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August 11, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-11

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Dinner Dance
Ends Activities
Of French Club
Thieme, Rovillain, Jobin,
Swift, Rosselet, Address
Cercle Francais Banquet
The activities of the Cercle Fran-
cais were brought to an end last
night at the annual banquet and
dance held in the Union.
Following the dinner a short pro-
gram of music and talks was present-
ed. Speakers were Prof. Hugh P.
Thieme, chairman of the Romance
Language department; Prof. Eugene
Rovillain of the French department;
Mlle. Jeanne Rosselet, directrice of
the French House; Prof. Anthony
Jobin, faculty director of the Cerce;
and Kathryn Swift, president of the
Mme. Andre Sallet of Lille, France,
sang "Le Chaland Qui Passe" and
"Plaisirs dAmour." Helen Halloran
sang "Barcarolle" from "Tales of
Hoffman" and "Un Peu d'Amour.
M. and. Mme. Sallet presented sev-
eral scenes from "La Paix Chez
Soi," a French comedie by Courte-
Decoration at the dinner consisted
of a large nmodel of the liner Nor-
mandie, furnished by M. Joubert of
the French Line, and also French
flags and flowers in the French na-
tional colors, red, white and blue
Among those present were Prof.
and Mrs. Thieme, Dr. and Mrs. Vin-
cent Scanio of the Romance Lan-
guage department; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry iWilliams of the French de-
partment; Prof. Charles Knudson of
the French department; Mrs. Sadi
Lindsey, Bernice Krueger, Dierde
MacMullan, Josephine Banta, Sam-
uel Ericson, Christine Duesel, Eve
Mustov, Lois' Vand Der Meulen and
Winifred Cardner
Others at the banquet table were
Thomas Anderson, Elizabeth Haines,
Virginia Young, Rhea Straight, Dor-
othy Wikel, Margaret Kelp, Genevieve
Buck, Marie Vieimetti, Isabelle Fon-
taine, Loyal Gryting, Mrs. Helma
Forsythe, Evelyn Harr, Ethel Killham,
Frank Banta, Jane Schwab and Mal-
colm Long.- .
Seen dancing were Estelle Gold-
berg, Frederick Hall, Carolyn Casson,
Hal Fry, Mary Cann, Anne Sturte-
vant, Woodrow Most, Dorothy Goebel
and Annette Danker.
Incidental music was furnished by
Alfred Neuman with Miss Danker at
the piano.
Members of the committee in charge
of the arrngement for the party in-
cluded Stella Thompson, Minnie
Harms, Miss MacMullan, Professor
Jobin, Mle. Rosselet and Mr. Hall.
William Sage acted as master of
ceremonies at the banquet.
Clinic Students
Go To National
Members of the speech class, Clini-
cal Methods In Speech Correction,
under the direction of Dr. Harlan H.
Bloomer will journey to Northport
today through Sunday to visit the
National Speech Improvement Camp.
This camp has been in operation
since 1932 under the guidance of Mr.
John N. Clancy, staff member of the
University Speech Clinic. The camp
is located on the shores of Grand
Traverse Bay, two miles south of
Northport on the Leelanau Peninsula.
Each year 30 boys, ages ranging from
8 to 21, come from all over the Unit-

ed States to spend the summer at
this camp. The boys are selected on
the basis of how much the camp can
help them during the concentrated
nine-week period. The camp deals
mostly with stutterers, those who have
delayed speech development, or who
have a hearing loss and articulatory
Other than controlled supervision
in speech work, the boys also have
available 80 acres in which to enjoy
all types of recerational activities. All
of these activities along with diet,
rest, and social adjustment are under
the supervision of nine competent
workers, enabling the campers to
have every opportunity for correction
of speech in all situations. The staff
is made up of former graduate stu-
dents of the University.,
This trip will enable the members
of the speech class to observe clinical
methods in speech correction under
controlled supervision, and to give
them the opportunity to see the mani-
fold aspects of the problems in the
speech- correction field.

'Ledding s
The wedding of Miss Irene Gilles-
pie, daughter of Mrs. Percy V. Atkin-
son of Grand Rapids, and Shirley
H. Garland of Olivia Ave., will take
place Saturday afternoon, Aug. 19,
in the Michigan League chapel.
Miss Gillespie graduated from the
University in 1938. The couple will
live here as Mr. Garland is employed
in the University business office.
The wedding of Miss Jo Griller
and Mr. Paul Henning, Jr., will take
place Sept. 2, 1939 in Cleveland, O.
Miss Griller graduated from the
Literary School in 1938. Mr. Hen-
ning received a degree of Master of
Mechanical Engineering in 1938 and
is now employed by, Warner and
Swaysey Company in Cleveland. He
is affiliated with Phi Sigma 'Kappa.
Masters To Be
School Guests
Annual Breakfast Honors
Degree Candidates
The annual Master's Breakfast will
be held at 9 a.m., Aug. 13, in the
Union Ballroom.
The purpose of the breakfast is to
enable all students who are candi-
dates for master's degrees at the end
of this Summer Session to be the
guests of the University and to hear
President Ruthven speak.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman will open
the program with an invocation, fol-
lowing which Dean Louis A. Hopkins
will call upon Prof. A. E. Boak and
President Ruthven to speak. Profes-
sor Boak will respond for the Execu-
tive- Board of the Graduate School.
Invitations for the function will be
issued to the Administration of the
University, the Exectuive Board of
the Graduate School and students in
all colleges who are candidates for
master's degrees at the end of this
school session.
A few extra tickets will be avail-
able for guests of the candidates and
for the general faculty of the Uni-
versity who may make reservations
at the Summer Session office.
Dickinson Scores

American Sea Captain Sails Pacfic In Chinese Junk

Nosing along in the Pacific, some 4,000 miles to go when she was sighted by, the President Coolidge, this
Chinese junk, Tai-Ping, bears Capt. John Anderson, American, his Russian wife, two Russians, a Swede and a
Norwegian, toward San Francisco from Kobe. The junk's supply of water, food, needles and thread were re-
plenished by the Coolidge.
Fall Hair Styles Feature Long Bobs


Women, this is the time of year
to begin thinking about a new hair-
style to go with your new fall clothes.
With the end of summer approach-
ing, your brown or golden curls are
probably beginning to show the ef-
fects of months of sun and water.
Before you can begin to think about
that new coiffure to bring out a new
"you," your hair will probably have
to go through a bit of reconditioning.
Perhaps sun and wind have dried out
the natural oils, and it will take lots
of brushing and use of oils to bring
back its natural life and lustre. Now
is the time to begin, if you want your
hair to be ready for a fall permanent
and a new coiffure.
The trend in fall hairstyles is*defi-
nitely "down." This does not mean
that you will have to comb out all the
curls you've spent months training

to stay perkily in place on top of your
head, or put away your red, yellow,
and blue hairbows. You may keep.
your top curls, but let your side curls
hang lower and looser.
For the girl who has let her hair
stay fairly long, finding a fall coif-
fure should be an easy matter. If
you like that casual, informal look,
wear your hair combed softly back
from your forehead nad clasped with
a bow; and let the ends hang loose
and fluffy.
Or, if you prefer a more sleek ap-
pearance, arrange your prized top
curls in a pompadour, and comb the
rest behind your ears with the ends
turned softly under.
If you like a less severe style than
the one just described, yet one which
is not too casual, comb your hair
softly back and upward, with only

part of the ears showing. If you
wear your hair this way, you may
use your hairbows; and let your hair
hang in loose curls in back, instead
of turning the ends under.
There is also a return this fall to
the long bob, in which the hair is
combed smoothly and the ends are
turned up into one small roll.
With the emphasis this fall on
long, smooth locks, in an attempt to-
wards either casualness, or that sleek
look, according to your preference,
it is obvious that your hair, to do
justice to your coiffure, should look
its shining best, so begin now to get
it in condition for September.
Make Mine A Want Ad

Old Civil


BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Aug. 10.
-(')--Governor Dickinson disclosed
today that one of the reasons he
signed the recent Civil Service Re-
vision Bill was because he believed
the old Civil Service Act gave gov-
ernmental employes the right to
"openly defy" superior officers.
Speaking before a Kiwanis Club
luncheon, the 80-year-old Executive
said the signing of the Civil Service
Ripper Bill "is not embarassing to me
at all, and I would do it again if
"I don't like either the old Civil
Service Bill or the new," he declared.
"But I do believe the new one has
many advantages over the old. The
right kind of civil service is beneficial.
The old law, however, was largely
theory and it wasn't working proper-
ly. You had to put a large number
of people in service to carry out the
Saves Husband's Life

__ 1


When three inmates of the coun-
ty jail at Pryor, Okla., bound jailer
Claud McCracken afid threatened
his life with a dirk, his 40-year-old
wife, Ethel (above), grabbed two
pistols and shot one of the escap-
ing prisoners in the leg. The other
two were captured by a passerby.

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