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August 18, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-18

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British Lads To Wear Tin Hats; In Case Of War They'll Make Some More

I'- T u 'Th


Looking Qiass



Intended for use o British air raid wardens and others who must be outside during a bombing attack, 1,000,000 tin hats are being produced at
plant in Dagenham, Essex.

Here are some new colors to accent those beloved basics, black and
brown: jelly apple, maple sugar, Baccus grape, green tea, and toddy tan. The
names are descriptive enough to tell you what the colors are. They all have
the rich tang of fall and work wonders by spicing up your wardrobe.
The pork-pie hat which made its debut last year has now
threatened to replace the favorite roller for casual wear. In case
dl you aren't familiar with the queer sounding term, it's a flat-crowned
rather large brimmed hat usually of soft felt and copied from those
of the dandies of a few centuries back. You'll love it to wear with
reversibles and perennial polo coats as well as all your suits, par-
ticularly if the roller doesn't show you at your best.
Something quite new by way of costume jewelry is shavings-
the kind you used to pick up from the carpenter's scraps and stick
in your hair for curls. Some smart designer hit on the idea of hav-
ing them processed, lacquered and shaped so that they look like flowers. Now
they're going to be worn as very smart boutonnieres on tweeds, especially.
Another phase of the forestry idea is the use of lacquered pine cones and
acorns strung to form necklaces or mounted to make clips. These, too,
are grand for tweeds.
Airplanes are now leaving their mark on fall dresses. Aviation symbols
such as propellors or wings are being used to brighten informal woolens by
way of novelty.
If your budget allows for anything as extravagant as a costume suit, one
of the smart fall finds is a bronzine green wool dress with a beaver-like
mouton jacket in brown. The flared-back jacket you'll wear with
other dresses-even your formals-and then the dress will be
practical under your winter coat.
Latest of the Robin Hood inspirations is the draw-string money
bag like the wallet the gay adventurer was supposed to have used.
It's made of green suede lined in bright red. Get Robin Hood red
makeup to put in it and you'll be all set for fall.
Cardigans this fall are "Sloppy Joes." They're English style
-long, wide and droopy, but oh, so smart. The English influence
is strong on new sweaters anyway, for colors are called "Dominion"
blue, London rose, and English green. And don't forget the im-
portance of sweaters for evening.
Classic coats for campus wear will be as always tailored camel's hair
models. This year the double or single breasted model with back belt or
no belt at all and back vent has supplanted the usual full-backed model
with careless belt that has held sway for so long.
This summer the two piece dresss in chambray cut on tailored lines was
popular. It was made with shirtwaist top, gored skirt of contrasting color,
the two held together by a trim belt of natural leather. This popular style
has carried over into. fall in soft botany flannel. Popular combinations
are two shades of the same color or contrasting colors such as greyed blue
for the top and grape-wine for the skirt.
French Visitor Here Is Positive
There Will Be No European War

Calendar Of This Summer's Events
On Campus: Refresh Your Memory

(Continued from Page 2)

drewes went "On The Influenza Trail."
Dr. T. Luther Purdom'gave the first
of his job-getting lectures, this one
on appearance.
Wednesday, July19: "Our Town"
opened at the Lydia Mendelssohn;
best play of the season, we thought
-adv. Dr. Andrewes told of the
nature of viruses. Prof. H. H. Bart-
lett described interesting effects of
cannibalism on island civilization. Dr.
George B. Cressey decided that neither
China nor Japan could win a military
victory from the present struggle.
Prof. E. H. Sturtevant claimed that
verse can be properly measured only
from crest to crest.
Thursday, July 20: Professor Cres-
sey told of the deserts of central Asia,
illustrating his talk with' slides. Dr.
Andrewes discussed the possibility of
viruses as the cause of cancer. Dr.
Paul Jordan told of the importance
of the community of the emotional
maturity and stability of teachers.
Dr. Charles Hockett analyzed sys-
tems of accentuation.
Friday, July 21: Chinese ice cream
social held. Prof. Leonard Bloom-
field told of 'word-derivation in the
Algonkian language. Dr. Andrewes
spoke of possible immunization against
influenza. Prof. Robert S. Platt point-
ed to the South American interior as
a possible haven for German refugees.
Saturday, July 22: Sumier Ses-
sion excursionists travel to Jackson
Prison; all are released. Last night
of Chinese Social.
Fifth Week
Sunday, July 23: We went swim-

ming; what did you do, study?
Monday, July 24: Prof. Tuker
Brooke gave the lowdown on Queen
Elizabeth. Dr. Paul Harrison told of
life and experiences among the Arabs.
Tuesday, July 25: Dr. Andre Gratia
spoke on the origin and possible na-
ture of bacteriophages. Prof. George
P. Michaelides told of the tragic role
played by Christianity and Moham-
medanism in the nationalistic con-
flicts of the Near East. Dr. Purdom
told job seekers to tell what they can
Wednesday, July 26: The Daily
warned its readers of only 150 (or
WAS it 152?) more days until Christ-
mas. "Androcles and the Lion" op-
ened at the Lydia Mendelssohn. Prof.
Leroy Waterman told of the archeol-
ogy of the Bible lands. Prof. James
K. Pollock informed his audience of
the state of German universities.
William W. Lockwood announced that
Japan wouldn't accept peace now if
it were handed her on a silver plat-
ter, retracted the statement in his
next lecture, but admitted later to
The Daily reporter that he "probably
did say it."
Thursday, July 27: Professor Gratia
explained recent discoveries in the
line of ultra-microscopic organisms.
Kenneth L. Pike revealed the diffi-
cutlies of translating the Bible into
an unwrittenlanguage. Mr. Lock-
wood called the war in China a stale-
Friday, July 28: Professor Gratia
concluded his series by showing the
latest types of scientific apparatus
used in the investigation of ultra-
viruses. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves urged
the remodeling of the Pan-American
Saturday, July 29: Prof. A. H.
Marckwardt told why Hoosiers talk
differently from Michiganders.
Sixth Week
Sunday, July 30: Another Sunday.
Monday, July 31: Prof. Conyers
Read reviewed the period of English
history between the reigns of King
Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth. Prof.
Charles E. Nowell told of personali-
ties in Spanish American politics.
Tuesday, Aug. 1: Dr.. Shio Saka-
nishi told of the work of Kobo Daishi.
Prof. John P. Gillin called South
America a frontier land from the
cultural point of view. Dr. Purdom
concluded his series by advising pros-
pective employes to meet the right
Wednesday, Aug. 2: Dr. Sakanishi
explained how Honen Shonin and
Shinran Shonin brought Buddhism
to the Japanese masses. "Judgement
Day" opened at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn. Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury dis-
cussed inheritance as a factor gov-
erning human intelligence. Professor
Edgerton told of the Indian language,
Pali Prakrit.
Thursday, Aug. 3: Don Treadwell
clinched the campus swim title. Dr.
Sakanishi gave up and claimed that
Zen was inexplainable. The Save
the Federal Arts Project drive held a
In The Majors

meeting in Natural aclence Auditori-
um. -
Friday, Aug. 4: Professor Bloom-
field gave a brilliant exposition of
the various odd ways in which vo-
cabulary roots behave in the various
Algonkian languages.
Saturday, Aug. 5: Apparently noth-
.ing happened.
Seventh Week
Sunday, Aug. 6: Did you study?
Monday, Aug. 7: Dr. Paul Oskar
Kristeller told how the revival of
Platonic philosophy in the Renais-
sance was led by Marsilio Ficino.
Tuesday, Aug. 8: Dr. Kristeller told
how Platonic love, according to Fi-
cino, is the true love between two
persons; the common love for God
based on the original love for God
which constitutes the essence of hu-
man consciousness.
Wednesday, Aug. 9: "Iolanthe," last
production of the season, opened at'
the Lydia Mendelssohn. Dr. Paul
M. A. Linebarger claimed that the
undeclared war in China has become
a race in the competitive creation of
new governments. Prof. Carlos Gar-
cia-Prada described the racial and
cultural development of the region of
Antioquia, Colombia. Dr. J. O. Per-
rine brought cargoes of words and
music to Ann Arbor.
Thursday, Aug...10: Dr. Hu Shih,
Chinese Ambassador to the United
States, told how Japan was trying to
put an end to her war in China
through some fundamental change
in the international situation.
Friday, Aug. 11: Conference on Ec-
onomic Relations with Latin America
Saturday, Aug. 12: It was nice
swimming Saturday evening.
Eighth Week
Sunday, Aug..13: Final vesper serv-
ices held. Breakfast for master's de-
gree candidates held.
Monday, Aug. 14: Prof. Leicester
Bradner closes all lecture series, spe-
cifically that of the Graduate Con-
ference on Renaissance Studies, with
a talk on the neo-Latin poets of the
English Renaissance. National In-
stitute for Traffic Safety Training
Tuesday, Aug. 15: Nothing doing,
nothing to write about.
Wednesday, Aug. 16: Some people
started to think about studying for
exams. Others went to bed to sleep
it off.
Thursday, Aug. 17: Now don't you
wish you had cracked a book?
Friday, Aug. 18: School's out!
Try A DAILY Classified

(Continued from Page 1)

school of several hundred pupils, Sal-

ably the most common inexpensive'
car in this country, M. Sallet replied,
"Oh, no! Fordsare for the richer
classes only. We drive a Citroen."
This is the inexpensive French car,
manufactured by the famous Andre
Citroen, known as the Ford of France.
The work week of the French teach-
er is only 20 hours in France, M.
Sallet reports. This consists of four
hours of teaching each day for five
days a week. The remainder of the
teacher's time is spent at home, usu-
ally marking papers-of which French
students have many times more than
American students-or in preparing
lessons. The teacher also does much
studying for he is constantly taking
University courses and other work to
perfect himself, M. Sallet said. It is
for this reason that the French have
among the best-prepared school
teachers in the world.
In three years, teaching in a high

let doesn't even know his own col-
leagues, he says.
No sports are participated in
France, he declared. This is true of
the school curriculum as well as of
recreation or pastime.
Subjects taught in the school com-
parable to our high school and junior
college are the old-fashioned essen-
tials. They include history, geogra-
phy, French literature, and composi-
tion, physics, natural science, chem-
istry and a little of foreign lan-
guages. There is no vocational work
offered, he said.
M. and Mme. Sallet, both of whom
speak very little English, arrived in
this country only three weeks ago and
have spent the past few days in seeing
the middle West of this country. They
have been the guests of Miss Kathe'r-
ine Swift at the French House. The
Sallets will leave early next week on
the return voyage to France.

alone and like it" policy with a light keep him, and our independence too?
happy heart?' Just imagine not be- The first part of the plan is this,
ing able to say, "Henry, the back start by saying subtle little things
yard needs mowing, why don't you which just make him think he's the
do it, dear?" or "Don't you want to boss (now don't let him be the boss,
lug up a huge load of wood from the just let him think so). Simple isn't
basement, dear, and build a fire for it?
me?" and Henry with rebellion in his Next, this may sound drastic but it
heart will do your bidding. isn't, give up voting. Any clever
And that, that is the important woman can cast a vote for whoever
thing to remember. He may not she wants . . using the indirect
want to do it . .. He may temporarily method of course, but it IS just as
hate you for asking him, but don't effective. When hubby comes home
ever forget this, he will do it. Ima- from work all tired out and you flit in
gine what it would be like without all ruffles, etc., young and sweet,
the old lug to do the odd jobs. You'd how can he ever guess that in 10
be starting the furnace; you'd be minutes you'll have him all persuaded
cleaning the attic, you'd be, why, that Roosevelt should have a third
you'd even be carrying the whole load term (or otherwise) even if he was
of spring cleaning on your shoulders! dead set against it when he came
Heaven forbid! into the house.
Now just sit still and think a min- Seriously, girls, though this all
ute. However you love your indepen- sounds a little far fetched, why don't
dence, your equality, and all that sort we turn back the clock some? Let's
of thing, IS IT WORTH IT?-Dumb, not give up our independence or, if
clumsy, tactless as Henry may be, you're dead set against it, our vot-
after all he is aOMAN and under all ing, but let's turn feminine, be the
he may be rather a fine person and, kind of women who need to be taken
way down in your heart, in our hearts, care of, because man loves to protect.
we all love him. It brings him a lot of joy. And don't
Now here's the plan. Admitted we we really love him enough to bring
don't want to lose Henry, why not him all the happiness we can?
Now! I SlA






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