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August 18, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-18

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I and managed by students of the University of
m under the authority of the Board in Control of
hed every morning except "dy duig the
ity year and Summi eession.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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riptions during regular school year by carrier,
y maill, 4.50,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
RobertID. Mitchell . . * .
Stan M.Swinton . . .
Ethel Q. Norberg . . .
John N. Canavan . . ..
Harry M.Kelsey ..
Karl G. Kessler . . .
Malcolm E. Long . . . .
Harry L. Sonneborn . . . .

Press, 1938.39
Mfanaging Ezator
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Assoiate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate EBator

Business Staff
lip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager
u1 Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

e Exile
A Painting.

9* 0

T HE EXILE of surrealist Paul Klee's
painting, "Around the Fish," from
Germany by the high potentates of Nazidom,
brings to mind some phrases of Paul Eluard,
French poet, sometimes referred to as the heart
and soul of the surrealist movement.
Speaking of surrealism, a philosophy rather
than an artistic technique, Eluard writes,
"Surrealism, which is an instrument of knowl-
edge, and therefore an instrument of conquest
as well as of defense, strives to bring to light
man's profound consciousness. Surrealism strives
to demonstrate that thought is common to all,
it strives to reduce the differences existing be-
tween men, and, with this end in view, it refuses
to serve an absurd order based upon inequality,
deceit and cowardice."
The Nazis want no movement refusing to serve
them. Mr. Klee's picture came to America.
But Eluard has more to say, much more.
"True poetry," he tells us, "is present in every-
thing that does not conform to that morality
which, to uphold its order and prestige, has
nothing better to offer than banks, barracks,
prisons, churches and brothels. True poetry is
present in everything that liberates man from
that terrible ideal which has the face of death.
It is present in the work of Sade, of Marx, or of
Picasso, as well as in that of Rimbaud, Lautrea-
mont or of Freud. It is present in the invention
of the wireless, in the Tcheliouskin exploit, in the
revolt of the Asturians, in the strikes of France
and Belgium... . They (the poets) have learned
the songs of revolt sung by the unhappy masses
and, without being disheartened, they try to
teach theme their own."
This sounds as though it were written especially
for the present occasion, but no; Eluard penned
these passages back in 1936. Perhaps it was
the surrealist songs of revolt that Germany
feared; perhaps the surrealist philosophy was
a menace to Nazidom. It is extremely doubtful
that it was any aesthetic impulse that led Herr
Hitler to ban Klee's work.
But Eluard hasn't finished yet. Lend an ear.
"Those who come here to laugh or give vent
to their indignation," he continues, "those who,
when confronted with surrealist poesy, either
written or painted, talk of snobbism in order to
hide their lack of understanding, their fear or
their hatred, are like those who tortured Galileo,
burned Rousseau's books, defamed William
Blake, condemned Baudelaire, Swinburne and
Flaubert, declared that Goya or Courbet did not
know how to paint, whistled down Wagner and
Stravinsky, imprisoned Sade. They claim to be
on the side of good sense, wisdom and order,
the better to satisfy their ignoble appetites, ex-
ploit men, prevent them from liberating them-
selves-that they may better degrade and destroy
men by means of ignorance, poverty and war."
Paging Mr. Hitler!
-Harry M. Kelsey

DEPARTM-ENT OF UTTER FUTILITY: Den- It was eight weeks ago that we strolled into
nis Kuhn, veteran Michigan tackle, is in summer the Daily office and heard somebody say:
school to regain eligibility and win the right to "There's our new columnist."
play football next fall. The crucial course is in We glanced hastily over our shoulder, didn't
South American geography. And he's taking it see who they could be referring to and gently
from a visiting professor from-Ohio State! inquired who the sucker was.
* * * "You," was the gloating reply.
The two co-eds were studying in their room. We Swintons are folk of gentle nature, men of
Suddenly one looked up. steel when necessary but ordinarily the kind, I-
"Gee that was a good book," she sighed, pat-babies-on-the-head-and-chuck-children -un-
"What's the name of it?" the other queried. der-the-chin type. Should we refuse? We
"Hmmph," she said. "It's not THAT good!" thought of the poor fellow, his feelings injured,
* * * unhappy. "No," we said to ourself, "that would
be too much. Give him his moment of glory. Let
Professor Brumm, Der Fuehrer of the journal- him sneer at the column. Perhaps it will bring
ism department, smiled beneficently upon his a smile to his faded cheek. You can take it-
class at the start of the summer, declaring: you have the blood in you of men who refused to
"And if any of you get anything published I'll flinch when they were hung for horsetheft, of
guarantee you an 'A'." pioneers in petty larceny, of journalism stu-
Varsity left end Ed Frutig scratched his head dents."
thoughtfully. Two weeks ago an article appeared And so we wrote the column. It didn't pre-
in forty Michigan newspapers with the note tend to be a good column. We were covering for
"written especially for the United Press by Ed- three papers and a wire service and going to
ward Frutig, Varsity left end." Going to pay off, summer school at the same time. But we learned
Professor? our lesson, anyway. We don't try columning
* * " again. Before next fall we'll re-read our Stanley
To ex-Daily sports editor, ex-Detroit Free Walker, buy ourselves a slouch hat and be con-
Press and Chicago Tribune sports correspondent, tent to act as city editor. We know when we're
ex-Sports Publicity Assistant Bill Reed con- licked.
gratulations on his appointment to take charge One last thing, though. Did anybody see which
of the newly-initiated press relations department direction that fellow was running who said "good
of the Big Ten. His headquarters will be in column this morning" every time there was a
Chicago. guest columnist?
Latest Effort To Abolish Child Labor
Appars In Fed eral WageHour Law
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(P)-Written into found, the employers have been most ready to
the Wage-Hour Law is the Federal Government's adjust the matter. A large proportion of the
current effort to abolish child labor. violations have been where the employers had
It is a simple section, declaring it illegal to not availed themselves of the protection of age
ship in interstate commerce, any goods produced certificates."
in an establishment which within the preceding All this is not to say that Miss McConnell and
30 days has employed "oppressive child labor." her associates consider the battle against child
And that phrase is defined as meaning the em- labor has been won. Far too much of it still re-
ployment of children under 16. mains, they contend, but the bulk -of that is the
While the minimum wage and maximum hours problem of the states. The Federal law touches
provisions of the law are hemmed about by only the production of goods that go into inter-
numerous exceptions for various industries, the state commerce. It does not reach-factories and
child labor section contains but three exemp other establishments whose product is consumed
tions: child actors, children employed by their locally. Miss McConnell estimates that about
parents in non-manufacturing and non-mining three-fourths of the remaining child labor is in
occupations, and children employed in agri- such intra-state enterprises. Many states have
culture when not legally required to be at child labor laws. Twelve of them set the mini-
school. mum age at the Federal law's figre of 16, a few
Further, the children's bureau of the Depart- at 15 and the largest number at 14. The trend,
Furterthechidre's brea oftheDeprt- however, is toward more state laws and towar
ment of Labor, which is given the responsibility conformity with the Federal statute
of enforcement, may raise the minimum age to conotyih the Federal tatute.
18 for occupations which it determines are haz- If nothing happens to the Federal Act in six
ardous or unhealthful. Likewise it may reduce or seven years," Miss McConnell says, "the
the limitation to 14 for work other than manu- great majority of states will have amended their
facture and mining, which in its opinion does laws, in my opinion, to conform to the Federal
not interfere with schooling, health or well- law."
being. Such an eventuality would reach a big pro-
One further provision furnishes the key to the portion of the present intra-state child labor.
section's enforcement. It gives the children's While working with the states to enforce the
bureau authority to establish a system for the act and running down violators, the bureau has,
issuance of age-certificates to children. And it too, been giving thought to the provision of rais-
declares that no employer shall be held guilty of ,
violating the Act if he holds age certificates show- mg the age limit to 18 for hazardous or unhealth-
ing his young workers to be above the minimum ful occupations. It has announced a hearing for
age limits. tomorrow, preliminary to determining whether
Officials of the Children's Bureau, acknowl- this should apply to helpers and assistants on
edging that there is still child-labor to be stamped trucks and other vehicles moving in interstate
out, are nevertheless proud of their enforcement
record thus far, and look forward to greater ac- commerce. In addition, it has obtained substan-
complishments: Just now they are concentrating tial agreement from the manufacturers of ex-
on the packing and canning industry plosives and fireworks that an 18-year limitation
In a day when Federal regulation of industry should be fixed for their industry.
is the subject of 'ceaseless protest, the record of On the whole, Miss McConnell is of the opinion
the Childrens Bureau has been achieved by a that the Federal law has been a weapon of high-
system of working in the closest cooperation with est importance in the child labor battle.
local authorities. That and a general willingness
on the part of employers-some recalcitrants ex-
cluded of course-to conform with the law hast o f s
done the job, officials say.
The Bureau, in the first place, has approved All this hullabaloo about Thanksgiving re-

the age certificate systems of 42 states as accept- minds us not only of the traditional debate about
able under the wage-hour law. In a few in- changing the name of Arkansas but of the days
stances, says Miss Beatrice McConnell, in charge of our youth when it was a real question whether
of the enforcement of the child labor section, anotherPresident Roosevelt would proclaim the
these "leave something to be desired," but gen-
erally they are adequate. Federal certificates fourth or the fifth Thursday in November as a
are being issued in South Carolina and in Idaho. national holiday.
In Mississippi school authorities are cooperating, Since then the date of Thanksgiving seems
and in Iowa, Louisiana and Texas, birth or bap- to have been proclaimed annually on the first of
tismal certificates have been ruled acceptable January by the calendar makers and during the
evidence that a child has reached working age, first week in December three years in advance
until the establishment of more dependable by the makers of football schedules, all of whom
systems. are complaining bitterly over the undermining
Unlike the Wage-Hour Division, the Children's of their privileges-all except one calendar mak-
Bureau has no great accumulation of violation er who made a mistake on several thousand
complaints awaiting disposition. It maintains a copies of his product, and now is right, by acci-
small staff of investigators, and that has proved dent.
adequate, largely because most employers, when Abraham Lincoln, and presidents before him,
informed that they are violating the law, im- as we recall, proclaimed Thanksgiving days
mediately take steps to comply. Some refuse, of whenever they had anything to be thankful for.
course, and the Bureau has taken three cases to We would not like to have them that rare in
court. Two of these have resulted in the issuance these times, and we trust that Mr. Roosevelt
of consent decrees, and the third, a criminal will continue to allow us one a year, whatever else
prosecution, is still pending. may happen in 1940. After all, we do like
"The employers have been very cooperative," turkey, even when we can't afford it.
Miss McConnell says. "In general the acceptance But we are happy to see Franklin D. Roosevelt
of the 16-year minimum age has been widespread. assume the rightful prerogatives of his office. We
But of course we have found violations. In most hope he will continue to do so.
cases where evidence of child labor has been -The Chicago Daily News
Examination Schedule
Hour of Recitation ... 8 9 10 11

Calendar Of This Summer's Events
On Campus: Refresh Your Memory

Memory is all a matter of associa- I
tions, so they say. If you're like theI
rest of us, you remembered what day
it was that you made that 83 on thec
University golf course or had thatE
picnic at Loch Alpine by several oth-I
er things that happened the same day.
For your benefit, then, we here
print a brief resume of what has been
going on here for the past eightc
weeks. Not that you'll care about
the academic dates, it's those other
dates that the speeches, lectures,
etc., might help to recall that are
We know we've left out some;
plenty probably. We got as many
items in as possible. If you know of{
something we left out, then it would
not have made much difference if.
we had put it in, as you remembered
Here goes:
First Week
Saturday, June 24: Last day of
registration; something you like to
forget about.
Sunday, June 25: Last day of rest.
Monday, June 26: Summer Session
opened. More than 6,000 enrolled..
Dean Richard P. McKeon told of
Aristotle and the Renaissance. Prof.
Jamaes K. Pollock pictured a Euro-
pean Empire as Hitler's aim.
Tuesday, June 27: Dr. Heber Cur-
tis showed films of the sun's surface.
Senator Elbert Thomas blamed the
world's condition on economic na-
tionalism and the destruction of free
Wednesday, June 28: First reper-
tory theatre play, "Michael and
Mary," opened. First League tea
dance held. Senator Thomas traced
the development of Eastern and
Western culture. First Institute on
Secondary School Journalism opened
four-day session.
Thursday, June 29: First Summer
Session excursion, tour of campus,
held; many had stiff necksafrom
looking at ceilings. Prof. Preston E.
James contrasted colonial and native
Brazilian settlement. Senator Thom-
as ;saw disaster should the United
States take sides in the Sino-Japanese
Friday, June 20: 2,000 attended the
The Editor
To the Editor:
Wednesday's Daily recorded a new
example of the influence of pressure
from vested interests and "patriotic"
groups in the conduct of the affairs of
an educational institution. Neither
the particular action of Ohio State's
Trustees, nor the particular pressure
group involved in this instance is any
innovation in the long history of in-
terference with the right of students
to think as they please. The story
has been repeated too often in one
form or another; one need only
glance through the files of any large
newspaper to find hundreds of ex-
Nor has action of this sort been
confined to the students; professor,
instructor, and high school teacher
alike has received his share of the
dictation by pressure groups. And all
within the framework of an educa-
tional system in a supposedly demo-
cratic country!
What is the theory behind this
widespread limitation of education?
Are university students supposed to
be such babes-in-arms that they are
incapable of rendering scientific
judgement in evaluating ideas? Are
university instructors supposed to be
the subversive agents of Moscow or
Berlin the moment they dare to ex-
press an idea different from those of
the majority? Or has it become a
crime to think?
But we are rendering credit where
credit is undue when we attempt to

attribute the censorship of education
to any conscious theory. Such actions
are not the outcome of any theory
aimed to benefit either the student
or the society at large. Such actions
are those of men striking out in blind
fear of change. They are rooted in
the intense conceit of men who have
no faith in minds other than their
own, the conceit of men who identify
themselves with- the whole of society
and their interests with the interests
of society.
The psychology of a large portion
of our population is already danger-
ously near that breaking point which
provides a fertil field for the seeds
of facism. If we add to this danger
the dictation of the education of our
young men and women by blind fear
and "patriotic" emotionalism, what
can we possibly expect as a future for
our society? Each further betrayal
of educational freedom is another step
toward that day when, in the name of
100-per cent-Americanism, some
demigog will obtain complete control
of our society.
The bulwark between this society
and dictatorial totalitarianism is not
the supression and denial of this idea
or that idea, but rather the exten-

annual faculty reception at the1
Rackham School. Prof. Leonard
Bloomfield told Linguistic Institute
members of the complicated but ex-
citing task of reconstructing hypo-
thetical original sounds of the parent
Saturday, July 1: Summer Session
excursionists invaded Detroit and
left the city intact. First Institute
on Secondary School Journalism
closes meetings. Biological Station
at Douglas Lake held annual get-
acquainted party.
Second Week
Sunday, July 2: Was hot.
Monday, July 3: Roy Sizemore re-
ported engineers and geologists at
camp Davis had settled down to work.
Tuesday, July 4: Holiday. Rained
all afternoon.
Wednesday, July 5: "The Good
Hope" opened at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn. Prof. George A. Kennedy told
of similarities in Chinese and English
word order. Prof. Howard V. Mc-
Clusky answered the question "Can
Adults Learn?" with an optimistic
yes. Summer Session excursionists
saw the Ford plant.
Thursday, July 6: Dr. MurrayB.
Emeneau spoke on Central Indian
languages. Dr. Jeanne Rosselet ad-
dressed the French Club.
Friday, July 7: Prof. Robert C.
Smith spoke on Brazilian architec-
ture. Middle of heat wave.
Saturday, July 8: Summer Session
excursionists go from one school to
another, journey to Cranbrook. Rain,
but no relief.
Third Week
Sunday, July 9: First Summer Ses-
sion vesper services held.E
Monday, July 10: Prof. Erwin Pan-

ofsky lauded Renaissance art-theor-
ists. Prof. G. E. Edgerton told of
the pharaohs' search for eternal life.
Don Treadwell took the first 100
points toward the all-campus swim-
ming championship.
Tuesday, July 11: Prof. Clark Hop-
kins described the excavating of Se-
leucia-on-the-Tigris. Dr. Arthur W.
Hummel told why science failed to
flourish in China.
Wednesday, July 12: Dig down deep,
mister -you're tagged; University
Fresh Air Camp tag day. "The Two
Gentlemen of Verona" opened at the
Lydia Mendelssohn. Dr. Hummel in-
dicated China as the birthplace of
modern printing. Professor Edger-
ton told of studying Egyptian vowel
Thursday, July 13: Joseph K. Ya-
magiwa spoke on Japanese "postposi-
tions." Dr. Hummel predicted that
China would lead the Western world
in the field of ethics.
Friday, July 14: Niagara Falls ex-
cursion began. Prof. Leonard Bloom-
field revealed the complexities of the
Algonkian language, "amazing eyen
veteran linguists."
Saturday, July 15: Prof. Bruno
Meinecke explained how the Greeks
managed to attain a balance between
realism and idealism in their art.
Fourth Week
Sunday, July 16: Whew!
Monday, July 17: Madame Oshi-
kawa arranged flowers in a demon-
stration-lecture. Prof. C. H. Haring
analyzed the fundamental powers be-
hindrand structure of South American
'governments. Prof. Ernst A. Philipp-
son told of "Der Ackermann aus
Boehmen" in English.
Tuesday, July 18: Dr. C. H. An-
(Continued on Page 3,)

Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend August graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors,
should send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before
the close of the Summer Session.
Extension Courses: Bulletins of the
Extension Courses for the first semes-
ter of 1939-40 are available on re-
quest at the following offices: Exten-
sion Service, 107 Haven Hall; Gradu-
ate School, Rackham Building, and
School of Education, University Ele-
mentary School.
C. A. Fisher, Director.
Examination Schedule
Hour of
Recitation 8 9 10 11
Time of Thurs. Fri. Thurs. Fri.
Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4
Hour of all other
Recitation 1 2 3 hours
Time of Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri.
Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Deviations from the above schedule
are not permitted. All classes will
continue regularly until the examin-
ation period.
Hopwood Contestants: Students
who entered the Summer Hopwood
Contest may call for their manu-
scripts at the Hopwood Room, Fri-
day, from 2 until 5 p.m.
E. A. Walter.
Mail is being held in the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall, for
Mr. John Kantor.

Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Gerald William Mulder will be held
Saturday, Aug. 19 at 9 a.m. in 3201
East Engineering Building. Mr. Mul-
der's field of specialization is Chemi-
cal Engineering. The title of his
thesis is "The Mechanism of Heat
Transfer to Boiling Liquids in a Ver-
tical Tube."
Professor J. C. Brier as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the-
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidatesrto attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
The Mathematics Department Of-
fice will be closed from Saturday
noon, Aug. 19, until Sept. 11.
M. E. Schwan.
The Chinese Students' Club will
have a picnic at the University Fresh
Air Camp on Saturday, Aug. 19, at 2
p.m. All Chinese students wishing to
attend the picnic should register at
the office of the International Cen-
ter before Saturday. The party will
leave from the International Center.
Candidates registered in the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments
should, report change of address be-
fqre leaving Ann Arbor at the end
of the summer session. 201 Mason
Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 2-4

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday

University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-


750 KC CBS 920 KC-NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue I 1030 KC - Mutual
Friday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake News News commentator
12:15 Life Beautiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Black and White.
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street songs.
1:00 Ed McConnell vera Richardson Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Diamond Dust Grimm's Daughter Word Dramas
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene_ valiant Lady Music
1:45 Enoch Light Gardener Betty Crocker Muse and Music
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Navy Band Marriage. Romanees
2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins to Organ
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young Paul Decker
2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light.- Book Ends News Commentator
3:00 Minuet Detroit at Chicago Club Matinee voice of Justice
3:15 Gold Coast " ot
3:30 Joe Englehart "- " Songs
3:45 Duncan Moore News Henry Busse
4:00 Binghamton Choir " Police Field Day Jamboree
4:15 Three Treys " Bruce Becker
4:30 Tower. Tempos , Affairs of Anthony
4:45 Alice Blair " Bob Armstrong *
5:00 Miss Julia Feature Hollywood Hilights Muted Music
5:15 Travers Handicap Malcolm Claire Gray Gordon Turf Reporter
5:30 Uncle Jonathan Soloist Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News
Friday Evening
- - - -___- --___- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - --_____ '

A Plea
For Textbooks .

SUMMER SESSION is almost over. In
a few hours thousands of students
will say farewell to the campus. But how about
doing one thing more before you go? 0
The University maintains a Textbook Lend-
ing Library which furnishes books to under-
vriizng-rl etudents. That librarv-which makes

6:00 News
6:15 Inside Sports
6:30 Calling All Cars
7:00 Western Skies
7:15 "o
7:30 Johnny Presents
8:00 99 Men and Girl
8:15" -
R-20 Prg+ Na+- r

Tyson Review
Dinner Music
Cities Service
Waltz Tim e
neat~h Valev

Lone Ranger
Universal Music
Don't Forget
Plantation Party.
Tn ha Annnnea

Stop and Go
Fintex Sportlight -
Jimmie Allen
voice of Justice
Washington News
Musical Varieties

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