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July 07, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-07

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dy and continued warm;
undershowers, tomorrow

Yl e

Of ficial Publication Of The Summer Session


For Th
Of De

he Preservation
mocracy . . .

XLIX. No. 1o)






y Attracts

Significance Of Monetary Fight
Is Termed Slight By Palmer



vene Today
r Discussion
rsies Raised

.er s


Opposing Views
than 350 students, faculty
rs and townspepple attended
ming session of the first an-
ummer Parley held yesterday
on in the Union. Three speak-
sented the opposing views in

eting reconvened
is discussing the
government and
al relations and

e panels will meet again at 4
today in the same rooms of the
n. Following this, the general
n will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
he North Lounge of the Union,
, general discussion of important
s raised in the panel discussion.
e first speaker yesterday after-
. was Prof. William Paton of the
xl of Business Administration
spoke from the conservative view-
. "This talk about business men
trike is the wildest sort of 'clap-
" he said. "They do not sit idly
vhile empty factories depreciate
,lue. I find myself vastly annoyed
his mystic faith in governments
in leaders," he continued.
wvernment is the only way we
of preserving our justice and
lom according to Prof. James K.
ck of the political science de-'
rnent who represented the lib-
The government can be either
oppressor or a benefit, he con-

the greates


the radical is to har-
and practice according
or L. Williams of the
ment who spoke as a
of the radical view-

Presidential Devaluation+
Power Chiefly Useful
As Bluster Weapon
When President Roosevelt signed
the bill yesterday that extended his
power to devafue the dollar, an excit-
ing 'Congressional controversy end-1
ed that was probably three-fourth
political in importance and only one-
fourth economic..
That is the opinion of Wiliam B.
Palmer of the ec pomics department,
who sees the chances of the Presi-1
dent's exercising his powers as very
remote at the present time. The
main advantage of extending the
Monetary Bill
Gets Sig nature
- ,
Of President
Treasury Ready To Buy
Newly-Mined Silver
At Higher Price Scale
WASHINGTON, July 6.-P)---Act-<
ing swiftly, President Roosevelt signed
today the controversial bill continu-t
ing his power to change the gold<
content of the dollar and to operate
a $2,000,000,000 fund to keep currencyj
relationships stable on the world
money markets. -
The measure was finally passed by
Congress yesterday' and reached thec
White House only today. The two
monetary powers had expired last Fri-
day midnight because of a filibuster
in the Senate.
Legality Contested
Because the powers had died, some
legislators insisted that they could
not be revived by the legislation en-k
acted today, but Administration men
disagreed. Moreover, Secretary of the
Treasury Morgenthau said he could
see no way the law could be attacked
in the courts. Republican c ritics in-
dicated they had no place to attack
it there, but that the issue would bez
threshed out in the next Presidentialt
New Price Of Silver
After the signing of the bill, the
Treasury prepared to buy newly-
mined domestic silver at 71.11 cents
an ounce. This price, contrasting
with the old price of 64.64 cents, was
put into the bill after a drive by
Western silverites.
No action to change the gold value
of the dollar was in prospect. Ad-
ministration officials have said they
wanted this authority only as a re-
serve for emergency. There also was
believed to be no urgent, major task
for the stabilization fund at present,
since currencies have been fairly
As for foreign silver, the Treasury
cut its price for such metal today to
the record low of 36.75 cents an ounce,
leading some officials to predict that
the United States would no longer
attempt to hold the world price of
the metal at artificially high levels.
To See Schools
5 P.M. Today IsDeadline
For Cranbrook Trip
Another group of Summer Session
excursionists will leave Ann Arbor at
8 a.m. tomorrow bound for the
schools of the Cranbrook Founda-
tion in Bloomfield Hills.
Reservations for this fourth excur-
sion must be made by 5 p.m. today
in the Summer Session office, Room

1213 Angell Hall. Round trip bus
fare will be $1.25. Lunch at the De-
von Gables Tea Room will be about
45 cents additional. Students wish-
ing to follow the busses in private
cars, thus eliminating the bus fare,
are invited to so do.
At the foundation. the group will
visit the Cranbrook School for Boys,
the Kingswood School for Girls and
the Brookside School for younger
boys and girls.
Cranbrook and Kingswood take
students from the seventh through
the twelfth grades; Brookside in-
cludes grades up to the' seventh.
Of particular interest to the ex-
cursionists will be the Cranbrook
Academy of Arts, the Cranbrook In-
stitute of Science and the Christ

grant, as Mr. Palmer sees it, is as a
weapon of bluster in international
affairs to prevent other countries
from devaluation of their currencies
in an attempt to obtain trade ad-
With the Tri-Partite agreement
between' France, Great Britain and
the United States in force to main-
tain stability of exchangerates, and
with most of the countries talking
about monetary stability, Mr. Palm-d e o oee a yi m dae(X
ear does not foresee an mediat ex-g
change competition. Nor does he be-
lieve that devaluation will prove par-
ticularily effective for any country at
the' present time to obtain trade ad-
vantages. He pointed out that al-
though France has in effect devalqed
twice in the last three years and ex-
change rates have fallen on France,
the President has not had to use his
Devaluation Is Relative
The problem' of effectiveness of de-
valuation, Mr. Palmer said, is one of
price changes. Devaluation decreas-
es the value of the dollar as against
gold, but does not necessarily de-
crease its value against other goods.
Thus a, country may devalue, but if
its price level is not effected, the rmal
value of the currency -unit is not
changed. This was the experience
of the United States following the
devaluation of 1934, when devalua-
tion was tried in an attempt to raise
domestic prices.-
It was theorized at that time, Mr.
Palmer explained, that if tbe, dollar
was devalued in terms of gold by 40
per cent, then prices would rise cor-
respondingly. These theorists, how-
ever, he said, forgot that between
1929 and 1933 the price level hid
fallen 40 per cent without any change
in the gold content of the dollar.
Therefore, it was not the gold value
of the dollar that determined its
value against other goods, but such
factors as the amount of dollars o, t
standing, bank currency outstanding,
and the disposition of people and
business enterprizes to borrow and to
Upheld By Court
-The Supreme Court pointed out in
the gold clause cases that it was not
reasonable for people to insist that
they be paid $1,69 of the new cur-
rency for every dollar loaned at, the
old gold value, because the new dollar
still bought more than the old ones
before 1934.
The effectiveness of devaluation
(Continued on Page 3)

Pickets Close
Five General
Motors Unts
UAW-CIO Faction Calls
Strike Of Tool An4 Die
Workers And Engineers.
Reuther Announces
Walk-Out Effective
DETROIT, July 6. --(P)- Pickets
marched today at five General,
Motors Corporation units closed by
a strike of approximately 3,700 tool
and die makers, engineers and main-
tenance men who are members of the
CIO United Automobile Workers.
Walter P. Reuther, director of the
General Motors department of the
UAW-CIO, tonight hailed the walkout
as "100 per cent effective."
Immediate Results Few
Immediate results of the strike,
which is aimed solely' at work on
1940 model automobile\, were not
apparent. Corporation officials said
that because strikers at one plant
here included cutter grinders, 5,600
Chevrolet production workers might
be made idle in two or three days
when dull tools would force a shut-
In most General Motors divisions,
start of production work on 1940
models still is several weeks in the
future. Thus a delay caused by the
walkout of skilled workers engaged
in preparatory operations would not
be felt in those divisions for, some
Returns To Detroit
James F. Dewey, United States De-
partment of Labor conciliator who
has aided frequently in automobile
strike settlements, returned to De-'
troit today, conferred with corpora-
tion; executives, and said he hoped to
arrange a conference of G.M. and
union representatives Friday morn-
Dewey made no, comment on the
corporation's position that it could
not negotiate withieither the UAW-
CIO or Homer Martin's AFL-affiliat-
ed UAW until the National Labor Re-
lations Board or a court decided
which was entitled to recognition.
The break-up last Sunday of a
conference arranged by Dewey to
negotiate union demands including
wage and overtime adjustments, pre-.
cipitated the strike.

Noted Architect Is
Honored This Noon
Interested persons from out of the
city as well as members of the In-
stitute of Latin-American Studies
will meet today and tomorrow in the
Rackham Building to take part in
the sessions of the Symposium on
Art and Architecture being sponsored
by the Institute.
A luncheon this noon in honor of
Carlos Contreras, prominent Mexican
landscape architect, and a lecture at
5 p.m. by Prof. Robert C. Smith of
the University of Illinois will high-
light today's program. Mrs. Concha
Romero James, of the Division of
Cultural Relations of the Pan-Ameri-
can Union, will be the guest of hon-
or at a luncheon tomorrow.
Smith Will Speak
Professor Smith, who is known as
the leading specialist in the United
States on the subject of Latin-Ameri-
can art and architecture, will speak
on "Colonial Architecture in Brazil,"
in this afternoon's lecture at the
Rackham Auditorium. He will lead
a discussion of the question "Indi-
genous vs. Formal European Ele-
ments in Latin-American Art" at 8
p.m., assisted in the formal discus-
sion by other featured guests of the
Tomorrow's program will start at
10 a.m. with a series of discussions on
the materials found in the loan ex-
hibit of Latin-American and Pre-
Columbian Art which has been ar-
ranged in conjunction with the Sym-
posium by Helen Hall of the Institute
of Fine Arts. Speakers will be Pro-
fessor Smith, Mrs. Adele Weibel of
the Detroit Institute of Arts and Mr.
Harold L. Wallace, in charge of the
pre-Columbian galleries of the ex-
Luncheon At Union
The luncheon for Mrs. James will

* * *
Leon D. Case
Dies Following
Lengthy Illness


Secretary Of State
Under Treatment
Before Transfer

On Art Opens
Luncheon And Lecture
To Highlight Program
At Initial Day's Meeting


Mourn'ed By State

Quit WP)
Working Hours Extensi(
Brings Nation -Whi
Series Of Walk-Ou
Washington Issues
Terse Ultimatu

The fight of the radical is for the
betterment of human being, here
and now, he continued. Such a per-
son admits the intellectuial differ-
ences in men but contends that this
insures no difference in their right to
cultural and materialistic benefits.
Closing Hours
And Penalties
Are Explained-
Recreational And Dancing
Facilities Also Described
To Meeting At League
Hours and penalties for women.
recreational facilities, dancing classes,
dances and duties of hostesses were
explained to representatives from
each undergraduate house on cam-.
pus yesterday in the League.
Women's hours during the Summer
Session are 11 p.m. Sunday through
Thursday, 1:30 a.m. Friday and 12:30
a.m. Saturday, Mary Jane LeGros,
head of Judiciary Council, told the
meeting. Those women who were of
senior standing last semester in any
university or college have 1:30 a.m.
permission on Saturdays, she added.
Penalties Set For Lateness
Penalty for the first five or six
latenesses is five minutes for each
minute late up to half an hour. For
any lateness longer than this time,
the offender must come in at 8 p.m.
the following Friday, and for exces-'
sive lateness, at 8 p.m. both Friday'
and Saturday. All latenesses must be
made up on Friday or Saturday
nights of the following weekend.
Disciplinary cafes must be brought
before the Judiciary Council, Miss
LeGros stated. Blanks for reporting
any latenesses were handed out to
the representative of each league and
sorority house.
Recreational Facilities Described
Miss Helen Ellis of the women's
physical education department de-
scribed the many facilities for recre-
ation available to women students at

Geologic Features Of Niagara
Explained By Professor Scott


Niagara Falls is retreating four
feet every year, Prof. Irving D. Scott
of the geology department told a;
large audience yesterday at the Rack-;
ham Building.;
A layer of Lockport dolomite caps
the falls, he explained, with shale
underneath. The force of the water
is continually undermining the dolo-
mite, causing it to break off.
Speaking on the history of the+
Falls, Professor Scott described the
scenic wonder with the aid of slides
in anticipation.-of the Summer Ses-
sion excursion to Niagara Falls Fri-
day to Monday, July 14 to 17.
The Falls, about 18 miles north of
Lake Erie, is composed of two drops,
the Horseshoe on the Canadian side,
which is the larger, and the Ameri-
can. Below this is a wide and deep
Toronto Trip
Plans Formed
Group To View Collection
At.Archeology Museum
Tentative plans have been an-
nounced for the trip to Toronto to
study the Chinese collections of the
Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeol-
The group will leave Friday, July
14, and will return to Ann Arbor
Sunday or Monday. Tie trip is be-
ing arranged in connection with the
Summer Institute of Far Eastern
Studies and will be under the direc-
tion of Prof. James M. Plumer, lec-
turer on Far Eastern Art.
Those driving their own cars are
asked to inform Professor Plumer
stating how many seats are avail-
able in addition to the driver. In
event of sufficient applicants, a part
bus will be arranged, according to

gorge running north called the Up-I
per Great Gorge. This runs into theI
Whirlpool Rapids section, a narrow,]
shallow gorge, about a third as wide7
as the Upper Gorge and one fourth
as deep, he said. Between the Whirl-
pool Section and the Lower Great
Gorge which follows is the Whirl-+
pool. This contains an exceptional
amount of dirt on the west side as a
result of former glaciers. The Lower
Great Gorge, passing Foster's Flat,
a projection into the river which was
caused by a former waterfall, nar-
rows into the Lower Narrow Gorge
and on into the Niagara Plain, he
The Niagara Gorge has been cut
over many thousands of years, Profes-
sor Scott told the audience. When
the glacier retreated from the region,
the waters of Lake Erie flowed north-
ward into Lake Ontario over the
esca1pment at Lewiston, forming the
,The Lower Narrow Gorge, Profes-
sor Scott said, was cut shortly after
the glacier began to recede. Only
Lake Erie at this time had its outlet
in the Niagara River. The small
amount of water cut but a narrow
gorge. When the glacier receded far-
ther north the land, relieved of the
weight of the ice, uplifted and the
Kirkfield outlet of the upper Great
Lakes was raised above Port Huron
causing the water of all the lakes to
flow out through Niagara. This caused
the formation of the Lower Great
Gorge. The ice front again receded,
a new outlet for the upper lakes called
the Nipissing Lakes was formed at
the Ottowa River and again' the
Niagara served only for Lake Erie,
which caused the Whirlpool Rapids
Section. With another rise of land
the Ottowa River was lifted and the
present system of Great Lakes ini-
Semi-Nudist Termed
0Cool' By Policemen

be held at 1 p.m. in the Union, at
which time she will speak on "Cul-
tural Exchange between the Ameri-
cas." The program will be conclud-
ed by an address by Contreras at 8
p.m. on "The Planning of Mexico
City and Modern Architecture in
Contreras, who has been termed
one of the most influential men in
Mexico, has made a special trip from
Mexico City by plane for the Sym-
posium. Internationally known, he
has directed both official and private
national planning associations in
Mexico, has been a delegate to the
International Housing and Planning
Congress, and has designed plans for
the cities of Monterrey, Veracruz,
Acupulco, Mazatlan, Nuevo, Laredo,
Tampico and the Federal district of
Child Killed By Local Car
HOWELL, Mich., July 6. -(P)-
Striking the side of an automobile
driven by Miss Marian Kleinschmidt,
23, of Ann Arbor, Route 1, Lawrence,
two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Gallup of Howell was fatally
injured today when he broke away
from his eight-year-old brother, Hen-
ry, and ran across US-16 to meet his

WATERVLIET, Mich., July 6.--()
-Funeral services will be held here
Sunday for Leon D. Case, former
Democratic Michigan Secretary oft
State who died in a Milwaukee, Wis.,
sanitarium today. '
Case, 62 years old, had been under
treatment since last winier. Shortlyt
after his defeat in his campaign forE
the Lieutenant Governorship. After1
the election charges were made that'
employes in the Detroit office of ther
Secretary.State had made improper1
use of State funds. Case was known.
to have taken the alleged shortages
much to -heart and his illness fol-
lowed. He was at first treated in
Mercywood Sanitarium of Ann Arbor
and later taken to the Milwaukee in-
Case's death brought expressions
of.. regret from both Democratic, andl
Republican political leaders.E
Case's body will be returned herek
from Milwaukee temorrow. The ser-
vices will be held in the Congrega-
tional Church at 2 p.m. Sunday.,
Masonic services will be conducted
in the Watervliet Cemetery, where
Mrs. Case is buried.
Although a native of Ellsworth,
Wis., Case spent most of his life in
Watervliet. After his high school edu-
cation he went to work in the paper
mills for several years. In 1900 he
joined his father in the ownership of
the Watervliet Record, a weekly news-.
paper, with which he was connected
the remainder of his life.
Center Holds First
Chinese Tea Today
Sponsored by the hiternational
.Center, a Chinese tea will be held
from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the Center,
603 E. Madison.Street.
The tea is intended to give students
enrolled in the CIhinese language
classes in the Institute of Far Eas-
tern Studies an opportunity .to meet
the Oriental students of the Univer-
sity and to have the practice in con-
versing with them in their native
The International Center is plac-
ing its facilities at the disposal of
the Institute and acting as, host; the
plans for the conduct of the tea hour
is entirely in the hands of Mr. Robert
W. Clack, Grad., who is assisting
Prof. George Kennedy in the Chinese
language classes,

(By Associated Press)
Additional thousands throughout
the country, though confronted with
a "take it or leave it" ultimatum from
Washington, quit their WPA jobs
Thursday in protest against exten-
sion of their working 'hours under
the new Federal Relief Act.
Local construction union leaders,
miffed by abandonment of the "pre-
vailing wage" principle for paying
skilled WPA laborers, began voting
official strike sanctions for the spon-
taneous walkouts, and broader na-
tional action was contemplated by
the AFL in Washington.
Some Heed Warning
Numerous. workers, on the other
hand, heeded Washington's general
warning that they had only five days
to return to work or be fired, and
they took up their tools again.
Administrators of.the WPA, mean-
while, prepared to make considerable
reductions in relief work rolls on
their own part to comply with Fed-
eral- orders resulting from new legis-
A reduction of 200,000 in last
month's WPA payroll of 2,600,0000
has been ordered for the nation as a
whole, and under the new act those
employed continuously for 18 months
soon would be laid off temporarily,
with some exceptions.
Of ficials Explain
While Washington officials ex-
plained resignedly that the new 130-
hour working month, -against -which
employes are protesting, was ordered
by Congress and could not be changed,
some local relief officials reinforced
Federal work-or-quit orders with
warnings that those who would not
accept WPA pay might not get home

Administration Refuses
To Recognize Strikers
WASHINGTON, July 6.--OP)--The
Works Projects Administration de-
clined tonight to recognize as a strike
the current widespread walkout of
WPA workers'and warned the denon-
strators they would be dropped from
the rolls after five days' absence.
"I find it difficult to regard this
work stoppage as a strike," Commis-
sioner F. C. Harrington said at a
press conference. He explained that
a- strike usually was called to force
negotiation of some point but that
"nobody is in a position to negotiate"
a law passed by Congress.
Protest Relief Act
The' WPA demonstrators are pro-
testing against a provision in the new
Relief Act requiring them to work
130 hours a month to earn their
security wage. In some cases, it has
resulted in a sharp reduction in hourly
wages. For instance, a worker who
had been receiving one dollar an hour
and whose security wage was $65 a
month would have to work exactly
twice as long to make the same

Linguistic Scholars Study Form
Of Languages In Central India

Though its sound-patterns are the
simplest found in all the Dravidian
languages, yet Kolami, a minor lan-
guage spoken by 31,000 people in
central India, presents phonological
features of unusual interest to the
linguistic scholar, Dr. Murray B.
Emeneau told members of the Lin-
guistic Institute at the regular lun-
cheon conference yesterday.
Isolated in an Indo-Aryan area,
Kolami has undergone phonetic
changes that differentiate it from its
relatives in the Dravidian group, Dr.
Emeneau said. Its phonemes, or
minimal meanignful sounds are much
simpler, for example, and generally
correspond to English phonemes ex-
cept that Kolami has two retroflex
rnv '.c. a iahs ..Aflx "t' "and "r

voiced retroflex "d can occur in
combination with a voiceless ponso-
An outstanding characteristic of
the Kolami orphophonemes, or
meaningful sounds having gram-
matical function, is found in the way
consonant clusters break up in cer-
tain situations, the speaker pointed
out. Since the language had not
hitherto been studied, Dr. Emeneau
had to analyze the speech of several
natives before he could determine the
basic principles involved.
It was observed that, for instance,
the word "veleg" (fence) becomes
"velekt" in the dative singular an'd
"velgul" in the nominative plural,
and that "ayak" (rubbish) similarly
benmes "vakt." and "avkui l. Ul-

Favors Requirement
Harrington said that he personall
favored the requirement, and thi
the recommendation for it originate
with the WPA. He said it simplifie
the operation of projects to requi
all employes to work the same nun
ber of hours and also prevented WP
workers from earning their month
security wage within a short tin
each month and then taking an ou
side job under an assumed name.
Dr. Rosselet Speaks
Before French Clu
Dr. Jeanne Rosselet, director
the Maison Francais, addressed tl
meeting of the French Club last nig
on the topic "La Vie dans les Eco]
Normales Superieures."
Dr. Rosselet described the life
these teacher training schools
France. The schools, one for men ai
one for women, were founded
Napoleon and have produced su
geniuses as Louis Pasteur, Jules R
mains and other well-known Fren
fies. Her talk wie as demonstrat

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