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July 07, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-07

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ied by students of the University of
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The editorials published in The Michigan
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taff and represent the views of the
riters only.

own & Cown
E WERE at the Bell with Clayt Hepler, who
sped through his academic career here in
five and a half years before joining the Detroit
Times sport staff; Pat Conger, a five-year man
now with United Press in Detroit; Steve Filipiak,
one of the best radio announcers to emerge from
Morris Hall, and Steve's date, a music stu-
dent, who's better looking than a John Powers
model. The conversation had been in something
of a rut-everybody was giving a detailed descrip-
tion of the goriest murder he'd ever covered.
Finally, just to put things on a higher plane
before the girl fainted-we'd polished off the
Torch Murders, slithered through the Betty
Baker case and were cheerily giving a play-by-
play of how Ruth McHenry shot her mother
and seven-year-old brother-Hepler burst out
that he was certainly glad he wasn't drowned.
A little startled, we informed him that we
hadn't had the slightest doubt all evening that
he wasn't drowned. He didn't look the least
drowned-moist, yes; drowned, no.
"You underystinate me," he said. "There
are large numbers of people huddling
aroud in little groups right now who think .
' m drowned. Vou see I went swimming in
Whitmore Lake this afternoon. In all mod-
\esty, I couldn't have been going faster if
Eleanor Holm was swimming ahead Sud-
denly I decided that it would be a good idea
to go back, so I somersaulted in the water
and gunned home Got there in no time at
all, visited the kid sister and went back to,
the beach.
The place was full of people. Seems someone
saw a fellow go down in the Lake and fail to
reappear. This is something of a social error at
a lake and they'd called the sheriff's office.
Grappling hooks were swishing around, people
were saying "poor boy" and waiting to see
whether the body was bloody or not, so for a
couple of hours I watched them. Then I started
talking things over with a woman. It seems they'd
been dragging for me! I told them I wasn't
drowned and they said "Oh, we thought you
were" and the whole thing ened there."
We said it certainly must have been discon-
certing to be grappled for. Someone said THEY
wouldn't have let a crowd down like that and
before the thing went any further we decided it
Was about time they heard about the bloody
murders WV'D covered so things ended there.
The baby born to Mrs. Jack Brennan (Sis
Staebler) was premature . . . weighed only
four pounds. . is fighting for life. . . and
will be in a, incubator at least five weeks.
Jack's face beams like the sun at noon he's
so proud. Up in The Daily office yesterday
the former Michigan guard who's now with
the Green Bay Packers, was receiving con-
graulations when Helen Brady asked him
how his wife got her niek-name of Sis. "Be-
cause she's got two brothers," Jack said.
"That's funny," Helen declared. "I've got two
brothers and what do people call me--Bahe!"
* *
Michiga's Aviators
A friend in Washington writes that four of
the University's products were judged among the
outstanding fliers in the national CAAA pro-
gram. So good, in fact, that Roy Heath (he wrote
"The Flying Trapeze" column in The Daily and
got into the CAA when Football Captain Fred
Janke amazingly flunked his physical exam). has
been sent to Boston for seaplane training along
with Don Shirley. Gerald Fredericks has been
assigned to study soaring at Frankfort while
John Vivian is working on soaring at Elmira,
e* *
At Camp Charlevoix
Herb Johnson sends a note that a counsellor's
meeting at Camp Charlevoix is practically a U of
M reunion. ,Ralph Heikkinen, the all-American
guard who dabbles with poetry and Republican
politics in his spare time, is up there. So are
Frank Prael, Andrew Frostio, Thomas Hart,

Harry Bingham, Don Horton and Mrs. Ann Hart.
Louie Reiman, who manages the camp, was
the organizer of the University fresh air camp.
He played Varsity football here and was a
champion wrestler. The place is one of the top
outfits in the country-its roster has included
the sons of Tad Weiman, Princeton coach who
once mentored Michigan, President Ruthven, and
J. P. Piccard, the stratosphere balloonist, among

Te Art
Of Latim-America
Art objects from collections all over the country
have been loaned for the exhibition of Latin-
American and Pre-Columbian art which will be
on display starting today through July 25 in
the Exhibition Room of the Rackham Building.
The exhibit, organized by Helen B. Hall of
the Institute of Fine Arts, is being held as part
of the program of the Latin-American Insti-
tute and has been organized in conjunction with
the Symposium on Art and Architecture which
will be in session today and tomorrow. It will be
open from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to
10 p.m. daily.
The exhibit contains a variety of material, in-
cluding painting, drawing, etching, copies of
murals, textiles, crafts and small art objects.
The periods covered have been classified into
three general groups, pre-Columbian, post-Con-
quest and contemporary.
In the pre-Columbian gallery are to be found
displays from the Yucatan and Mexico, Guate-
mala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia
and Peru. A group of Peruvian textiles showing
various techniques has been loaned by the Detroit
Institute of Arts, and interesting groups of pot-
tery from the eastern Amazon basin and from
the highlands of Peru have been offered by the
University Museums. Mayan jade ornaments,
stone and pottery figures, gold objects and others
give an idea of the diversity of the art production
of the pre-Columbian peoples.
Painting$ and smaller objects, prints and tex-
tiles are shown in the post-Conquest exhibit. A
group of Peruvian paintings of the sixteenth and
seventeenth century, loaned by Mrs. Frank Frey-
er of Denver, are important parts of- the dis-
play. Several eighteenth century Mexican paint-
ings loaned by the Philadelphia Museum of Art
exemplify religious art and portraiture work of
that period.
Artists of several countries have been grouped
together to give a cross-section of contemprary
Latin-American painting. Included in the list of
contributors are Antonio Sotomayor of Bolivia,
Antonio Gattorno and Daniel Serra of Cuba,
Rivera and Orozco of Mexico, and Camilo Egas of
Ecuador, who represent the colorful works in
expression of the Latin-American temperament
and ideals in painting. A chalk drawing by Jean
Charlot, a Frenchman working in Mexico and
Yucatan, is important in showing the influence
of Latin-America on the artists of other nations.
Herr Hitler's progress has been watched
closely in this country; not nearly as much
attention has been given to the economic aspects
of his regime.
Today the Germany economy is operating at
full blast. There is no idle plant and there are
no unemployed. On the contrary, foreign work-
men are being imported. Tax rates are already
high and they cannot be pushed much higher.
Tax revenues are also at or near their maximum
because industry is already operating at full
capacity and there is, therefore, small prospect
of larger earnings in future which might be
tapped by the tax pollector
In spite of the high taxes and the high yield
from taxes, the German government is spending
vastly in excess of its income. Its borrowings to
meet its deficits are now running at the rate of
about 3%/2 billion dollars a year, and even so it is
paying some of its current bills in tax Anticipa-
tion warrants. In addition, the government has
been obliged to increase the amount of paper
money in circulation at the rate of 300 or 400
million dollars a year.
Germany must import food and raw materials
from abroad and it can pay for them only with
gold or with goods or services. Germany has
almost no gold and so much of Germany's eco-
nomic effort is being directed into production
of war materials that her normal exports are
far from sufficient to maintain a steady inflow
of raw materials.
Germany's economic situation is therefore crit-
ical, and there is little reason to expect that it
will improve. A significant item in the Reichs-

kredit report is the statement that the German
farmers are slaughtering their cows because of
the high price of feed (much of which is im-
ported) and the difficulty of getting farm labor-
ers. This is happening at a time when ther/
is a great scarcity of butter in Germany; but.
butter prices are being held down artificially and
it is, therefore, not to the interest of the German
farmers to increase the supply.
-Chicago Daily Tribune

Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office
of the Bummer Session until 3:30 PM.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 10
Chinese Language Tea: The Inter-
tional Center announces the first of
a series of Language Teas for stu-
dents and faculty members who
speak Mandarin from 4 to 6 o'clock
today. These teassare especially
planned for the classes in Chinese
in the Institute of Far Eastern Stu-
dies. A considerable group of Chi-
nese students has agreed to cooper-
ate. All Chinese students who are
in town whether registered in the
Summer Session or not are urged to
Lecture, "Colonial Architecture in
Brazil." (Illustrated). This lecture
will be given by Professor Robert C.
Smith, University of Illinois, at 5
p.m. today, in the Lecture Hlal of
the Rackham Building.
Courses 215 and 216, Laboratory
Courses in Roman Antiquities will
meet in Newberry Hall, today, July
7, at 7 p.m., instead of Wednesday,
July 5.
Visitors' Night. Students' Observa-
tory, Angell Hall will be open to all
students enrolled in the Summer
Session this evening, from 8 to 10
Graduation Recital. Mary Porter,
organist, will appear in recital this
evening at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree. The public i i-
vited to attend.
"The Good Hope" by Heiman Hei-
jermans will be presented by the
Michigan Repertory Players at 8:30
p.m., this evening, at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Smith League House, 1102 East
Ann Street, will be at home this
evening, from 9 to 11 o'clock
to the graduates and friends
of the following colleges: Alabama
State College, Alcorn College, Atlanta
University, Bishop College, Fisk Uni-
versity, Howard University, Knox-
ville College, Miner Teachers Col-
lege, Shaw University, Talladega
College, Virginia Union and West
Virginia State College.
The Record Concert for this week
will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. in
the Men's Lounge, second floor, east,
in the Rackham Building. The pro-
gram has been arranged by Mr. Rich-
ard Lee and will be as follows: Lo-
hengrin, Prelude to Act One; Wag-
ner; Chaconne, Bach (Stokowski and
Philadelphia Orchestra); Fifth Sym-
phony, Tschaikowsky; Londonderry
Air (Ormandy and Philadelphia
strings). Everyone is we\come at
these weekly concerts.
School of Education (Undergradu-

750 HC - CBS I 920 KC - NBC Red 11240 KC - NBC Blue I 1030 KC - Mutual
Friday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake News News commentator
12:15 Life Beautiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Black and White
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Songs
1:00 Ed Mcconnell Feature Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr, Susan Tyson Interview Grimm's Daughter Word Dramas
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Music
1:45 Girl Marries Gardener Betty Crocker Muse and Music
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Navy Band Quiet Sanctuary
2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins t
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young " Henry Cincone
2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light. Book Ends To be Announced
3:00 Minuet String Trio Club Matinee News Commentator
3:15 Promenade " Moods in Music
3:30" Merle Clark Wayne and Dick
3:45 Duncan Moore r News To be announced
4:00 Musical Detroit at St. Louis Police Field Day Jamboree
4:15 Melody, Rhythm X"Xylophonist
4:30 " Affairs of Anthony.
4:45 Alice Blair "'Bob Armstrongo
5:00 Miss Julia " Hollywood Hilights Muted Music
5:15 To be announced Stuff Smith Orch Turf Reporter
5:30 Tomy Talks " Day in Review Bsaseball Scores
5:45 Musical Spotlight Harry Heilmann News
Friday Evening
s6:00 News Tyson Review Hal Kemp Stop and Go
6:15 Inside Sports Bradcast o
6:30 Calling All Cars Midstream Lone Ranger "Fintex Sportlight
6:45 " George Krehbiel " Jimmie Alien
7:00 Western Skies Cities Service Universal Music WashingtonNews
7:15 "'' Factfincier Acadian Serenade
7:30 Johnny Presents " Don't Forget Crossroads
7:45 t oEvening Serenade
8:00 99 Men and Girl Waltz Time Plantation Party Musical Varieties
8:15 , f~f
8:30 First Nighter Death Valley Harry Horlick Jamboree
8 :45 of,
9:00 Grand Central Lady Esther 1001 Wives Dance Music
9:15 1 o . Detective O'Malley
9:30 Ripley Radio Extra Horace Heidt Congress Review
9:45 ofr I,1
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Graystone Police Field Day
10:15 Waring Family Vic and Bade
10:30 SportsaFred Waring Tommy Dorsey Doc Sunshine
10:45 Cab Calloway ~ ~harry James
11:00 News News Larry Clinton Reporter
11:15 Beach Comber Dance Music E i" I Music
11:30 Eastwood Erskine Hawkins "
11:45 sterling Young " of'o
12:00 Sign Off Westwood Sign Off Bill McCune
ates): No course may be elected for Requests for records to be played
credit after Saturday, July 8. may be handed in at the League desk
or given to the attendant.
Diploma Applicatimns: Graduate
Students who, at the time of regis- Graduating OutingClub will have
tration, did not submit the blue di- a picnic at Peach Mountain on Sun-
ploma application form and who ex- day, July 9. There will be swim-
pect to complete requirements for Ming at Portage Lake, where there
the master's degree during the Sum-
mer Session must file such an appli- (Continued on Page 3)
cation in the office of the Graduate
School by July 8, 1939. Filing of an ENDS TODAY
application in any previous semester T OFEATURES
or Summer Session does not satisfy "WO FRATUD"
this requirement. "BOY FRIEND"
C. S. Yoakum and
League Concerts. Concerts of rec- WINNER"
ords from the Carnegie Music Set are
held in the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League as follows:/
Sunday, 2-4 and 7:30-9:30.
Monday, 2:30-4:30.
Tuesday, 2:30-4:30. and 7:30-9:30. SATURDAY
Wednesday, 2:30-3:30 and 7-9.
Thursday, 2:30-4:30 and 8-10. Mats.
Friday, 2:30-4:30 and 7-9. 25c
Saturday, 2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9.
h. - - , '




LU Democracy ..
L AST WEEK delegates to the American
Youth Congress refused to' endorse
resolution condemning all foreign "isms," in-
luding fascism, Nazism, and communism. Sub-
equent events, the walkout of 23 delegates and
schism in the Congress, clouded the real issue,
ut with that we are not concerned.
The Bill of Rights of the Constitution, as we
ire aware, specifically provides that rights of
rreedom of speech, the press, and peaceful assem-
)lage "shall not be abridged." Laws, to have any
eal value, must be taken in spirit and not merely
y letter. The "abridging" of rights of free speech
ed assemblage would certainly follow if any
eal action were taken following a condemna-
;ion of any political group.
This is far more important than it may appear
n the surface. Democracy is and must be for-
ver maintained on the premise that any of its
nembers may legally make themselves heard at
my time. Restriction of speech or censoring of
he press are practices peculiar to those nations
here dictators must keep themselves in power
y the use of such forceful methods.
It was Abraham Lincoln, and not Stalin, Trot-
,ky or Marx who said, "Whenever the American
eople become dissatisfied with their govern-
aent ,it is their inalienable right to overthrow it,
y force if necessary." That right, as a founda-
on stone of the freedom upon which democracy
built, must be preserved, through the enforce-
ent of a tolerant Bill of Rights.
-Harry L. Sorlneborn
Cong ress To Date
The first session of the Seventy-sixth Congress
assembled today to vote on the continuation
the presidential authority to devalue the
llar. Pressing close on the heels of this bittery
ught point are the issues of neutrality legisla-
on and the administration's proposed lending
'ogram. If the neutrality question gets to the
mate, the session will be prolonged indefinitely,
y anti-administration members, who forecast
r it the fiercest debate since the historic battle
er the League of Nations.
But whether the session runs to mid-July or
to August, it may be appraised for the most
rt fairly enough now." How does it rate after
ter, six months of life? How does it look in the
ht of the promises and prospects last winter
fore it opened?
A veteran Washington correspondent of the
st-Dispatch has weighed the session in the
lance and to say that he has found it wanting
to speak in mild terms.
When the session met in January, the Novem-
r election was only two months old. There was
uch talk of a policy of independence by the
ti-administration Democrats, who had bested
e ill-starred purge, and by the Republicans,
ose numbers had been increased materially
the election. Economy was to be the rule.
overy, much talked about, was to be achieved.
and legislation was to encourage business, too
g harassed by experimental reforms.
Neither the leadership nor the projected re-
ts have been achieved. Congress, for all that
s said earlier, did not replace the leadership
Mr. Roosevelt with a positive direction of its
n. Any thoughts it may have entertained for
inomy were soon forgotten. Log-rolling was


. Nickels Arcade




Pete Smith's "BIG LEAGUERS"
"RADIO HAMS" Sportlight

T oday's Events

11:00 a.n.t
12:15 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.ma
8:00 p.mL
8:15 P.m.
8:30 p.
9:00 p.m.

Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi, (Amphitheatre Rackham Building)
Luncheon, Latin American Institute (Union).
Summer Parleys (Union).
Chinese Tea (International Center).
"Colonial Architecture," lecture' by Prof. Robert C. Smith, University of
Illinois (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
Summer Parleys (Union).
Visitor'sNight (Student Observatory, Angell Hall).

(' t Miss These


Otgan Recital by Mary Porter
"The Good Hope," by Herman
Dancing (League Ballroom).

(Hill Auditorium).
Heijermans (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).



- - I


Snoot tariff bill days had there been so bare-
faced a deal across party lines!
How the Republicans will find in this Con-
gress a record on which they can go before the
country in opposition to the extravagances an-
spending excesses of the Roosevelt administra-
tion is more than hard to see. For the silver trade

that this Congress has already authorized ex-
penditures which set a peacetime record. When
the session recessed for the, holiday, it had al-
ready approved expenditures of $13,110,000,000
for the fiscal year now commenced-an increase
over the year just closed of upward of two billion

fre . .3forI

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