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August 18, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-18

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---- ® FL I .

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contro of
Student Publications.n
Publishece every morning except Monday during the
VUitersty-year and Summer Session.
Member 'of the Associated Press
Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
t t or not otherwise credited in this newspaper., All
rights of repubiction of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
sqeond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
*i4.00(; by mail, $4.50:
&iember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937:38
NationalAdertisingService, Inc
Collat0Publishers sRejesentative
420 MAs0ON Av.E. NEW YORK, 1,. Y.
Board of Editors
City Editor . . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assstapt Editors ....... .Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marilo,
Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Citculation Manager . . . J. Cameron Iall
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan"
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults,^but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on. this belief are educational insttu-
tiofs in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
The American
Newspaper Game .. .
_. HE ERA of enlightenment we are
told has dawned upon our country
and upon us. We live in an atmosphere saturated
with scientific laboratories and multi-million
dollar educational factories, with globe girdling
wires of telegraph and telephone, with television
aid short wave, "truth serums" and inferiority
complexes, three cent newspapers, 20 cent movies
and fiftycent best sellers, with "Non-stop" Cor-
rigans and Bathosphere Bebes. The ponderous
catalog of enlightenment in truth, rambles into
encyclopedic lengths.
But we live also in an age of high dividends
and low wages, of Wall Street Croesus and De-
lancey Street paupers, of breadlines and crop
control projects, of red-plush employes and
starving workers, of Kellogg pacts and arma-
ments races, of Harlan County feudalism and
highr education, of boss-ridden political mon-
strosities and the democratic process. The pon-
derous catalog of unenlightenment, in truth,
rambles into encyclopedic lengths.
But what manner of made-to-order, iand-me1,
down enlightenment is this, we ask, which coun-
tenances such contradiction? What manner of
erightenment is it, we answer ourselves, why of
course it's no enlightenment at all. What of the
laboratories, educational factories, inferiority
complexes, et al? What, of them, why they're
simrply the means to enlightenment which, for
the most part, serve us miserably or if they
serve us well individually, accomplish a negligible
composite effect on thepattern andtmanner of
our living. But are they equipped to serve us
better? Of course they are. Why, then, do we
starve for enlightenment in the midst of this
plenty of communicative facilities. We starve for
enlightenment, not because we are illiterate, not
because we cannot buy printed matter, no, the
cause is more insidious than this. We starve for
enlightenment because we are deliberately and
maliciously misinformed by our No. 1 enemies of
public enlightenment. No. 1 devotee of Mammon
and high priest of the status quo-the American

Power to send the news for one bundred
million unsuspecting readers through a sieve of
prejudice, power to proscribe absolutely and
without exception the everyday reading diet of
these millions is indeed a large order, but Ameri-
can newspapers don't shrink from large orders.
Indeed they live and thrive on them. Put together
the influence of Caesar, Tamourlane, Alexander,
Charlemagne, the holy . Roman emperor's, add
any mighty monarch of history fancy dictates,
reckon the sum and we have-withal such a pauc-
ity of influence compared to the power of the
American fourth estate as to render comparisons
ludicrous and virtually impossible. The Ameri-
can press gives information to one hundred
million people, has virtually every man amoi%
them thinking about the same thing at about
the same time. Where in history is there a
power of this magnitude? Where is there a
Mussolini or a Hitler rivaling this colossus sown
on American soil. Do we talk of hand-picked
news in Italy and Germany? Then let us look to
our own glass houses wherein censorship flowers.
Why do we speak of the American press as
such a unity? Because the American press ,;

American scene when our growing country stored
away its short pants and settled down after
the Civil War into its more mature pursuits of
industrialization. And the American press didn't
report therise of steel trusts and Standard Oil
corporations and Union Pacific Railways and
Wall Street banking houses without itself
learning something of the golden profits flowing
from business on a grand scale. Bigness was
the watchword and the American newspapers
were watching closely. They soon fashioned their
own organizations along the Gargantuan profit-
making lines of the business man.
Do we challenge the American press without
sufficient evidence? Not by a long shot. Why did
nine-tenths of the American newspapers support
Governor Landon in 1936, though the Governor
was overwhelmingly repudiated by the people's
franchise? Why does the American press oppose
child labor laws and in so doing hark. back to
the dim, sweat-ridden days of 18th century child
labor exploitation? Why did the American press
thrust a knife into the Tugwell Pure Food and
Drugs act of 1934, though the evidence of adul-
terated foods and quack cures was everywhere
before them? Why did the American press refer
to President Roosevelt's reorganization bill as
the "Dictator Bill" though its provisions called
for a- simple administrative economy advocated
since Harding's administration? Why did the
American press almost unanimously appoint it-
self counsel for the defense of Arthur E. Morgan
of the T.V.A. long before any documented evi-
dence 'in support of either side had appeared?.
Why . . . but what's the use, the "why's" can
run on into December and, indeed, they have
already been exhaustively chronicled by Upton
Sinclair, Will Irwin and George Seldes in their
respective'works on this business of running a
The crimes of the American press are becoming
obvious even to the readers of the American
press. But what to do about it? Panaceas are
few and very far between. There appear none
applicable to the sores of the American news-
paper. Sir Norman Angell, however, has listed
four sound measures which would go far toward
liberating modern journalism and making it over
into a purveyor of truth. Sir Norman suggests:
"1. While . . . encouraging freedom on the
press . . . amend laws with reference to anony-
mity, libel and so forth . . . 2. Make of journal-
ism a chartered. profession like the law and
medicine, demanding certain qualifications. 3.
Create a state or government press,,managed -. -
,by a journalistic judiciary, pledged to the im-
partial presentation of news . . . 4. Encourage
organized labor to create its own cooperative
press . . . (via) trade unions and the industrial
cooperative societies."
Other critics of the press have suggested: a,
small ad-less newspaper at a penny, an endowed
newspaper, daily newspapers to be published
by the university presses, labor union news-
papers, staff direction (Xansas- City Star and
Brooklyn Eagle) and municipal papers (Los
Angeles Municipal News).
Any one ofrthe suggestions appears feasible.
And at any rate it is high time the American
people insisted on a pure press and newspaper act
to stamp out the adulterated, sensationalized and
many times wholly quack information passed out
by our principal informer.
-Robert I. Fitzhenry

I;/ feeimr o1, M Ve
H-eywood Broun
It is a custom with several columnists of my
acquaintance to grow plaintive because their
contact with the public is so tenuous. They sigh
because they cannot see how their master lines
are received, because they
cannot hear the nation
chuckling over some inspired
gag. .
But they seem to forget'
those days when they sit at
the typewriter with blank
minds, piling pages of false
starts beside them until at
last they tear off a little
essay on the joys of pipe smoking or an appre-
ciation of our friend the dog.
Only one with stage experience can know how
punishing the presence of an expectant audience
can be when the performer knows that he has
no good news to bring from Ghent.
* *,*
Stage Experience --- 20 Persons:
I remember a matinee I once played to of an
audience of 20, which included nine small chil-
dren who seemingly had read none of the re-
views and ,were in no wise reconciled to hearing
a monologue which was not so good-.
When I first looked at them they were happy
and expectant. In the space of 30 seconds my
whole speech flashed before my mind, and I
wish it hadn't.
Even if the anecdotes had bee most scintil-
lating it would have been too little. These tiny
tots had not come to listen to talking. They
watched me wide-eyed and waited for tricks.
The situation demanded that I should stand on
my head or take two white rabbits from my
sleeve. But I cannot stand on my head. Probably
I couldn't get a. rabbit in my sleeve or out, and,
anyhow, there were no rabbits.
* * *
Audience Reaction Punising
I directed my monologue at a little' frontier
settlement in the second row. Tio of the chil-
dren were here, but between them'sat a mature
woman. It seemed to me that if I could project
my monologue to her the suffering of the chil-
dren might be tenpered by a sort of vicarious
"Mumsey's just laughing and laughing," each
little prattler would say to himself, and per-
haps venture a tentative giggle on his own ac-
But Mumsey didn't laugh, In fact, she was an
even tougher audience than Buster and Johnny.
And yet that I could endure.
The thing which broke me up and made me
bleed internally was the patient trustfulness of
Buster and Johnny.
rT he Editor
Gets Told...
The English Viewpoint
(Editor's Note: The following material was includ-
ed in a letter from Allan Swinton author and writer
of articles for The Saturday Evening Post and the
American Boy. Mr. Swinton is recuperating in
Essex, England, after a severe surgical operation.)
To The Editor:
It seems to me that, of all the lunacies pursued
by man in this day, none is greater than that
which so assiduously in some strongholds of old
notions, seeks to keep American and the British
Commonwealth and the British Empire (these
two latter are different things) apart, and I do
what I can to combat this. Unhappily, into the
real strongholds of Anglophobia our voices never

reach. It seems to me that a great majority of
Eastern Americans and almost all the Houses-
though members dare not admit it if they come
from the west, for obvious reasons-have lived
down the old distrusts.
But as you know, in the west there are vast
hinterlands where England is still the arch-foe.
How' to reach them, heaven knows. The fact, it
seems to me, is that the crassest sort of self-
interest forces the two entities to range up side
by side if they will face the truth.
Here in England, attitude toward world politics
is completely crystallized. Thanks to the incred-
ible clumsiness of Hitler, Mussolini and Co.,
who have so behaved as to drive the English
back-to-back in common cause,,things here are
in a supremely healthy state-not economically,
but sentimentally. The key to the whole business
is, and always was, here. There would have been
a different Europe if the masses here had not
gone "League of Nations" and then refused,
because they did not want to face the truth, to '
admit that it was dead. During that time we
were at the mercy of anyone who liked to kick
us around. No one in America seems to realize
how disarmed and pacifist we were-the masses,
that is. The brains always knew, but what
could they do?
But Fascist threats and policy have done that
trick and we are getting ready to fight. We are
not going to fight in anybody else's time or
ground, but in our own, and we shall avoid it if
by any means that may be possible. $ut, try and
push England too far, and she will accept war,
and all it stands for, and fight it so long as
there is need or she has not prevailed. All English-
men realize that soon we shall smack Hitler in
the eye to see if he is bluffing. If he isn't, then
the fur will fly. It has to come, this bluff-calling.
You can't fight Fascism with fair words. If war

GOP'So onq'toopsT ConquerPublication in the Bulletin isC
TOP'tosopsdTobConerof the University. Copy received at
The fact should not be overlooked until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
that the Republican party, which
only a year ago was protesting vigor-
ously and properly against a proposal THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 1938 1
at Washington to pack the courts, is VOL. XLVIII. No. 45
now busily engaged at Albany in All Students who have competed
packing the Legislature. There is no in the Hopwood Contests should call
other way to describe accurately the for their manuscripts at the English
proposed reapportionment amend- Office, 3221 Angell Hall, this Friday,j
ment on which debate was begun yes- 8:30-12, 1:30-4:30.
terday in the Constitutional Conven- Students who have won prizes will
tion. be notified before noon today.
Consider the evidence in the case.
The five largest cities in the State are Exhibition'of Student water colors
New York, Buffalo, Rochester, Syra- and oils done in the summer class in
ruse and Yonkers. The counties inns
hav outdoor sketching. Ground Floor
which these cities are situated haveCorridor. Architecture Building.
8,900,000 people. These counties will .#'_
receive 88 seats in the Assembly un- Extension Courses. Bulletins listing
der the reapportionment plan which the courses to be offered by the
the Republican party has brought University Extensionl Service during
forward. In these heavily urban the first semester of 1938-1939 are
counties, therefore, each member of
the Assembly will represent approxi- 700.000. Under the proposed reap-
mately 100,000 people. por tionment plan these counties will
And in the balance of the State? receive 71 seats in the Assembly. Inl
The counties other than those in these more rural counties, therefore,
which the five largest cities are sit- each member of the Assembly will
uated have a total population of 3.= represent approximately 50,000 peo-
__ple. In other words, using the five"
will be economic war almost as bad largest cities as a test, people in the
and leading to martial war once rural areas will have twice as much
more-unless we dig up some new xrepiresentation as people in the urban
method of exchange. There is the areas.
rub: the old system of finance de- It is idle to argue, as the Republi-
can leaders do, that this arrange-
upended upon a demand that always ment is fair "because territory as well
exceeded supply and always needed as population must be considered in
new worlds to conquer to keep up any plan for reapportionment." Ter-
that situation. ritory is already given adequate con-
Now, with the world filled up- sideration in the allotment of seats
technically that is-supply completely in the State Senate, where the cards
swamping demand, we have got to are heavily stacked in favor of the
find some way of distributing that r uralareas, and the same thing ought
suppy wthou th by-ourleav ofnot to be done in the case of Assembly
supply without the by-your-leave of seats as well. It is equally idle to
bankers and the thousand-and-one argue, as the Republicans do again,
parasitical businesses, that live by that the allotment of seats on the
clipping money to the extent that a basis of votes cast for Governor (the
motor that costs $145 to make meth6d followed in the present case)
costs $750 to buy. is a more just method than allot-
But with all the power there is i4 ment on the basis of population. The
the hands of those who' depend for existing Constitution of the State
that power on that system, there can provides that allotment of Assembly
be small hope. But what is more seats among the several counties shall
childshlyridic.lBut hathespmer-be made "as nearly as may be ac-
childishly ridiculous than the spec- cording to the number of their re-
tacle of an entire world yelling that spective inhabitants, excluding the
there must be more foreign trade, and aliens," and there is no good reason
all looking at the same time for some suddenly to change the rules of the,
place where they can sell, but not game.
buy! The plain fact is that the Republi-
War will bring chaos, and after cans are attempting to ?:se their pres-
that who knows. Peace will bring in- ent majority in the Constitutional
creasing muddle until war comes or Convention for the purpose of con-
until by some stroke that is impos- solidating their power in the Legisla-
sible to visualize a new system of ture, precisely as the President who
'exchange is evolved. I am not a social is so bitterly criticized by the Repub-
creditor but I think that somewhere licans sought a year ago to use a pres-
cr teditor f 'butig hatDIg-ent majority in Congress to con-
in the line of reasoning that Doug- solidate the influence of his Adminis-
las follows is the germ that we must tration in the courts. That fact ought
nourish if we want a satisfactory to be remembered when the Republi-
modern world. cans go campaigning.
-Allan Swinton -The New York Times.

now available at the Extension of-
fice, 107 Haven Hall.
Registrants of Bureau of Appoint-
ments: Persons registered in the Bu-
reau should leave a change of ad-
dress notification at 201 Mason Hall
before leaving campus. Hours: 9-12,
2-4 p.m. daily: 9-12 only on Saturday.
UniversitysBureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of
Education, Forestry and Music: Sum-
mer Session students wishing a tran-
script of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request will
result in a needless delay of several
Exhibi!ion of Early Chinese Pottery,
at the School of Architecture, Mon-
roe Street, under the auspices of the
Institute of Finj Arts upon the occa-
sion of the Summer Institute of Far
Eastern Studies. Th1e exhibition has
been extended by requt throughout
'the Summer Session.
Summer Session French Club- The
picture taken at the fourth annual
banquet in the Michigan Union,
Thursday, Aug.11, can be obtaine
from the Secretary of the Romance
Language Department, 11a Romance
Language Building.
Charles E. Koella.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the /Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Each student who has changed his
address since June registration should
file a change of address in Room 4
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer wgrk will not be misdirected.
Liquor Control Body
To Probe Breweries'
LANSING, Aug. 17.-()-The
Liquor Control Commission ordered
hearings in September for more than
a score of breweries and beer distrib-
utors cited today for "unfair trade
Brewers were charged with making
presents to distributors and with
subsidizing waiters and bartenders in
violation of commission regulations.
Distributors were accused of provid-
ing licensees with beer and 'vending
machines at no cost.
Among those cited were:
Tivoli Brewing Co., Detroit; Eck-
hardt and Becker Brewing Co., De-
troit; Hudepohl Brewing Co., To-
ledo; Schlitz Brewing Co., Mil-
waukee; Anheuser-Busch Brewing
Co., St. Louis

constructive notice
the office of the


r Session


Hull's Speech
On World Peace ...

Y. i

isolationist inclinations in the United
States was issued bySecretary of State Cordell
Hull in his radio address Tuesday night.
In a speech, obviously designed for European
as well as American ears, the Secretary issued
the warning that no nation can hope to escape
unaffected the developments in the world today.
Each day, he said, it becomes increasingly clear
to the people of this country that "our own
situation is profoundly affected by what hap-
pens elsewhere in the world."
Freedom could never hope to endure here, he
said, when freedom was being destroyed over
increasing areas elsewhere. No one could feel
his home safe, when' the dignity of the human
soul was being denied in other parts of the
world and when that denial was being made a
slogan under'which propaganda was set in motion
and armies were put in the field.
The forthrightness of the Secretary's words
deserves as much commendation as their wis-
In a country where all too often words uttered
more than two centuries ago have been made
the excuse for avoiding international coopera-
tion, the Secretary's words indicate a realization'
of the basic principle that international peace
is founded firmly on international cooperation
and that when the most powerful country in
the world eschews that cooperation, peace can
be but an idle dream.
"It is necessary," he said, "that as a nation
we become increasingly resolute in our desire
and increasingly effective in our efforts to con-
tribute along with other peoples to the support
of the only, program which can turn the tide of'
lawlessness and place the world firmly upon the
one and only roadway that can lead to enduring
peace and security."
In his speech, which included as directed a
denunciation of totalitarian* powers as official
United States has yet seen fit to issue, Secretary
Hull warned that the whole world is in danger of
being "sucked into a maelstrom of unregulated
and savage economic, political and military com-
petition and conflict." Whether catastrophe can
be avoided, he said, depends on the ultimate
course of nations-toward military adventuring
or the exercise of. moral restraint and observance
of international principles, for world peace and
Secretary Hull has indicated to the people
of the United States the course of international
cooperation which is necessary to foster world
peace, progress and enduring security.
-Carl Petersen
Pv aa p i inr ris

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