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August 18, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-18

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Of A Paintin ...

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No. 46





Kuhn Says Un-American Probe
Will Cost Dies Political Future'.

in Hopwood
3tion, Essay,
'etry Prizes
1 Of $500 Is Given
r Summer Awards;
Thous Is Repeater
as, Hale Collect
p Contest Honors
thy Arms and Harriet Hale
off top honors in the 1939
er Hopwood Contest when the
y excellence of their entries
ch a $75 award.
al of $500 was given to 11 con-
s yesterday afternoon in Dean
I H. Kraus' office.
Arms, who is from Detroit,
itered in the essay division.
[ale, of Hillsdale, competed in

- I

uble winner was John
, of Fayetteville, Tenn.
$25 prize in the essay
seated the feat in the
he poetry division were:
nla Thoma, Toledo,

Banta, Franklin,

hnson, Wyandotte, $25
i, Baltimore, Md., $25.
ard-Adams Humphreys
apids was the other fic-
winner, receiving $25.
%y division others receiv-
[uston, Ann Arbor, $50.
'feifer, Tiffon, 0., $50.
green, Ann Arbor, $25..
r the contest's fiction
e Prof. Karl Litzenberg,
Davis and Dr. Abraham
>se for poetry were Prof.
Y, Prof. Bennett Weaver

German - American Bund
Leader Gives G r o u p
Session Of Conflict
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(P) -
Fritz Kuhn, stolid Fuehrer of the
German-American Bund, gave the
Dies Committee a session of almost
constant conflict today and finally
left its witness chair spouting defi-
ance and predicting the committee's
investigation would "cost Mr. Dies
his political future."
After two days of Kuhn's testimony,
Representative Dies declared the
committee. had made it clear that
the Bund was working with agencies
of the German government and prob-
ably was getting advice from them.
And, the lanky Texan added:
"I'm not interested in my political
Kuhn, whose tides of anger were
still running high after the hearing
had adjorned, hotly told reporters
that the committee "did not show
any proof that we are un-American
or have any connection with Ger-
many." %
"It was all a loss of time," he sput-
Traff icSafety
Award Given
To Alger Malo
1939 Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
And Traffic Fellowships
Send Seven To Yale
Alger Francis Malo, a State High-
way Department draftsman, was an-
nounced yesterday as one of seven
engineers selected from a nationwide
list of several hundred applicants by
the award committee for the 1939 Al-
fred P. Sloan, Jr., traffic safety fel-
Malo will receive a $1,000 scholar-
ship in addition to full tuition for a
year's study in the Yale University
Bureau for Street Traffic Research.
The seven engineers selected from
highway departments are: Charles
Richard Gallagher, California; Henry
Ashworth Standring, Colorado; Wal-
ter Bamford McKendrick,sDelaware;
Robert Dove Dier, Illinois; Wilfred
William Davis, Iowa; Alger Francis
Malo, Michigan; and John Exley
Upham, District of Columbia.
Twelve police fellowships in North-
western University Traffic Institute
also provided by Mr. Sloan were an-
nounced on Aug. 2.
Members of the Sloan Award Com-
mittee are: Paul G. Hoffman, Presi-
dent, Automotive Safety Foundation,
chairman; Franklin Bliss Snyder,
vice-president, Northwestern Univer-
sity; W. W. Mack, president, Ameri-
can Association of State Highway
Officials; Miller McClintock; director,
Yale Brueau for Street Traffic Re-
search; and Don F. Stiver, chairman,
Enforcement Section, International
Association of Chiefs of Police.
The committee selected Ann Arbor
for its 1939 award meeting because
of the sessions here of the National
Institute for Traffic Safety Training
and the desire of some committee
members to participate. .G
Roosevelt Still In Fog
ABOARD U.S.S. LANG, Aug. 17.-
(P)-President Roosevelt, steaming
through fog-ridden waters aboard the
naval cruiser Tuscalossa, arrived at
Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, late
today, completing a 225-mile run
from Sydney, Nova Scotia.

tered. "I mean a waste of time." And,
he said there was one thing that had
"hurt" him very much.
"I had to breathe the same air that
Metcalfe breathes."
He referred to John C. Metcalfe, a
former committee investigator, who
once joined the Bund and wore its
uniform for a year to obtain material
for a series of newspaper articles.
Kuhn's testimony was given be-
tween indignant protests that the
committee was unfair, assertions that
his time was "too valuable" to be
wasted on the committee, and de-
mands, which were ignored, thatshe
be provided legal counsel. The last
came after he said he had "catched
on too late" to the inference con-
tained in questions put by Represen-
tative Starnes (Dem., Ala.), who yes-
terday threatened him with fisticuffs.
(Starnes was asking questions
which implied that Kuhn encouraged
his followers to listen to German ra-
dio broadcasts).{
Kuhn returned tonight to his col-
leagues in New York's German com-
munity after informing the com-
mittee that:
Attorney General Murhpy - to
whom he referred as "the general
attorney, that Murphy"-once ad-
dressed a Bund meeting in Detroit.
(Through the justice department,
Murphy issued a statement which
said: "As far as I can remember I
never addressed a Bund meeting as
such. During the campaign of 1936
I addressed many meetings each dy.
At any one or several of these meet-
ings Bund members may have been
present. I always attended German
meetings because of my high regard
for the German people.")
Labor Board
Seeks Peace
From Unions
Rival Union Challenged
To Settle Their Battle
Over Power Company,
LANSING, ' Aug. 17.- (P) -The
State Labor Mediation Board today
challepged rival labor unions fight-
ing for the upper hand among Con-
sumers Power Company employes to
"point the way to industrial peace in
Michigan" through proportional col-
lective bargaining.
Chairman Arthur E. Rabb present-
ed an ultimatum to the two groups to
accept not later than Monday an
agreement to be worked out by the
labor board "that will be fair to all
"If you fail to grasp this opportuni-
ty to settle this thing and point the
way to industrial peace in Michigan,
you are not going to have another
opportunity for many a long day,"
he admonished the gathering, adding
that he would carry his fight to the
public if either or both of the rival
unions blocked the plan.
The assertion was received with
openly voiced misgivings by delega-
tions jrepresenting the Utility Work-
ers Organizing Committee (CIO) and
The International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers (AFL). The UWOC
has served notice of intention to strike
unlessdan amicable adjustment is ar-
ranged of its demands for exclusive
recognition as collective bargaining
agency for the company's employes,
and also has filed with the board
charges that the Consumers Power
Company has discriminated against it
and favored the IBEW.

Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt, Prof.
Burton D. .Thuma and Dr. Wilfred
B. Shaw judged essays.
With this issue, The Daily sus-
pends 'publication until the fall
semester. Good bye.
Detroit Old-Timers
Mourn Approaching
Loss OfGehringer
CHICAGO, Aug. 17.-( P)-A stocky,'
bow-legged blond youngster named
Benjamin McCoy is just about ready
to stake a full tine claim on that De-
troit box score line fans have been
reading for more than a decade-
"Gehringer, '2b."
Charles Leonard Gehringer, gen-
erally ranked as one of the finest
second basemen in baseball's history,
is nearing the end of a brilliant ca-
reer with the Detroit Tigers. At 36
years of age and in the 15th season
with the Bengals, he's taking things
easier now-watching and helping a
23-year-old youth who apparently
has everything it takes to give De-
troit another long stretch of fine
second basing.
Like Gehringer, McCoy also is a
Michigan product. Gehringer came
from Fowlerville's fair grounds to
stardom which saw him electod to
every American League all-star team
and compile a lifetime batting aver-
age of .327 through 14 seasons. Mc-
Coy, a genial friendly youth with a
faculty for making friends easily,
lives near Grand Rapids and has the
whole southern section of the state
pulling for him to make good.
It looks as though he will. In 27
games he hit .336, with many of his
safeties extra base blows.
Train Wreck Probe
Begins Tomorrow
RENO, Nev., Aug. 17.-(P)-A for-
mal inquiry by the Southern Pacific
Company into the train wreck which
killed 24 persons in central Nevada
was set today for 10 a.m. Saturday
at Carlin, near the scene of the
A. D. McDonald, Southern Pacific
president, said the inquiry board
would include executives of the
Southern Pacific, two Elko, Nev.,
businesn.and n rnesmentatives nof

Victory Seen
In Six-State
Petrol Strike
Oil Producers Hope Large1
Companies Will Follow
Lead OfIndependents
Michigan Considers
Limited Production
OKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. 17.-('P)-
Mid-Continent oil producers claimed
an initial victory in their six-state
shutdown war against collapsing crude
prices today as two independent com-
panies rescinded 20-cent per barrel1
They were the Bell Oil and Gas Co.
and the Danciger Refineries, Inc.,
both of Tulsa. .-
Heads of the major purchasing
companies whose price cut put into
effect last week were responsible for
the current crisis gave no indication
whether they would follow the twoa
companies' lead.
Announce Reduction
A third independent-the Caddo
Crude Oil Purchasing Co. of Shreve-
port, La.-announced a 10-cent re-
duction in the top price of crude in
the Shreveport "back-yar" field.
Nevertheless, observers expected
the stoppage of 68 per cent of the
Nation's crude production to bring re-
sults shortly.
Meanwhile, Arkansas authorities
called upon their state police to en-
force a state oil and gas commission
order shutting down all wells in that
state's controlled fields.
Gov. Carl E. Bailey sent Chief Gray
Albright and ten members of the
state police department to Eldorado
upon the request of Sheriff Grady
Woolley, who reported the Lion Oil
Refining Co. was the only producer
defying the shutdown order. Bailey
said he anticipated no disorder.
Shutdowns Continue
Meanwhile, as Texas , Oklahoma,
ouisiaa, Kansas, Arkansas and New
Mexico continued to enforce oil field
shutdowns holding 2,536,800 barrels
of crude ;off the market daily, these
developnients interested the "black :
gold" industry:
1. Secretary Ickes declared present
conditions would necessitate legisla-
tion giving the Federal Government
partial control of oil production.
2. The Lion Oil Refining Co. chal-I
lenged in court the right of the Ar-
kansas Oil and Gas Commission to
shut down the state's oil fields.
3. The Oklahoma Stripped Well
Association charged in an open letter
to President Henry M. Dawes of the
Pure Oil Co. that present "chaotic
conditions" were caused by unbridled
production in Illinois.
Bell's price increase involves 3,500
barrels purchased daily in Texas and
State Oil Advisory Board
Considers Proration Cut
LANSING, Aug. 17.-(P)--The State
Oil Advisory Board contemplated a
further restriction of crude oli pro-
duction in Michigan today as a result
of curtailments invoked in Texas,
New Mexico and Oklahoma.
P. J. Hoffmaster, supervisor of wells,
said the board would meet here to-
morrow to consider the feasibility of,
a revision of proration schedules that
went into effect July 1. He intimated
the board probably would issue an
emergency order to reduce production
still further, declaring that excessive
withdrawal of oil leads to premature
abandonment of wells.

He explained that the order, if it
were issued, would be in the interest
of sustaining production, rather than
an attempt to avert a collapse of
prices. "Michigan produces less than
two per cent of all crude oil in the
United States," he continued. "To
shut down our wells would have little,
if any, effect in boosting the indus-
try's price structure."
39 Gullible Foresters
Shave For Blind Dates
(Special to The Daily)
-Ten weeks is too long a period for a
forester to live without even having
a chance to succumb to petticoat
fever, so 39 of the student foresters
at Camp Filibert Roth got themselves
blind dates.
Some even went so far as to give
up the beards they have been culti-
vating for the past seven weeks,
neni inr ntth Pfrra w mean+t inus

State Police
Asked To Hit
At Gambling
Dickinson Orders Nearly-
Entire Force To Seek
Evidence On Violations
'Flying Squadron'k
May Be Revived
LANSING, Aug. 17.--(IP)-Gover-
nor Luren D. Dickinson, 80-year-old
crusader against vice and "high life"
drinking, aimed a blow at organized
gambling in Michigan today.
He ordered virtually the entire state
police force of several hundred of-
ficers to seek evidence of gambling
violations, arrest operators of illegal'
gambling devices and confiscate the
Action Follows Threat
Dickinson's action followed a threat
by the Michigan Liquor Control Com-
mission to revive its "flying squad-
ron" if necessary to prevent gamb-
ling or operation of slot machines on
premises of licensed liquor sellers.
Murl H. Defoe, Liquor Commission
member, charged recently that slot
machine operators had become active
in an attempt to "besmirch" Gover-
nor Dickinson's state administration.
"He has preached against gambling
and slot machines for years," Defoe
said today. "Activity by the slot ma-
chine men and resort proprietors cer-
tainly is an embarrassment to the
administration and they know it as
well as any one else."
Recurring Problem
Gambling has been a recurring
problem in Michigan since last Janu-
ary when charges were made that
"wide open" gambling was resumed
shortly after Democratic Frank
Murphy, now attorney general of the
United States, left office as governor.
The late Frank D. Fitzgerald, Re-
publican who succeeded Murphy as
governor, answered the charges by
ordering the state police into action,
much in the same manner as Dick-
inson also a Republican, acted today.
In addition Thomas Read, state at-
torney general, served notice he
would prefer charges against any
local enforcement official who failed
to enforce the laws against gambling.
France, Britain
Hold Air Battle
In London Sky
Onie Killed In Mock Fight;
Claim French Forces
Were Badly Outclassed
LONDON, Aug. 17.-G')-France
gave Britain spectacular demon-
strations of her air power in two
"raids" today and last night in
which more than 200 planes partici-
Fast British fighting planes en-
gaged them in mock battles in the
almost cloudless skies over London
and a British observer proudly re-
ported that "under real war condi-
tions, the raiders would have been
shot out of the sky."
One man died and another was in-
jured in the maneuvers when two
British bombers collided. One plane
crashed in flames near Beal, North-
umberland, and the other landed in
a field. Other occupants escaped by
parachute, one breaking his leg.
At the same time, an informant

close to the war office said two classes
of regular army reservists have been
ordered to retain possession of per-
sonal wartime equipment until
Oct. 15.
Informed sources placed the num-
ber of men affected at nearly 100,000
in the "A" and "B" classes-troops
who have served seven to 15 years in
the regular army and who undergo
one month's training annually.
Hundreds of thousands of London
residents saw the French planes-
about 100 bombers and 60 fast attack
planes-during the afternoon maneu-
vers which followed upon a "surprise"
raid last night.
Both Labor Factions
Claim Ballot Victory
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-()P)-Both CIO
and AFL branchs of the United Au-
tomobile Workers Union claimed vic-
tory today in the first ballot test of

Hitler, Csaky
Meeting Hints
Military Pact
BERLIN, Aug. 17.--(M)-Adolf Hit-
ler received Count Stefan Csaky,
Hungarian foreign minister, at his
Obersalzberg mountain retreat today
and semi-official sources hinted that
an agreement was being reached for
Hungary's cooperation in case of war.
Meanwhile, a lull in overt develop-
ments in the German-Polish dispute
over Danzig was used by the Nazi
press to frontpage reports of alleged
acts of terrorism against Germans
in Poland and of attempts by refugees
to reach the Fatherland.
Count Csaky, accompanied by
Doeme Sztojay, Hungarian minister
to Berlin, spent several hours with
the German chancellor. Ostensibly,
Csaky's visit was to convey official
greetings to Hitler in connection with
th observance yesterday of the 25th
anniversary of the German leader's
enlistment as a World War soldier.
The fact, however, that Csaky saw
German Foreign Minister Joachin
Von Ribbentrop at Fuschl Castle yes-
terday and today indicated that
problems of great gravity are being
CAA Student
Will Continue
A Larger Scale Program
Seen For University;,
Scope Is State-Wide
Student flight training sponsored by
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, will
be continued here ' next year on a
much larger scale, according to Col.
Floyd E. Evans, director of the Michi-
gan State Department of Aeronautics.
It is anticipated that as many as
400 students may be given this train-
ing at various schools and colleges
throughout the State. The authori-
zation and appropriation bills for
this activity have been approved by
Congress, but the complete details of
the plan have not yet been announced
by the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
It is expected that the flight train-
ing program here will continue on
a basis similar to that undertaken in
the spring of 1939. It is not definite-
ly known how many students will be
trained here during the coming year,
but it is anticipated that between
100 and 150 students will be selected.
The authorization bill, as passed by
Congress, also requires that approxi-
mately five per cent of this number
shall be non-college men.
Bank Is Looted
In Philadelphia
Thugs Use Shopping Bag
To CarryStolen Bills
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 17.:-(P)-In
ten minutes, five armed men robbed
a bank here today and slipped away
in heavy traffic with $33,100 in a
nickel shopping bag.
First that passers-by and a street
corner policeman knew of the "clock-
work" holdup at the Wyoming Bank
and Trust Company in a North Phila-
delphia business section was a bank
officer's shout:
"Get a cop! We've been robbed!"

Directors of the bank announced
the amount taken hours after the
five escaped. Their first estimate
had been $15,000 to $20,000. All paper
money in sight was scooped up. The
men took no silver.
The bank is only a few blocks from
the scene of the $80,000 bank messen-
ger robbery of 1927-the city's most
notorious holdup. A policeman was
shot to death. Four men were exe-
cuted for parts' in the crime.
Despite the precision of the mid-
day holdup, police expressed the opin-
inn the hank robbers were "amateurs

Many Germans Arrested,
Some Released; Pass
Estate Partitioning Bill
Leader Of Minority
Held ForQuizzing
WARSAW, Aug. 17.-(P)-Officials
indicated tonight a sweeping drive
would be continued against espion-
age and subversive activity attributed
to the German minority in Poland.
Rudolf Wiesner, one of the leaders
of this minority, was released after
several hours of questioning, but with
the understanding he would be "at
the disposal of the Polish attorney
general's office."
Wiesner was "detained" as part of
the general drive which brought
about the arrest yesterday of a large
number of Germans of Polish citi-
zenship and several German citizens
as well.
43 Released
It was announced tonight that 43
of those arrested had been released
A decree- was issued empowering
the war or interior inSstry to splt
up estates in a belt three to forty
miles wide from the nation's boun-
The decree was in line with legis-
lation enacted in 1920 and 1925 for
the partition of estates to aid the
peasantry, but it was regarded at
this time as having also a definite
"national security" motive.
Germans own a great number of
large estates at the frontirs
cially in Silesia and Pumrethe or-
No charge was placed against Wies-
ner, .middle-aged;-, ~~ in epn
ent of Nazi doctrines and head of
the "Young Gemans, Party" in Po-
So far, several "bureaus" of the
Young German's Party and the
German Workers' Party in Poland
have been closed.
Evidence Of sabotage
A communique said there was
evidence of "an espionage and sub-
versive organization having its real
headquarters in the German part of
Foreign observers here regard the
present drive as retaliation against
alleged arrests and mistreatment of
Poles in German Silesia.
It appeared also that Poland was
seeking to avoid any repetition of
the situation that arose in Czecho-
Slovakia before that country's dis-
solution, in Sudetenland, which was
ceded to Germany in 1928, Nazis
became powerfully organized.
Poland's Commissioner
Heets With Danzig Head
DANZIG, Aug. 17.-(A)-The Polish
commissioner general, Marian Cho-
dacki,'returned today from a hurried
trip to Warsaw where, presumably,
he had received new instructions on
negotiations with Arthur Greiser,
Danzig senate president.
Although nothing could be ascer-
-tained of discussions that may have
occurred between Chodacki and Grel-
ser, the Polish commissioner's return,
indicating the talks would be con-
tinued, gave rise to some feeling of
In the Free City there were expres-
sions of confidence that a peaceful
solution might yet be found to the
question: "Shall Danzig return to
While the talks were technically
on trade relations Poland controls
Danzig customs-none has doubted
that, in the light of the Nagi agita-
tion they also had considerable po-
litical importance.
Foreign residents tended to re-

gard the Chodacki-Greiser meeting
as separate from the daily exhibitions
of military strength and preparations
for defense of the city.
Stevens Will Play
At League Dances
Earl Stevens and his 10-piece or-
chestra will replace Charlie Zwick's
orchestra at the regular Friday and

Polish Government
Continues To Move
Agan N S

French Visitor Here Is Positive
There Will Be.No European War
By MALCOLM (PUDGY) LONG In the field of education, M. Sallet
"Of course there will be no war in said that there was little propaganda
Europe," ius the positive statement of taught in the schools. As a teacher,
M. Andre Sallet, for 11 years a teacher he claimed that he has complete free-
in the schools of France and now on/ dom to teach what and how he sees
a brief visit to this country. fit.
Everyone is preparing for another Many of the teachers in France are
war, he continued, but it will not socialist, he declares, but this makes
come this year. little difference to the ,French pub-
As a Frenchman, M. Sallet was able lic who are amazingly indifferent to
to give an interesting interpretation the educational system.
to French politics. Parliament no
longer really exists but the power lies Teachers are well protected in their
in the premier. But it little matters jobs, he said. Tenure prevails and
to many of the people whether Dala- pensions provide for the teachers old
dier is premier or whether it is Blum age. But as to salaries, they earn
or La Rocque even. The people still less than cooks and laborers. And
think France is a republic, but it is although they earn less money than
no more so than Germany or Spain our teachers do, yet they pay almost
or Italy, M. Sallet said. the same price for commodities. The
- ,. -. - taxes in addition. make living far too

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