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June 27, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-06-27

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igan Trailing As Iowa State

Takes Collegiate Golf Lead

pry Has 75
Low Man
f Wolverines

>wa Star, Two Southern
Contestants Score 72's
To Lead At Half-Way
DES MOINES, Ia. June 26.-(P)-
a unheralded Iowa State College
ohn rode right up to the front of
# National Collegiate Golf proces-
in tonight as RuS Vifquain un-
4hed a sizzling 33 on the back
ae to give his team a total of 301
rokes at the half way mark.
Vlfquain's burst, marked by two
'diegs on the last two holes as dark-
ss deepened over Wakonda's wood-
hills, gave the Ames, Iowa, golfer
. 18-hole score of 72, tying him with
wis Oehmig of Virginia and Vin-
nt d'Antoni of Tulane for the day's
tdal honors.
The Iowan poured in putts from
l parts of the green on the last four
Iles to hang up the best nine hole
of the day. On the 17thhhe
,nk a 30 footer for a deuce. North-
stern, the Big Ten champion, was
cond with 305 and Yale and Stan-
r were tied for third with 309.
Michigan's team finished 12 strokes
tk of the leaders with a total of
3. Jack Emery was low man for
e Wolverines with a 75, followed by
11 Black with a 77 and Lynn Reiss,
io had 79. The Wolverine team
is three strokes ahead of the Mich-
a State team which conquered
em twice during the season.
Michigan scores were as follows:
Jack Emery, 38-37-75
Bill Black, 38-39-77
y'nn Reiss, 41-38-79
Ken Johnson, 39-43--82
Fred Dannenfelser, 44-40-s84
Jim Loar, 40-44-84
Ed Hoagland, 46-39-85:' .'
Capt. Bob Palmer, 41-44-85
Bobby Babbish, sensational Detroit
6r Iplaying .with .the, Uiv rsfty.. of
trot, sred a 78, whietw yMich-
an State men, Stan Kowal and
arren Tansey, were among low
orers with 73's.
The second 18 holes will be played
da, with the low medal team at
ie and of the 36 holes winning the
ampionship. The 32 low qualify-
q individual players from all the
gtrants in the tournament will battle
'ednesday and Thursday for the in:-
vidual match-play championship.
Parker Triumphs In
Clay Court Tourney
CHICAGO, June 26 -(P)- Frank
arker of Pasadena, Calif., making
great bid for a placeonetheDavis
up squad, virtually made a one-
ian show of the National Clay
ourts Tennis Championships today.
The 23-year-old California star
'on the singles title by defeating
rardner Mulloy of Miami, Fla. Then
arker teamed with Gene Mako of
os Angeles to win the doubles'
rown with a four set victory over
Vayne Sabin of Portland, Ore., and
hnny Doeg of Newark, N.J., 6-,
6,,6-3, 6-4.'
Parker, fresh from tournament vic-
>ries in California, Kansas City
nd St. Louis, took singles' honors
ith a 6-3, 6-0, 5-7, 6-1 triumph over
[ulloy, displaying 'a strong forehand
hive-something his game lacked a
w years ago-Parker was in coin-
and almost all -the way. Mulloy
xllied to win six straight games and
te third set before Parker steadied
id won easily.
Band Leader Divorced
RENO, Nev., June 26.-(P)-Hor-
e M. Heidt of swing band fame
st his wife and a sizeable amount
cash in a secret divorce action at
,ron City 10 adys ago.
The orchestra leader, it was
axnedmtoday, was ordered to pay
15,000 to Mr. Florence W. Heit
FJuly 1, with other cash paymets
be made later. The court also

proved alimony of $100 a month
r five years and instructed Heidt
pay their daughter, Patricia., Now
$10,000 when she reaches 21 or
on her marriage, if that should
;cur first.
New and, Used. All
makes. Bought,
Sold, Rented, Ex-
changed, Repair-)
ed,) Cleaned.
One of the largest and best
stocks in the State at manu-
facturer's prices. Convenient
terms may be arranged.

Intramural Sports Department
All men students are eligible for competition in the following
sports. Check on the list below the sports in which you wish to
No Entry Fee Is Required
The Intramural Sports Department will make drawings and sched-
ules, furnish equipment needed for team sports, and provide officials
for the contests where necessary. Notification of opponent and time
of play will be mailed to each participant.
Softball ( ) Handball Doubles ( )
Swimming ( ) ( )
Golf ( ) Horseshoe Singles ( )

Tirers Beat Indians To Move
IntoThird; Red Sox, A's Win

CLEVELAND, June 26.-(Al)-
Covering more ground in the long
haul from the bottom of the Ameri-
can League toward the top, the De-

In The Majors

Goes To Senators

(Average score).
Tennis Singles
Tennis Doubles
Handball Singles

Horseshoe Doubles
( Squash
( ) Table Tennis
) Badminton
( ) Codeball



Please indicate partner's name in space below doubles entries.
Name ......... .... Address .................Phone ......
Mail or bring this blank to R. W. Webster, Supervisor of Intramural
Sports, Intramural Sports Bldg., Ferry Field. All entries close at 5 p.m.,
Thursday, July 6.
1940 Olympics Will Be Best
Yet Held, Brundage Predicts


troit Tigers galloped into third place
by smiting the previous occupants,
Cleveland's Indians, 11 to 2, today.
With war clubs swinging, the Tig-
ers lashed Mel Harder and two oth-
er Indian pitchers for 15 hits, cli-
maxing the attack with a bagful of
runs in the seventh and eighth in-
nings, while Tommy Bridges went
along serenely to victory No. 10
against one defeat.N
The triumph, in which the In-
dians' old pal, Earl Averill, was a
major star, moved the Tigers a half
game ahead of Cleveland and kept
them on the heels of the second place
Boston Red Sox.
The Sox also won today to retain
a game and a half advantage over,
Up to the seventh, when Detroit
climbed on Harder and Johnny
Broaca in a four-runrally,dthe battle
was a pitching duel with Bridges
holding a 2 to 0 edge. The Tigers
spanked Bill Zuber in the eighth,
macing him for five runs.
Given an 11 to 0 lead, Bridges
eased up and granted four straight
singles in the last of the eighth which
put over Cleveland's only runs.
Tommy's control was air-tight, and
he walked none while striking out
seven batters.
Paying his first visit to Cleveland
in a Tiger uniform Averill made the
occasion a sweet day for himself.
The veteran outfielder, whom De-
troit got by trade from the Indians
a few weeks ago, celebrated with two
singles and a double.' driving in two
runs and scoring twice.

New York.......
Boston ..........
Detroit ..........
Philadelphia ......
St. Louis ........

.46 13
32 23
33 29
32 29
29 28
25 35
24 39
17 42

Yesterday's Results
Detroit 11, Cleveland 2.
Philadelphia 3, New York 2.
Boston 3, Washington 0.
(Only games scheduled)
Today's Games
Detroit at Cleveland (night game)
Boston at Washington
St. Louis at Chicago
(Only games scheduled).


Odds Are High
Difference May Narrow
As Bout Draws Near;
FightersIn Condition
NEW YORK, June 26.-(P)-There
is a little scrambling for footholds
on the Tony Galento bandwagon as
his bout with Joe Louis nears, but
despite the noise there is the vague
idea that even those who are shout-
ing loudest for Two-Ton Tony are
trying to drown out their own mis-
givings. - All they want is 20 to 1
that Tony wins by a knockout.
"And they aren't getting it," terse-
ly commented Jack Doyle, Broad-
way betting commissioner.
"The price on Galento to win is 6
to 1," he continued. "It is even
money that he doesn't come up for
the fourth round, 5 to 2 that he does-
n't come up for the 10th, and 5 to 1
that he doesn't come up for the
15th." There was no price on whether
he comes up to the stadium.
"The price on him winning prob-
ably will drop to 31/2 or 4 to 1 Wed-
nesday, the night of the fight," Doyle
explained. "It always drops that
way. Louis was an 8 or 10 tot 1
favorite over Schmeling a few days
before 'their first fight, but the
price dropped to 31/2 and 4 to 1 on
fight night. It's the old law of sup-
ply and demand. They take what
they can get."
The 6 to 1 win and 20 to 1 knock-
out prices would appear to contra-
dict each other, inasmuch as it is the
general opinion that if Galento wins
at all it must be by a knockout. The
critics just can't visualize Tony lum-
bering' through 15 rounds to a de-
cision over a man who is a better
boxer, a better two-handed puncher
and has a sharp advantage in reach.
Numerous factors have conspired
to drop the price on Galento in the
last few days. A major item is the
fact that Galento has looked fine,
for Galento, in training, while Louis
has been his usual apathetic self,
looking good only when aroused. It is
reported he has been a bankboard for
a left hook, Tony's favorite punch.


Sees Revisions Necessary,
As Program Has Stood
Unrevised In 40 Years
NEW YORK, June 26--()-Avery'
Brundage, president of the American
Olympic Committee, returned from a
world tour today with the predictions
that the 1940 Olympic Games will be
the best ever from a spectator stand-
point,~and that the Olympic program,
virtually unchanged in.-40 years is due
for -sharp revision.-
"The sports plant at Helsinki, Fin-
land, has been so arranged that all
of the competitions-in the main
stadium, swimming stadium, on the
rowing course and in the minor
sports arenas--will be held within
half an hour of the center of town,"
said Brundage, who is one of three
United State members of the Inter-
national Olympic Committee.
"The whole layout is extremely:
compact, and should be completed'
this year. Everyone in Finland is'
working enthusiastically to make the
games a success and, as I see it, the
only problem is likely to be one of
housing all the visitors.
"Finland reserved half of the tic-
kets for its own people, and already
that quota has been over-subscribed
four times, while Norway, Sweden
and a dozen other countries have ex-
WaterInan Gymnasium
Watermen (Men's) Gymnasi-
um on the campus. The build-
ing will be open during the Sum-
mer Session for exercise and
shower baths. Gym closing hours:
main floor, 5:30 p.m. Showers:
6 p.m. Locker fee is 50 cents.
Towel fee refunded on return of
last towel. Tickets may be se-
cured at Cashiers' Office, South
Wing, University Hall.
Dr. George A. May,





hausted their allotments and even
the United States hasn't many left."
Brundage made a flying trip to
Helsinki after attending the I.O.C.
meeting at London. One of the more
important actions taken by the lat-
ter body, he said, was to empower
the executive committee, of which
Brundage is a member, to make a
thorough study of the games pro-
"The program has been in force
for 40:years vitrually without change,"
he explained. "During that time some
sports have gained' in interest while
othexs have lost.' Basketball, for in-
stance, is not on the 1940 calendar,
for Finland, taking the games n
.short notice when Japan abandoned
them, decided to discard that as well
as field- hockey, field handball and
women's gymnastics. This meant
about 1,000 athletes for whom they
would .not have to arrange accom-
"Yet basketball, while not one of
the. mandatory. Olympic sports is one
of the most widespread. As a result.
of the executive committee's report,
it is likely to become mandatory,
perhaps for the 1944 games."
Rome is leading the race for the
1948 award, he said, with Detroit a
strong contender.
"Detroit's organization has been
so thorough," Brundage added, "that
almost everywhere I stopped-in To-
kyo, Ceylon or Cairo-I was called
on by a Detroiter who had been
working to get the games for his
city." Detroit, Brundage said, is
ready to spend $7,000,000 or $8,000,-
000 on the games.
London has been awarded the 1944
SALT LAKE CITY, June 26.--(:)
-Molly, a bull terrier which ran
from her owner to return to her old
master, is home again-three years
after she started.

Cincinnati .......
St. Louis...... . .
New York .......
Pittsburgh ........

37 22
32 25
33 27
32 29
28 29
27 30
24 34
19 36


A's Down Yankees
A long sacrifice fly by Eric "Red"
Tipton, rookie outfielder from Duke
University, with one out and the
bases full in the. eighth inning gave
the Athletics a 3 to 2 victory over
the New York Yankees before 33,074
at Shibe Park tonight.1
Sox Take Senators
WASHINGTON, June .26.-()-
The veteran Lefty Grove won his
seventh victory of the season by
blanking Washington 3-0 today with
a seven hit performance.
Although touched by Washington
batsmen for at least one hit in six of
the nine innings, the Boston hurler
kept the blows well scattered to
escape unscathed.
Meanwhile his mates were slapping
Joe Haynes for 9 and Walter Mas-
terson for one blow, four of which
off Haynes they bunched effectively
in the second and third innings to
score their runs. The Sox tallied
the first time when Joe Cronin
walked, Ted Williams singled and
Louis Berger doubled, and they got
a pair in the next inning when Joe
Vosmik singled, Jimmy Foxx walked
and Williams tripled.

Yesterday's Results
(No games scheduled.)
Today's Games
Chicago at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at New York
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati
Brooklyn at Boston
Americans. Down
Britishers In Tennis
At English Matches,
WIMBLEDON, Eng., June 26.-(,P)
-That old American terror spread
over Wimbledon's trim green courts
today as Bobby Riggs, Don McNeill
and Elwood Cooke dominated the
first round of the All-England Ten-
nis Championships before the Queen
Mother and a crowd of 12,000.
The Americans, losing only one of
their six-man team, started this
tournament in the doghouse but by
8 o'clock they were ready to move
into the royal box. Only Bill Rob-
ertson of California fell by the way-
side as Gene Smith of Berkeley, Cal.,
and Owen Anderson of Los Angeles
joined the big three in the second
round. Of the five only Cooke -was
carried to more than three sets.
Riggs, playing aggressive tennis,
thumped a good Indian player, J.
Dhamija, 6-3, 6-0, 6-4 without re=
moving his sweater. McNeill wiped
portly K. Aschner of Hungary off
the court and lost only two games
in winning 6-1, 6-1, 6-0. Cooke
chased Christian Boussus of France
all over the court, winning 1-6, 6-4,
6-0, 6-3.

Elmer Gedeon, crack first base-
man of the Wolverine nine this
spring, turned down a promising
future in track to sign with the
Washington Senators this sum-
mer. Gedeon was a record-holder
in the hurdles while at Michigan.
Helen Hicks Scores
Hole-In-One Again
LANSING, June 26.-(JP)-Helen
Hicks Harb scored a hole-in-one on
the 195-yard 17th of the sporty Lan-
sing country club course today, theI
second in the former National Wom-
an Championship's long career on
the links.
Mrs. Harb, playing in an exhibi-
tion foursome, used a spoon in mak-
ing today's ace, which entailed a long
carry over water. Her card of 76
was seven strokes under the course
record for women.

Between State and Michigan Theater
"The Coolest Shop in Town"
Workmanship and Service is the Idea-

Domenic Dascola Sanitation is the
For Your Consideration:,
" Five steady barbers all summer.
" Individual Combs and Brushes.
" Treatments for face and scalp.
* Personality hair styling.
* Brushless shaves.
* "Crew" hair cuts.

e Law:

No waiting.


~and USED

at Reasonable









M ichigan's
I A r

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