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July 16, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-16

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under-the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishei every morning (except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rightss of republication of all other matters herein also
reserved. ,
.Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
aecond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
College Publishers Reresentative
420 MAosoN AV. NEW YORK. i.. Y.
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor. . . . ..,Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors . . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
Business Manager . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
The Birth Rate
And The Dole ...
HOSE WHO BELIEVE that present
relief is adequate to serve the human
needs should examine the ravages being made on
the home itself by the depression.
Seventy-five per cent of the families on relief
last September in Genesee County had no chil-
dren according to Erdmann D. Beynon of the
University department of Sociology. He found
few families with children under five years of
age who had been on relief for four years or more.
Since the relief load is exceptionally large in
Genessee County there exists resentment of any
additions to this burden. New babies in relief
families earn social. disapproval. Social pressure,
the inconvience and difficulties of having babies
when financially unable, and the general unde-
sirability of having children during this kind
of times has resulted in reducting births to prac-
tically nil among the pople dependent upon the
government for support.
The fact that this control of birth is possible
is due to modern contraceptives. For the first
time in history man is free to procreate according
to plan and not according to chance. This is in
striking contrast with the early English mill
towns where the destitute workers continued to
raise child after child because that was the in-
evitable result of their utilization of sex as their
only recreation to which they turned in dispair.
The fact that birth control information is
needed in greater amount than is now had is
shown by the fact that many Flint women desired
sterilization as a permanent means of avoiding
having children during these distressing times.
It is advocated that a birth control clinic furn-
ishing free service should be established for the
use of these people.
The havoc of the depression is no more clearly
shown than by this instance of the breakup of the
function of the home among relief families
which now number 12,500 in Genessee county
alone. Cultural advancement furnished the free-
dom from the misery of unwanted children but
cultural reversion furnished the breakdown in

economic activity due to the maladjustment of
a machine society which cause these people to
live unnatural lives of frustration and dispair in
a world of infinite possibilities.
-Eldon R. Hamm
The Autocrat Of
The Flying Field..
H OWARD HUGHES' record flight
around the world has evoked world
wide interest. The idea of a young millionaire
sportsman flying around the world has caught
hold of that marrowed spirit of creativeness la-
tent even in the most ostensibly dull of human
The flight is a great achievement. It stands as
a, milestone in the many events in the history of
transportation that are steadily shrinking the
earth in terms of time and space. The world is
becoming knit into a more compact interdepen-

ing of man and the earth stood on the slim prop
of one man's whim. If Mr. Hughes had become a
profligate, or had invested his effort to obtain
the interest of a chorus girl, or had participated
in the many other flimsy accomplishment attri-
buted to an appreciable number of millionaires,
this remarkable addition to human understand-
ing would not have occurred.
A further point might be made. Howard
Hughes' great flight was totally uncontaminated
by profit. The original motive behind most of the
inventions that add to human satisfaction today
was not personal pecuniary gain. Edison and his
incadescent lamp, the phonograph, Bell and his
telephone, Marconi and the wireless, Morse and
the telegraph are notable examples.
Freed from the obsessing shackles of economic
insecurity, of the compulsory aggrandizement
of money, man can allow his creative spirit its
course, and can grow, shed lights, add victories
to human understandng.
--arold Ossepow
Fascists And Nazis,
All Nordics Now
theory, in the Rome-Berlin ointment,
will no longer stand between the two great nations
on opposite sides of the Alps. Italian anthropolo-
gists have just decided that the Italians are
Aryans after all.
Studies undertaken, significantly, "under aus-
pices of the Government," by a group of Fascist
professors have resulted in the rather naive de-
claration that the Latin race is of Aryan origin.
"Conception of races in Italy should be essen-
tially Italian, and in an Italian-Nordic direc-
tion," the report states. The professors explain
that "this does not mean the introduction into
Italy of German racial theories as they now exist
or the assertion that Italians and Scandinavians
are the same thing."
Virginia Gayda, Fascist publicity director, as-
serts, however, that the Nordic race corresponds
physically "to the ideals of classic beauty sung
by our greatest poets and depicted by great La-
tin and Italian artists."
Primarily, the new doctrine is clearly a piece
of anti-Semitism. Jews, according to the pro-
fessors, do not belong to the Italian race and can-
not be fused with it withot altering its "purely
European character." Secondarily, it is aimed
apparently at establishing a racial brotherhood
with Italy's northern ally,
In the eyes of the rest of the world, the single
advantage Italian Fascism has held over Ger-
man National Socialism has been its freedom
from the grotesquely obtuse racial supremacy
theory. The present announcement needs little
-Joseph Gies
'The Editor'
Gets "Told
Dogs And God's Anointed
To The Editor:
An Ann Arbor boy was recently relieved of a
couple chunks of his flesh by a Vicious dog. I must
admit that this is not news, but the sequel is in-
teresting. The owner of the dog was instructed to
confine the beast for ten days-presumably to
make sure that he has suffered no ill effects from
the encounter.
The owner was not held responsible for the
action of the dog-which of course is as it should
be. After all, children are of little value, while
a good dog will sell for several dollars. The dog
is man's best friend and is admittedly a joy and
a solace in these hard times. On the other hand,
a boy is a source of anxiety and foreboding. If he
grows up-in spite of crazy drivers and vicious
dogs-he will probably either become a bandit
or be another burden on the CCC or WPA. He
might be used in war if war were not so com-
pletely mechanized and if this new crop of Amer-
icans were not so unpatriotic.

I hope I will not be considered callous when I
suggest that the number of vicious dogs be in-
creased and that they be trained to devour not
only the unwanted children and those foreigners
that Mr. Hearst writes so much about but to ex-
terminate all people on relief. In that way our
surplus population could be removed and our
national economy will again be on a safe basis.
With the relief loads cut out, big business will
again have confidence, taxes will be cut and the
good old capitalistic system can again prove its
The dogs, of course, must then be destroyed
lest they taste the sacred flesh of the Lord's
-Will Canter
The Last
Frontier ...
Those who maintain that there is no longer an
American frontier should consider the Nevills ex-
pedition down 300 turbulent miles of the Colo-
rado River. Conditions confronting tfie six voy-
agers proved as forbidding and perilous as any
encountered on the Ohio a 150 years ago by Gen-
eral Rufus Putnam, whose thrust into the wilder-
ness to open the Northwest Territory has just
been celebrated at Marietta.
These new pioneers also embarked, on home-
made boats and churned through a course even
vaster and more vacant. Only the skulking In-
dians were lacking. But through the entire stretch
of lashing waters the adventurers saw only six

ft feemr lo M
H-eywood Broun
It is, of course, presumptuous for a columnist
to offer unsought advice to any other craftsman
engaged in the same pursuit. In writing an open
sermon to Mrs. Roosevelt my sc:e excuse is the
fact that I am a veteran in
the business of turning out
daily inspirational literature,
while she is a newer recruit
to the industry.
Accordingly, I wish to warn
her against the danger of
giving even qualified in-
dorsement to carpe diem
conduct. Imagine my sur-
prise at finding in "My Day"
the statement, "If. I lived in some of the other
countries today I think I would develop the phi-
losophy of Omar Khayyam and live for the day
and its pleasures."
Such talk is dangerous. Almost I seem to see
a waiting queue of citizens at Hyde Park each
murmuring, "Say it ain't true, Mrs. Roosevelt."
To be sure, the First Lady is dealing only with
a supposition, but I can assure her that Omar
was wrong. His teachings are not useful to any
person, in any land, at any time. Full half a
century I followed the precepts of the Persian
poet. I knew the cup that cheers and gave no
heed to the rumble of a distant drum. I, too,
have heard the singing of the siren in the wilder-
ness and poured light wines upon the bread to
make it palatable.
*>* k
I Am Still Here
All this I did, and by a miracle I am still here
to testify that it gets you nothing. In times gone
by I used to match my private life with that of
any man, however reckless, nor was I ever ready
to cry "quits" when doubled.
A columnist is under no moral obligation to
account for all his off hours to the public, but
generally he does. And, worst of all, if he is no
more than a shade rollicking, his autobiographi-
cal accounts of high jinks are likely to grow in
the telling. That was my own little mistake. As
burghers go, I was moderate and reliable in most
things, but I could not resist the temptation of
making myself out a gay dog in an effort to gain
readers and syndication.
This way madness lies. A kind of auto-hypno-
tism, or even auto-intoxication, may set in. In
the beginning the vine leaves in my hair were
merely a figment of frustration and imagina-
tion. It took me almost 10 years to learn to leer
with any success whatsoever. But once a man
begins to play a part the role becomes increasing-
ly exacting. In the beginning I could satisfy my
ambition to be among the playboys merely by
sitting in public places and loudly shouting to
the waiter, "Bring me a glass of beer." Presently,
for the sake of the shock impact, my distinctly
audible order would run, "Make it another
k* * * *
The Boy Grows Bolder
The years rolled on, and as they did it became
necessary to stoke the furnace with more in-
flammable fuel. Before I quite realized.it I found
myself drinking white wine and seltzer. The
legend of loose conduct which I had built up for
myself began to plague me like that monster of
the man in the story whose name I can never
spell. When I sauntered into a night club debu-
tantes shuddered and looked to their escorts for
protection. A woman of 40 fainted when I asked
whether I could see her home in a taxicab in spite
of the fact that I couched the inquiry, "May I
see you to your door, madam?"
It dawned upon me that I had gone too far in
libeling myself. But the road back to repute is
arduous. It is quite useless for me to state that
I have used sarsaparilla and grape juice as my
beverages for nearly two months. Skeptics will
laugh if I say truthfully that soft drinks taste
much better than bitter beers and acid clarets. I
must suffer not so much for what I did as what
I wrote.

And so I am warning Mrs. Roosevelt against
the first false columnar step, though it be no
more than a vicarious adventure. After all, why
should the First Lady envy Omar even at a dis-
tance? She has much more fun than he did, and
hamburgers at Hyde Park, I am informed, are far
more palatable than jugged wine under any
Revolutionary veterans, used to rough life. Two
of Nevill's party were women botanists intent
amid the swirling stream to watch the flowers
along its banks. Two geologists had come to
study the towering canyon walls and a photog-
rapher to record their declivities. Only Nevills
himself was a practical riverman.
One of the women, Miss Lois Jotter, was ma-
rooned for the night unguarded on the desolate
shore except by packrats, red ants and pink rat-
tIers. The boats, bobbing like chips, got through
"the Graveyard of the Colorado" and other dan-
gerous stretches, but farther downstream one of
them capsized, and there was a desperate battle
to save its occupants. Yet when the expedition
stepped safely ashore at Lee's Ferry, a desert
metropolis of two inhabitants, the women chant-
ed cheerfully, "We had a swell time." There
seems still to be an American spirit to conquer
the last frontier.
--The New York Times
In yesterday's editorial, "Roosevelt Draws
First Blood," the sentence reading" . the issue
before the people of Oklahoma was a clear-cut
_hn of ih 1.1 ar- i "nnnc arvaiv3 n t ei


SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1938 day. July 18, Room 126, Michigan
VOL. XLVIII. No. 17 Union. - Speaker, movies. All male
members of the Music School are in-
Graduate Students: Without good vited to attend.
and sufficient reason courses may not i _______nd

be elected for credit after Tuesday.
July 19; courses dropped after same
date will appear on the students' rec-
ord as dropped. Dean
Notice to Seniors: The next exam-
ination in F o r e i gn Languages
(French, German, Italian, Spanish)
for the New York State teacher's li-
cense is scheduled for Aug. 6 at 9:15
a.m. All seniors who may be in-
terested in securing a license to teach
in New York State should notify
the office of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages (112 R.L., tele-
phone extension 406) by Wednesday,
July 20, so that papers may be sent
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Last
performance tonight at 8:30 p.m.
"The Shoemakers'gHoliday," with
Whitford Kane and Hiram Sherman
in their original roles. Box office
open all day, phone 6300. i
Students' Observatory open to-
night from 8 to 10 p.m. Only Summer
Session students are invited. . This
open evening will be on the fifth
floor of Angell Hall, not at the main
observatory. Those visiting the ob-
servatory may use the elevator in
Angell Hall.
Approved Houses for Women: All
women students who were recog-
nized as seniors when enrolling for
the Summer Session are granted 1:30
permission on Saturday nights. Those
who will not be seniors until the end
of the Summer Session are not en-
titled to this privilege.
Approved Houses for Women:
Sign-out slips for the first three
weeks of the Summer Session are
now due.
Beta Eta Chapter of The Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority invites the
members of visiting chapters to a
"Get Acquainted" tea, Saturday, July
16, from 3 to 5 at 135 Adams Ave.
Special Phi Delta Kappa dinner
meeting will be held Saturday, July
16, at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Dr. Erich Hylla, a former
minister of education in Germany,
now professor of education at Cornell
University will speak. Tickets are 85
cents and reservations may be made
with Dr. Schorling's secretary, 2442
UES or by calling Robert Carson, Tel.
4045. Wives and friends invited.
High School Clinic Band Concert.
A band concert by the boys and girls
of the Band Clinic now in session
will be given Sunday afternoon, July
17, in Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 p.m.
The general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is cordially
invited to attend.
Vesper Service: The Second Sum-
mer Session Vesper Service will be
held on the Library Terrace, Sun-
day evening, July 17, at 7:30 p.m.
Kenneth W. Morgan, Directori
"Apparentlh Supernormal Informa-
tion" will be the title of a lecture by
Dr. John F. Thomas and Mr. C. T.
Andersen of the Detroit Board of
Education, Monday, July 18, at 8 p.m.
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
This lecture is under the auspices of
the Parapsychology Club.

The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at Lane Hall on Sunday. July 17,
at 2:30 p.m. to go to Silver Lake for
a swim, baseball and a picnic. Come
and bring your friends.
Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr.
Vincent du Vigneaud, Professor of
Biochemistry in the Medical School
at George Washington University,
will lecture at 2 p.m., July 18-21 in-
clusive in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg.
The subjects of the four lectures are
as follows:
July 18, Homocystine and Its Re-
lation to the IntermediarydMetabol-
ism of Methionine and Cystine in the
July 19, Excursions into the Field
of Stereo-Biochemistry..
July 20, Studies on the Sulfur of
Crystalline Insulin and on Certain
Aspects of the Chemistry. of the
Blood-Pressure-raising and the Uter-
ine-contracting Hormones of the
Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary
July 21, Carnosine and Anserine.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, July 19, at 3 p.m., in Room 3201
Angell Hall. Professor A. T. Craig
will speak "On Certain Linear and
Quadratic Forms in Statistics." Prof.
L. C. Karpinski will speak on "Mathe-
matical Collections in the University
of Michigan Library."
Grand Rapids Picnic, Hamburg Fry
at Dexter Park, Tuesday, July 19, 6
p.m. Everyone from -Grand Rapids
invited. Ask any Grand Rapids stu-
dent for particulars.
Education Students Interested, in
the Ed.D. A short meeting of those
interested in the Ed.D. degree in edu-
cation will be held at 5:10 p.m., Tues-
day, July 19, in the East Conference
Room on the third floor of the Rack-
ham Building.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
State Coordinator of Apprentice
Training IV.; Temporary Entrance
Salary wilU be $300 per month; Ap-
plications must be postmarked before
midnight July 20, 1938; Michigan
Civil Service.
United States:
Home Extension Agent, $2,600 a
year; Junior Home Extension Agent
$1,800 a year; Indian Field Service,
Department of the Interior.
Junior Blueprint Operator, $1,440 a
year; Under Blueprint Operator, $1,-
260 a year; Junior Photostat Operat-
or, $1,4;40 a year; Under Photostat
Operator, $1,260 a year.
For further information, pelase call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office
Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University -ureau of )ppont-
ments and Occupational Infor-
. Graduate Students in Education:
The. Advisory Inventory Test for
Graduate Students in Educations will
be given on Thursday, July 21 at 2
p.m. and on Saturday, July 23 at 9
o'clock in 'the University High School
Auditorium. Students may take the
test on either date. Complete print-
ed information regarding thehpurpose
of the test is available in the office
of the Dean, 1435 U.E.S
Unitarian Church, Sunday, 11 a.m.
Rev. Edwin Wilson of Chicago will
speak on "A Technique for Personal

Living." 7:30 p.m. Mr. Wilson will
lead a roundtable discussion on "Re-
ligious Perplexities of Today."
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. ,Dr. Edward
T. Ramsdell will preach on "Balance
in Christian Thinking." Dr. Rams-
dell is professor of Theology and Phi-
losophy of Religion at Vanderbilt
Congregational Church:
The morning service of worship will
be held at 10:45. The sermon by Dr.
Leonard A. Parr will be on the theme
"'What Would You Ask the Sphinx?"
The following is the service of music:
Anthem by chorus choir, "The Lord
is Exalted," West.
Solo, "These Are They" (Gaul's
"Holy City"). Mrs. Grace Johnson
Organ selections by Miss Mary
Adagio, VI Symphny, Widor.
Church Worship Services will be
held in Zion Lutheran Church at
10:30 with sermon by the pastor, Rev.
E. P. Stellhorn. Trinity Lutheran
Church will hold worship services at
10:30. The sermon "Adventurous
Faith" will be given by the Rev. Hen-
ry 0. Yoder.
Lutheran Summer School Students
will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall at 5:30 this Sunday evenin . A
program of interest has been ar-
ranged for the evening. The Parish
Hall is located at 309 E. Washington
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver will lead
the discussion.
Wesleyan Guild meetin g at 6 p.m.
Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on
"Can Christianity Be Applied Inter-
nationally?" Fellowship Hour at 7
p.m. The meeting will adjourn in
time to attend th e Campus Vespers
on the Library steps.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St., Sunday morning
service at 10:30.
Subject, "Life." Golden Text:
John 5:26. Sunday School at 11:45.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
Rev" R. Edward Sayles, minister, will
preach on the subject, "The Su-
premacy of Jesus." The Church
School meets at 9 a.m.
The Roger Williams guild, student
group of the Baptist church, will
meet at the Guild House, 503 E. Hu-
ron street, promptly at 6 p.m. Sun-
day evening for the program which
will be an address by Miss Esmah Or-
cut, graduate student in the Univer-
sity., on "Youth. in Action," being a
survey and estimate of the important
youth conference recently held at Co-
lumbus, under the auspices of the In-
ternational Council of Religious Edu-
cation. Miss Orcut has been active
in certain ,groups of youth in the
Michigan Baptist Convention.
Refreshments will be served, and
dismissal will come in time for all
to attend the University Vesper Serv-,
ice on the Library steps.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
"What's Right With The- World?"
will be the subject of Dr. W. P. Lem-
on's sermon at the Morning Worship
Service at 10:45. Dr. Healey Willan
at the console and directing the choir.
The ,musical numbers will include:
Organ Prelude, "By the Waters of
Babylon" by Karg-Elert; Anthem, "O
(Continued on Page 4)

Publication in the Bulletin is constru'ctive notice to all members of, the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Meeting of the Kingfish

Club, Mon-1

Ii . i




Corner State and Washington Streets
9:45 a.m. Student Class at Stalker Hall.
Inquire at Church Office about classes for
other ages.
10:40 a.m. Worship Service at First Methodist
Episcopal Church, State and Washington
Streets. Dr. E. T. Ramsdell's subject is
"Balance in Christian Thinking."
6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting at Stalker
Hall. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on
"Can Christianity Be Applied Interna-

409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning services at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School at 11:45 A.M.
Free public reading rooms at 206 E. Liberty,
1432 Washtenaw Avenue Ph. 2-4466

William P. Lemon D.D. Minister
Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Healey Willan, guest organist & choir director
10:45 a.m. "What's Right With the World?"
rnm.vnnb, +w. -m . n+

9-W-...I PIP 5 Pi'" /®"/UJ- I °*LI 33BY^U

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