intendent of public instruction, Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the educa-
tion school now acting as associate
director of the American Youth Com-
mission and Prof. Stuart A. Courtis
of the School of Education will con-
clude the series of Educational Con-
ference Week addresses today in the
Union Ballroom..
Professor McClusky will give- the
second of his two lectures, "The Ed-
ucational Implications of the Pro-
gram of the American Youth Com-
mission." at 9 a.m., pointing to the
practical application of the findings
made in his recent studies through-
out the nation.
Dr. Elliott will outline "Michigan's
Plan for Out-of-School Students,'
with its possible advantages anc


Pri son aunt
Awaits Group
On Excursion
Reservations for the eighth Sum-
mer Session excursion, a trip tomor-
row to the State Prison of Southern
Michigan at Jackson, must be made
by 5 p.m. today in the' Summer Ses-
sion office, Room 1213 Angell Hall.
Excursionists will leave in special
buses from in front of Angell Hlall at
8 a.m. tomorrow, to return at 1 p.m.
Cost of the trip will be $1.25 to cover

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