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July 01, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-01

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AlliAround Student Considered Best
Canp'us Beauties, heroes and Grinds Trail; Character, Scholarship, Personality, Adaptability And
Initiative Top Athletics and Book Knowledge,Survey Of 186 American Schools Reveals.



Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Univers
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Satur

i 'E



nanaged by students of the University of
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Press, 1938-39
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p W. Buchen
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

Professional Training;
Yesr o .
facing educators today is that of
whether we are encouraging too many high
school students to expect attractive openings in
the professions. f
The answer coming from many sides, even
from the professionals themselves is "Yes." Many
e9ucators, too, are answering the problem af-
-However, Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education says "No." He declares we
are not educating too many andhat the prob-
lem " can be solved more wisely b increased em- *
phasis on vocational gidance and a reoganized
program of education with a greater variety of
possible programs of schooling."
Dean Edmonson predicts that within the next
15 years, almost every state in the Union will
llave passed laws requiring that boys and girls
te enrolled in educational institutions or guid-
ance bureaus until the age of nineteen, He fur-
ther predicts that many communities will add
thirteenth and fourteenth grades to their high
schools. It is expected that these additional
-grades will be devoted largely to vocational train-
The good that will be accomplished by thus
broadening the base of education is almost un-
.limited. And already much has been done to
establish vocational training in the high school.
Many now offer courses in printing, woodwork,
drafting, metal shop, clothing and dress design,
foods and preparation, and the like. The value of
such courses is especially to be observed in the.
more industrial cities of our state. Many young
graduates are placed in positions due to their
training in the high school.
Meanwhile, however, the professional men are
clamoring for the raising of standards required
of those entering the professions. State Board
Examinations are becoming harder and a con-
tinually smaller percentage of the entrants
graduate from our professional schools.
going without the proper/medical care. Or that,
there are no more teeth to be cared for, while
thousands of people have never entered a dentit's;
While students whose bent is along those lines
are being directed into the skilled and unskilled
jobs, more and more students are finding them-
selves capable and desirous of becoming profes-
sionals. The result is that we, especially college
students, are told how full the professional fields
are, what little chance there is to make good
therein, and what small percentages even are
able to graduate.
It seems a farce to tell a college student that
the medical field is overfull when he knows that
there are thousands upon thousands of people
The fault seems to lie with the individual who
expects too much from a profession. Insteal,
. however, it really lies with the school and the
church and the family wherein we are taught
that professional persons earn the most money
and gain the most respect from the community.
We are taught to aim for a high job and for a
certain salary, well above the average for the
profession. We look on the professional who does
not earn a certain stated sum, drive two cars,
live in a large home and possess a summer cot-
tage, as unsuccessful. When, as today, there are
too many of these practitioners without a prac-
tice to be labelled as incompetent, the field is
sad to be crowded. But we are judging only by
the incomes of the men and not by the manner
in which they perform their designated services

All around students, especially those who
worked their way through college, have a better
chance of getting a job after graduation than
the campus hero or the college "grind," accord-
ing toKing Merritt, Minneapolis executive who
made a survey of 186 American colleges and
Athletes and beauties, unlike a few years ago,
are not being sought unless they can offer to
their prospective employers some substantial
qualities, such as character, scholarship, adapt-
ability, leadership or personality, he found.
Although the job outlook for college graduates
is brighter than in either 1938 or 1937, American
employers are more exacting in their require-
ments, preferring employes capable of being de-
veloped into executives within the next decade
over those who seem to have decided limitations.
Characters Rated High
"Character as a prime qualification for a job,"
explained Mr. Merritt in reporting on total re-
plies, "was mentioned by 103 schools, scholar-
ship by 29, personality by 18, adaptability by 12
and leadership by 6. Secondary qualifications
put scholarship first with 66 mentions. Then
followed adaptability with 36, character with 33,
and personality with 19 mentions. A third quali-
fication group gave adaptability 49 and scholar-
ship 45 mentions. Twenty-three mentions of
campus popularity put it at the head of the
fourth qualification group. Athletic prowess head-
ed the fifth group with 24 mentions.
"Emphasis on character, which college place-
ment officers tell me is a recent trend, is re-
flected in replies from 129 co-educational insti-
tutions who cited two to eight or more qualities
now being sought by American employers. Quali-
ties mentioned and their percentage of total
mention in this group follow: character 90.7 per
cent, scholarship 89.1 per cent, adaptability 64,3
per cent, campus popularity 31.8 per cent, per-
sonality, 25.6 per cent, athletic prowess 22.5 per
cent, leadership 17.8 per cent, and extra-curricu-
lar activities, which includes outside jobs to pay
one's way through college, 14 per cent.
Officials Explain Preferences
"The 186 institutions gave scholarship 88.7 per
cent and character 83.9 per cent of the total
mentions. The 43 men's colleges gave scholarship
-93 per cent and character 74.4 per cent. Where
scholarship ranked ahead of character, uni-
versity placement officers frequently added such
explanations as: 'good character is assumed,' or
'good character is expected,' or 'character always
is taken for granted.' One bureau head report-
ed employers demanding students whose edu-
cation 'had developed a true philosophy of life.'
"An appointment official of a non-sectarian
college wrote: 'I have found a very pronounced
trend toward and more emphasis on character,
including .a preference for a religious back-
ground.' Several denominational colleges, widely
varying on dogmas, reported religious qualifica-
Stions' mentioned less frequently than heretofore.
"Officials of Ameican institutions of higher
learning were asked two questions: In order of
their importance, if possible, what are the quali-
fications principally sought by employers of
graduates?' and 'From your observations what
qualifications do employers the last few years
seem to be stressing more? Less?' Most comments
and explanations were made in answering the
second question.
Initiative And Self-Reliance
"The student who today works his or her way
through college," continued Mr. Merritt, "and
thus earns his or her educational expenses in
whole or part can be counted on to solve diffi-
culties after graduation, several officials em-
phasized. One typical reply to the query on what
qualifications were being stressed more follows:
"'Considerable emphasis is placed on the stu-
dent earning part of his way through college. This
is a business asset and improves the probability
of getting a position, even though the scholarship
has been handicapped somewhat by the pro-
"Numerous replies mentioned: 'outside work
done during the college course;' 'many employers
are much interested in experience outside of col-
lege'; 'extra-curricular activities as indicative
of ability outside classroom' and 'ability', 'de-
pendability,' as shown by scholastic records and
outside of college.' One wrote that 'the ideal
would be the student who is in the top third of
his.class and at the same time has earned part
of his way through school'

Personality And Adaptability
"The 186 institutions answering qualifications
stressed more gave the following, in terms of per-
centage of mentions: character 37.1 .per cent,
scholarship 333 per cent, personality 29 per cent,
adaptability 23.7 per cent, leadership 10.8 per cent
and worked way through 7.5 per cent. Percentages
for the 129 co-educational colleges follow: char-
acter 40.3 per cent, scholarship 35.7 per cent,
personality 28.7 per cent, adaptability 27.1 per
cent, worked way through 10.9 per cent, and
leadership 9.3 per cent. In the 43 men's schools,
the percentages were: scholarship 37.2 per cent,
character 32.6 per cent, personality 27.9 per cent,
adaptability 16.3 per cent, leadership 14 per
nent solution. We must rear our future pro-
fessionals to regard a professional job not as an
open sesame to social position and wealth but
as another field of human service.
So it is not that the school is educating too
many. It is not that the professional fields will
be greatly decreased by diverting the less capable
to skilled positions by means of vocational guid-
ance. It is that a new philosophy of educational
objectives should be evolved from this contro-
versy. -Malcolm Eliot Long

cent, industry 11.6 per cent, and extra-curricu-
lar activities 9.3 per cent. '
"Personality, that much used and abused word,
as one of my informants puts it, is mentioned
with increasing frequency but generally in conm-
bination with some other qualities like ability,
adaptability and appearance. The latter word
aroused the ire of the dean of a woman's col-
lege, who, after reporting she found increasing
stress on personality, added 'personality is
stressed ad nauseum in terms of striking appear-
ance or beauty.'
"Adaptability, cooperativeness, compatability'
and the ability to work harmoniously with others
are being stressed more, especially by large or-
ganizations, who emphasize team play even in
"The 186 institutions replying to the query on
qualifications stressed less, in terms of percen-
tage of mentions, cited qualities as follows: schol-
arhip 21 per cent, athletics 21 per cent, campus
popularity 12.9 per cent, and specialized training
7 per cent. Percentages for the 129 co-education-
al colleges follow: athletics 24 per cent, scholar-
ship 19.4 per cent, campus popularity 15.5 per
cent, and specialized training 9.3 per cent. In
the 43 men's schools the percentages were: ath-
letfs 16.3 per cent, scholarship 14 per cent, and
campus popularity 9.3 per cent. Eight women's
colleges reported scholarship stressed less.
Human Qualities Stressed
"The 'book worm' and the 'human encyclo-
pedia' with their brilliant and superlative schol-
arship are being sharply diferentiated from job
candidates who had average or above-average
grades plus ability, all around training, adapt-
ability, cooperativeness, dependability, enthusi-
asm, initiative, imagination, loyalty and reliabil-
ity. Mere book ability, factual knowledge, high
grades, numerous degrees and studiousness are
relatively unimportant unless accompanied by
other desirable qualities.
"Scholarship is less demanded, wrote one
placement officer 'except in large organizations
carrying on research work.' Another replied,
'scholarship usually is placed last except in the
teaching profession.' A dean of a teacher's col-
lege, after stressing scholarship and tating there
was no demand for teachers 'who were the least
bit wild' added that demand was less for teach-
ers 'who do not dance, play cards, or engage in
social affairs.'
"Most employers enjoy sports and admire good
sportsmanship, but 'athletic prowess counts only
when the candidate is applying for a coaching
position or teacher of physical education.' Em-
phasizing the diminishing value of athletic abil-
ity as a job-getter others said, 'mere success
in athletics without genuine ability is no longer
. valued' and 'the captain of an athletic team
seems to be nil as an influence.'
"YOUR CITY," by E. L. Thorndyke; published by
Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York City.
How's the "goodness of life" in your home
town? The man who can tell you is E. L. Thorn-
dyke, psychologist, whose book, "Your City,"
has just been published by Harcourt, Brace and
Co. According to his scoring system, Grand
' Rapids and Kalamazoo lead the state in com-
munity blessings and Pasadena comes nearer to
perfection than any city in the country.
Such ephemeral qualities as tolerance, neigh-
borliness and cooperativeness are not taken into
consideration by Thorndyke. He is concerned
with material benefits and presents a practical
. picture of the health standards, recreational
and educational facilities and economic levels of
individual American cities.
With a possible score of 1541, Pasadena rates
1110. Average score for the 310 cities studied is
670, which coincides with the score of Ham-
tramck. Lowest records made were by Augusta,
Ga., and Charleston, S.C., with only 330 a piece.
Thorndyke alleviates the feelings of these last
named communities by comparing with them
the possible score of "some Asiatic city" in which
half the babies born die within a year, where no
educational or health services are available with-
out cost and in which 98 per cent of the popula-
tion live in mud huts and eats food costing less

than 10 cents a day. "Scored by our system such
a city would rate about minus 1300, or 1600
lower than our lowest cities," says Dr. Thorndike.
The scores of the 15 Michigan cities which were
canvassed are as follows: Grand Rapids and
Kalamazoo, 810; Battle Creek and Highland
Park, 780; Dearborn, Jackson and Muskegon,
750; Lansing, 735; Detroit, and Port Huron, 720;
Flint, 690; Pontiac, 680; Hamtramck, 670; Sagi-
naw, 660, and Bay City 650.
The chance that a baby will die within a year
after it is born is four times as great in some
cities as in others; the probability that a girl 10
to 14 years of age would be working for a wage
was over 50 times as great in certain cities as it
was in Muncie and Richmond, Ind., and Spring-
field, O., and the frequency of homicides is over
100 times as great in some cities as in others,
according to Dr. Thorndyke's statistics.
Damp Powder Keg
Near the Manchoukuo- Mongolian Frontier,
July 1.-(R)-Heavy Japanese troop reinforce-
ments and artillery were dispatched today to
the border between Manchoukuo and Outer.
Mongolia where the forces of Japan and Soviet
Russia have been in sporadic conflict since
May 11.

p *
This column announces --with
more than a modicum of pride-dis-t
covery of a sure-fire, can't miss, wec
guarantee your money back, methodt
of catching a waitress's eye. Forx
years the problem had baffled us.
Admitting our appearance is some-x
ing less than prepossessing-if wet
stand by a news stand for more than
five minutes people start shoving
three pennies at us and asking fori
their Free Press-ady., we still foundi
it something of a shock to go into
Kresege's for our daily coffee and
cakes and be disregarded for hours
at a time. Kresege's doesn't adver-
tise in The Daily, so we're not afraid
to say it. We were hurt. 3Nobody1
even threw usea bone. .
Sometimes we sat there in melan-
'choly, watching other people eat pie,
cake, spinach and other goodies while
we toyed with an empty water glass,p
wondering what to do. Once we con-
templated screaming and generally
going berserk or even amuck but we
realized there are some things even
a cad wouldn't do in Kresege's. An-
other time we were going to faint
away but a friend mentioned he once
tried that in Childs' and the waitress'
threw a plate of asparagus on him?
to revive him. That dissuaded us.
But at last we've been successful l
We sat down the other day and wait-
ed and waited and waited. Finally
one of the lovely witresses-the dark
haired one with the piquant nose-
came over.
"Can I take your order?" she
With an air of delicately restrained
incredulity we answered "Why, yes."
Then we began ordering. After the
two hot dogs with mustard she was
straining at the leash. At the root
beer she was taking every word with
gusto. When we got around to the
cherry pie she looked at us with
what, in all modesty, seemed to bea
nothing less than awe. And when
we got to the World's Fair sundae
she positively stared.
"You know," she said, "I thought
you said you wanted a World's Fair
sundae . Silly, isn't it. Ha, Ha."
"Is a World's Fair sundae not com-
posed of ice cream surmounted by
various gaudy sweet-meats?" we in-
quired with a nice air of gentile in-
"Yes," she said, getting to the
heart of things. "Yes, yes it is."
"Then," we said. "Bring on the
World's Fair sundae." It was quite
a task eating hot dogs, mustard, root
beer, cherry pie and a World's Fair
sundae but we managed and were.
hardly sick at all. It worked, too.
Now the minute we go in the door
she rushes over, pulls out her order
book, and breathlessly waits to see
just what that poor fool is going to
have today. "
* * *
CHATTER: Bernard Freedman,
who's just won a $1,000 Harvard fel-
lowship, at the Bell . . . he's a phi-
losophy student .. . Laury Mascott,
a regular session student, writes a
fervent plea for an M sticker . .
he's working near the scene of the
hitch- hkemurder . . . and figures
he'll spend the rest of his life in
Hastings, Mich. unless he can con-
vince somebody he's a student
Barb Bradfield, the Delta Gamma,
is on a bicycle tour of Europe .
with Alberta Wood, another B.W.O.C.1
. Summer Session inseparables ...
Betty Baldwin, one of the campus''
"10 most beautiful" . . . and Casey
Carter ..

VOL. XLIX. No. 6
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end
of the second week. Saturday, July
8, is therefore the last date on which'
new elections may be dproved. The
willingness of an individual to ad-
mit a student later will not affect
the operation of this rule.
Mathematics 300, Orientation Sem-
inar., Will meet on Thursday, July 6,
from 3 to 4 o'clock, in 3201 A.H.
Political Science 255s (The Govern
ment and Administration of Ger-
many). The next meeting of this
seminar will be held in Room 2019
Angell Hall, 3-5 p.m., Monday, July 3.
Courses 215 and 216, Laboratory
Courses in Roman Antiquities will
meet in Newberry Hall, Friday, July;
7, at 7 p.m., instead of Wednesday,
July 5.
Swimming and Life-S avi n g
Courses: Intermediate swimming
and Red Cross Life-Saving courses
will be given in the Union Pool this
summer for men only. The swim-
ming class will meet Mondays from
3 to 4 and Wednesday from 2 to 3.
The- Life-Saving class will meet
Mondays and Thursdays from 4 to
6. Classes begin Monday, July 3.
Mail for Students, Faculty and
temporary residents at the Univer-
sity: All students and ne members
of the faculty should call t.c the U.S.
Post Office and make out a pink
card, "Order to Change Address,"
Form 22, if they have not already
done so. This applies also to tempor-
ary residents in Ann Arbor who may
be doing reference or research work
on the Campus.
Unidentifiable mail is held in
Room 1, University Hall. If you are
expecting mail which you have not
received, please call at Room 1 Uni-
versity Hall, and make inquiry.
Mail is being held in the Summer
Session office for the following:
Mr. Adelburt Purga
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Treutleiu
Miss Jean A. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Borton
Mr. Robert Highberger
Mr. Burgess Vine
Mr. Robert Stacy
Lecture: "The New Day and the
New Education." James B. Rogers,
Director of the Physical Education
Service of the National Recreation
4ssociation. The lecture will be giv-
en in the University High School
Auditorium, Monday, July 3, at 4:05
The summer series of record con-
certs in the West Conference Room
of ,the Rackham Building will open
Saturday, July 1st at 3 p.m. and will
be held weekly hereafter at that time.
Saturday's program will feature works
of Mozart, Brahms and Debussy. The
program may be heard from the ter-
race as well as in the conference
room. All students are invited, and
new students interested in record
collecting are'- especially urged to
International Center: The Interna-
tional Center will be open through
the Summer Session from 8 a.m. to
9 p.m. daily except on Saturday,
when it will close at noon, and on
Sunday, when it will remain closed
till 7 o'clock in the evening. Foreign

students in the Summer Session, and
members of the various institutes In-
terested in the international groups
are cordially invited to use the Ce-
ter. Its facilities are entirely h nrfr to MdsnS ee.
The entrance is on Madison Street
just off State.
4J. Raleigh Nelson.
Graduate Outing Club will have -a
picnic, including baseball and swim-
ming, at Saline Valley Farms on
Sunday, July 2. There will be an .op-
portunity to inspect this cooperative
farming project. The group will eet
at the north-west entrance of the
Rackham Building at 2:30 P.M. All
graduate students and faculty mem-
benrs are cordially invited. !Ghatgke,
35c. There will be a meeting regd
less of the weather.
Language Teas at the Internation-
al Center: Two teas are announced
at the International Center for next
week, a Japanese tea for Mondy and
a Chinese tea for Friday, from 4 to
6 o'clock. The classes in Chinese and
Japanese languages are invi1 d to
come for practice in conversation.
Other students and members of the
faculty having a speaking knowledge
of Chinese or Japanese will also be
Graduate Tea in Mathematics. An
informal tea will be given by the
staff members of the Department of
Mathematics and their wives for the
graduate students in mathematics
(and their wives or husbands) in-
the garden of the Michigan League
on Thursday, July 6, from 4 to 6
Church Worship Services will be
held in Zion Lutheran Church, East
Washington and South Fifth Ave
at 10:30 with sermon by Rev. E. C.
Church worship services in Trinity
Lutheran Church, E. William at S
Fifth Ave. will be held at 8:15 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. with sermons by the
pastor Rev. Henry O. Yoder.
The Lutheran Student Association
has planned an outing for all Lu-
theran Students, their wives and
friends. Cars will leave from Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 4:30 for a
site near Portage Lake. A picnic
supper will be served for 25 cents.
After the supper Rev. Ralph Sell,
Lutheran missionary to China en-
rolled in the summer school will
speak on Present Day China. Make
your reservations at once by calling
Rev. Henry Yoder. 2-3680
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "The Good
Wesley Foundation. Class at 9:45
a.m. at Stalker Hall next to the
Methodist Church. Dr. E. W. Blake-
man will begin a series of discussions
on the theme "New Testament Reli-
gion." The subject for this week; will
be "Jesus' Idea of God." Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 6 p.m. in the
church. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will
speak on "Christ in a Modern Edu-
cational Institution." . Fellowship
hour and supper following- the meet-
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Mor-
ing Worship Service. Dr. Rbet
Worth Frank of the Presbyterian
Theological Seminary, Chicago, will
'be the guest preacher. Dr. Frank will
speak on the topic "A Text For This
Age." Special music by the choir d-
rected by Hardin Van Deursen with
William Barnard at the organ.
5:30 p.m., beginning of our Special
Summer School Vesper Services. A
cost supper will be served at the
Council Circle at the rear of the

church (weather permitting). Fol-
lowing the supper the meeting will
start at 6:15 with Dr. Charles W.
Sanford, principal of the University
High School at the University of Illi-
nois, leading a panel discussion on
"What Emphasis on Religious Edu-
cation is Posible in the Public
First Congregational Church, State
and William Streets. Minister, Rev.
Leonard A.'Parr, D.D.
Public worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr.
Parr will preach on the subject, "A
Recipe for Great Living." John H.
Secrist will sing "Judge Me, O God"
by Dudley Buck -and the choir will
sing "The Lord's Prayer" by Tschai-
'kowsky, Miss Mary Porter will play
"Cantabile" by Franck and "Fugue"
(The 94th Psalm) by Deubke.
First Baptist Church 502 E. Huron
St. Speaker, Rev. Paul B. Irwin of
the First Baptist Church of Flint.
Time: 10:45 a.m. Topic.: First
Person Singular.


750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
k Saturday Afternoon
12:00 Enoch Light Soloist Noonday News News Commentator
12:15 " Stamps Organ Turf Reporter
12:30 What Price Bradcast variety Show Joe Reichman
12:45 " Campus Notes Fan on Street Garden Club
1:00 Bull Session Dance Music ulxuv uoaopq Concert Orchestra
1:15- Chicago, at Detroit
1:30 world's Fair h " Indiana Indigo Anthony Candelori
1:45 " * Music Please ",
2:00 ">To be announced From London
2:15 Merrymakers
2:30 Brush Creek " Melodies "
2:45 >
3:00 Gazelle Stakes " Club Matinee Songs
3:15 >,, >,~
3:30 Dancepators Tiger Talk " The Hitmakers
3:45 > Chicago at Detroit '
4:00 To e announced t Geo. Duffy Jamboree
4:15 >" >'"'"
4:30 Nat Brandwynne " Benny Carter
4:45 >,',.'>
5:00 Melody, Rhythm " El Chico Jack Teagarden
5:15 It'>Turf Reporter
5:30 Syncopation "' Day in Review Church
5:45 Vocal Embers fInk Spots Baseball Final Gene Irwin
Saturday Evening

6:00 News
6:15 Grace Berman
6:30 County Seat
6:45 "
7:00 Paul Muni
7:15 Glee Clubs
7:30 ProfessorsQuiz
7:45 "
8:00 Phil Baker

Tyson Review
Dance Music
Dick Tracy
Avalon Time
Vox Pap

Luigi Romanelli
Secret Agent
Town Talk
The Sandlotters
Brent House
Barn Dance

Little Revue
Baseball Scores
Friendly Music
Mac Turner
Hawaii Calls

First Church of Christ, S
409 S. Divisio nSt. Sunday

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