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August 11, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-11

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... .




ad and managed by students of the University of
an under the authority of the Board in Qontrol of
it Publications.
ished every morning except Monday during the
sity year and Sumra Session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
r republication of all news dispatches credited to
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
of republication of all other matters herein also
red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Miohigan, a
class mail matter.
criptions during regular school year by carrier.

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

be,, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
t D. Mitchell . . .
M. Swinton. . .
Q. Norberg... . . .
N. Canavan . . . . . .
M. Kelsey ..*
3. Kessler .. .
lm E. Long .
L. Sonneborn .
Business Staff

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Asociate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

We're off to Detroit to see Pepite Santini and
Benny Goldberg throw leather at each other so
a couple of boys on the staff who think this
column is almost as bad as we do and have been
eager to satirize it will produce the column. We
won't see it until it's in print but, knowing our
weaknesses, we predict it will lance informality,
self-publicity and sentiment. Go to it, boys-
you've got something there.
CJamLet &Skirt
(Editor's Note: All persons or events here por-
trayed are purely fictitious, and any resemblance
to events or persons living or dead is purely coin-
flash for our reading public: Janie Schnitzel-
baum, one of the who's who and what's what of
the campus was heard remarking at the Parrot
yesterday that John Q. is now a regular cor-
respondent on the Paduca Daily Record-was a
time when he was a regular hanger-oner here
at the Daily office.
* * *
Just-received a letter from one of our relative,.
in Germany, Baron Von Printom, who writes on
his opinions on the foreign situation in German
"Verdamnte Juden!"
After a few paragraphs of this, he calms down
and gives us the real low-down on Germany's
"Hitler is the real man of the people, jawohl,
we all love Adolph. Heil Hitler! Hitler is a
peace-loving citizen, and has repeatedly prom-
ised us that there will be no war, unless some-
one else starts it all. Those are the words of
our Fuehrer, and who can doubt the words of
God? Of course, if any country refuses to be pro-
tected by us, we shall feel obliged to send a few
men over to convince them, but no war, you
"Heil Hitler."
Once when we were very young and had a
job as counselor at the Less Care camp we met,
for the first time, Lou Loulou, then managing
headacher on the Daily. What a night that was!
After sixteen cokes I recited "Trees" and passed
At the Bell yesterday we ran into an old friend
of ours from former newspapering days. He was
on the Daily back in '41, and is now considered

ip W. Buchen . . Business Manager
I Park . . . Advertising Manager'
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views af the
writers only.

: The People

. . 0

T HIS IS A DREAD decade, the age in
which the scarlet fury of hatt
threatens to consume the world in torture, blood-
lust, war. Nation hates nation, people hates
people. In Germany a new generation is indoc-
trinated with a blind contempt for one of the
world's great peoples. The national faith in her
"manifest destiny" leads Japan to conduct a
murderous invasion of China and win-the
world's hate. In the Near East Arab hates Eng-
lishman and Jew. In the United States a blind
hate of one of the greatest Presidents in our hiss
tory obscures reason and leaves its aftermath of
bitterness. Hate, hate, hate-the theme song of
an age, the elemental, uncivilized, stupid emo-
tion which stultifies civilization.
And what is the reason for this hate? Propaf'
ganda, of course. The lies which a controlled
press-controlled either by government or by
class-drums into the people's minds. But more
than that, it is the lack of analysis.
For the people of the world hate because of
confused thinking. You hate, you say, the Ger-
mans. But think? Is it the German people, the
smiling farm youth, the methodical worker, the
courageous mountain guide? Of course not. It
is the madmen who lead the nation, the evil
Goebbels, the power-mad Goering, the barely-
sane emotionalist, Hitler.
You hate, you say, the English becaues of their
blind stupidity, because of Munich. But think.
It is not the English you hate but the men who
rule England, the symbols of a decadent artis-
tocracy. It is the blundering, ill-trained Cham-
berlain, the snobbish Halifax you hate.
You hate, you say, the Japanese. Think once
more. Is it the Japanese, the gentle people with
their love of beauty? Or is it the imperialistic
war-lords who drive the nation, the omnipotent
financial oligarthy, the insane pride in nation?
We could go on. But what we have to say is
that it is not one another we he. It is those
who misrule. The universality of humanity re-
mains. We are the people and hate between
us is madness. We are brothers, the brother-
hood of man. These others are perverted
If we must hate let us hate them. But, despite
race, despite nationality, despite class, despite
all, we are the people, brothers, brothers in the
universe of humanity. That sounds very id(al-
istic and a trifle silly to the cynic but its truth,
is incontrovertable. And if the world would reA
member that which it has forgotten, if, from
the confusion of thought, the people should be-
gin to see clearly and whole, the flame of hate
would die. The very thought of war would be
ludricous. Until the day when they do see that
brotherhood, our civilzation will be in danger and
our very lives in jeopardy.
-Stan M. Swinton
The declaration relative to national territorial
claims in the Antarctic, written in 1924 by
Charles Evans Hughes, has in it both logic and
The discovery of lands unknown to civil-
ization, even when coupled with a formal
taking of possession, does not support a
valid claim to sovereignty unless the discov-
ery is followed by an actual settlement of
the discovered country.
At present there is a wide difference of opinion
amoni interested nations around the world as to

the leading American expert on feminine beauty.
He has graciously consented, for old times' sake,
to do a guest column for us. Presenting
The Way We Pick 'Em
Back in '41 we used to judge by the shape of
the bustle.
Now we judge by the shape.
Them were the good old days.
Thank you, very much, Weno.
Heard the other day that the best dancer on
campus is one Margaret Nesbitt, who, during
the winter, teaches way up at the University of
Maine. So drink a stein to dear old Margaret,
who is now working for her Ph.D. here.
Dr. Robert A. Millikan, noted scientist, told
us personally through an Associated Press dis-
patch in the Detroit News that the purpose of his
projected expedition is to extend the survey of
incoming cosmic ray energy; at many latitudes,
- to the top of the atmosphere.
We ran into Androkoko Popopolious at Flautz's
yesterday and he told us, excitedly;
"Etaoin shrdlu! !"
* ~* *
today . . . There's a professor in school named
John Smith. . Diana Barrett Moulton of Play
Production and Repertory Theatre fame, no
playing a green (costumed) fairy in Iolanthe
and a personal friend of ours, will be (should v%
tell?) tomorrow. Happy birthday, Diana . .
The Chicago Daily News yesterday had a head-
line in it . . . W. R. Hearst is still W. R. Hearst
... . And frogs are usually green and sometimes
brown . . .
A Light Dawns
On Mexico
Through the history of our relations with
Mexico runs a thread of discord spun from our
southern neighbor's sense of inferiority and re-
sentment against the Colossus of the North. It
was normal and natural that such a feeling should
have expressed itself in a consistent endeavor to
throw off what the politicians have represented
as the heavy hand of northern economic influ-
ence. It is this feeling that explains whatever
popularity the Cardenas expropriation program
has won with intelligent citizens of Mexico.
Many of these have been sincerely convinced
that, whatever its shortcomings, the policy has
looked in the ultimate direction of a freer Mexico.
But in the current issue of Economista, Mexi-
co's leading economic journal, there is an im-
portant signal of a shift in the intellectual wind.
A long article by the Mexican Institute of Eco-
nomic and Social Studies finds that the Cardenas
program, far from furthering Mexican economic
independence, has actually made the country
more than ever dependent on the United States.
The peso, for instance, is found utterly domi-
nated by the silver-buying program of the United
States. When our Treasury dropped the silver
price to 35 cents the peso plunged immediately.
The relationship is so intimate, according to the
Mexican economists, that it can be expressed by
mathematical formula.
The Mexican economists proceed to examine
the oil seizure policy for any tangible benefits
it has produced. They fail to find any. On the
contrary, "if, as the government maintains, the
oil industry is advancing, then it is advancing
toward disaster." Mexico must sell its seized
oil at a little over half the world price for oil of
comparable quality produced elsewhere. It has
to take half of this return in German goods, and
since it finds no use for much of this bartered
income, it has to act as world sales agent for
German products.
Since expropriation, the number of - wells
actively operated has fallen about 30 per cent.
Only four new wells have been drilled this year.
Some of the government's moe dissatisfied
critics openly predict that before the year is
out oil production will not be sufficient even for
satisfaction of internal needs.
But the coldest water flung by the article upon
the Cardenas policy is contained in this trench-
ant paragraph:
"Public opinion in the United States is very
contrary to the maneuvers being made'in Mexi-
co to forward illusory economic independence
Our government certainly counts on Presi-

dent Roosevelt's friendship, but supposing that
the firmness displayed by President Cardenas
renders an understanding with the oil companies
impossible and leads to the evaporation of this
friendship-has the finance minister foreseen the
consequences that might result?"
Ah, yes, indeed. And to this question we would
add another, more timely, and more ominous:
Suppose that Mr. Roosevelt's administration is
supplanted, in 1940, by one not so determined to
sacrifice every consideration of international
equity to a "good neighbor policy" in which the
desire to be neighoborly is all on one side?
Such a possibility is calculated to cause hearts
of the sternest patriotic "liberators" to quail.
Can any observer of political trends in the United*
States doubt that this is today much more than
a possibility?
-The Chicago Daily News


Per Cent

For Vandenberg
The America Spealts poll of Michigan, in the
series resembling trial heats for the 1940 Presi-
dential race, was of special interest. No state
is blessed with quite so many "favorite sons," a
novel experience for Michigan, which seldom has
had any.
The ppll results probably were a surprise out-
side the state. Elsewhere America Speaks has
found young. Thomas E. Dewey far in the lead
as a Republican possibility. In the last national
poll, made early in July, Dewey was the choice
of 47 per cent of Republican voters, Vandenberg
of 19 per cent and Taft of 13 per cent.
In Michigan it runs Vandenberg 62 per cent,
Dewey 29 and Taft 5.
The outcome is no discredit to the colorful
Owosso entry but is a notable testimonial to
Vandenberg, nevertheless, which hardly can es-
cape national notice.
The reason for the reversal of form in Michi-
gan is plain enough. The voters of the state
know Vandenberg a lot better than Dewey. He
has been Michigan's servant in Congress. The
people of the state naturally have watched him
closely and have approved what they saw. It is
notable indeed when a favorite son stands so.
strongly with the homefolks, on the basis of his
record and in competition with so formidable a
second' son.
Of course, it is a long time until the national
party conventions, an observation that may
apply particularly to the poor showing of Atty.-
Gen. Murphy in the Democratic preference re-
sults. In his home state, Murphy was the choice
of but 25 per cent of Democratic voters, as against
49 per cent for Vice-President Garner and 10
per cent for Postmaster-General Farley. But
this, one sees, may have less to do with Murphyk
personal popularity than with the fact that regu-
lar Michigan Democracy now has a strongly anti-
New Deal bent.
The observation about the trial heats being
strictly preliminary applies to the poll- results
on the main event. These indicated 54 per cent
of Michigan voters of all parties "want the Re-
publicans to win" in 1940. Similar polls in thO'
series thus far have shown Pennsylvania and,
Illinois 54 per cent for the Republicans, New
York 53 per cent and California 60 per cent for
the Democrats.
The director of America Speaks, who does not
claim absolute accuracy for the poll technic,
calls the Michigan Republican edge a "narrow"
one, and it is. It hardly warrants the kind o
over-confidence that has inspired Republicans at
Lansing to rebuff public opinion as to Civil
Service and other matters. A better record at
Lansing almost certainly would have improved
the Republican poll showing. Continued failure.
to better the record might produce surprising re,
sults by November, 1940.
-The Detroit News

Engineering Seniors: Diploma ap-
plications must be filled out before
Aug. 16 for graduation after Summer-
Session.B G
C. B. Green,
Assistant Secretary.-
Library Service After Summer Ses-
sion. In the interim between the
close of the Summer Session and the
opening of the fall semester the Gen-
eral Library will be closed evenings,
but service will be maintained in the
Main Reading Room, the Periodical
Reading Room, the Medical Reading
Room, and the Circulation Depart-
ment from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m., with the
exception of the period from Aug. 28
to September 4, when the building is
closed completely while extensive re-
pairs are in progress. Graduate Read-
ing Rooms and StudyHalls both with-.
in and outside of the main building
will be closed until the opening of
the fall semester. All departmental
and collegiatelibraries, with the ex-
ception of the Transportation Li-
brary, are also closed during this
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, Aug. 14, be-
fore the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after Aug. 14 may
retain such books if renewed at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Thursday, Aug. 17, will be
sent to the Cashier's Office, where
their summer's credits will be with-
held until such time as these records
are cleared, in compliance with the
regulations of the Regents.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Donald Gordon Thomas will be held
at 2 p.m. today, Aug. 11, in 309
Chemistry Building. Mr. Thomas'
field of specialization is Chemistry.
The title of his thesis is "A Study of
Hydrox ynaph thyldip henylc arbi nols."
Professor L. C. Anderson as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and, to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Summer Hopwood Contest: The
Summer Hopwood Contest closes to-
day at 4:30. Manuscripts should be
handed in at the Hopwood Room,
3227 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter.
Chinese Students Attention: There
will be a banquet of the Chinese
Students' Club in honor of His Ex-
cellency, The Ambassador of the Re-
The Editor
To the Editor:
Your article "Midwesterners Honor
Guests at Friday Ball" invites all
midwestern states as special guests at
the dance. The states are listed with
the exception of Nebraska. Look in
your geography book and find that
Nebraska is located between South
Dakota and Kansas.
What's the matter with Nebraska?
Perchance you don't know:
1. Nebraska is the "White Spot" of
the United States. We pay as we go!
2. Our State Capitol ranks as one
of the finest pieces of architecture in
the United States (and it's paid for)(
3. Largest alfalfa center of the
world is located in Nebraska.
4. Nebraska has the richest town

per capita in the world.
5. The Government, at the present
time, is constructing the second larg-
est earthern dam in the world, the
Kingsley Dam, in western Nebraska.
See you Friday night if you think
Nebraska qualifies as a Midwestern
Sorry, Nebraska Midwesterner/.
Afraid our reporter couldn't see Ne-
braska for the alfalfa. Nebraska quali-
fies; you may come.
Kentucky Lost
To Roosevelt
If. Lieut. Gov. Keen Johnson proves
successful in his race for the Demo-
cratic nomination for Governor of
Kentucky-which- his commanding
lead seems to assure-the event will
have two points of national interest:
First, it is a blow to the Congress of,
Industrial Organizations, the John L.
Lewis labor group, which was. made
an issue in the campaign, and, second,
Kentucky's votes at the 1940 Demo-
cratic National Convention will not be
delivered to President Roosevelt or to
his chosen successor without the con-
sent of the forces headed by Mr.
Johnson and his ally, retiring Gov. A.
B. "Happy" Chandler.
The election doubtless will be in-

750RKC-CBS 920 KC -NBC Red 12940KC -NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Friday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake News News commentator
L2 :15 Life Beautiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Black and White
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Songs
1:00 Ed McConnell Vera Richardson Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Diamond Dust Grimm's Daughter word Dramas
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Music
1:45 Enoch Light Gardener Betty Crocker Muse and Music
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Navy Band Marriage Romances
2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins " Organ
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young " Mel and Jane
2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light Book Ends News Commentator
3:00 Minuet Detroit-St. Louis Club Matinee voice of Justice
3:15 Gold Coast ""
3:30 Joe Englehart " toSongs
3:45 Duncan Moore " News Bob Crosby
4:00 Binghamton Choir " Police Field Day Jamboree
4:15 Three Treys " Bruce Becker
4:30 Tower. Tempos " Affairsof Anthony "
4:45 Alic~ Blair " Bob #rmstrong
5:00 Misj Julia Democracy Hollywood Hilights To be announced
5:15 Eton Boys Malcolm Claire Gray Gordon Turf Reporter
5:30 Uncle Jonathan Soloist Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell.Thomas - Harry Hellmann News
Friday Evening
6:00 News Tyson Review Artie Shaw Stop and Go
6:15 Inside Sports Bradcast f
6:30 Calling All Cars Midstream Lone Ranger Fintex Sportlight
6:45 " Dinner Music " Jimmie Allen
7:00 Western Skies Cities Service Universal Music Voice of Justice
7:15 " " Factfinder "
7:30 Johnny Presents " Don't Forget Washington News
7:45 " " Symphony
8:00 99 Men and Girl Waltz Time Plantation Party Musical Varieties
8:15 . - i o
8:30 First Nighter Death Valley Concert Jamboree
8:45 " a o
9:00 Grand Central Lady Esther To be announced Dance Music
9:15 " I" Jimmy Dorsey
9:30 Ripley Radio Extra Hollywood Ladder Congress Review
9:45 to ""toPromenade
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Graystone Police Field Day
10:15 Parker Family Vic and Bade
10:30 Sports Fred Waring Tommy Dorsey Doc Sunshine
10:45 Cab Calloway Dance Music to Ben Bernie
11:00 News News Ella Fitzgerald Reporter
11:15 Harry James Dance Music " Music
11:30 Harry Owens Eastwood Lawrence Welkt
11:45 Harry Owens st~t s
12:00 Sign Off Westwood Sign Off Dance Music


public of China to the United States
of America, Dr. Hu Shih at the Inter-
national Center this evening, 6:30.
Those who have not been informed,
please call the International Center
4121-2131 for reservation before noon.-
School of Music Concerts. During
the remainder of the Summer Ses-
sion, concerts will be given under the
auspices of the School of Music as
follows. All concerts will begin on
time and the general public is invited
without admission charge, but is re-
spectfully requested to refrain from
bringing small children.
Friday, Aug. 11, 8:15 o'clock, School
of Music Auditorium, Bertha Hol-
man, soprano.
Monday, Aug. 14, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ella
Mae Burton, pianist.
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ruth
Skinner, pianist.
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:15 o'clock,
Hill Auditorium, Fonda Hollinger, or-
Social Evenings. The social evenings
will continue throughout this week-
end at the Michigan Union. Satur-
day night, the regular dance, starting
at 9 p.m. will be a -summer formal.
Admission is 35 cents a person.
"Psychology Master's Comprehen-
sive Examination" will be given Sat-
urday, Aug. 12, at 2 p.m. in Room
3126 Natural Science Building.
The last Rackham Repord Concert
for the Summer Session will feature
the following program: Selections
from the opera, The Magic Flute,
Mozart; Le Beau Danube Ballet Syn-
thesis; Moto Perpetuo, Paganini
(Philadelphia Symphony); Through
the Looking Glass, Deems Taylor;
Symphonic Variations for Piano and
Orchestra, Franck :(Gieseking); Bo-
lero, Ravel. The Rackham concerts
have gained steadily in popularity
during the summer and will be re-
sumed at the beginning of the winter
session. This week's concert will be
held at the usual time, Saturday at
3 p.m., in the Men's Lounge.
The Graduate Outing Club will have
a picnic, including swimming, base-
ball, volleyball, and hiking on Sun-
day, Aug. 13. The group will meet
at the northwest entrance of the
Rabkham Building at 2:30 p.m. and
will go by car to a picnic spot near
Ann Arbor. Those with cars are
urged to bring them, and they will
be repaid for expense incurred. All
graduate students and faculty mem-
for Everything photographic
Nickels Arcade

bers are invited.
meeting regardless

Renaissance Dinner: The Gradu-
ate Conference on Renaissance Stu-
dies will close on Monday, Aug. 14,
with a dinner at the Michigan
League at 6:30 p.m., followed by an
evening of Renaissance music in the
Rackham Building. Reservations for
the dinner must be made at the Eng-
lish Office, Angell Hall, by 10 a.m.,
Saturday, Aug. 12.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
examinations to be given by the Civil
Service Department of the Michigan
Unemployment Compensation Com-
mission in Detroit. Last date for fil-
ing application is noted in each case:
Unemployment Claims Referee III,
salary range: $250-310, Aug. 16.
Employment and Claims Branch
Managers I, II, III, salary range:
$150-310, Aug. 30.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureaus of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
To Uphold Hatch Law
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(/P)-
Attorney General Murphy said today
that the Justice Department would
act in "good faith" and seek to ad-
here to the intention of Congress
when interpreting the Hatch Law re-
stricting political activities by gov-
ernment employes.
---- Last Times Today -
Two Features
Warner Bros' Feud-t rn, Action- TrIlMer

There will be a
of the weather.



"The Gracie Allen
Murder Case"
"The Kid
From Kokomo"





SHOWS DAILY AT 2- 4 - 7-9 P.M.

Now Playing.

! I 11:1h

No war, says Rome gossip, until
ginio Gayda returns from vacation.
should retire him, with full pay.
* * *

Editor Vir-
The world


The public display of old-fashioned penny
banks by a Boston savings bank will remind
many of the time when people looked upon a
penny as Benjamin Franklin did.
-Christian Science Monitor


M WFU-L.3' M.. 7 iffl 1 1 Umm


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