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August 17, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-17

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lly fair today



Official Publication Of The Summer Session


In American Politics


No. 45




p p

-- -

On Stand)

United States Ready To Offer
Economic Help To Germany

Dies Group
lds Session

German - American Bund
Leader Calls Starnes
'Liar' At Questioning
Witness Testifies
On Bund Activities
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.- (P) -
The Dies Committee resumed business
at its old stand today and delighted,
then disappointed, a half-hundred
spectators with an unfulfilled pros-
pect of fisticuffs between Represen-
tative Starnes (Dem., Ala.) and Fritz
Kuhn, leader of the German-Ameri-
can Bund.
All day long, the stocky Kuhn had
sat at the Committee's witness table,
smoking cigarets and fingering a
folder- of matches. In a throaty
voice, heavily burdened with teutonic
accent, he had, between flares of
anger and defiant retorts, testified:
That the bund has 20,000 to 25,000
members and about 100,000 organized
sympathizers, some of whom pay dues.
That membership records of his
organization had been destroyed at
his order when investigations seemed
likely by the Dies Committee and a
New York State Legislative group.
That he cherishes an abiding dis-
like for Wililam Dudley Pelley, leader
of the Silver .Shirts, an antipathy
which was the product of a 15-minute
Other Bund Activities
That since early 1938, the Bund
has received $18,000 in voluntary con-
tributions, and that monthly dues
receipts run to about $2,000. He left
the .latter amount inexact because the
books were in the hands of New
York's district attorney.
Asked for a detailed financial
statement, he suggested that the
committee of Congressmen get it
from the Justice Department's Bu-
reau of Investigation, since that Bu-
reau was investigating him.
That he had an interview with Hit-
ler-in 1936 and contributed something
less than $3,000 to the German "win-
ter-relief" fund.
That a message from Hitler and
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of
"public enlightenment," were includ-
ed in a recent Bund yearbook.
Four Hours Of Questioning
These bits of infomation were
spread through four hours of ques-
tioningK, by Rthea Whitley, Committee
counsel. Spectators came and went,
but those who stayed were finally re-
warded for their patience. Late in
the day, Starnes took up the examina-
Cocking an accusing finger at
Kuhn, he said:
"What connection have you with
the German government."
"Absolutely no connection what-
soever," Kuhn retorted.
"Isn't Mr. Hitler against the Com-
"Aren't you against the Com-
munists?" Kuhn countered.
"Isn't Mr. Hitler anti-Semitic?"
"Aren't you . .
Starnes' face was flushed, his fists
clenched. Kuhn was sputtering an
indistinguishable combination of
Georman and English words. Starnes
cut him short with an imperious ges-
ture and a question whether the
purpose of his organization was not
the establishment here of a govern-
ment like that in Germany.
"An Absolute Lie!"
"That's an absolute lie!" Kuhn
shouted. "A flat lie!"
Starnes jumped to his feet and
lunged toward the witness, stumbling
through photographers and news-
men. A capitol policeman ploughed
through after him but seemingly
could not overtake the irate Con-
gressman. Another made for Kuhn,
who, red-faced, was still placidly
seated in the witness chair.
.In all Starnes advanced about five

paces, and still had another half--
dozen to go before he could reach
the witness. There he stopped.
"Don't you call me a liar!" he cried.
By that time an officer had gotten
between Starnes and Kuhn. Many
spectators were doubled up with
laughter. Chairman Dies was thun-
derously pounding for order. Still
standing where he ended his charge,
smoothing the rumpled sleeves of his

Administration's Program
Would Aid Hitler Should
He Join In Discussions
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-(A)-
Ready for the day when-or if-
Germany is inclined toward perman-
ent "appeasement," there are in
Uncle Sam's locker various economic
gadgets designed to help Adolf Hitler
obtain, through peaceful means, part
of what he might otherwise seek
through war.
As reports come from Europe in-
dicating new efforts at peaceful set-
tlement 'in the face of another crisis,
information on what this Adminis-
tration has in mind toward that end
becomes more concrete.
When President Roosevelt sent his
last appeal for peace to Hitler he
"The Government of the United
States would be prepared to take part
in discussion looking towards the
most practical manner of opening up
GOP Of State
GIves Welcome
To Vandenberg
Senator I Feted At Ionia
State Fair; Is Termed
'Favorite Son' For 1940
IONIA, Aug. 16.-(P)-Members of
the Republican High Command in
Michigan turned out in force today
to hail U.S. Senator Arthur H. Van-
denberg of Grand Rapids as a "fa-
vorite son" in the race for the Presi-
dential nomination in 1940.
Vandenberg ran true to the form
he has established in previous Presi-
dential booms. He did not acknowl-
edge his candidacy, but he showed
the crowds attending Governor's Day
ceremonies' at the Ionia State Fair
that he knew what they expected of
The Senator dropped the first ink-
ling of what 1940 may hold instore
in the semi-privacy of a luncheon at
which the Ionia Rotary Club enter-
tained visiting Republican leaders. At
least half in jest, he addressed form-
er State Treasurer Howard Lawrence
as "Mr. Farley."
Listeners pricked up their ears, for
they knew of Lawrence's activity in
organizing Vandenberg-for-President
Clubs and his confessed aspirations
that a national campaign might cast
him in the role of President-maker.
Later Vandenberg beckoned the
thousands attending the fair into a
Republican Party whose platform
would be "peace and prosperity." A
policy of "mandatory neutrality"
would keep the United States "out of
other people's troubles," he said, and
a return to "the economic sanity of
the old American system" could re-
store prosperity in six months, he
Sprinter Shoots Foot
PAW PAW, Mich, Aug. 16.-)-
Alan Smith, sprinter on theUniversi-
ty track team, was recovering today
from a bullet wound in the left foot
suffered Monday when a 22-caliber
rifle discharged accidentally.

avenues of international trade to the
end that every nation of the earth
may be enabled to. buy and sell on
equal terms in the world market as
well as to possess assurance of ob-
taining the materialssandcproducts
of peaceful economic life."
What had he in mind to offer if
Hitler had answered "yes"?
A response from a usually reliable
source is:
Credits, probably through the ex-
port-import bank, to enable Ger-
many, despite her depleted foreign
exchange, to buy abroad; and access
to American surplus commodities
such as wheat and cotton, both much
needed in Germany, at subsidized-
much lower than market-prices, and
probably on credit.
In exchange Germany would have
to agree to progressive disarmament,
in proportion to the disarmament
agreed to by other nations. The
American credits would be available
only, in the words of the President,
for the "materials and products of
peaceful economic life." The credits
would be advanced on the install-
ment plan, ready to be cut off at any
time Germany did not live up to the
other conditions in the agreement.
At the same time Germany would
be expected to take the first steps
toward abolition of her closed econ-
omy and barter trade, in the direc-
tion of liberal commerce. In order
to do so, Germany, it is thought by
some analysts here, would have to
'devalue the mark to enable her to
give up the artificial and "aski"
mark.s She has had to create the
artificial mark because the internal
value of the mark is too high and
does not permit her to sell her goods
abroad in terms of the internal
mark. The necessity for subsidizing
exports stems partly from the same
Mr. Roosevelt
Is Port-Boind
By Heavy Fog
President In Cape Breton
Awaiting Papers From
WashingtonAt Sydney
N.S., Aug. 16.-(A')-Plagued by a
heavy fog on his cruise in Canadian
waters, President Roosevelt reached
-this Cape Breton port in midafter-
noon today and ordered the cruiser
Tuscaloosa to remain overnight to
await better weather.
He had come here primarily to get
a mail pouch bearing important
papers from Washington but the fog
prevented a plane from getting
through up to the time the Tusca-
loosa dropped anchor at 2:15 p.m.
After arriving at this northeastern
gateway to the Dominion, Mr. Roose-
velt received in his quarters aboard
ship Jack MacLean, Acting Mayor of
Sydney, H. J. Kelly, vice president
and general manager of the Dominion
Steel and Coal Corporation, and other
local notables. The President did
not plan to go ashore.
Where the Tuscaloosa would head
after raising anchor about day-
break tomorrow had not been deter-
mined. It was possible it would turn
eastward toward fishing grounds or
intothe Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Five States
Join Texas
In Oil Strike
Oklahoma, New Mexico,
Kansas, Arkansas And
Louisiana Close Wells
Attempt To Avoid
CollapseOf Prices
OKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. 16.-()-
Five states lined up behind Texas
tonight in a parade against collapsing
oil price schedules by joining an un-
precedented "shutdown strike" to
halt the flow of wells which produce
more than two thirds of the Nation's.
Workmen closed the valves on 56,-
000 Oklahoma wells this morning and
before the day had ended, New Mexi-
co, Kansas, Arkansas and Louisiana
had followed the pattern set by
Kansas fell in line about mid-day,
shutting down until further notice.
Late in the day Arkansas announced
all controlled fields would close at
7 a.m. tomorrow until further notice
and Gov. Earl K. Long, of Louisiana,
reported his state would issue a two-
weeks' shut down order, effective at
6 p.m. tomorrow.+
In New Mexico, a proclamation+
closing the state's 2,265 wells, signed
by Gov. John E. Miles, will be placed+
in effect by A.A. Andreas, state geolo-
gist, upon his return from Oklahoma,
Texas, which produces nearly 40
per cent of the Naton's crude, closed
its 87,000 wells yesterday, taking the
lead in the offensive by mid-continent1
producers against a wave of price
The shutdowns in Texas, Oklaho-
ma and New Mexico were ordered for+
15 days but Gov. Leon C. Phillips of
Oklahoma said he was not certain
this would be sufficient to end the+
price crisis.
"I'll not hesitate to call another
meeting if I don't think this solves
it," he commented.
Officials' hoet"he shutdowns+
would force the crude price back to]
$1 a barrel by reducing stocks. Clos-
ing of the entire mid-continent area
was recommended by the Interstate
Oil Compact Commission yesterday.1
Foremost question in the minds of
motorists was the ultimate effect on
the price of gasoline. At Tulsa,
Okla., spot prices were reported up
a quarter to half a cent.
However. R. B. Tansel, a leading
Tulsa broker, said it probably would
be some time before the price hike.
was felt by the consumer.
Freshmen Will Get
Michigan Handbook
First copies of the Michigan Hand-
book for 1943, organized and pub-
lished by the Student Religious Asso-
ciatiori, came off the press yester-
day and soon will be sent to all in-
coming Freshmen and transfer stu-
The book, in pocket size, contains
more than 125 pages of description,
advice, songs, cheers, a map and
other information. It covers the
University's history, room and
board arrangements in Ann Arbor,
student -employment, extra-curricu-
lar activities and social activities.

Takes Federal Post

Earl V. Moore
Accepts WPA
Music Position
Faculty Member Takes
Place Of Sokoloff As
Government Consultant
Dr. Earl Vincent Moore, 49, musi-
cal director of the University's School
of Music, was appointed yesterday to
succeed Nicolai Sokoloff as special
consultant for the WPA music pro-
gram, according to an Associated
Press dispatch received here.
The WPA said Moore, a native of
Lansing, would assume the position
immediately. Officials explained his
services were obtained on a loan
basis from the University.
Dr. Moore, who received degrees
from the University in 1910, 1912 and
1915, studied composition and con-
ducting abroad both during those
years and afterward. He joined the
University's faculty as head of the
organ department in 1914, becoming
a professor of music and director of
the School of Music in 1923.
University organist from 1913 to
1923, Dr. Moore was conductor and
musical director for the May Music
Festivals for several years beginning
in 1923. He is the author of several
Michigan songs, including "Varsity,"
and was president for two terms of
the Music Teachers National Associ-
Army Maneuvers
See 'Invader' Win
MANASSAS, Va., Aug. 16.-(AI)-
An invading, mechanized unit of the
regular army smashed the left wing of
defending National Guard forces to-
day and took up a position between
the guardsmen and the National Cap-
ital, goal of a mock four-day invasion.
' The attack, begun with a 15-mile
night movement under cover of fog,
resulted in the capture of Brig. Gen.
Amos W. W. Woodcock, former pro-
hibition administrator and comman-
der of the 58th Maryland brigade, and
his staff, as well as the 104th medical
regiment from Baltimore and its com-
mander, Col. Frederick P. Vinup.
The invaders, engaged since Mon-
day in maneuvers against a superior
force of guardsmen from Marylant,
Pennsylvania and Virginia, were as-
sisted in their attack when their
planes "blew up" a National Guard
l ammunition dump.

Poland And Danzig
Officials Negotiate
FOllowin g Shooting

New Train To Replace
'City Of San Francisco'
new "City of San Francisco" stream-
liner will be placed in service next
week to replace the train wrecked
in Nevada.
The three railroads which operated
the train said equipment for the 11-
car diesel powered train would be
provided by the Southern Pacifi,
Union Pacific and Chicago andi
Northwestern and the Pullman Com-
It will go into service Aug. 23 from
Chicago and Aug. 26 from San Fran-
cisco, operating on the 39%-hour
schedule maintained by the former
Equipment will include six sleeper
cars containing 87 rooms, compared
with the 60-room sleeper accommo-
dations of the wrecked train.
Traffic Institute
To Make Study
Of Police Work
Detroit Staff To Cooperate
With Class On Inquest;
Driver Training Startedt
Taking the form of a clinical labor-
atory for the traffic safety movement,
the National Institute for, Traffic
Safety Training yesterday began. co-
operative work between a great num-
ber of its members and the police in-
vestigation squads, as well as be-
ginning supervised practice teaching
in driver training methods.
The class in Accident Investigation,
with enrollees from all parts of the
country, will journey to Detroit next
week. While in Detroit members of
the class will be placed in regular
accident investigation cars, manned
by Detroit police, so that the "stu-
dents" may have a chance to see how
investigation activities are carried on
in the country's motor center.
The accident investigation class is
conducted by A. R. Forster, Director
of Training Activities, Northwestern
University Traffic Institute, in the1
absence of Lieut. Frank M. Kreml qf
Those attending the course in
Adult Driver Training, as well as
safety directors and teachers taking
the course in Elementary Education,
heard a talk by D. C. Fenner, Vice-
President of the Mack Truck Com-
pany and a member of the Operating
Committee of the Automotive Safety
Foundation. Mr. Fenner stressed the
progress now being made in traffic
safety education in the schools and
expressed the view that it is one of
the most promising approaches to as-
suring safer drivers and pedestrians
in the future.
Mr. Fenner cited, in his appeal for
education and cooperation as helpful
in lessening the traffic problem, that
individual cooperation on the part of
all drivers is the real need in the
traffic safety movement. He added
that education in the schools on pub-
lic educatiori. is essential- to securing
this cooperation.
The adult training course is con-
ducted by Mrs. Mildred Y. McKay,
Director of Driver Training for the
Cleveland Automobile Club, and the
(Continued on Page 3)
Death Claims

Both Countries Inaugurate
Investigation Of Killing
Of Soldier At Border
Fuehrer Convenes
With State Heads
DANZIG, Aug. 16.-(P)-Polish and
Nazi officials were brought face to
face across a conference table in a
new effort at peace negotiations today
as bitterness was heightened by the
killing of a Polish soldier by Danzig
border guards.
Both Polish and Danzig officials
were investigating the killing, which
occurred early today on Danzig ter-
ritory near the border station of
Kohling about six miles south of the
City itself. Private Aleksander Ro-
zanovski of the Polish army was shot
'to death.
The conference meeting was be-
tween Marian Chodaeki, Polish Com-
missioner-General, and Arthur Gre-
ser, Danzig Senate Presidentin the
[office of Prof. Carl J. Burekhardt,
League of Nations High ommisso-t
er. It lasted a little less than alf
an hour.
Burckhardt, who talked with Adolf
Hitler last week at Berchtesgaden,
presumably had some word from the
German Chancellor to lend weight
in his obvious efforts to stave off
developments that might lead to war
over the Free City.
To Confer With Bek
After the conference Chodacki left
for Warsaw, where he was expected
to confer with Polish Foreign Minis-
ter Joseph Beck on the growing ten-
sion here.Bkg n
Participants in today's talks de-
clined any' information about the
subjects discussed.
BERLIN, Aug. 16.-MIP)Adolf Hit-
ler met with the. chief of his air force,
the head of his press department and
his foreign minister today as the
army continued "preparedness mea-
sures" in the light of German pres-
sure on the Danzigquestion.
Ostensibly, the callers came tofe-
licitate the head of the German State
on the 25th anniversary of hisen-
listment as an Austrian volunteer in
the German World War army.
Talked With ay
Foreign Minister Joachim Von
Ribbentrop earlier, however, had con-
ferred at his Alpine home with Count
Stefan Csaky, Foreign Minister of
Hungary whose cooperation, or at
least "benevolent neutrality," Nazis
acknowledge would be of vital impor-
tance to the German-Italian alliance
in the event of a European conflict.
The air chief, Field Marshal. Her-
mann Goering, is considered Hitler's
right hand man, and Press Chief Otto
Dietrich handles many of the details
of official pronouncements.
Varsity Swim
Team To Enter
National Meet


Slim Republican Victory In 1940 Indicated By Poll

A slim Republican victory in 1940
followed by a surge of business confi-
dence and a permanent system of
planned government investment--
that's the picture indicated by a poll
of advanced economic students com-
pleted here recently.
Answering the final examination
question: "If you had no prejudices,
how would you vote in .19 0 and
why?" 17 out of 41 students in an
advanced theory class, numbering a
Rhodes Scholar, several . Phi Beta
Kappas and a sprinkling of campus
leaders, threw their votes to the Grand
Old Party.
"Recovery before reform" was the
campaign cry of these business lead-
ers, financial experts and professors
of tomorrow, all of whom should be
old enough to vote by 1940.
But the verdict was far from unani-
mous. Sixteen-pledged their allegi-
ance to a Democratic "New Deal" can-
didate, 14 of whom came right out
and plugged for Franklin D. Roose-

class expressed opposition to a third
term as such. Obviously all the 17
Republicans and, strangely. enough, a
lone New Deal Democrat, opposed a
third term for Mr. Roosevelt.
The University is evidently turning
out a group of realistic minded, prag-
matic young thinkers if the class
polled is an accurate sample. With
the exception of a leftist minority,;
they were largely concerned with
materialistic rather than ideological
concepts. This tendency was best
illustrated by two avowed socialists
who claimed they would vote Republi-
can because they "wanted jobs" when
they graduate.
One declared that if a Republican
victory assured recovery as he be-
lieved it would, the reforms for which
he hoped would eventually take care
of themselves, "because public opinion
would force any Republican president
to continue Roosevelt's social re-
Nine avowed collectivists constituted

"pump-priming." The concensus of
collectivist opinion held that "priv-
ate enterprise has made a mess of
things so why not try something else."
Incidently the above socialist cast
the only dissenting vote on the burn-
ing issue of "pump-priming." Not
another student registered a protest
against the theory of government
spending and 30 urged it outright.
Many of these were Republicans.
However the latter insisted that it
must be accompanied by reborn busi-
ness confidence to succeed, and only
a Republican victory could inspire
this confidence, they held.
Practically all of the Roosevelt
supporters indicated a leaning toward
a greater degree of collectivism-ex-
tension of government control over
the Nation's economic system. They
feared a reaction against social secur-
ity, labor rights and other reforms
should a Republican president gain
However most of the Republican

Five Republican supporters, how-
ever, veered from the beaten path and
suggested reforms modeled after Prof.
John L. Simonds' "A positive pro-.
gram for Laissez-faire" from his
pamphlet by that name. Enforced
competition to supplant monopoly,
central banking and credit control,
incentive forms of taxation, public
ownership of utilities and extension
of social security were all urged as
an alternative to -monopoly, whether
private or government controlled.
A great departure from the tradi-
tional Republican platforms of pre-
depression days was the strong Re-
publican student sentiment for lower
tariff barriers and relatively free
trade as necessary to world economic
Five students emerged from the
poll squarely "on the fence," evi-
dently unwilling to make up their
minds as yet. One cautious individual
came out with "a suitable candidate
for the presidency must not be too

Miss C.


Daughter Of Former Dean
Was Old-Time Resident
Miss Cynthia Sager, one of the
oldest and best known of the city's
residents, died yesterday afternoon at
her home in the Cutting Apartments.
Miss Sager had lived in Ann Arbor
for over 95 years and would have cele-
brated her 99th birthday Sept.' 10.
She was the daughter of the late Dr.,
Abram Sager, one of the founders of
the Medical School in 1850 and dean
of the school until his death in 1873.
Born in Jackson, Miss Sager moved

Attention will be focused in earnest
this week on the National A.A.U. out-
door swimming championships in De-
troit Aug. 24-25, as members of
Michigan's intercollegiate champion-
ship team report back for practice.
Ed Hutchens, varsity freestyler,
arrived in town yesterday, with pre-
diction of ,a "fifty-fifty chance" for
the team in the competition. He will
swim in the 800-meter relay in the
meet. Coach Matt Mann is at pres-
ent directing his own Camp Chikopi
in northern Canada, but will be back
by the first of next week.
Members of the team who will re-
port to Mann Aug. 22 include Capt.
Hal Benham, diver, and last year's
captain, Tom Haynie, who will par-
ticipate in the 800 meter relay, the
100-meter freestyle and 200-meter
freestyle. Gus Sharemet, sophomore
star from Detroit, will be in the 100-
and 200-meter freestyle races, and
John Sharmet will race in the 200-
meter breaststroke.
Others include Bill Beebe, in the
100-meter backstroke and 300-meter
medley relay; Charles -Barker, 100-

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