The Weather
Possibly local showers in the
north, generally fair in south,
warmer today; probably local
showers tomorrow.
P6F k
The Birth Rate
And The Dle...
The Autocrat Of
The Flying Field...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
U.S. Observer
To Investigate
Refugee Plight
Within Reich
Huge Throngs Extend Welcome
To Hughes' Globe-Girdling Party
______ 0
Consul To
Seek MeansI
Of Permitting,
Leave With
Jews To
Taylor Sees New
Emigrant Outlets
15-(AP)-The United States sent an
official observer into Germany today,
at the end of the 32-natioh refugee
conference, to gather information for
a report op the situation of potential
refugees in Greater Germany.
George Brandt, who holds the rank
of consul in the American Foreign
Service and who was attached to the
American Delegation at the confer-
ence, left under instructions from the
State Department for visits in Berlin,
Vienna, Stuttgart and Hamburg.
Delegation's Spokesman
A spokesman for the American
delegation' said Brandt would,"gather
information from American sources
concerning the number and type of
persons who desire to leave Germany
under the sponsoring of the perma-'
nent refugee organization established,
by the Evian conference in London."
He is to report to that body after
its members assemble Aug. 3 in the
British capital.
Myron C. Taylor, the President and
chief United States delegate, today
emphasized the need for refugees
being allowed to leave Germany with
their possessions and announced new
hope for fiding homes for them had
arisen through "confidential state-
ments that certain countries - could
find room for more emigrants than
had been expected."
Not Idntified
He did not identify the countries.
Earl Winterton, Chief British del-
egate, announced Palestine would not
be -opened to mass Jewish immigra-
His government, he said, considered
as "wholly untenable" the idea that
the Jewish problem could be solvedif
"the gates of Palestine were thrown
Taylor called "vital and impera-
tive" Germany"s cooperation with
the London organization and re-
emphasized that "unless steps are
taken forthwith to remedy the pres-
ent disorderly exodus, there is catas-
trophic human suffering ahead which
might hve far-reaching conse-
quences in international unrest and
Loyalists Gain
M arcos' Peak
Plant Banner On Summit
Of Strategic Point
HENDAYE, France, (At The Span-
ish Frontier) July 15--()-A vio-
len counteroffensive unleashed by
Gen. Jose Miaja's forces in eastern
Spain today carried the Red, yellow
and Purple banner of the Gevern-
ment atop strategic Marcos Moun-
The peak is neard Tales, about 34
milets airline north of Valencia, near
the Mediterranean.
It was re-captured by the govern-
ment militiament as they fought
steadily to dam the on-rushing wave
of Insurgent troops toward Valencia,
former Government capital.
The peak gave the Government a
position from which to threaten the
nearby Sueras and Onda sectors and
possibly neutralize the Insurgent's
recent gains in the coastal sector.
Inland some 45 miles from the
Mediterranean the belligerentsfought
in extreme heat in the Sarrion sec-
tor, southeast seek to control.
Bristol Discusses
Photp-conductivity was the sub-
ject of a talk given yesterday by
Prof. N. F. Mott of Bristol, England,
before a colloquim held by the Sym-
posium on theoretical physics in the
small ampitheatre of the Rackham
Several of the photo-conductivity
theories that relate to crystals were
Ticker Tape Deluge Fills
Air As Fliers Travel
'Trail Of All Celebrities'
NEW YORK, July 15.-()-From
the Battery, jammed with sweltering
humanity, through the canyons of
the financial district, up lower Broad-
way through delirious, wildly cheer-
ing crowds, Howard Hughes and his
four world-girdling companions rode
today to the acclaim which New York
reserves for heroes it has taken to
its heart.
It snowed as the triumphant pro-
cession snailed past an estimated
half-million persons on packed streets
-a deluge of ticker tape and torn
telephone directories and note paper
and pamphlets-as they traveled the
celebrity trail to the City Hall.
Modest men were these scoffers
at time and distance whose ears still
rang with th bedlam that greeted
them yesterday when they landed at
Floyd Bennett Field after they had
flown around the world in three days
and 19 hours.
From the Battery, through Wall
Street's canyons and up lower Broad-
way to the City Hall traveled the five
men to stand blinking before lights
and the praise heaped upon them by
Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, Grover
Whalen, head of the World's Fair, and
Jesse H. Jones, head of the RFC and
fellow-Texan of Hughes.
Hughes spoke shyly and almost
inaudibly. His flying companions
nodded as he expressed the belief that
a camaraderie of airmen of the world
would prove an agency fcr peace.
He asked, with quiet fervency, that
the flight not be regarded as a stunt.
He reviewed the careful preparations
Jap Guns Rake
Lion Hill Forest
Nipponese Seek To Force
Drive On Nanchang
SHANGHAI, July 16.-Saturday-
(A)-Bombing planes and navy guns
raked the Lion Hill Forest yester-
day as the Japanese Yangtze River
offensive remained stalled below
Kiukiang, 135 miles from Hankow,
Chinese provisional capital.
The forts guard both the passage
upa the river and the mouth of Lake
Poyang, across which Japanese seek
to launch an expedition against Nan-
chang, China's largest air base.
Uncomfirmed Japanese reports
said Chinese had started to withdraw
their troops from Kiukiang after des-
troying foreign property, including
the American Hospital School, the
French Catholic Church, and British,
American and Japanese riverfront
But Chinese said 25,000 Japanese
troops concentrated at Hukow ,at the
eastern side of the lake entrance,
were cut off by a counter attack and
were being supplied with food and
munitions dropped from airplanes.
Heavy casualties, Chihese said,
were inflicted in other conter at-
tacks downriver at Pengtseh and
Matowchen, site of defense works
and river booms which Chinese re-
linquished July 2.
Japanese reported, however, that
they had mopped up Chinese units
down the river.
Remer, Hebbard Sail
On Research Project
ISHPEMING, July 15.--()-W.
Lawrence Hebbard, 26, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Hebbard, Ishpeming,
sailed today from Hoboken, N.J., for
London and Paris where he will spend
a month doing research work in cap-
ital movement for the University of
Michigan before taking up his duties
as Assistant Director of the Geneva
International Research Center in Ge-
neva, Switzerland. ,
Hebbard will be located in Geneva
for one year, beginning September 1,
but will make frequent visits to cap-
itals of European countries in con-
nection with his work for the Center.
The latter organization is engaged
in research for the League of Nations
and other international bodies. He
will be assistant to Dr. Carl F. Remer,
of the University of Michigan staff,
who has been granted a year's leave
of absence to direct the Center.
Hold Second Vesper
and said that 200,000 engineering
hoursnhad gone into the record-
breaking plane.'
"I have been asked what the pur-
pose of the flight was," lie said, "and
my answer is that if it succeeds in
bringing the fliers of the world to-
gether in closer cooperation, then it
has accomplished something worth-
"There is a kinship among fliers
the world over," he said.
After the Hughes party left City
Hall behind screaming police sirens,
the procession swung north, then
across to Fifth Ave., which has seen
longer parades but never one received
like this one since those for Lind-
bergh, Gertrude Ederle and Richard
Crosstown traffic was at a stand-
still as the cars bearing Hughes and
his companions, his ground crew,
wives of the fliers and various not-
ables followed uptown to Central
Hughes, wearing an Oxford gray
suit, a white shirt and black tie, had
slept more than 12 hours. Pale and
a little jumpy, he was nevertheless
fresh. He rode in the first car.
Lieut. Thomas J. Thurlow, U.S.A.,
navigator, rode in the front seat of
the second car. The other navigator,
Harry P. M. Connor, sat with Ed
Lund, flight engineer, and Richard
R. Stoddart, radio operator, on the
rear seat.
State To Help
WPA Employes
G e t Insurance
Murphy Believes These
Workers, Dependents
Should BeHelped
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., July 15
-(A')-Governor Murphy intimated
today the state would step in to aid
WPA workers who have left their
jobs to apply for benefits under the
Unemployment Compensation Act,
but he warned WPA workers who are
considering quitting their jobs to
prepare themselves for the four-week
period that must elapse before the
first compensation, check arrives.
Asserting that "something must be
done for these men and their depen-
dents," the Governor said:
"As it is, assistance to regular re-
lief clients is inadequate. There is
no way of telling how many WPA
workers want to quit their jobs to
apply for compensation benefits.
"WPA workers who want to quit
and file claims under the unemploy-
ment Compensation Act should try
to save enough money to care for
themselves during the fourweek in-
terim that must elapse before they
get any money. If they cannot save
the money they should make ar-
rangements with friends or relatives
to care for them.
Warns Church'
Its Salvation
Is Democracy
Wilson Sees Fascists Worst
Of Destructive Forces
Directed At Social ig iht
Church Is Prone
To Abandon Poor
The modern church, in order to
save itself, must align itself with the
forces in society supporting democ-
racy, The Rev. Edwin Wilson, guest
pastor of the Third Unitarian Church,
told the concluding forum on prac-
tical religion yesterday in the Michi-
gan Union.
That section of society denying the
elementary social rights to the elec-
torate, namely the Fascists, are work-
ing for the destruction of the church
and democracy. The fate of Pastor
Niemoller, Lutheran minister in Ger-
many, who was ultimately sent to a
concentration camp by Hitler, said
Wilson, was precipitated by Niemol-
ler's desire to ignore socal problems.
It is the church's .province, he as-
serted, to initiate movements in the
direction of progressive social action
and legislation. However the church
must refrain as much as possible from
forgetting the "common man."
With their great building programs
and increased budgets, Wilson de-
clared, the church these days has been
nclined to "join hands more readily
with the Chamber of Commerce rath-
er than with the labor union." To
correct this tendency, Reverend Wil-
son, suggested the adoption of a panel
discussion system in the church serv-
ice. He found that in his own church
the device has been very satisfactory,
and the night that President Roose-
velt talked on the air concerning his
Reorganization Bill, the church mem-
bers representing both conservative
and radical factions sat and discussed
it and its implications.
Reverened Wilson claimed that
there is a clear demand for the trans-
lation of religious experience into
service to the community. In this
line, he claimed the church of the
future should be designed to lend the
greatest possible use to the com-
munity seven days a week.
Governor And Officials
Face Payless-Pay-Day
LANSING, July 15-()-A pay-
less-pay-day for a score or more of
State employees included Governor
Murphy among its victims today.
Members of the Auditor General's
staff said the payroll for the Execu-
tive office was among a batch that
arrived too late to permit the writ-
ing of checks. It was laid aside with
the other tardy ones until Monday
morning. .
Center Proved
North Europe
Prof. Knight Sees Source
Of National Feeling In
Cultural Reawakening
Medieval Political
Thought Dominant
Europe, north of the Alps, provided
the real birthplace of learning at
the time of the Renaissance while
northern Europe took over the new-
found cultural knowledge and used it
in a political sense, for the basis of
nationalism, Prof. Frank Knight of
the University of Chicago said yes-
terday, speaking in conjunction with
the Graduate Conference on Renais-
sance Studies.
The cities o Italy adopted at the
time of the Renaissance, the idea of
the Greek city state. They took over
the knoweldge and culture of the
Greeks but there was no political
unity. In northern Europe, he em-
phasized, the knowledge and cul-
ture was taken over and made the
basis of new territorial nationalism.
The political thought of the Ren-
aissance, Professor Knight said, was
essentially medieval in character. It
was scholastic and dialectic in type.
The great change in the Renaissance
was, he indicated, from "churchism,"
the domination of the papcy to "sta-
tism," or nationalism. Individualism
in economic thought did not arise un-
til the time of John Stuart Mill. The
transition from nationalism to in-
dividualism came as a product of the
industrial revolution, and although
the form of capitalism, itself the es-
sence of individualism, came in at the
time of the Renaissance, he pointed
out, it was not until the 19th century
that it came into real prominence.
In the late middle ages with the
advent of such things as the com-
pass, gunpowder, and the telescope
from the East, the transition to mod-
ernism in economic thought began.
The European people put their new
found discoveries to uses which the
East had never dreamed of.
Individualism in religion, Profes-
sor Knight said, the basis on which
Martin Luther started his drive in the
Protestant Reformation, was never
accomplished. The world, he said, was
not ready for individualism in reli-
gion any more than Luther was.
There are today a few separate
churches which hold to the idea of
liberalism, but the bulk of them
have become as dogmatic today as the
papacy was before the Reformation.
OWOSSO, July 15. -(P)-Howard
Nesbitt, 28, of Owosso, drowned to-
night when his outboard motorboat
capsized in the Shiawassee River.
His borther, Miles, 20, and Fred Dow-
ell, 20, with him in the boat, swam
to safety.
Roosevelt Relaxes
Amidst Grandeurs
Of Yosemite Park
EL PORTAL Calif., July 15-(A
President Roosevelt relaxed5-a
sightseer amid the grandeur of Yo-
semite National Park today.
The president rode through the
sunlit park, observing its scenic won-
ders with Senator William G. Mc-
Adoo,, his loyal supporter.
special train at San Francisco last
night and came with the President to
El Portal, Park entrance.
The Presidential party, preceded
by four khaki-shirted motorcycle pa-
trolmen, took a winding road upward
into the park.
Mr. Roosevelt sat on one side of
his open car, McAdoo on the other
and Mrs. McAdoo in between. Mc-
Adoo now is engaged in a primary
election fight for renomination There
has been speculation the President
may indicate his wish that McAdoo
be renominated before Mr. Roose-
aelt embarks tomorrow at San Diego
for a Pacific cruise.
Homer Martin,
Snubs Lewis
Labor League
Starts 'Purge'
Of Legislators
Congressmen Rated In 4
Divsions; About,, Forty
Opposed For Reelection
Resentment Aimed
At New Deal Rebels
Peace Parley
Small Town Deluged By Count ryfolk
SWho Greet Their Traveling President
UAW Peace Prospects Dim P
As Auto Union Heads G
Reject Washington Bidn
DETROIT, July 15-(P)-Prospects g
of early peace between the two war-
ring factions of the United 'Auto- 1
mobile Workers Union faded today i
when backers of President Homer o
Martin spurned an invitation from
John L. Lewis, Committee for Indus- s.
trial Organization chairman, to go b
to Washington "and talk thingst
Martin was at Goreville, Ill., to t
attend a family reunion when Lewis
elephoned his office to ask him to b
join 13 Presidents of Detroitlocals at P
Washington in seeking a truce. I
R. J. Thomas, UAW vice-president
who is acting as President in Martin's c
absence, said he did not believe Lewis F
had abandoned his non-intervention 1
policy in the intra-union battle. i
The Martin family home, about 10
miles from Goreville, does not have ab
telephone, and as far as international
officers here knew, Lewis had not s
succeeded, in reaching the UAW head.
Union spokesmen here did not re-
gard it as probable that the peaceg
seeking committee would remain int
Washington with prospects of a con-
ference between Martin and Lewis sov
Meanwhile, the union battle ied
to the calling off of the scheduled
state convention of Labor's Non-
Partisan League in Detroit, July 23
and 24.
"There was a strong likelihood that
the UAW quarrel would have intrud-
ed on the floor and resulted in dis-
putes having nothing to do with the
legitimate business of the conven-
tion,' Alan Strachan, Secretary-Trea-
surer of the State Committee, said.
Arabs Bombed
In Jerusalem
12 Killed, 29 Wounded,
In Crowded Bazaar
JERUSALEM, July 15. - (>) -
Truckloads of British troops man-
ning machineguns streamed through
the twisting streets of ancient Jeru-
salem tonight to forestall possible
new disorders arising from explosion
of a bomb in a crowded bazaar.
Twelve Arabs were killed and at
least 29 were wounded when the bomb
burst among throngs of Arab peas-
ants in David Street market place.
The incident was one of the most
serious in the 11 days of Jewish-Arab
disorders in the Holy Land.
Casualties since July 5 have to-,
taled at least 372. Of these, 29 Jews
and 66 Arabs were killed, and 176
Arabs and 101 Jews were wounded.
Police closed all gates of the old
city after the market place explosion.
Soldires with fixed bayonets fore-
stalled a threatened riot among Arabs
who had come to the city for Friday
morning prayers in a nearby mosque.
Bethe Analyzes Nuclear
Fnrces At Final Lecture
WASHINGTON, July 15.-(P)-La-
bor's Non-Partisan League, headed
by John L. Lewis, formally embarked
onight on its long-heralded attempt
o "purge" out of public life meR-
ers of Congress unsatisfactory to it.
E. L. Oliver, executive vice presi-
lent of the League, announced the
3rganization had rated all Congress-
nen in four classifications, and that
bout 40 of them had "D" ratings,
neaning that the League was unal-
erably opposed to their reelection.
The League was especiall* bitter, it
was indicated, against legislators who
fought or hampered the wage-hour
"Resentment against those Con-
gressmen and Senators who were
lected upon a Progressive, New Deal
latform, and who subsequently failed
o support that program, will bring
hanges in the complexion of the
ext Congress," Oliver said.
Oliver said the' four classifications
iven to Congressmen were "A" those
whom the League favored very high-
y, about 40 in all; "," those also
n favor but not as active in behalf
f labor legislation as the first group;
"C," those who had a "poor progres-
ive record and who woul in general
be opopsed by the League;" And "D,"
hose "who were so actively against
labor that nobody could do worse
han they."
Included in the list of House mem-
ers to whom the League was op-
osed were Hoffman and Mapes,
Michigan Republicans.
Mapes was a member of the Rules
committee _ which held the Wage-
fIour bill on the shelf for many
moniths until the House finally forced
t to the floor and passed it.
Turning to a discussion of the La-
bor League's plans for participation
n various State campaigns, Oliver
said endorsements would be made in
Michigan soon at a State meeting of
the League and predicted one would
go to Gov. Frank Murphy. He said
Mapes would not be endorsed but
there was a question whether he
would be actively opposed.
Probe Looms
On U.S. Funds
Misuse Of Federal Money
Charged In Ky. Primary
WASHINGTON, July 15-0)-A
double-barreled' Federal investiga-
tion was in prospect tonight into
charges that Federal and State funds
have been misused in the Kentucky
Primary battle between New Deal-
favored Senator Barkley and Gov-
ernor Chandler.
The Senate campaign funds com-
mittee voted late today to investi-
gate campaigns in Kentucky and
Pennsylvania, and disclosed that it
already had sent an investigator into
Previously, the Social Security
Board had ordered an investigation
in Kentucky after Senator Barkley
had accused state Social Security
agents of playing politics with pen-
sion checks.
Officials said the Security board
would look immediately into reports
forwarded by its regional agents that
checks for the needy aged were being
distributed personally by agents of
the state Social Security department,
instead of by mail as usual.
Barkley charged at a campaign
rally last unght that the agents were
warning pensioners their payments
would stop if they did not vote for
Governor Chandler, his opponent for
the Democratic Senatorial Nomina-
Dance Is Switched
To UnionTonight
The regular Saturday Summer Ses-
sion dance, usually held in the League,
Local Products, Politicians
Vie For President's Eye
As School Children Sing
In many a little western town this
week, the through express has been
shunted onto the same sidetrack as
the lowly feed car, telegraph service
men have been installing additional
sending sets, and cowboys, lumber-
jacks, farmers, sheepherders, report-
ers, trappers, miners and fishermen
have congregated in the smoke filled
rooms of the local stores, hotels and
bars to discuss and await the com-
ing of the greatest event in the ham-
let's history."
The President is coming! Yes, it's
true! And although the little town
can hardly beieve it, the Presidential
train must actualy stop there for 30
minutes to refuel the engine. He will
have time to drive past the local
schoolhouse, where a delegation of
children will greet him with banners,
and placards inscrbed "Welcome,
President!" "We Are Glad To See
You, Mr. Roosevelt," etc., while sing-
ing "Good Evening, Mr. President,
Good evening to you!" From there
he will proceed with his escort of
state police, secret service men, and
and materials to be used in festoon-
ing the town with crepe paper and
colored lights. Stores that ordinarily
remain open after six only on Sat-
urday nights are lighted up four
nights in a row. The thrumb-
thrumb of electric phonographs in
taverns and restaurants disturbs the
sleep qf quieter citizens. Hungry men
and women, coming in from the dusty
plains and timbered mountains in'
jolting buckboards and six-year old
automobiles, will want hot food and
simmering coffee to drive off the chill
of the evening. Then they will want
rooms for the night, many for several
nights, especially if they live far off,
and wish to avoid the night ride back.
On the great day, the travelers are
up early, as is everyone else who has
some interest of his own to further,'
be it buying, selling, or satisfying a
long-suppressed craving for excite-'
ment. Great cartons of apples from
the irrigation area 20 miles north are
ripped open in feverish haste by local
grocers. From the odorous packing
plant south of town, trucks are bring-
ing meat that will be turned to sizz-
ling steaks and hamburgers. Whin-
ing sawmills for 20 miles around have
shut down so that foremen and work-
ers alike may see the President.
Indian Gets Fresh Fish
Far up in the mountains, Longbow
will blend effort and talent in render-
ing one of Sousa's marches.
At the bandstand he will pause in
apparently intimate conversation with
the local postmaster, who is thus fa-
vored as a candidate for the state
legislature, giving time fbr the ex-
,.itpdcrowd tofassmble as close as