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July 01, 1939 - Image 1

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rally fair and somewhat
ter today And tomorrow.



:I at

Professional Training;
Yes Or No..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

XIJX. No. 6




te Politicos
ve ansing
er Session

Nearly Two Thousand Students
Attend Annual Faculty Reception

'Stress Facts,,pn P

K lk P rPircqi'

Compromise School Bill,
Balanced Budget Final
Bu iness Of Meeting
Average Reduction
In Tuition Is 12%
LANSING, June 30.-(/P)-The
60th Legislature won its race against
time and balanced the budget on a
contingent basis, adopting a comro-
mise school financing bill before its
final adjournment at noon today.
- The measure allows the schools a
flat appropriation of $39,000,000 a
year, plus $2,000,000 of any revenues
in excess of present expectations.
Budget Director Grover C. Dillman
said the bill would leave a small
"cushion" in the general fund exclu-
sive of the $2,000,000 contingent al-
School Bill Passes
In less than half an hour the bill,
bearing a complicated compromise
formula for distributing school mon-
ey, zipped' through both the House
and Senate as the Republican ma-
jority smothered debate. The Sen-
ate adjourned a half .minute after
Its 1st business was transacted. The
House had about 20 minutes to spare.
Attorney General Thomas Read
delivered an opinion that opened the
formula issue to revision. He held
that parliamentarians erred in their
previous ruling that a conference
committee which drafted the com-
promise bill had no right to alter
the formula, to which big city and
small rural school districts had ob-
jected. The committee closeted it-
self in the Governo's office and drew
the new formula.
$78 Per Pupil
The bill etains the controversial
feature on an equalization fund for
the benefit of "poor" districts that
would equal 15 per cent of $45,000,-
000, but carries a provision that all
of the multiple funds in the bill
should be scaled down on a pro rata
basis in the event there was not
sufficient money to carry out pro-
visions of the act. It sets the av-
erage uition allowance at $78 per
Estimated allocations of school aid
for sample cities, determined by Dr.
Eugene B. Elliott, Superintendent of
Public Instruction, disclosed that
large communities would receive a
sointwhat deeper cut than smaller
ones. Elliott said the tuition of high
school pupils fromrural districts fa-
vored the smaller cities.
No Lotteries
The superintendent estimated the
reduction in general would' amount
to 16 per cent. Although tuition pay-
ments are based on per capita ,costs,
which vary in different cities, he
said a "good guess" as to the average
reduction in tuition would be 12 per
A demand by Sen. Henry F. Shea,
Democrat, Laurium, that the legis-
lature by resolution instruct the bud-
get director to hintitute a system of
state lotteries to produce not less
than $5,000,000 a year for schools
was squelched promptly and tabled.
In New Fight
NLB Hearing Of Conflict
In Automobile Industry
WASIIINGTON, June 30.-lP)--
The latest skirmish in a struggle be-
tween the CIO and AFL for suprem-
acy in the automobile industry was
fopght out today before the Na-
tional Labor Board, which heard con-

flicting demands that it intervene
to settle the dispute and that it keep
hands off.
Before the board were petitions'
from the CIO-UAW demanding
board elections to determine which
side should represent some 65,600
workers employed by Chrysler Corp.,
Briggs Manufacturing Co., and Mo-
tor Products Co.'
Edward N. Barnard, Detroit coun-
ge1 fn + A TITA . nr h~ietnr In

Dances Follow At League
And Union; Tournament
Bridge Contests Are Held
Nearly two thousand students at-
tended the annual faculty reception
last night in the, RackhamBuilding,
which was followed by dancing at the
Union and League.
Punch was served at both the re-
ceptionhandsdances andbtournament
bridge contests were held at the
League and Union. A committee com-
posed of students from different parts
of the country went into action at
the League to help mix people. They
were Elsie Michalke of Wyoming,
May Noon of Maryland and T. M.
Evans, Kansas, all members of Dr.
James E. Rogers recreation class.
Detroit Mecea
For Students
On Excursion
Group To Leave At 8 A.M.
Today; Art And Science
Centers Will Be Visited
Leaving at 8 a.m. today for a day
in the metropolis of Detroit, fourth
largest city of the United States,
members of the party taking the
second Summer Session excursion
will return about 5:30 p.m. with as
great a knowledge of that city as
can be garnered in a single day.
The party will meet in front of
Angell Hall where it will board busses
for the 35 mile trip. Persons wishing
to drive their own cars and follow
the busses are invited to so do. First
stop in Detroit will be at the De-
troit Institute of Arts on Woodward
At the Art Institute the Rivera
frescoes, subject of much 'controver-
sy several years ago, will be inter-
preted by a staff member who will
also act as a guide through the va-
rious collections of modern and me-
dieval European art, late and early
Roman and Greek art, Asiatic art,
and colonial, 19th century and con-
temporary American art.
The party will then proceed by
bus down Woodward Ave., through
the downtown business district and
out E. Jefferson Ave., following the
Detroit River, to Belle Isle. A tour
around the Island will give excur-
sionists a chance to see the play-
grounds, the Scott Memorial Foun-
tain, the zoo and the buildings of
the Detroit Yacht Club and the De-
troit Boat Club.
Riding westward on spacious E.
Grand Boulevard, the party willar-
rive at the Fisher Building, whose
golden tower, illuminated at night,
is one of Detroit's landmarks. From
this tower a view of the city may
be had, and the studios of 'radio
station WJR will be observed. Lunch
will follow in the Fisher Building
In the afternoon the party will
proceed northward to Royal Oak
where the Detoit Zoological Park
is situated. There animals and birds
from all parts of the world are ex-
hibited in reproductions of their
natural habitat,many of which are
not fenced off, but are protected by
moats. The party will be taken to
various points in the zoo on a minia-
ture railroad.
The excursion will end with the re-
turn trip by bus to Ann Ann Arbor.
Expenses will total about $2, in-
cluding round trip bus fare, ad-
mission to the zoo and luncheon.

Julian Frederick was in charge at
the Union.
Receiving in the Women's Lounge
of the Rackham Building were mem-
bers of the library science depart-
ment, School of Music and speech
and play production. Faculty mem-
bers included Prof. and Mrs. Rudolph
Gjelsness, Miss Florence R. Curtis,
Mr. Samuel W. McAllister, Mrs. Cath-
arne J. Pierce, MissKathryn Schultz,
Prof. and Mrs. G E. Densmore, Dr.
Harlan Bloomer, Prof. and Mrs. R. D.
T. Hollister, Prof. and Mrs. Henry
Moser, Dr.. and Mrs. John Henry
Muyskens, Prof. Valentine B. Windt,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic O. Crandall,
'Whitford Kane, and Prof. Palmer
In the East Conference Room were
located -the English department and
Renaissance Studies. Included in thei
receiving line were Dean and Mrs.i
Eric A. Walter, Prof. and Mrs. Louis1
I. Bredvold, Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe,1
Prof. Warner G. Rice, Prof. and Mrs.
A. H. Marckwardt, Prof. and Mrs.
Bennett Weaver, Prof. and Mrs. Nor-
man E. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Karl;
The School of Education received
students in the second floor Study1
Hall. Faculty members participatingi
were Dean and Mrs. James B. Edmon-
son, Prof. and Mrs. Willard Olson,
Prof. and Mrs. Francis Curtis, Prof.I
and Mrs. George Carrothers, Prof.;
and Mrs. Leo Dunham, Prof. andI
Mrs. Irving Anderson, Dr. and Mrs.
Claude Eggertsen, Prof. and Mrs.i
Randolph Webster, Prof. Warreni
Good, Prof. and Mrs. Marshall Byrn,;
and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnston.
Visiting faculty included Dr. and
Mrs. Paul Rankin of Detroit, Dr. and
Mrs. John Jessup of the University;
(Continued on Page 4)
Still In Hiding,
Smith Indicted
By Grand Jury
Wife, Relatives, Broker
Also Named In Scandal
At Louisiana University
BATON ROUGE, La., June 30.-(P)
-Fugitive Dr. James Monroe Smith,
his wife, nephew, son-in-law and
brokerage intermediary were indicted
today by the grand jury investigating
a million-dollar scandal at Louisiana
State University, which Smith head-
ed for nine years.
The special East Baton Rouge par-
ish jury, called into session after
Smith resigned his presidency and
fled last Sunday night, not only in-
dicted the tall, 51-year-old protege of
the late Huey Long ut also voted-bills
against Mrs. James Monroe Smith,
who disappeared with him; her
nephew, J. Emory Adams; Smith's
son-in-law, Owen W. Ware, and J. M.
Brown, the brokerage intermediary.
Smith himself was indicted for em-
bezzlement of $100,000 of the uni-
versity funds. Mrs. Smith, her son-
in law and nephew were indicted for
assisting the "principal offender"
while Brown was indicted for "aid-
ing and abetting in the embezzle-
Witnesses testified that Smith,
earning $15000 a year as president,
had had access to $1,209,000 of the
school's bonds, used $591,000 of them
as market collateral, and, when the
market went against him, redeemed
the bonds' with $500,000 in cash ob-
tained from three banks by signing
invalid notes.
Smith's whereabouts was as great
a puzzle as ever, although reports in-
dicated he had passed through Wind-
sor. Ont.

Detroit News Mlan Speaker
At Journalism Institute ; Lb u e asses Arm s


T Te s AcviseP eov el
ToTea chers Power To Devalue 1olarAi

More Meetings Today
Session To Close
With Luncheon

No greater service can be rendered
the public than the discovery and
dissemination of facts, Lee A White
of the Detroit News declared last
night at a.dinner of the First Insti-
tute on Secondary School Journal-
ism, sponsored by the journalism de-
partment and the National Associa-
tion of Journalism Directors, closing
the day's activities.
Speaking of journalism in the
pchools, Mr. White pointed out that
students will imitate professionals
and will judge themselve in com-
parison to professionals. This is un-
fortunate, he said, inasmuch as it
entirely overlooks the changing trends
in the newspaper world.,
Yet To Be Convinced
"I have yet to be convinced," he
told the group, "that young people
are receiving instruction in the hand-
ling of f'acts and truths."
During the afternoon talks were
given 'on "Trends in Magazine Writ-
ing" by Prof. Donal H. Haines of the
journalism department and "Trends
in Annuals" by Miss Harriet L. Blum
of Eastern High School"Detroit..
Professor Haines recommended
avoiding too great competition in the
field of writing for the beginner. He
discussed news magazines and warned
against imitation in high school mag-
azines at the expense of educational
value. Miss Blum compared various
types of school annuals and illustrat-
eed her talk with the Eastern High
.School annual.
A paper on "Teaching Critical
Reading of the Press" by Stanley
Oates of MacKenzie High School,
Detroit, was read, as .Mr..ates was
unable to attend. In it Mr. Oates
said, "It is up to us to see that the
ranks of the ignorant and the files
of the foolish are kept down as much
as possible."
Opposes Imitation
At the morning session a series of
talks was given around the centra
theme, "Appraisal of Educational
Values of Publication Activities.'
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal-
ism department, speaking on "The
Professor's Viewpoint" oppoed the
imitation of metropolitan newspapers
in the school, saying "your purpose
is educational; the purpose of a
newspaper is commercial."
Edgar C. Thompson, principal o
Pershing High School, Detroit, told
of the "Administrator's Viewpoint,
mentioning the influence of the paper
(Continued on Page 3)
First Parley
To Be Opened
On Thursday
Paton, Pollock William
Will Speak At Session
Students To Take Part
Professors William A. Paton of th
business administration s c h o o.
James K. Pollock of the political sci
ence department, and Mentor L. Wil
liams of the English department wi
open the first Summer Parley, speak
ing at the general session at 4:1
p.m. Thursday in the Union.
Professor Paton will present th
Conservative's point of view on th
general theme of the parley, "Whic
Way Progress: Social Responsibilit
or Individualism?" Professor Poloc
will give the point of view of th
Liberal, and Professor Williams wi
present the Radical point of view.
Chairmen and student and facult
speakers for each of the four separ
ate panel groups which will com
prise the major part of the two-da
program have also been announce
Ruth Cunningham will be chairma
of the panel on education, with Oli
Murdock the student speaker. Edit:
M. Bader, assistant superintenden
of the Ann Arbor' schools, will b
the faculty speaker.
In the International Relation

panel, Benjamin Ciardi will presid
and Jack Sessions and Prof. Arthu
Smithies of the economics depart
ment will he the sneakers Flnv

New Deal Leaders Beaten F
In Attempt To Exclude Tense Europe's
Arms Embargo Measure
Neutrality Is Now
UpTo Senators Is StillDanzig
Alarmed European statesmen pon-
WASHINGTON, June 30.-(AP)- dered a welter of rumors and brist-
The House passed the Neutrality Bill ling official pronouncements last d
tonight after overriding Administra- night in search of an answer to the i
tion wishes and including a modified question: Is there a new crisis in the b
arms embargo provision. The vote wind and where?
on final passage was announced by Putting two and two together, theyw
Speaker Bankhead as 200 to 188. found little concrete evidence of an s
The measure now goes to the Sen- impending showdown. At least they
ate where an adamant "isolationist could not put a finger on such omi-
bloc" of Senators already has threat- nous signs as preceded European a
ened to prolong the session all sum- crises of the recent past.c
mer rather that permit the bill's pas-- . l .n C
sagein he ormdesredby heĀ°Ad- Landon official circles insisted e
sage ithe form desired by th' Ad- with emphasis there would be "no e
'Escape Rout retreat" by Britain in Europe, but e
Defeated in their efforts 'to prevent lack of clues on Adolf Hitler's im-c
inclusion of the arms embargo, mediate plans and technicalities of w
House Administration leaders nar- the British guarantee to Poland gave e
rowly escaped a complete rout. A rise to speculation over whether Dan- v
motion to send the bill back to the zig was an imminent danger spot. o
Foreign Affairs Committee-which British officials said a declaration u
would have had the effect of defeat- by Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax
ing the bill and continuing the ex- Thursday that Britain's "first task ti
isting neutrality law-was turned is to resist aggression" was intended s
down by only two votes, in the first place to eliminate any t
The harried leaders desperately doubt as to whether she would fight s
fought through an uproarious ses- for Danzig.
sion lasting far into the evening to One important question concern- d
remove the arms embargo restriction, ing Danzig appeared, however, to lie t
kg thr atte t outside his statement-what would t
DramagEnters Debate happen if Germany used "ingenuity," b
Each tim Ene they were beaten, as a Nazi spokesman put it, instead
though Speaker Bankhead, a veter- of force? t
an of the Congress which declared The British foreign office would t
war against Germany, went down not say whether that would be re- 1
on the. floor and pleaded in a dra-. garded as aggression but it was em- e
matic speech for elimination of the pliasized that Britain would be con- i
restriction,.cal plled to fight for Poland if she de- d
The roll call vote, ratifying tenta- cided to resist with force.-f y
tive approval given yesterday to an
amendment by Representative Vorys Plan R c
(Rep., Ohio) prohibiting the expor- Pl ns Re dy n
tation to belligerents during wartime t
1 of "arms" and ammunition," was For New Club ;
1 214 to 173. F
The provision represented a modi- b
fication, however, of the existing law Commercial Grads Name t
which bans sales to belligerents of
"implements of war" as well as "arms Officers, Make Program f
s and munitions." t
Organization of a Commerciala
Graduates Club, with election of of- d
1939 Summer Directory ficers and an outline of a program k
f Is Available Wednesday for the summer, has been complet- v
Tmcf ed, it was announced yesterday. a
The Summer Directory, official At a meeting held Wednesday, the t
rstudent guide, will go on sale Wed- A etn edWdedy h
nesday morning at the Michigan group chose Donald McDonald of
Union and various corners of the Owosso as president; Lawrence Win-
campus for 35 cents a copy it was ters of St. Charles, vice-resident
announced toda cAmonpy,. Con- and Jean Brown of Mount Pleasant, F
-rath 40Eeditor secretary-treasurer. A program, com- -
This is the firsttime in the history mittee of Lawrence Winters, Irene0
of the publication that the Sunmer enan and Howdy Loomis was hos-r
Directory has been available to the plans for the summer call for a
student group at such an early date Plns fo t Lmcall for
in te, SmmerSesson.picnic July 11 at Loch Alpine with
in the Summer Session, members meeting at 5 p.m. in Uni-
versity High School. Tickets can bec
Dancing, Bridge Classes secured from the officers. er
Be O itte Tueday At 4:15 p.m. July 17 the group
To will take part in discussion with a
_________________________tea dance following. Later in the
e Fireworks will take precedence over summer J local business house willI
1 dancing and bridge Tuesday. be visited as will a mimeographing
B h' c office in Detroit. Two additional
[- Bath the beginners dancing class-
- and duplicate bridge course will be meetings are planned.
l omitted on July 4 because of the holi- At the organization gathering the
- day. Intermediate dancing lessons group heard Dr. McKee Fisk, visit-
5 will be given under the direction of ing instructor in the education
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direct- school and head of the Oklahoma A'
e or of the League, at 7:30 p.m. Wed- and M commercial department speak.
e nesday as usual. Lessons in bridge Jean Brown was chairman of the
h will be offered at 8 p.m. Thursday. meeting.
e Fable Of Wild Horses Blasted
y Through Prof. Aiton s Research

y By STAN M. SWINTON by Coronado to prove the falseness
d. One of the United States most pop- of charges that New Spain was being
n ular fables-the theory that the herds depopulated by enlistments in his
n of wild horses which roamed through forces, showed the expedition pos-
h sessed a number of harquebues, an-
t the infant West were progeny of cestors of modern firearms; 15 cross-
strays from Coronado's expedition- bows, swords, lances, daggers and
e was blasted today by Prof. Arthur S. Mexican weapons.
Aiton of the history department. The history professor discovered
is Professor Aiton had discovered and that the historically-important docu-
e, translated a muster role of the Span- ment he found had been in his hands
r ish conquistador's expedition made 19 years ago. Failing to appreciate
on Feb. 22, 1840, at Compostela, its importance then, he attached a
d Al- v n __ -- i - - -, - - a { na 'k 1.vin r nm .vi --.ndn-n- }1 n t - .

'resident Roosevelt Signs
Relief Bill, Asserting
It Will 'WorkHardship'
10 Billion Dollar
Debt Tops Record
WASHINGTON, July 1.-(Satur-
ay) - (P) - President Roosevelt's
ower to devalue the dollar died at
idnight, stamped out in the Senate
y relentless Republican filibusters
ho gleefully left the last, killing
peech to an implacable Democratic
oes of the Chief Executive.
That speech was delivered by Sen-
tor Tydings (Dem., Md.) who de-
lared in stern, measured tones that
ongress must keep its historic pow-
rs over money to itself.
With thedollar devaluation pow-
r expired the $2,000,000,000 ex-
hange stabilization fund, with
hich the Treasury for five years had
ndeavored to protect the foreign
alue of the dollar against the raids
fother governments and of spec-
And 'with both went the expecta-
ions of Western silverites for ob-
tatutory price for the product..th
aining immediately an increased
tatutory price for the product of
heir silver mines. In a vote-trading
teal earlier in the week they and
he Republicans had drastically al-
ered the Administration monetary
A law enacted in 1934 established
he stabilization fund and authorized
he devaluation of the dollar, but
pecited that both authorities should
xpire last midnight. .The Admin-
stration monetary bill was intro-
luced to continue them for two
Earlier in the week the Republi-
an-silverite alliance amended the
neasure to strike out the devalua-
ion authority and fix the silver price.
Senate-House conferees eliminated
he anti-devaluation amendment,
ut left in the measure an increased
reasury price for silver.
So, left out in the cold by the con-
erence report, and contending that.
he devaluation authority was a men-
uce to business and business confi-
dence, the Republicans had only to
keep talking until midnight, pre-
vent a vote on the new legislation
and let the President's power over
he dollar expire.
Relief Bill Signed
WASHINGTON, June 30. -(P)--
President Roosevelt signed the relief
bill tonight, thereby making $1,755,600
00 available to WPA and other agen-
cies for the fiscal year starting to-
At the same time he asserted in a
statement that the measure contained
four provisions "which will work
definite hardship ana inequality on
more than 2,000,000 American citi
He said that the measure had
reached him from Congress at 10
p.m. and "obviously I cannot with-
hold my signature and stop work
relief for the needy unemployed."
Deficit Third Highest
WASHINGTON, June 30.-(P)-
Fiscal New Year's Eve found the
Treasury's income $3,580,000,000 short
of costs tonight, and the gross na-
tional debt roughly $40,378,000,000.
The deficit was the third highest
in peace-time history and the debt
Weas the largest in history.
The Federal bookkeepers turned
the ledger pages to the next fiscal
year, which is expected to show high-
er expenditures and a larger deficit.
Not counting the $3,860,000,000 extra
budgetary lending program suggest-

ed by the President, the next year's
expenditures, on the basis of pending
appropriations, are expected by offi
cials to exceed revenues by roughly
Clara A. FloranCe -
Heads Dormitory
Clara Arnesen Florence, SM, has
been named president of Betsy Bar-
bour dormitory for the summer. it

Language Reconstruction
Described By Bloomfield

With a description of what he
termed the "complicated but excit-
ing" task of reconstructing hypo-
thetical original sounds of the par-
ent language, Prof. Leonard Bloom-
field, chairman of the department of
linguistics of the University of Chi-
cago, last evening initiated the first
of a series of Linguistic Institute lec-
tures on the comparative study of
the Algonkian Indian languages.
The far-reaching research project
which Professor Bloomfield and his
co-workers are engaged in is one of
unique significance to language
scholars throughout the world, since
it is an endavnor to annly to nan nut-

gonkian language have been worked
out from the minute study of the
present tongues, principally Fox,
Cree, Menominee and Ojibway.
The consonant "I" in the parent
language, for example, develops pho-
netically into "1" or "y" in Cree, "t"f
in Blackfoot, "n" in Atsina, which is
a dialect of Araphoe, "1" in Shawnee,
and "n" in the Great Lakes group in-
cluding Fox, Menominee, and Ojib-
way. Thus the hypothetical form
"elenyiwa" (man) becomes "iyiniw"
in Cree, but "ineniwa" in Fox and
"inini" in Ojibway.
Another illustration provided by
Professnr Rlonmfie1 renresented the

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