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August 17, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-17

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THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1 939



agd by students o the University of
8e authority of the Board In Control of

blished every morning except Monday during the
rersity year and Summ session.
Member of the Associated Press
e Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
r not otherwise credited In this newspaper. Al
to of republication of all other matters herein also
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
nd class mail matter.
bscriptions during regular sclool year by carrier,
by il, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Colleges certainly are changing. Only Of course you're probably not interested in'
yesterday we saw in the paper how Ohio these little recipes I've cooked up but heaven
State doesn't want its students making their knows-it's easier than going out and getting
Marx in the world. news to fill the paper.
* * * * *
Page three of the Summer Daily is getting to One good thing about The Daily, though-
have more stock heads than a Chicago packing we write them short enough so that there isn't
house. The latest-and most saccharine-is a any trouble when we have more columns than
tricky little number called: columns.
Yesterday in its debut it told a breathless pub- -The Daily
lic just how Carmel Chews (delightfully chewy); Not every man can be a mother . . .
Chocolate Drop Cookies (make them and you'll * *
have the drop on every other cook), and Sand Well, the summers almost over. In a few
Tarts (good lake sand-nothing cheap about more weeks the grads will have gone and the
them) are made. We're thinking of initiating a students returned for their annual adventure in
new column ourselves. Here's our first try, co-education. Reminds us of the time during
SNOOKIE SANCTUM last year when we asked a feminine acquaintance
By Stanie-Wanie what her schedule for the year was.
Baking in this weather in't the pleasantest "Breakfast at Swift's at eight; a coke at
thing to do. Some people would even rather the Parrot at nine; brunch at the Betsy Ross
drink champagne or read a good, intellectual at ten; a cigarette on Angell hall steps at
mystery novel. But sometimes the end jus- eleven and lunch at the sorority at twelve.
tifies "the means. That cliche-which I Then we'll stay around playing swing records
picked up from Agatha Christie's thrilling until our coke dates at two. By four it'll be
bookie-wookie on murders-wurders-is espe- time to watch football practice. Then we'll
cially true of the following group of cookies rush home, dress for dinner and go out on a
which are perfect with afternoon iced tea, date."
picnics, canned heat, brilliantine, French 75's "How about classes?" we asked naively.
and all-night drunks. In addition, they are Her face creased with worry.
simple to make and easy to throw in the "Darn it," she said. "I knew I'd forgotten
garbage can. something."
Carmel Chews There will be jubilation and dancing in the
Mix . . . cut in squares or strips. streets tomorrow for this is the next to last Town
Chocolate Drop Cookies And Gown. Never again will it be written; neve'#
Mix . . . cut in squares or strips. again will it be panned. Next fall we'll stick to
Sand Tarts reporting. One more day is all-bear up. Y6u
Mix.. ..cut in squares or strips. can stand it.
Much Time Seen Needed For Organizing
Wage-Hour Law Administrative Set-Up

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
Robert D. Mitchell . . . . .
Stan M. Swinton . .
Ethel Q. Norberg . . . . .
JohnN.Canavan .. . . . .
Harry M. Kelsey . . ..
Kari G. Kessler . . . .
Malcolm E. Long . . . ...
Barry L. Sonneborn . . .
Business Staff

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
city Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

Philip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager
Paul Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager
The editorials published In The Michga
Daily are written by members of the Daly
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
In American Politics.. .
E MOTIONALISM is and always has
been the, curse of American politics.
Instead of regarding political debate as a
means of getting at the truth, we choose sides
and play the game to win the elections.
Never in the history of this nation has the time
been more opportune for real discussion of
events and issues on an intellectual plane.
America may be forced to make up its mind by
1940 on the most significant decision which has
confronted her since the Civil War-whether
she will adopt a pragmatic, progressive approach
to her individual economic and social problems,
return to the more or less laissez-faire .attitude
of her halycon days, or embark on the road to
Involved in this decision are complex prob-
lems of wages, costs, prices, labor policies, busi-
ness psychology, profit possibilities and the busi-
ness cycle. These are not emotional problems.
Yet politicians for the most part refuse to
deal with them in realistic terms. From one side
we hear howls of dictatorship, bankruptcy and
the "third term"; from the other the same old
doctrinaire taunts of "reactionary" and "tory.
Nowhere, outside of the universities, does the'
average man hear any unbiased discussion of
practical economic pros and cons.
If emotionalism and all it implies gbuld be
'divorced from the political scene, democracy
would certainly become a more effective machine
for getting things done, whether it be lowering
the tariff or calming the business cycle.
But since man is an emotional creature, such
a possibility smacks of a Utopian dream.
There are, however, two practical alternatives.
One is to let one side do all the shouting and
shut-up the dissenters. That's authoritarian-
The other is to let both sides harangue each
other and let eloquence and propaganda (not
always synonomous with truth) win the elections.
That's democracy.
As the lesser evil, we'll take the latter.
-Jack Canavan

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-IP)-Enforcing the
wage-hour law has proved a tremendous task.
Administrator Elmer F. Andrews estimates that
250,000 establishments situated the country over
are affected by the Act.
His goal is a routine periodic inspection of
each. But that takes money, it takes manpower,
it takes a well-organized field force under
regional direction.
With Congress in its present mood, the at-
tainment of such an objective appears to lie
far in the future. Even if the necessary money
and men were provided, officials at the Wage-
Hour Division say, it woud be many months be-
fore inspectors could be trained, field offices
established and the system set to functioning
The Administration has been struggling to
keep pace with complaints of violations as they
flowed ceaslessly into headquarters here. At
the moment, some 20,000 are awaiting attention.
Officials estimate that more than half of them
will prove of sufficient validity to require an in-
spection of the plants concerned.
Looking ahead, Andrews estimates that 25,000,
inspections will be necessary in the coming year.
On a basis of experience each inspection requires
9.3 man days of work. On July 19, the Wage-hour
division had 371 employes in Washington and
174 in the field. At that time, Andrews, with
President Roosevelt's backing, asked Congress
for a-$2,000,000 appropriation to increase the
Washington force to 621 and the field personnel
to 1,513. That, he said, would permit the dis-
position of 75 per cent of the cases expected. But
Congress, reflecting both the anti-Administra-
tion trend of the session's closing days and the
dispute over amending the Act, voted $1,200,000
instead of the $2,000,000 requested.
The bulk of the complaints come from em-
ployes. The first step in their disposition is a
determination whether they involve inter-state
commerce and thus come under the Act. If so,
they are subjected to further analysis and then,
if it is deemed justified, go to the inspection
force. While there have been many instances in
which employers have promptly rectified situa-
tions when informed of them, the inspection staff
has had its difficulties with recalcitrants. There
have been cases, Wage-Hour officials said, in
which books have been falsified, and these have
involved interviews with the workers them-4
selves. In many instances, the latter have been
reluctant to talk. Some cases have been taken
into the courts, and in that field officials of the
division say they have had a high proportion of
One provision of the law has been unexpected-
forces of democracy "coming through" and win-
ning the day is extremely doubtful.
With Ciano, Badoglio and Balbo hovering
about like buzzards, it is to be expected that some
sort of division of labors would be effected.
Whether the new triumvirate would function
any better than the classical- one in Rome is
merely guesswork. But Stalin has set a good
example 'of what to do when in doubt.
Our money is on Badoglio, in the long run,
with Ciano out in front in a quick start.
-Malcolm Long

ly helpful to enforcement, they say. This is
dubbed the "hot goods" clause, and makes it
illegal for anyone knowingly to transport or sell
goods produced in violation of the Wage-Hour
rates. The consequence has been that some dis-
tributors, chain stores and mail order houses have
applied pressure to the manufacturers from
whom they buy.
After that happens, and the producer is faced
with the loss of a customer, one official said, he
"comes to us and says 'please let me plead guilty
Another,' and important, section of the Act
authorizes an "industry committees" system.
Under this section, Andrews appoints a commit-
tee for each industry, with employers, labor and
the public given equal representation. The
committee studies the needs and conditions of the
industry and recommends the minimum wage
rate to be paid. Andrews can then approve or
reject. He cannot modify a committee's findings.
The system is intended to give elasticity to the
law, and provide a gradual approach to the 40.t
cent minimum hourly rate which is to become
effective generally in 1945. The general mini-
mum is now 25 cents, and on Oct. 24 it will be-
come 30 cents.
The first wage rate to become effective under
the industry committee section was approved
by Andrews just this week. It provides 32%
cents an hour for workers in the seamless hosiery
industry, and the full 40-cent rate for full-
fashioned hosiery workers. Officials estimat?
that 46,000 workers will receive pay raises as a
result. A committee for the cotton and rayon
group has recommended 321/ cents (much-op-
posed by Southern operators) ; hearings have
been conducted and Andrews' decision is awaited.
About 175,000 employes in that industry now re-
ceive less than that amount.
Other committees have recommended: 36 cents
for the wool industry (raises for 13,000); rates
running from 32% cents to 40 cents on an occu-
pational classification basis for the clothing in-
dustry (raises for 200,000); 40 cents for millinery
making, (raises for 3,500); and 35 cents for shoe
workers (raises for 60,000). A committee has
been appointed for the hat industry, but has yet
to make its recommendation.
As rapidly as, the press of other activities will
permit, the division is working toward a decen-
tralization. of enforcement. The first regional
office has been established at Richmond, Va:
Fifteen others are planned. The Richmond
branch has been worked out on an experimental
basis. Records have been shifted to it gradually,
a big job in itself. When Richmond is func-
tioning, the second regional office will be set
up. One at a time is the plan.
As they begin to function they will become
clearing houses for complaint inspections in
their area, and gradually, Andrews hopes, the
center for the routine inspection system which
he has fixed as the ideal of enforcement.
He says:
"Experience of many years in the states in
this country which have pioneered in legisla-
tion on wages and hours, and in foreign coun-
tries with a long record of effective administra-
tion of wage and hour laws, shows that the only
inspection policy with a convincing record of
success is that of routine inspection."

The Tenure
Of Governors
How long should a governor serve?
The question is raised by the an-
nouncement of Governor Homer's
secretary, Arthur P. O'Brien, that the
chief executive of Illinois "is cer-
tainly going to run in 1940"-a cam-
paign that would make Mr. Horner
a candidate for a third four-year
In Missouri a discussion of the mer-
its and demerits of continuing a gov-
ernor in office is academic. Article
V, Section 2, of the Missouri Consti-
tution makes the Governor and State
Treasurer "ineligible to reelection as
their own successors." This is his-
toric State policy, not merely a pro-
vision of the Constitution. Not in
the 119 years of its statehood has a
Missouri Governor served more than
one term.
Missouri is not alone in this limi-
tation. In all, 13 states have the
same restriction, the others being
Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey,
New Mexico, North Carolina, Okla-
homa, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Three states, Delaware, Georgia and
Oregon, limit their governors to two
consecutive terms, while Tennessee
makes three terms the maximum
number in succession.
Alabama even goes so far as to bar
a governor from running for other
office until a year after his retire-
ment from the governorship. That is,
if Lloyd Stark were Governor of Ala-
bama he could not run for a seat in
the United States Senate A ext year.
The one-term rule is based on the
belief that four years is long enough
for a man to hold the office of gov-
ernor. It reflects the fear that if a
governor is eligible to reelection he
will build up a machine of state em-
ployes who will work to retain him
in office and keep their own places on
the public pay roll. If a governor has
only one term, it is reasoned, he will
be a better administrator than if his
eye is on reelection.
A large majority of the states, 31 to
be exact, impose no constitutional
limitation on the number of terms.
New York has had what could be
called a succession of career gover-
nors since the war. Alfred E. Smith
served four two-yeardterms (three
consecutively), and doubtless could
have been reelected in 1928, the year
he made his presidential bid. The
late Albert C. Ritchie was Governor of
Maryland 16 years. Governor Leh-
man of New York served three two-
year terms and last November was
elected for four years more. Govs.
Cochran of Nebraska and Moore of
New Jersey are serving third terms.
The argument here is that some
men have a special competence at
state administration,ras Mr. Smith
had to a marked degree, and that the
wise thing is to retain them in office
when they are found. Why turnia
good governor out, this argument
runs, and take a chance on a less able
successor? It is also said that many
governors, elected from the world of
business instead of politics, are half
way through a four-year term be-
fore they learn enough about the
work of the governorship to enable
them to function properly. Missouri-
ans frequently observe that the ex-
perience of their governors is lost to
the State.
As for a third term for Governor
Horner, that will be for Mr. Horner
and Illinois to decide. Henry Horner
has an excellent record. He has liter-
ally worked himself sick at his trying
job. It could be said that if Illinois
gave Len Small two terms, its voters
should welcome a chance to retain
for a third term an executive of Mr.
Homer's integrity
-The St. Louis Post Dispatch.
Ii ii

The Editor
To the Editor:
The American Legion, according
to an Associated Press report, has
prevailed upon the Ohio State Uni-
versity's Board of Trustees to ban
their Marxist Club from the campus.
The issue of free discussion among
university students is too familiar to
warrant emphasis here: that is the
very purpose of all education.
What is relevant about this report,
however, is the influence this action
will undoubtedly have on other such
institutions. We at Michigan sin-
cerely prize the valuable concessions
we have won in securing recognition
of the necessity for open forums on
any and all of the problems facing
democracy. The fear of "commun-
ism" being taught is not in itself the
issue. What is at stake is the educa-
tional right and obligation of every
student to freely and rationally ex-
amine all social philosophies and
reject or adopt whatever is deemed
scientifically justifiable. The' tech-
niques of Fascism are being applied
next door; will Ann Arbor hear its
rap next?
M. Gleicher, '39Ed.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Thursday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs voice of Farm Noonday News News
12:15 Life Beautiful Foot Health Farm Almanac Stock Report
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Turf Reporter
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Pianist
t:00 Food Chat vera Richardson Betty and Bob Concert Orch
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Comic Strip Grimm's daughter Organist
1:30 Your Family Keitty Keene Valiant Lady Melody Time
1:45 Mellow Moments Detroit Police Hymns Songs
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Opera Selections Concert Orchestra
2:15 Editor's daughter Ma Perkins It Songs
2:30 Dr Malone Pepper Young Hoosier Hop Paul Decker
2:45 Three Aces Guiding Light Book Ends News
3:00 Lebrun Sisters Detroit-Chicago Smile Parade voice of Justice
0:15 Varieties It,'
3:30 " Board of Health Baritone
3:45 Duncan Moore " Rhythm; News Tommy Tucker
4:00 Genevieve Rowe " Luegi Romanelli Jamboree
4:15 Swing Patterns
4:30 " Affairs of Anthony
4:45 Alice Blair
5:00 Miss Julia Jimmy Kemper Hollywood Hilts. Dance
5:15 Console Reveries Malcolm Claire Pat Gilmore Turf Reporter
5:30 National Tennis Sweet and Low Day In Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Baseball Final News
Thursday Evening

6:00 News
6:15 Musical
6:30 Joe E. Brown
6:45 t
7:00 Jim MacWilliams
7:15 "
7:30 Strange As Seems
7:45 "o
8:00 Major Bowes
8:15 o
8:30 t
8:45 o
9:00 Columbia Work.
9:15 Musical
9:30 viewpoints
9:45 Exclusive Stories;
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy
10:15 Music
10:30 Sports


Jack Jenny
Del Courtney
Dance Music
Harry Owens
Sign off

Tyson Review
Dinner Music
Rudy Vallee
Lost Plays
Music Hall
Sports Parade
vic and Sade
Fred Waring
Dance Music

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of .the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m, 11:00 a.m. Saturday

Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend August graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and the School of Edu-
cation for. departmental honors
should send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before
the close of the Summer Session.
Final doctoral examination of Frank
LeRoy Schwartz will be held Aug. 17,
1939 at 2 p.m. in 231 West Engineer-
ing Building. Mr. Schwartz' field of
specialization is Mechanical En-
gineering. The title of his thesis is
"An Indicated Horsepower Meter."
Professor H. E. Keeler as chairman
of the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination and
to grant permission tontothers who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Henry Joseph Meyer, Jr., will be held
at 2 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 17 in the
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. Meyer's field of specialization is
Sociology. The title of his thesis is
"The Structure of the Jewish Com-
munity in the City of Letroit."
Dr. R. C. Angell as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Hopwood Contestants: Students
who entered the Summer Hopwood
Contest may call for their manu-

scripts at the Hopwood Room, Fri-
day, from 2 until 5 p.m.
E. A.'Walter.
Examination Schedule
Hour of
Recitation 8 9 10 11
Time of Thurs. Fri. Thurs. Fri.
Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 '2-4
Hour of all other
Recitation 1 2 3 hours
Time of Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri.
Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Deviations from the above schedule
are not permitted. All classes will
continue regularly until the examin-
ation period.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Gerald William Mulder will be held
Saturday, Aug. 19 at 9 a.m. in 3201
East Engineering Building. Mr. Mul-
der's field of specialization is Chemi-
cal Engineering. The title of his
thesis is "The Mechanism of Heat
Transfer to Boiling Liquids in a Ver-
tical Tube."
Professor J. C. Brier as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidatesr toattend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
The Chinese Students' Club will
have a picnic at the University Fresh
Air Camp on Saturday,'Aug. 19, at 2
p.m. All Chinese students wishing to
attend the picnic should register at
the office of the International Cen-
ter before Saturday. The party will
leave from the International Center.
Mail is being held in the Business
(Continued on Page 3)

Easy Aces
Mr. Keen-Tracer
Green Hornet
James Bourbonnais
It's Up To You
Yukon Drama
Anson weeks
Concert Band
Gray Gordon
Tommy Dorsey
Fats Waler
will Osborn
Sign Off

Stop and Go
Fintex Sportlight
Jimmie Alien
voice of Justice
Washington News
String Serenade
Johnnie Davis
War Veterans
Henry Weber
State Highway
Doc Sunshine
Ben Bernie
Jack McLean





ri lrr°crn t^,nnrr

The End
Of A Dictator . .

FROM THE NEWS reports of the past
few days, it has become apparent
that, at last, after much wishful thinking, the
American Pipedream Number One may come
to pass.
It is possible that one of the more objection-
able dictators may not be dictating much longer.
On fragmentary evidence, we admit, but in
accord with our hopes. we see that Mussolini is
on the list of the seriously ailing.
For the first time since he began his rule
over Italy, Mussolini has been absent from the
annual Italian War Games. In view of which
fact, these games were called off some time
ahead of schedule. Whether this was because
of his absence or whether the army experts were
dissatisfied is not known. The fact is, however,
that following a brief appearance at the be-,
ginning, Il Duce was conspicuously missing.
At a final review, moved up several days, there
was no leader to make his usual militantly ora-
torical outburst.
Coupling this with his appearance in Libya,
ofn 1il nITC ichf n ~ hs a _ _ nlnnm " h

At Night' 'Five Came Back'
Corming Saturday-
"The Man In The Iron Mask"
- FW


You won't smile back... you'll laugh till it hurts!


Examination Schedule

Hour of Recitation ...I 8 I S 10 I 11

..: SST WR UY.._ WV

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