onttary Fight
Termed Slight
In Sigmieance
iesiderntial Devaluation
Power Chiefly Useful
As Bluster Weapon
(Continued from rage 1)
international affairs depends upon
ese price level movements and also
on the effectiveness of gold as an
ernational monetary standard, Mr.
lmer said. The United States, he
:, might be considered on a gold
,ndard, but some of the other con-
es are on "managed" currency'
ndards. When two countries are
h on the gold standard, the gold
ue of the two currencies deter-
res the rate of exchange of the
currency for the other. If one
ntry devalues while its price levoi
lains about the same, it becomes
der for the persons in the other
ntry to buy the products of the
aluing country. This is the case
devaluation to obtain trade bene-
Under "managed" currencies,a
vever, these automatic effects arei
gely obliterated. A further reason
y devaluation has proven a rather
fffective means of stimulatingy
de is because other countries have1
;osed quotas and tariffs against
countries deemed guilty of trying
stimulate exports through devalu-,
k strong argument against the re-
tion of devaluation powers by the
sident, on the other hand, is that
business confidences, Mr: Palmer
ted. While little arivantage is
eseen by the extension of the pow-
, they remain as, a potential cause
monetary uncertainty, discourag-
investment which is so strongly
ired to stimulate full recovery.
Although1 not very active because
the strong monetary position ofr
e ,Inited States, Mr. Palmer be-'
ves the Stabilization Fund, Nwhich
s also renewed by the bill, is of
finite advantage in regulatin the
change value of the dollar and in
eventing undue speculation in the
reign exchange market. It has
en attacked largely because of the
:recy with which it has been op-
ated, but Mr. Palmer said that
ch secredy was necessary to pre-
at speculators from anticipating
tion on the part of the uuthorities
charge of the Fund.
The silver purchases by the Treas-
y are mainly intended as subsidies
silver producers, Mr. Palmer de-
%red, and have had little effect on
s been replacing other types of
e currency because the Treasury
ney with the silver instead of let-
Zg the currency as a whole expand.
Dr. Margaret Bell, B.S., M.D.,,
F.A.C.P., Director of Women's Phy-
sical Education and Women's Med-'
ical adviser . . . born in Chicago,
attended John Dewey Labora-
tory School, University of Chicago,
High School, University of Chicago,
Sargent School of Physical Educa-
tion, Trudeau School of Tuberculosis,
Harvard Medical School . . . gradu-
ated from Rush Medical School . .
did graduate work in medicine in
Vienna, Chicago, Ann Arbor . . . has
traveled abroad several timesr-Scan-
dinavian countries, Italy, all over the
United States, Canada . . . favorite
Nand .
Miss Doris Julia Staebler, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel G.
Staebler of W. William Street and El-
mer Frederick Mahlke, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar L. Mahlke of Mont-
gomery Avenue, exchanged their
marriage vows in the Bethlehem
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Ann Arbor on Saturday, July 1.
Mrs. Mahlke received her degree
of bachelor of science in education in
19.7. Mr. 1Vtahlke has both bachelor
and master of science degrees in me-
chanical engineering received in
1933 and 1935.
* * *
The marriage of Miss Helen Jeper-
son of Petoskey, Mich., to Theodore
F. Miller of Toledo, Ohio, took place
in the chapel of The Michigan League
on Friday, June 3.
The couple, both University gradu-
ates, will live in Toledo, Mrs. Miller
graduated in 1938 and was president
of Assembly, an organization of wo-
men not affiliated with sororities.
The groom received his degree in 1937
and is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi
Michigan Dames To Give
Bridge party Wednesday
The Michigan Dames are sponsor-
ing a bridge partyat 2 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Grand Rapids Rosm of
the League.
Mrs. Paul W. Klingman is chair-
man of the entertainment, and is be-
ing assisted by Mrs. Roy E. Frazier.
Both contract and auction bridge will
be played, and tea will be served'
afterwards in the ballroom.
A Want Ad Will Sell It!
color: green . . . favorite flower: red'
chrysanthemum . . . favorite sports:
fishing, golfing, badminton, camp-
ing, riding, skating . . . favorite
book: probably Tolstoy's "Anna Kar-
enina" . . . favorite actress: Kath-
erine Cornell . . . favorite actor:
Leslie Howard . . . favorite music:
Tschaikowsky . . . enjoys sports,
music, reading most. . . her vocation
an avocation . . was student under
New Athletic
Classes Open
Four Courses For Women
Will Be Started Monday
New four-week classes are being
started Monday in women's physical
education at Barbour Gymnasium.
Archery will meet on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 4 p.m.; beginning
swimming, Mondays and Wednes-
days at 3 and 7:30 p.m.; golf, Mon-
days and Wednesdays at 3 p.m.;
tennis, Mondays and Wednesdays at
4 p.m.
Tournaments will start next week
as soon as all entry blanks are in.
Saturday is the last day for entry
in tournaments. Blanks may be
mailed in or deposited at Barbour
Equipment for the following sports
may be rented at Barbour Gymna-
}um at 25 cents for the season: ten-
nis, badminton, archery, golf and
Recreational swimming for all
women is held at the Union pool at
8:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Only a doctor's permit is necessary
for participation. Intermediate swim-
ming classes are held at the Union
pool at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and
Many Steps Taught
At Dancing Class
Second in a series of beginning
dancing lessons was held at 7:30
p.m. yesterday in the ballroom of the
League, instead of Tuesday, the us-
ual time. .
The basic steps of the waltz, fox-
trot, and tango are being taught by
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-
tor of the League. Following the
lessons each Tuesday evening the
members of the class are free to use
the ballroom for informal dancing if.
they bring their own victrolas and
records, says Miss McCormick.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of' the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 am. Saturday
the famous John Dewey . . . has
been on medical and physical educa-
tion faculty of University of Chica-
go . .. is greatly interested in Ameri-
can Youth Hostels and acts on the
advisory board . . is president of
the American Association for Health
and Physical Education . . . has
written many articles on, medicine
and physical education for publica-
tion, in journals and bulletins . . .
serves on the Public Health Com-
mittee of Washtenaw County.
New Tresses
Place Accent
(Continued from Page 2)
are various water-front facilities for
a small charge. -For those who do
not wish to swim, there will be fa-
cilities for baseball, and an oppor-
tunity for hiking. The group will
meet at the northwest entrance of
the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m.
All graduate students and faculty
members are cordially invited. The
charge for food and transportation
will be 35 cents. There will be a
meeting regardless of the weather.
Professor and Mrs. Winter will give
a reception for the graduate students
of the Departments of Latin and
Greek, and for the members of the
Institute for Teachers of Latin, Won-
day, July 10, at 8 p.m. in the Michi-
gan League.
Faculty Concert. Professors Was-
sily Besekirsky, violinist, and Joseph
Brinkman,' pianist, will provide an
interesting program of piano and
violin music, complimentary to the
general public, Tuesday evening,
July -11, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium, in the first concert of the
Summer Faculty Series.
Excursion: Royal Ontario Museum
of Archaeology, Toronto, Canada, to
study important Chinese archaeolo-
gical collections. Party will leave
Ann Arbor Friday, July 14; return
Sunday, July 16, or Monday, July 17,
(optional). Expenses: round trip
bus fare approximately $8 plus meals
and lodging (tourist rates). Those
interested apply to Mr. Plumer, 401&
Museums Building 10-12 a.m. Thurs-
day, Friday, Saturday, or phone Mr.
Plumer's residence 3 to 5 p.m. on
the same days. All registrations
must be in by Saturday, July 8.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: No course may be
elected for credit after the end of
the second week. Saturday, July 8,
is therefore the last date on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later will not
affect the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts:
Students whose records carry re-
ports of I or X either from last semes-
ter or (if they have not been in
residence since that time) from any
former session, will receive grades of
E unless the work is completed by
July 26th.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-'
dressed to tthe Administrative Board
of the College, and presented in
Room 4, University Hall, before July
E. A. Walter.
School of Education, Changes' of
Elections (Undergraduates). No
course may be elected for credit af-
ter Saturday, July 8; no course may
be dropped without penalty after
Saturday, Jply 22. Any changes of
elections of students enrolled in this
school must be reported as the Regis-
trar's office, Room 4, University Hall.
Membership in class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with instructors are not
official changes.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion are requested to call immediate-
ly at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.,
to fill out application blanks for the
Certificate. (This notice does not
include School of Music students).
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive the
Certificate in Public Health Nurs-
ing at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion must make application at the
office of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S.
Householders: The Latin depart-
ment is holding an institute for
teachers of Latin, July 10-15. Will
anyone who will have rooms to let
for that period please communicate
with me at my office, 2026 Angell
Hall, (telephone Univ. Ext. 333) be-
tween the hours of 10 to 12 a.m. and
2 to 4 p.m.)
F. O. Copley.
Mail for Stu4ents, Faculty and
temporary residents at the Univer-
sity: All students and ne members
of the faculty should call %, the U.S.
Post Office and make out a pink
card, "Order to Change Address,"
Form 22, if they have not already
done so. This applies also to tempor-
ary residents in Ann Arbor who may
be doing reference or research work
on the Campus.
Unidentifiable mail is held in
Room 1, University Hall. If you are
expecting mail which you have not
received, please call at Room 1 Uni-
versity Hall, and make inquiry.
Mail is being held in the Summer
Session office, 12f3 Angell Hall for
the following:
Mr. Burgess Vine
On Femininity
If you are tired of being typed as
a sophisticate or an out-door girl
and want to make a radical about
face towards femininity, we have just
the thing that will do the trick..
We were browsing through one of
the local shops today and cane
across one of those very latest dress
models which .accent the popular
trend of little girl appeal. Slip into
a sheer blue and white figured batiste
with a fitted waist line and flared
skirt, topped off with a white pique
bolero and you'll be the belle of the
Wednesday tea dances.
For something coquettish in the
line of sports, which after all can't
be overlooked on these warm July
afternoons, we suggest one of the
new checked gingham dressmaker
bathing suits. They come in all of
the light pastel shades and the edge
of the skirt is trimmed with a ruffle
of the same material. Not only are
they neat looking, but also practical
as they are lined with jersey rayon
and dry quickly after you leave the
One of the most original costumes
of the season is a rose polka-dotted
badminton dress. It is the answer to
the shapely girl's prayer as it is fitted
with a zipper down the front and the
skirt hangs several iniches above the
knees. Matching bloomers make the
short skirt practical for active sports
For evening wear, or dressy after-
noon occasions, black sheers, whose,
popularity have outlived many sea-
sons, are still much in evidence. How-
ever, this summer Irish lace ruching
on the sleeves and neckline provides
an original touch.
Social Evening At I
To Feature Earl '
All Campus Women's Tournament
Women's Physical Education Department
Check in the squares below those activities you wish to enter.
[ Archery Tournament
(l Badminton Novice Tournament
] Badminton Advanced Tournament
f Golf Pitch and Putt Competition, Friday, July 7-3:00-4:00 p.m.
[1 Golf Women's Summer School Golf Team-try-outs
[ Golf Women's Open Singles
~ Tennis Women's Singles
F] Tennis Mixed Doubles (Partner's name ........................)
Mail or bring entries to Barbour Gymnasium not later than Saturday,
July 8th. Tournaments will be posted in the Women's Athletic Building
(Badminton in Barbour Gymnasium) by Tuesday, July 11th.
Name.'.....' ..'' . ..........''................'' '
Telephone Number ................
The first regular Friday night
social evening will be held from'9
p.m. to 1 a.m. today -in the League
Ballropm. Earl Stevens and his 10-
piece orchestra will furnish the music.
A dance contest will feature the
social evening- tomorrow night in
the League ballroom. Prizes will be
awarded to the smoothest dancers and
to the hottest jitterbugs. Judging will
take place at 10:45 p.m. Harriet Thom
is chairman of the dance.
Try A DAILY Classified
Good Food and Free Parking
417 E. Huron St. Phone 7781
Liberty at Maynard
O( urune-zmm SALE
11 1
Specially priced!
There.are 40 DRESSES in this group,
from size 10 to Size 20--.
Dark Sheers.. .. Pastel Crepes
Prints ... . Ginghams .... Chambray
There are
chiffons, nets, crepes, etc.
Novelty Cottons
(Many suitable for year-round wear.)
There are lovely, soft pastels, navies and
They sold formerly for nearly twice as
much as they are priced now.
Prices far less than usual on these distinctive fashions,
so particularly flattering to slim, young junior figures
-- Summer dresses for sports and spectator wear, for
town, for "dress-up" occasions; and they all have the
clever tricks of individual detail for which ELLEN KAYE
is famous. Sizes 9'to 17.
1 41
Your Unrestricted Choice
On Sale Today at Wahr's, Follett's,
Slater's, Ultich's, Union, Wolverine,
and Student Publications Building,
second floor.