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August 17, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-17

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Taken From The Right End At Which To Be (Or Not To Be)

Constant Hearty Eating Is Seen
Bad For Summer Pep And Figure


an z


Well-Balanced Diet Is Aid
In Diminishing Effects
Of Heat, Writer Asserts'
We see by the papers that there
are going to be two Thanksgivings
this year, which will probably lead a
lot of people into the paths and by-
ways of hyprocrisy so that they can
claim the privilege of feasting twice
. . once with the old guard and
once with the new deal.
This should be welcome news to
some of you hearty eaters, and just
off hand we'd say that the capitalists
are bound to offer up .the most elab-
orate meal, but we'll take the cole
slaw with the underdogs and be per-
fectly happy. However, we confess
that food is an incidental matter to
us, and a quart of milk plus a pot of
black coffee and a couple of pea-
nut butter sandwiches can keep us
going at top speed any day.
On the other hand, there are a few
of you who live to eat, and you're
never happy unless you have just
finished stuffing yourself with any-
thing from a fried chicken dinner to
a few chocolate sodas. It's all right
to eat a lot when you're young and
active, because you can usually wear

most of it off. But when you begin
to approach the middle twenties you'll
find that matronly women can't get
by with being plump in the cute
sense, and you'll begin to regret that
you didn't use more common sense
when you were younger.,
Of course, we don't advise any of1
you to try and live on a meager diet
of milk, coffee and sandwiches, but it
would be a smart thing for you con-
stant eaters to cut down some. You
will feel much better during this hotE
weather if you follow a simple well-]
balanced diet, not only because you7
won't notice the heat so much, but
because in due time you will be able
to wear your clothes with more style..
For breakfast, drink orange juice,,
milk (or coffee if you prefer), and
have a poached egg on toast. For
lunch select a fresh vegetable salad,
a whole wheat sandwich or a bowl
of soup and milk. Then for dinner
eat meat, a few potatoes, vegetables,
milk and a fresh fruit dessert. This
need not be considered'adiet lin'the
strict sense of the word, as it con-
tains all the food and energy value
which the average coed needs to see
her through the day. All the vita-
mins necessary to a healthy existence
are contained in this menu, and if
you follow it religiously yod will both
look and feel 100 per cent better by
the time school opens next month.
Furthermore, it should be a blessed
relief to be able to wear a size 12 or
14 dress with complete comfort after
all these years of looking as though
you'd been poured into a 16.

Mrs. George Nash of South Hadley,
Mass., has announced the engage-
ment of her daughter, Dr. Leonora
Nash of Ann Arbor to John O. Mor-
gan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mor-
gan of Milwaukee.
Dr. Nash graduated from the Uni-
versity medical school and complet-
ed her internship in the University
hospital. She will return as assistant
resident in pediatrics this fall.
* * *
Miss Alice E. Kinney of Olivia Ave.,
will be married to Edward M. Heffer-
nan of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Heffernan of Northamp-
ton, Mass, at 4:30 p.m. in the af-
ternoon on Aug. 31 in the rectory *of
St. Thomas Catholic church.
Miss Kinney is a graduate of the
University and Mr. Heffernan at-
tended Dartmouth University and be-
longs to Delta Upsilon fraternity.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. O'Brien of
Detroit have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Margaret, to
John S. Marshall, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross S. Marshall of Shaker
Heights, O.
Both graduated from the Univer-
sity and Mr. Marshall attended Har-
vard after completing his work here.
Miss O'Brien participated in campus
projects while she was in school and
is affiliated with Chi Omega sorority.

Into the darkness spit anti-aircraft guns during maneuvers at Manassas, Va., where planes demonstrated a
bombing attack. Men from the 210th coast artillery from Bethlehem, Pa., are firing these three-inchers
while a searchlight plays on the "enemy." The Manassas maneuvers are part of a coastal defense drill involv-
ing 77,000 soldiers.

Set-In Sleeves To Be Feature
Of Men's Topcoats This Fall
The big note in fall fashions this tab, button-down and tabless-tab
year is the change in the topcoat, re- collars. Rep stripes in bright, but not
versible and otherwise. These coats, loud colors and the new ribbon-shape
while retaining the full body that bow tie go with the new shirts.
was so popular last year, are being Socks (garters are cricket, you
featured with set-in sleeves, instead know,) are being shown in the popu-
of the conventional raglan sleeve. lar six by three rib in all shades.
This provides a more tailored ap- We favor plain colors, but the gaud-
pearance, while retaining the com- ily striped hose that seem to bring
fort of the loosely-cut coat. The out the beast that lurks within every
coats are being shown with the bal- college man are seen in all the stores.
macaan collar, while some feature These favorites go especially well with
fly-fronts with flap pockets. They saddle shoes.
are being shown in a variety of fabrics What caught our fancy in one of
and colors including sand-tans, green, the shops was a coat that we con-
covert cloth, and other natural color sider to be the perfect garment for
materials. those long fall hikes through the
One of the local stores is also feat- Arboretum, a craveneted (keeps out
uring all weights of coats in the style the dew) corduroy, hip length, with
of the light gabardine topcoat-rain- huge pockets that can be reached into
coat that was taken up by the well- from both sides. They are provided
dressedl men on campus last spring. with flaps that seem to cover all the
The overcoats in this line come with pockets this year. Fitted oversize,
a removable lining, which makes the in a single-breasted model with the
garment suitable for almost any kind balmacaan collar, the coat provides
of weather. room underneath for all the sweaters
The three-button, plain back, single you wish to wear or, if you so prefer,
breasted suit is still the big seller in conceals with perfection that manly
the suit line. These come in the new figure. This coat comes in either
Devon cord, a twilly fabric, and of green or brown and is priced fan-
course in Shetlands, tweeds and other tastically low.
fabrics. Speaking of sweaters reminds us
The two-piece sport suit featured that cable-stitch sweaters are also
by Esquire last fall has finally reached being pushed this fall. They come
the campus and is available at some with or without sleeves and in plain
shops. ar button fronts. The button front is
Shoes this year will be rather new in this fabric and should prove
sturdy models, in heavily grained of value in maintaining that patent-
leathers. Something that will inter- leather hair comb. Royal blue, glen
est the saddle-shoe fans (we detest green, dover, camel, and maroon are
saddle shoes, by the way, and-think the colors.
that all males, not to mention the Hats are somewhat broader
fair sex, who wear these abomina- brimmed this year and come in the
tions, should be haled to the nearest , new metallic shades. The important
oak and strung up) is a plain toe ox- thing in a hat as we see it, seems to
ford in tan calfskin with a contrast- be the proper fit and shape. This is
ing saddle of darker leather. Also more imperative than some people
a good bet is the Norwegian blucher seem to think, for increasing or de-
with a reversed welt and the double creasing the size of the brim by one-
sole. This is just the thing for those eighth of an inch will make a hat look
slushy winter days that Ann Arbor is ill-fitting and even if it is a good one,
blessed with. This', particular shoe produce that hock-shop-look that one
comes in a medalion tip, something sees so often. To obtain a really good
that is being featured this fall. fit in the headgear line one should
Shirts wil h mnstlyo xfords, with make sure that the salesman knows

State Buyers Wastei
Time, Riley Caims
LANSING, Aug. 16.-(/)-Robert
J. Riley, new State Purchasing Direc-
tor, charged today that the average
State buyer on his staff wastes six
hours of each eight-hour workingi
day, and said he would correct the
condition immediately.;
Riley declared the fault rested withI
unbusinesslike procedures, rather]
than with the employes, asserting
there was no "filter" system to side-
track unwanted visitors demanding,
interviews with the buyers. As a re-
sult, he said, the buyers were plagued
by long interviews with vendors that
brought no benefit to the State.
(Continued from Page 2)
Office, Room 1, University Hall, for
Mr. John Canter.
Extension Courses : Bulletins of the
Extension Courses for the first semes-
ter of 1939-40 are available on re-
quest at the following offices: Exten-
sion Service, 107 Haven Hall; Gradu-
ate School, Rackham Building, and
School of Education, University Ele-
mentary School.
C. A. Fisher, Director.
Candidates registered in the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments.
should report change of address be-
fore leaving Ann Arbor at the end
of the summer session. 201 Mason
Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 2-4
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
what he is doing or better yet, take
along a friend whose judgment, along
clothing lines, you value highly.
One last note: trousers (pants to
the unitiated) are being worn with a.
full or semi-full break this year. Just
bear this in mind when you feel temp-
ted to have them adjusted at what
is known, in some circles, as the high
water mark.

Seek Applicants
For Nurse Post
United States Civil Service
To Fill Indian Position
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an open
competitive examination for the po-
sition of Junior Public Health Nurse,
in the Indian Field Service, Depart-
ment of the Interior. Applications
must be on file in the Commission's
office at Washington, D.C., not later
than Sept. 11 if received from States
east of Colorado, and not later than
Sept. 14, if received from Colorado
and States westward. The salary for
the position is $1,800 a year.
High school education and certain
nursing training is required for en-
trance to the examination. Com-
petitors are to be given a written test
covering practical questions. Appli-
cants must not have passed their
40th birthday. The age limit will
not be waived in any case.'
Full information may be obtained
from Edward Hellner, Secretary of
the U. S. Civil Service Board of Ex-
aminers, at the post office, or from
the Secretary of the U.S. Civil Service,
Board of Examiners at any first- or
second-class post office.
Governor Refuses Carr's
Commission Suggestion
LANSING, Aug. 16.--P)-Governor
Dickinson pledged his support today
to a plan to enlist the aid of churches
in a war on juvenile delinquency in
He refused, however, a request of
Dr. Lowell J. Carr, director of the
Michigan Child Guidance Institute
at Ann Arbor, to create a State com-
mission to enlist churches.
"Only recently I abolished a num-
ber of such committees because I
felt that the State had too many of
.them and they were not doing much,"
the Governor said. "To create an4
other would be rather inconsistent."'
Dickinson said he had no objection
to the Institute creating a committee
of its own to work with churches.

Music Camp Students To Give.
Concert At World's Fair Today
More than 300 'teen-age students versity dormitories.- Breakfast is
of the National Music Camp at In- served on the University grounds, but
terlochen, under the direction of Dr. other meals are taken at the Fair.
Joseph Maddy of the School of Mu- At 5 a.m. Tuesday morning the
sic, opened a series of concerts at the train -made a special 15-minute stop
New York World's Fair at 8 p.m. yes- at the High Falls Station at Niagara.
terday in the Temple of Religion. Arriving at 3:30 p.m. in New York,
The band will give a program at the campers went directly to tour
3 p.m. today in the Temple of Re- the great French liner, Normandie.
ligion, and the choir and ensembles
will be presented at 6 p.m. Other[Ilighways To Be Safe
concerts, broadcasts and programs
by members of the group will be given For Ragweed Victims
during the rest of the week.
Smaller ensembles will play at dif-
ferent occasions during the week, not-
ably at the National Advisory Com- benefit to hay fever sufferers, the
mittee's tea and at the Equitable Life State Highway Department today
Building today and Saturday. Dr. ordered ragweed cleared from 9,000
Maddy, president of the camp, and miles of trunkline right-of-way
Graham T. Overgard, director of
bands at Wayne University, are in throughout the State.
charge of the group while at the Fair. District foresters were asked to re-
Mornings are free for the "Music port infestations of the weed to main-
Morningse arewfreeoforltheo"Music
campers" to roam the Fair grounds tenance crews who will mow them
as they choose, under supervision of during periods of.light traffic.
counselors. A tour of Radio City will
highlight activities Friday, when the
campers will have a chance to look
behind the scenes at the National
Broadcasting Company.
The train which took the campers (4N
from Interlochen, near Traverse City, /
to New York included two baggage
cars, two buffet cars and seven pas-
senger cars. It carried, in addition S
to the campers, 200 musical instru-
ments, more than 7,275 pieces of
music, personal baggage, food suf-
ficient to serve three meals in the
dining cars, and other accomoda- y
A staff including counselors, doc-
tor and nurse, librarians, stage crew,
dietician, cafeteria superviser and
camp executives, went on the trip. /
Living quarters for the camp while
in New York are the Columbia Uni





Help Yourself To These Wonderful Bargains
Two Pairs $1 Lisle Hose .........now $1
All $1 Fine Silk Hose ............ now+69c
All 79c Fine Silk Hose..........now 49c
All Wash Dresses $2.95 to $5.95 value ...
Choice $1.00
All Umbrellas ...........One-half Price


Belle -Sharmeer's new
Over-The-Knee stockings
in your own
Belle-Sharnteer leg size.
Two-way stretch garter
keeps them up
sleekly. Belle-Sharmeer's
individual top-to-toe
sizing keeps them
perfect-fitting. Ask for
Brev for smalls,
Modite for middlings,
Duchess for tails,
Here exclusively.

I '

~~ ~





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