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August 16, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-16

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1939


+ iiii...i


i 11




The Editor
Gets Told

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday




dited and managed by students of the University of
higan under the authority of the Board in Control of
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versity year and Bumm r Session.
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Dnd class mail matter.
ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
10; by mail, *4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Refresenlative

PRESENTING - "A Tale Of Two Cities"
wherein Mr. McDonell-Ward Salsinger of
the Detroit Times-Press and Mr. Kieran- Martin
Kirksey of the New York United Times, Assc.
describe what is usually described by cliche ex-
perts, as a Yankee-Tiger Battle.
* * * *
(Special to - The Detroit Times-Press)
NEW YORK CITY, August 16-Those ram-
paging Tigers handed New York's overrated
Yankees a stkunning 3 to 2, defeat today and
began a drive which should take them out of
seventh place and into the pennant within a
few (short days.
They lost the second game 17 to 0.
Showing the spirit which has made the Motor
City the leader of the nation's industry, School-
boy Rowe, the man with a heart as big as
Henry Ford's River Rouge plant, fought and
battled his way to an easy victory.
(Rowe allowed fourteen hits)
The Schoolie, who's never been downed since
he came from the cotton, okra and muskmelon
fields of Texas to the Big Show, played brilli-
antly. His great single put him on base in the
third and from the base he could be seen waving
to his grey-haired mother and smiling wife, who
were sitting in the stands quaffing coca-colas
and eating hot dogs, coca colas and hot dogs
manufactured right here in Dynamic Detroit. ,
In the second game the Tigers were nosed out.
They halted the Yankee rally in the ninth inning
but couldn't quite overcome the 17 run handicap
despite their gallant efforts. Yes sir, it looks
like another championship for Detroit.

A team of Yankees as great as Greater New
York's World Fair showed enthusiasm similiar to
that experienced when Grover Whalen recently
announced a 50 cent admission fee for week-
ends today as they handed a team from the
drought-ridden dust-bowl of the Far West a
terrific 17 to 0 lacing.
"The Yankees were as terrific as the Aquacade
at the New York World's Fair," Grover Whalen
declared after the game.
"Of course they were defeated in the first game 3 to 2
Even a foreign delegation from Brooklyn ad-
mitted the Yanks were good as they murdered the
offerings of one Prep-Student Rowe.
"It looks,' said Manager McCarthy, "Like an-
other championship for those battling Yanks
of mine."
* * * *
The Michigan Daily reports on the game:
"NEW OYRK CITY, June 7-(M)-Yedoit's
Dankees updefeated Nwe York today behind the
Professor Williams also said that English one
In the second game the Yankees came sack
sjrvtx to win by a score of yxrv$(&.
* * * *
And Town and Gown, with especial pride, pre-
sents a: FLASH! It was learned authoritatively
today that a watermelon cut for students from
(fill in yourself) will not be held in Dr. T.
Luther Purdom's back yard three weeks from
next Wednesday.

Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
41tchell. . . . . " .
inton . . . . .
rberg . . . . .
navan . .. .
elsey . . . . .
sler '. . . . .
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nneborn . . . .
Business Staff

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
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Associate Editor
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor


W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager
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The editorials published in The Michigan
ally are written by members of the Daily
aff and represent the views of the
riters only.

Sectional Pressure Looms As Threat
To Wage-Hour Law Ln Next Congress

.11iDane . ,

AFTER SERVING as principal of the
.lUniversity of Michigan High School
for more than a decade, Dr. Edgar G. Johnston
has announced his resignation. In the future
he will serve as a high school visitor in the
Bureau of Co-operation with Educational In-
stitutions while continuing to teach part time
in the School of Education.
It is, of course, the usual thing to cite the
accomplishments of a man when he leaves a
position. But the accomplishments of Dr. John-
ston while at University High deserve publicity.
He built the school into a model for progressive
educators. Constructive extra-curricular activi-
ties were encouraged. Courses - such as the one
in Modern Social Problems - were taught which
are rarely found on the high-school curriculum.
Students were trained both vocationally and for
the demands of educational institutions which
might be entered upon graduation. Those who
graduated possessed a catholicity of knowledge.
And, for the student advanced beyond his or
her years, an opportunity to do individual re-
search and study was available.
Mr. Trytten, who replaces Dr. Johnston, has
served as acting principal of the University's
High School and shown his ability to handle the
problems which arise. It is fortunate that one
can be found who possesses- the high degree of
understanding and competency which Dr. Johns-
ton possessed in the years during which he led
the University High School to a place among pro-
gressive lower-schools which won it deserved
nation-wide attention.
-Stan M. Swinton

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15-(P)-In the rich leg-
acy of trouble which the last session of Congress
willed to the next, one particularly troublesome
bequest was the controversy over amending the
Wage-Hour Law.
Thelast session ended with proposals for modi-
fying that statute trapped in the political man-
euverings which always accompany adjourn-
ment. The next session, however, will begin with
the advocates of revision in a clear position to
force the issue to a vote.
Their controversy itself presents perplexing
cross-currents. For one thing, it has New Deal
supporters lined up against republicans and
some democrats in a battlefront similar to that
which formed on most recent congressional
issues. But this alignment, in addition, is over-
laid with a sectional conflict. Originally, the
law was enacted over the bitter protests of many
southerners in congress. The present drive for
modification is southern in its leadership. And
in the last few months the farmers of the West,
as represented by some of the big farm organi-
zations, have entered the dispute, on the side
of changing the law.
The law's fundamental purpose was to impose
limitations upon low pay and long working hours.
From a longer range, it had the purpose, too,
of spreading employment and general purchas-
ing power.
Many triulations and compromises attended
the formulation of the act. Finally, it was enact-
ed containing these restrictions upon pay and
hours of work for those whose products flow
into the stream of interstate commerce:
Wages: Not less than 25 cents an hour for
the first year, not less than 30 cents for the
following six years, and not less than 40 cents
Hours: Not more than 44 each week during
the first year, 42 during the second and 40
thereafter, with a requirement that time and a
half be paid for hours worked in excess of the
fixed maximum.
There were exemptions, notably for farm em-'
Another gave a 14-week exemption from the
hours limitation for packing and canning per-
ishable farm products "within the area of pro-
duction," the meaning of that phrase to be de-
termined by the wage-hour administrator.
He, rorceful Elmer Andrews, had many such
phrases to construe and many regulations and
interpretations to issue. He so interpreted the
"area of production" phrase as to include within
the application of the law many canning and
packing plant employes. Farm organizations
were irate. Southerners were again demanding
Andrews and his associates, meanwhile, were
finding that the act worked some unforeseen
hardships. So, with his general approval, the
House Labor Committee recommended to the
House a series of amendments introduced by

its chairman, Rep. Mary Norton (D-NJ). These
exempted "white collar" workers with salaries
of $200 monthly or more from the hour restric-
tions, provided special treatment for the in-
dustries of Puerto Rico, exempted 16 specific
farm operations, freed the employer of any
penalties that might arise from conforming to
a regulation of the wage-hour division later
found invalid in the courts, and exempted the
operators of small telephone switchboards.
From the start of the congressional discussion
of the legislation, the southerners had demanded
that the minimum wage rate be made lower in
the South, because of its lower general level of
wages and living costs. One inflexible wage rate
the country over, they argued, would give north-
ern manufacturers a competitive advantage. They
wanted, too, a broader exemption for agriculture.
So, the Norton amendments were hardly satis-
factory to them. They got behind a rival series
of amendments by Rep. Barden (D-NC) to make
broad specific exemptions for workers in the
processing of farm products. Barden argued
that increased pay rates for such workers would
be deducted from the price thq farmer received
for his commodities. The voting power of those
who supported him was sufficient to forestall
an effort by Mrs. Norton to have her amendments
considered by the House under a suspension of
the rules. After that, Mrs. Norton let it be known
she would make no further effort to bring the
question of amending the Wage-Hour Act up for
So from that time on, the contrversy centered
in the rules committee, the powerful group which
decides what legislation shall and shall not be
taken to the floor of the House for disposition.
A prominent member of that committee is Rep.
Cox (D-Ga), who led the fight for the Barden
amendments. The administration wanted the
committee to let the housing bill go to the floor
and Cox used that circumstance as a lever to
put the Barden amendments before the House
also. He entered into an understanding with Rep.
Rayburn (D-Tex), the administration floor lead-
er under wnhich he would release the housing
bill in return for house action on the wage-hour
bill as well.
The housing bill went to the floor and was,
defeated. The rules committee voted out the
wage-hour amendments, but they got no further.
And that was because Chairman Sabbath of the
rules committee did not feel himself bound by the
Cox-Rayburn understanding. And only he, for
a specified length of time, had the authority to
call the wage-hour legislation up for action.
Congress adjourned with nothing done.
Cox and his colleagues were hardly disconso-
late, however. They knew there was virtually no
possibility of getting the Barden amendments
through the Senate in the closing days of the
session, anyway, and they knew, too, that even if
they were approved, President Roosevelt would
probably veto them.

Research Defended
To the Editor:
I have been interested in your able
articles on teaching and research and
should like to add a comment, as I
have given some thought to the prob-
lem in connection with my own teach-
I regard teaching as my primary
function, but am convinced that it is
impossible to be a successful teacher
over any period of time without doing
research concurrently. This for two
Firstly: Mr. Kessler asserts that
teaching out of textbooks is often im-
parting second-hand knowledge, but
he is optimistic. It is too frequently
third- or fourth-hand, since many
textbooks writers are people them-
selves incabable of research, or people
who have prostituted their talents in
pot boiling.
Secondly: Any teacher has a great
intellectual advantage over his stu-
dents, by reason of his knowing
something about the subject while
they know nothing. As a result, the
teacher can get away with very sloppy
thinking. Unless he provides himself
with some antidote, he will lose the
capacity for thinking accurately, and
his teaching will become progressively
I don't think reading is adequate,
as it is far too easy to read without
thinking. My own conviction is that
preparing material for publication is
the only method of keeping intellec-
tually tuned-up to a high pitch. I
have found the editors of scientific
periodicals a hard-boiled crowd who
will only accept the fruit of one's best
efforts. And this is very salutory.
In my own experience I have found
that when I have been doing some
work of my own, even on unrelated
subjects, my teaching improves, while
it deteriorates when I am in the in-
tellectual doldrums.
Nothing that I have said disagrees
with Mr. Mitchell's contentionthat a
high premium should be placed on
good teaching. I merely want to
guard against the conclusion, which
Mr. Mitchell does not draw, that good
teaching is independent of research.
Faculty Member.
Bootstrap Economies
The principle of direct Government
assistance to the indigent aged, de-
pendent children, the unemployed
and the unemployable has come-
properly, we think-into general ac-
ceptance. Just now we are witnessing
the extension of Government assist-
ance on a limited scale to a low in-
come group which has heretofore
been regarded as self-sustaining.
The food stamp plan which the
Federal Surplus Commodities Cor-
poration has been using'to increase
the food budget of relief groups is
being extended, experimentally, to
families with an income of less than
$1000 a year. The plan is being tried
out in Pottawotamie County, Okla-
homa, of which Shawnee is the
county seat.
According to this scheme, for each
dollar of its own which it spends on
groceries, the low-income family will
receive from the Government 50 cents
additional to spend on 13 so-called,
surplus commodities, including butter,
eggs, cornmeal, flour, prunes and
beans. This plan will serve the double
purpose of increasing the food bud-
get of these families and of boosting
zonsumption of surplus farm pro-
On the surface, it looks like a fine
idea. On J'close examination, it is
less attractive. If the plan is extend-
ed to cover the whole country, it will
mean that the food subsidies will be
received by some 45 per cent of the
population, counting all those on re-
The cost would run into hundreds
of millions of dollars annually. To
pay this subsidy, it would be neces-
sary to make a further hike in taxes,
which already are so high as to dis-
courage business.

Moreover, the tentative extension
of the plan to include the group with
incomes up to $1000 is being made in
response to cries of favoritism from
those who have been jealous of the
food bonus extended to the relief
group. Will those with incomes of
less than $1500 a year demand to be
let in on the plan next! Where will
it stop?
A free democratic economy pre-
supposes that the price system will
)perates naturally to cause people
to spend their income where it will
do them the most good. The food
stamp plan is a costly and impractical
scheme to divert the natural flow of
purchasing power from some com-
modities to others. As for reducing
"surplus" commodities, it would be
hard to name a commodity of which
we do not have a surplus, actual or
Every natural means of increasing
purchasing power is to be protected
and encouraged. But those which
come under the heading of "bootstrap
economics' are to be viewed with a
cold and fishy eye.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch

Teaching Departments wishing tos
recommend August graduates fromk
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before
the close of the Summer Session.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.7
Lynne Lionel Merritt, Jr., will be
held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 16 in
309 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Merritt's4
field of specialization is Chemistry.
The title of his thesis is "Ozone as
an Analytical Reagent."
Professor H. H. Willard as chair-r
man of the committee will conductf
the examination. By direction of the 1
Executive Board, the chairman has7
the privilege of inviting members of<
the faculty and advanced doctoral1
candidates to attend the examinationt
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Final doctoral examination of John
Mills Brookhart will be held Aug. 16;
at 2 p.m. in 4009 East Medical Bldg.
Mr. Brookhart's field of specialization
is Physiology. The title of his thesis
is "The Respiratory Effects of Lo-
calized Faradic Stimulation of the
Medulla Oblongata."
Dr.uRogert Gesell as chairman of
the committee will conduct the ex-;
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Michigan Dames: The last of the
weekly bridge parties for wives of stu-
dents and internes will be held to-
day at the Michigan League, 2 p.m.
Engineering Mechanics Colloquium.
Professor J. A. Van den Broek will
speak on "Theory of Limit Design"
today, Aug. 16, at 3 p.m. in
Room 311 West Engineering Bldg. All
interested are cordially invited to
Lecture, "Trends in High School
and College Relationships" by Harlan
C. Koch, Assistant Director of the
Bureau of Cooperation with.Educa-
tional Institutions, will be given to-
day at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium.
School of Music Concerts. During
the remainder of the Summer Ses-
sion, concerts will be given under the
auspices of the School of Music as
follows. All concerts will begin on
time and the general public is invited
without admission charge, but is re-

spectfully requested to refrain from
bringing small children.
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:15 o'clock,
Hill Auditorium, Fonda Hollinger, or-
Final doctoral examination of Frank
LeRoy Schwartz will be held Aug. 17,
1939 at 2 p.m. in 231 West Engineer-
ing Building. Mr. Schwartz' field of
specialization is Mechanical En-
gineering. The title of his thesis is
"An Indicated Horsepower Meter."
Professor H. E. Keeler as chairman
of the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral can-
didates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.''
Hopwood Contestants: Students
who entered the Summer Hopwood
Contest may call for their manu-
scripts at the Hopwood Room, Fri-
day, from 2 until 5 p.m.
E. A. Walter.
Extension Courses: Bulletins of the
Extension Courses for the first semes-
ter of 1939-40 are available on re-
quest at the following offices: Exten-
sion Service, 107 Haven Hall; Gradu-
ate School, Rackham Building, and
School of Education, University Ele-
mentary School.
C. A. Fisher, Director.
Students in the College of Engineer-
ing desiring to be notified of the re-
sults of the examination need not
leave addressed and stamped en-
velopes. Credit for work done dur-
ing the Summer Session will be re-
corded and credit coupons mailed.
Students should make sure that
their election cards and the addresses
on their coupons agree.
Examination Schedule

Hour of
Recitation 8.
Time of Thurs.
Examination 8-10


9 10 11
Fri. Thurs. Fri.
8-10 2-4 2-4

Miss Hollinger
To Give Recital
Organist Offers Program
In Hill Auditorium
A graduation recital will be given
by Miss Fonda DeVeli Hollinger, of
Royal Oak, at 8:15 p.m. today on the
Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill Au-
ditorium. The recital is in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree.
She received her Bachelor of Music
degree from DePauw University, and
for the past two years has been a
student of Professor Palmer Chris-
She will offer the following pro-
Fantasie and Fugue in G minor .. .
Two Chorale Preludes........Bach
Chorale in B minor........Franck
Symphonic Chorale, "Jesus, meine
Freude" ..............Karg-Elert
Stunde der Weihe .............Bossi
k /

Hour of all other
Recitation 1 2 3 hours
Time of Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri.
Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Deviations from the above schedule
are not permitted. All classes will
continue regularly until the examin-
ation period.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examination. Last date
for filing application Sept. 11.
United States Civil Service:
Junior Public Health Nurse, salary:
Indian Field Service.
Department of the Interior.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall, office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Shows Today 2-4-7-9 P.M.

At Wisconsin

Is the University of Wisconsin, one of the
great educational institutions of the country,
to have administrative difficulties without end?
About three years ago the long-standing trouble
between Philip La Follette, then Governor, and
Dr. Glenn Frank, then president of the university,
was resolved with Frank's dismassal. The board
of regents, a majority of which owed appoint-
ment to Gov. La Follette, then selected for
president Dr. Clarence A. Dykstra, City Manager
of Cincinnati with a distinguished record as pro-
fessional political scientist.
The new era of harmony between the univer-
sity and the State capitol at Madison was short
lived. Gov. Julius P. Heil, who defeated La Fol-
lette last November, has now signed a bill which
abolishes the present 15-member board of regents
and sets up a new nine-member board. The bill
was part of his reorganization program and its
purpose is said to be the removal of Dr. Dykstra.
In any case, Gov. Heil, who is opposed to Dr.
Dykstra, will name nine new regents in the next
30 days. No one in Wisconsin will be surprised if
another president is dismissed, but many will
regret it.
The University of Wisconsin deserves better
than this. It has trained a great student body
and has sent experts in the social sciences into
hundreds of important places. Its agricultural,
scientific and mechanical services to Wisconsin
are legion. But its notable record is going to 1q*

Nickels Arcade



Eighth Week's Schedule

Matinees 25c Evenings 35c

4:05 p.m.

"Trends in High School and College Relationships," lecture by Har-
lan C. Koch, of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Insti-
tutions (University High School Auditorium).

Two Features

Examination Schedule
Hour of Recitation ... 8 9 10 11

"5 Came Back"
A .- I_

Ann Sothern . inda Damell
James Edison - Jean Rogers
Lynn Bari -June Gale -Joyce
t Compton -Else Maxwell -John
#ARĀ«~ rHalliday -Katharine Aldridge
Alan DinehartSidn.yBlakmer.


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