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August 17, 1939 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-08-17

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The "afternoon tea" was sponsored by the millers at a recent conven-
tion at Suffolk, the elephants invited to attend from a nearby circus.
One dealer, Loren Kinsley, of Detroit, said he was confident that a
similar number of boys could have done the trick and that he is con-
templating sponsoring a "peanut festival" in Michigan to try to prove
his point. Elephants were in the news yesterday at the Ionia Free Fair
also, as a parade was staged in honor of Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, often
named as the possible Republican nominee in 1940. Vandenberg posed
with one of the great pachyderms for a picture.

"The world's greatest runner is Taisto Maki," (No. 5), say sports
writers, hailing the London performance of this flying Finn who's been
smashing Nurmi records. Comparison fololws: 3,000 meters-Maki,
8:15:6; Nurmi, 8:20.4; three miles-Maki, 13:42.2; Nurmi, 13:52.6;
10,000 meters-Maki, 30:02.0; Nurmi, 30:06.1. Maki began to run as a




Supported by Rough Riders, Mrs. Catherine Hynds, 87, attended the
dedication of a "Teddy" Roosevelt monument at Montauk, N.Y., marking
the 41st anniversary of the Rough Riders' return to Montauk from
Cuba. Mrs. Hynds lost two sons in the Spanish-American war. Marker
is in rock from which T.R. often addressed troops.

If Vice-President John Garner, His protests (as of March 22)
"Cactus Jack" to his fellow Texans, that he's not a candidate for presi-
chooses to seek the 1940 Demo- dential nomination haven't quieted
cratic nomination, he may decide a build-up for Sen. Arthur H.
on a front porch campaign. Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.).

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