antic coast maneuvers involving 77,000 officers and men proved of interest to army observers
countries, shown at Manassas, Va. Left to right, seated: Maj. Felipe Munilla, Cuba; Col.
Mexico; Col. Carlos Sanchez, Venezuela; Lieut. Col. Eduardo Leongomez, Colombia. Stand-
na Machado, Brazil; Leader Ismael Sarasua, Chile; Col. Richard V. Read, Great Britain;
nann, Sweden; and Col. John A. Crane, officia. observer for U.S. war department.
That well known English tailor-
ing skipped this baggy model, a
suit so treated with chemicals as to
resist mustard gas. It's being worn
by a Royal Air Force armorer who
carries a gun to a bomber, during
British war drill.
n the Baltic, apartment to house several thousand Nazi workers is being built. It is
cy" resort.
Financier Jule Bache , (above),
back in U.S. after a three-month
survey of Europe, declared "I can't
believe there'll be a war. Hitler has
80,000,000 Germans in his vest poc-
ket; he doesn't want to lose them to
gain 300,000."
"How to eat it" would be a major problem concerning this ear of corn
in which a central eight inch cob is surrounded, rosette fashion, by
smaller cobs. It was found on a Sharon Springs, N.Y., farm.
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