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August 16, 1938 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-16

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News Of The World In Associated Press Photographs


n hat Corner


The last weekend of the Summer Session has come, gone and been
mulled over with mingled emotions, and now with about three more days
of summer school left, all good "stoonts" are
putting their minds to work. And let that be a v
lesson to them. K _
Friday night seemed like a good night to
go out of town for a lot of people, with Detroit:
and its environs 'the most likely place. Kay
Steiner and Howard Burr barrelled all the way
out to Westwood to hear Friend Heidt and his -
swooning music, and Fee Menefee and Bob
Wurster went to Eastwood where Artie Shaw - "
was playing. Peg Becker and Paul French,
yearning for a boat ride, left Detroit Friday and
steamed over to Bob-Lo and back.
What's In A Hamburger-Or You Name It
A superior A2 hamburger jernt harbored some smooth campus numbers
late Friday night. Hunched around the counter on stools were John McFate,
Bob Mueller, Gw en Lemon, Jack Pedigo, Dorothy Houlle and Jim McCollum.
Same had been in a party that included Zo
Van Valkenburgh, Bob Angley and Jean
At a place best described by the loathe-
some phrase, "a downtown restaurant,"
were crowded a bunch of people Saturday
night. Among said people were Claire Ford,
+ ( Earle Whetsell, Tom Ryan, Carter Cham-
berlain, Webb Jennings, a cute Alpha Xi
+r s "Delta, name of Ruth, Sissie Staebler of Ann
Arbor township and points north and the
Adonis of the waffle iron-Jack the Grip-
per Brennan.
Softball Lures The Screwball
Seems that the stirring game of softball
has gripped the nation. At one of Ann
Arbor's better games Saturday night lurked
Marian Iddings, Betty Lou Robson, Margie
Edsill and Tiny Quackenbush.
A couple of daring rounders known to
intimates as Bernard C. Shields and Roberto Buehler spent Sunday evening
in a strange and notorious spot east of Ypsi-and I do mean dive. Hank
Homes and Janice Jackson were observed the other day as Hank was
giving Janice an airing in his autymobile. Bob Fryer the infamous was in
town from Toledo on another of his weekend jaunts, as
was Robert Hartwell, ex-president of Congress to those 6
who know all. Ai
Playevs Celebrate Tenth Anniversary
Tex Flowers, the devil, was seen beering with an
unidentified but lovely young lady the other night,
and among those at the theatah Sunday night were
Ruth Sauer and Powers Moulton of the Detroit Free
Press. Tom KGleene and Bill Swim-Swim Delancey also
took the spectacle in;
Punch-on the house-was served during the sec-
ond intermission to celebrate the closing production in
the Repertory Players' Tenth Anniversary Season. And,
this is not an adv., a tremendously successful season it was too. If you don't
believe it you never tried to get a ticket for any of the plays.
Winchell Dept.: And Does It St-nk
Pete Lisagor, Ex-Daily Sports Editor, (who is this guy Fineberg?) was

This is the first string backfield for the Intercollegiate All-Stars, who will meet the Washington Redskins, pro-
fessional league champions, in Chicago Augus 31. Left to right: Corby Davis, Indiana; Andy Puplis, Notre
Dame; Andy Uram, Minnesota; and Cecil Isbell, Purdue.

Guinea Pitrs Or School Children?
High School Students Say Both


Professor Quiz..
Knowing full well how every sport
fan loves to display his factual
knowledge and knowing that this is
blue book time (at least, for youse
guys what am still in dis uniwoisity)
I'se gonna, excuse me, I'm going to
give a little examination. Get your
pencil. You needn't hurry, this fool-
ishness will still be around when
you get back.
The first seven questions are of the
true-false variety.
Question Number 1-
The first intercollegiate base-
ball game in America was played
after the Civil War.
2: On hits to right field, the
pitcher should back up third
base at a distance of eight to
ten feet.
3. Infielders should attempt
to field all ground balls with
their feet together.
4. A caught foul tip is a strike
and is not dead, but is in play.
5. Brick Muller, of the Univer-
sity of California, threw the
longest pass on record way back
in the '20's.
6. Joe Jacobs is the boxing
promotor who has a strangle
hold on national boxing.
7. Detroit Tigers have a, good
pitcher on the staff. (If this is
answered in the affirmative
state names specifically and be
prepared with proof).
Miiore Of It . ..
The following interrogations are
fill-in blanks.
8. This big league manager never
played Big League. baseball. (Pie
Traynor, Oscar Vitt, Miller Huggins,
Joe McCarthy, Burieigh Grimes).
9. This great two-year-old horse
broke a leg recently and had to be
destroyed (Dauber, Man-O-War,
Thingumabob, I'se a Muggin, Gov-
10. The 1940 Olympics will be held
in (Helsinki, Tokio, Hades-on
Yangste, Flatbush, London)
11. You "draw" (a cross-court shot,
flies, a billiard ball, an outcurve, the
line) in sports parlance.
12. This school boasted the finest
college basketball team in the coun-
try last year (Notre Dame, Southern
California, Ypsilanti Normal, Stan-
ford, N.Y.U.).
13. This promotor brought "big-
time" basketball to Madison Square
IGarden (Mike Jacobs,' Harry Kipke,
Ned Irish, Nat Holman "Piggy" Lam-
14. Who won "the most popular
first baseman's" poll recently con-

Class of 1938, University High
School, The Ohio State University
Press-303 pp.-Henry Holt and
Company, $2.00.
Reviewed by Eda Lou Walton
(From The New York Herald-
This book by the members of the
Class of 1938 of the University High
School of Ohio State University is
the story, told by the students them-
selves, of six years of experimental
schooling. It was written instead of
the usual "Yearbook," in which stu-
dents designate each other as "the
best dressed," the "brightest," "pret-
tiest." The 55 members of the class,
as an editorial board, worked out
the plan for their own book. Tenta-
tive plans were submitted to Henry
Holt and, on the basis of these, the
publishers signed a contract. Why
not? Today we are interested in re-
lating school life to the community
life and in all educational ideas
which at least seem to proceed from
the students themselves. The Class
of 1938 was a full-fledged example of
a group of students who had directed
themselves and their studies from the'
time they were in the seventh grade.
These students are sincerely en-
thusiastic about their progressive
school on the university campus. They
wish to answer the criticisms made
of progressive education as they have
known it. Therefore they show first
that they are neither a group of gen-
iuses nor of morons, that they come
from families of average incomes and
typical middle class standards, that
their parents are rather more conser-
vative than progressive. They then
analyze for us their teachers and
their backgrounds. These teachers
seem to have good educations and
to accept the values of progressive
education. The students are well
aware that such teachers are clever in
directing them to think their way

through any given problem. They do
not believe, however, that the teach-
ers forced them to plan their work.
In the seventh grade.the students
undertook first to plan their school
room. The furniture, the color of the
walls, the lighting--everything was
in their hands, and they succeeded,
they believe, in making it their home.
Books had to be selected for the li-
brary. A housewarming led the stu-
dents into planning for the home ec-
onomics department in general. So-
cial studies soon became necessary in
order that they know markets, sani-
tation, town management as a whole.
Money and Its fluctuations in value,
the prices of things and the reasons
for their lowering and rising caused
the class to study economics, history
and labor movements, They realized
that even as their home was related
to the life of the town, the life of the
town was related to theteconomic de-
velopment of the United States.
Science became important to these
students too, as a direct part of their
lives. Their English classes were
connected with their studies in home
-economics at first. Gradually, how-
ever, the students found that litera-
ture pictured life and the list of their
reading proves that they read more
than the usual high school student
Moreover, they read from modern as
well as from classical literature be-
cause they wanted to know their own
world. Nor was their reading all fic-
tion. As their interests broadened
they read psychology, zoology, books
on social science. They wrote com-
positions on subjects that interested
them. Some of their papers are print-
ed here and they are convincingly
good. The specific study of language
they undertook as a tool of expres-
sion and of understanding.
Self-expression through drawing
and painting came into their course
(Continued on Page 4'

"Skippy"-his real name is un-
known-was placed in a hospital at
Martinsburg, W. Va., after a De-
patment of Assistance worker
found him living, ill and under-
nourished in a chicken coop. "Skip-,
py (above) three years , old, is a
waif of the 1936 floods and was,
separated Trom his parents, then
given to adoption.

in town with Bill Reed
Oxford, Mich. where Pete

over the weekend. The two traveled down from
is sojourning at the Reeds' home. Among others in
town was Hank Houston who appeared for a little
while Saturday, and promptly returned home.
Winchell Dept.: What foul trumpet player (or
is it cornet?) named Bob Parker and what lovely
job named Katherine Brown had trouble with
what clock last Friday night? Mysterious, ain't it.
Does anybody know-we didn't say care-if
Clayton Hepler went to Coloma over the week-
end to see Friend F. Selters? Kindly advise by
addressing all replies to the Don't Give A G.D.
Dept. of The Daily.


Geneva Committee Warns Public
On The Dangers Of Propaganda


Skepticism Is Considered'

Blue Water Bridge On Lake Huron

Necessary In
Headlines, S

Case Of

Zeller Is Named
New Tiger Boss
Made Business Manager
Of Detroit Club
DETROIT, Aug. 15.-(P)-The De-
troit Tigers, eight days ago given a
new field manager, got a Business
Manager today with the front office
taking further steps to strengthen
the club by creating a new post.
Hard upon the dismissal of Man-
ager Mickey Cochrane as Manager
and the appointment of Del Baker
to take that job, owner Walter O.
Briggs, Sr., today named John A.
(Jack) Zeller, former chief scout, as
business manager.
First such office in the Tiger or-
ganization, the business managership
puts Zeller, veteran of organized
baseball for 35 years, into a status
similar to that of Edward G. Barrow
of the New York Yankees and Eddie
Collins of the Boston Red Sox.


(From The New York Times)
GENEVA-Eleven rules to help
newspaper readers everywhere de-
tect and defeat propaganda, especial-
ly on world affairs, are laid down in
the latest report of the International
Consultative Group for Peace and
Disarmament, which has headquar-
ters in .the Palais Wilson here. The
subject of the report is "Press Propa-
ganda and International Relations."
The rules follow:
"Resist the tendency to take state-
ments in print ,as true by subjecting
eveything read consciously to the test
of common sense. So many things
in the papers can be seen, on the face
of it, to be distorted when they are
considered in the wider context of
facts already known and substantiat-
"Resist strenuously, therefore, the
common habit of merely picking up
newspapers to glance at them in un-
critical mood. This news tasting is a
dangerous form of 'dope'!
"Remember that there is no such
thing as 100 per cent objectivity; and
that, therefore, everything is written
with a 'slant' of some kind-big or
"Always note the place and source
of the news or views. Learn to know
the nature and characteristics not
only of the editorial policy of the
papers you read but of the major
agencies (Domei, Tass, Deutsches
Nachrichtenburo, Stefani, Havas,
Reuter, Associated Press, United
Press, etc.), whose telegrams appear
(all but the last two) to reflect, more
or less, the views of governments. In
this way, discounting the 'slant' be-

The Blue Water bridge over the St. Clair river between Port Huron, Mich. and Point Edward, Ont. It will be
dedicated August 19 with President Robsevelt and Premier Mackenzie of Canada expected to be in attendance.

Last Day-1

in your own country, so much the
"Keep a look-out for conscientious
journalists and publicists, but even
so, whatever their reputation may be,.
watch carefully for their 'slant.' They
have one!
"Mistrust headlines. They are of-
ten concentrated tendenciousness, if
only perforce through brevity. Re-
member that the man who writes the
'news story' does not write the head-
lines. There is sometimes great dis-
crepancy between them.
"Conversely, make a special point
of reading the fullest possible ac-
counts rather than potted summaries.
Where important speeches on inter-
national affairs are concerned, it is
better to read, whenever possible, the
verbatim text. Draw your own con-
clusions from the speech first; then

Library To Be Closed
Aug. 28 Through Sept. 5
The University general library will
close for one week, Aug. 28 through
Sept. 5, during which time routine
repairs will be made. Regular serv-
ice will be available in the main
reading room, periodical room, medi-
cal reading room and circulation de-
partment throughout the vacation
period, with the exception of the
repair week, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
daily except 'Sunday. Departmental
reading rooms and study halls will be
closed for four weeks.

Read The Daily Classifieds1


Walt Disney's




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