Edited and managed by students of the University of
Mihigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
St ient-Publications.
Publishea every morning exceptMonday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
College Publishers Relresntative
Board of Editors
City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Ftzhenry
Assistant Editors . . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gles, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Petersen,' Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Business Department
$iedit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander 0. Ruthven.
Levi Wines,
Useful Citizen ..
S IXTY YEARS of useful and many-
sided public service were ended with
the passing of Levi Douglas Wines Saturday.
Mr. Wines' 86 years of life were scarcely enough
to contain the many activities of his long career,
which included active leadership in both the
civic and educational work of Ann Arbor. He
served for 50 years as a teacher in Ann Arbor
High School, for 33 years as city park commis
sioner, for 40 years on the advisory board of the
high school athletic association, and for 16
years as local representative of the National
Recreation Association. He was associated with
the University School of Music for almost 50
In 1930 Mr. Wines resigned from the faculty
of Ann Arbor High, citing his failing health as
the reason. Instead of giving himself up to
a well-earned retirement, hoWever, he began
work on a history of the Ann Arbor educational
system, which he had nearly completed at his
death, and which will serve as a memorial to
A former president of the Michigan School-
masters' Club, Mr. Wines was one of the last
surviving charter members of that organization.
ie was also at one time president of the Ann
Arbor city council, on which he served for two
After his graduation from the engineering
college, Mr. Wines was active in that field
in a professional capacity for five years before
becoming a member of the high school faculty.
He was also interested in astronomy, and con-
structed his own obesrvatory on the site of the
present University Observatory long before the
latter was built. He was the author of numerous
text books on mathematics.
Few can boast careers as honorable and valu-
able as that of Levi Wines. To him should go
that most cherished American appelation, "a
useful citizen".
-Joseph Gies
Civi Service
Reform t ego
the Civil Service is, according to offi-
cial publications of the Civil Service Commis-
sion, to establish, in parts of the service covered
by its provisions, a merit system whereby selec-
tion for appointment should be made upon the
basis of demonstrated relative fitness, without
regard to political, religious, or other such con-
Y The extent of the civil service embraces the
classified and unclassified service. Under the
former, appointments are made through com-
petitive examinations and certification by the
Commission. "Unclassified service" indicates
those appointments which' may be made without
competitive examination. Under the law, posi-
tions of unskilled labor, and positions which are
specifically excepted from the competition are
in the unclassified service to which appointment
Since 1932, 263,433 persons have been added to
Uncle Sam's payroll. Of this number, only
64,912 come under civil service classifications, or
about one civil service job for every four office
holders. Absolute totals show that where 82 per
cent of all government employees were under
classification prior to 1933, the percentage has
now dropped to 64 per cent. Emergency measures
and the temporary nature of many of the jobs
are the administration's claims made against a
blanket classification. However, the Wilson ad-
ministration, working under equally trying times,
opened theclassified service to 300,000 in 1918
and reduced the number as the emergency passed.
Political patronage lurks where appointments
may be dispensed without a merit system's im-
partiality. An unduly large unclassified service is
but a refined spoils system.
-Monroe Schwart
The Editor
Gets T old .
On Nordic Supremacy
To the Editor:
The recent tirade of. ridicule against the
German theory of Nordic supremacy occasioned
by the Louis defeat of the German, Max Schmel-
ing, must have been regarded by thinking Ameri-
cans with a cynical smile. Newspapers hailed.
Louis not only as the ruler of the fistic kingdom
but also as the apostle of truth in the explosion
of the Nazi contention that Nordic stock is the
superior racial stock. This is indeed an amazing
thing when one considers the fact that, long
before Hitler came out of Austria to establish the
Nazi dictatorship, there was the persistent belief
RACE, a belief far more insidious than the Hitler
view because it was crystallized in an attitude
rather than 'a definite dogma. Thus, Hitler's
theory is merely the antithetical position which
had to come because of the nature of the prior
belief. He merely carries the traditional belief
in Caucasian supremacy a step further to a
belief in Nordic supremacy. I say that the public
reaction to this theory was amazing because it
served to emphasize the selfish vanity of the
larger group. 'They were willing to forget their
prejudice and bigotry and use the "lowly Negro"
in a frantic effort to disprove the truth of a
product of their owr vanity.
This situation serves to show the utter folly
of existing social philosophy in the, American
brand of democracy. The segregation and dis-
crimination which characterizes the American
scene is a rude commentary on the progress which
we have allegedly made. We have not stopped to
think that we add not one whit to our own
stature by taking away from the stature of our
fellowman. More important, we do not realize
that generations to come will measure us in
terms of totality. A thing is constituted by its
relationships and the mere existence of the
Negro automatically makes him a part of the
total consideration. Thus in the effort to satisfy
their selfishness, white people are perpetuating
in the consciousness of future generations the
martyred Negro. Why, then, must a supposedly
rational people place premium value on the color
of the human skin, a mere biologic detail in the
construction of the human organism? Why must
our sense of values be so distorted? For, in the
zeal to keep the superficial horizon white, men
disregard the deeper aspects of the present which
form the true horizon. The unfortunate nature
of this situation becomes increasingly apparent
when one realizes that the time spent bickering
over color might well be spent harmonizing the
elements of that color into a rainbow of achieve-
ment, a super-imposition embodying the true
beanty of total cooperation. Thus, Louis and
Dempsey, Dett and'Damroucsh, Carver and Bur-
bank, Woodson and Beard-all would be recorded
in history as contributing to the American herit-
For many years, the American system of
democracy has ground the Negro beneath its
heel. It has denied this black man the right to
success which his long years of contribution to
human achievement warrants and demands. Al-
low this man a healthy, normal existence, build
with him the cathedral of human progress and
this will be an infinitely stronger and better land
in which to live.
--John S. Lash, Grad.
'The Yearling'
To the Editor:
It seemed pleasant, and yet somehow remote
from reality, to read the DAILY BOOKS com-
mentator on Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings' latest
novel, The Yearling. Pleasant it was to discover
that there was an adult among us who could
escape this "shallow, hypocritical, pseudosophis-
ticated world of political and social strife" and
find relaxation and comfort in a whimsical tale
of a boy's growth in the Florida Everglades. And
yet how signally has the review editor of the
Daily failed to present that background of
the swampy lowlands of Florida apparent to even
the most casual reader of Mrs. Rawlings. Such
an appreciation of Mrs. Rawlings' portraits of
a section would destroy even the most fervent
regard for whimsy. The constant struggle for
livelihood in the Everglades, the manifest back-
wardness of the populace, the lack of development
of even the most elementary mechanical contriv-
ances are forces that cannot be disregarded by
the student of literature. No matter how desirous
one may be of achieving that escape from "grim
reality", there seems little likelihood that such
escape may be attained by an avoidance of patent
conditions. Back of even the sweetest tale liet
forces that must not be hidden from view.
Jieeinr iboo"le
H-eywood Broun
There seems to be pretty general agreement
among the men and women familiar with the
various federal art projects that WPA has done
a fine job, in stimulating and freeing the spirit
of American painting and
The success of the Federal
Theater has been comment-
ed on by all newspaper crit-
ics, and the public has set
its seal of approval on such
magnificent achievements as
"The Living Newspaper" and
the play about young Lin-
coln, called "Prologue to
Glory." But painting doesn't get into the news
much, as public interest in pictures is some-
thing which is only now beginning in America.
"Renaissance" is a big word, but if it should
not be definitely laid away in camphor in favor
of some less highfalutin term now is theJtime for
us to shake off an age-old feeling of artistic
inferiority. Art marches in America. It goes for-'
ward with eyes front and head up.
In the past the young painter or sculptor here
at home has been cross-hatched by two kinds of
criticism. He has been the prey of aged acadamic
"experts" whose point of view has been largely
static and almost wholly unrelated to native
* * *
Drug Store Art Critics
But young and sensitive talent has been even
more cruelly punished by the hick haw-haws of
wise guys -and smart alecks. Much of the com-
ment has crept into newspapers. Our native feel-
ing of inferiority has been manifest in a will-
ingness to give applause to a kind of criticism
which is spiritually kin to the flip criticism of
the shambling lads who loll outside the entrance
of your neighborhood drug store.
There are still people ready to laugh when the
wise guy says, "Hey, Buddy, which is the top
and which is the bottom of your picture?" The
same people who fear progressive economic ideas
are frightened and angered by modern art. The
pretense is set up that any departure from the
Christmas postcard standard is subversive and
straight from Moscow.
As a matter of fact, if you wish to find the
eternal springs of newer art forms you need only
hand a box of paints to your small son or
daughter. Every child is an impressionist. The
thing which is called modern might, with equal
justice, be called primitive. One of the most excit-
ing adventures for the eye is an exhibition of
paintings by school children who have, after
the fashion of Corrigan, undertaken a flight
without much benefit of instrumentation.
I am almost disposed to believe that there
would be more good pictures ig America if there
were fewer art schools. It is demonstrable, I
believe, that the child of 8 or 10 is far more
adept with oils than the little pupil of 13 or 14
who has been told by a teacher that a lady's torso
isn't really green and purple.
A Good Jockey Spares The Whip
Formal art education is likely to mow down all
but the geniuses, and even those of high talent
may have quite a time before they manage to
forget the things which were taught them during
study hours. But, fortunately, there are teachers
now who have found that out. A good jockey
learns to sit still and spare the whip. And some
extremely stimulating persons have learned to
do the same in handling young pupils.
I would hardly dare deny that the hand of
politics may have crept in here and there in the
matter of WPA art projects, but in the case of
painting there may be a valuable by-product. The
political urge, if it exists, has prompted the
fostering of home talent.
The murals for the local school have been
turned over in many cases not to some specialist
from New York but to the neighborhood's
Michelangelo. We are beginning to learn that
painting is something which may be practiced
well beyond the boundaries of Greenwich Village.
Out of all walks of life come some of the
promising of the new recruits. The amazing
Arnold Friedman was a letter carrier and a Sun-
day painter before he got his chance in a WPA
project. We are beginning to realize that it is
just as important to scout for sculptors and play-
wrights as for lefthaded pitchers and second
basemen. The artist is no longer the stranger
within our gates. He may be the snubnosed boy
next door.
In time we may even learn to appreciate the
brave beauty which lies in the simplicity of Bufa-
no's St. Francis. America comes of age and out-
grows the old notion that a piece of sculpture
should be a collaboration between a tintype
photographer and a pants presser.
ly large and diverse to warrant the presentation
of the foreign film it seems almost incompre-
hensible that Ann Arbor has not developed its
Filmarte or Cinema to meet the need for the
showing of French, Russian, German and Eng-
lish films. The progress in French and Russian
films has made such cinematic entertainment
far more suitable for adult consumption than
the still-juvenile Hollywood productions. Such
pictures as "Peter the Great", "Baltic Fleet",
"Lonely White Sail", "Carnet de Bal", "Within
the Lower Depths", "Mayerling", and "The Gol-
em" are evidence that the motion picture may
have meaning beyond the routine and stereotype
efforts of the Hollywood studios. Undoubtedly
there are many who feel with me in the desire to
have such films presented in Ann Arbor. I trust
that they will also make known their pleasure
and inspire the local theater owners to act to
My Little
One of the most moving appeals
for motorists to exercise caution that
has come to our attention is con-
tained in the following "open letter"
of a father, which first appeared as
an editoriai in the Eufaula, Fla.,
Tribune. We are indebted to Alder-
man James A. Sweeney for a copy:
"Today my daughter, who is seven
years old, started to school as usual.
She wore a dark blue dress with a
white collar. She had on black
shoes and wore blue gloves. Her
cocker spaniel, whose name is 'Coot,'
his canine belief in the folly of edu-
cation as she waved 'goodby' and
started off to the hall of learning.
"Tonight we talked about school.
She told me about the girl who sits
in front of her-the girl with yellow
curls-arid the boy across the aisle
who makes funny faces. She told
me about her teacher, who has eyes
in the back of "her head-and about
the tree in the school yard-and
about the big girl who doesn't believe
in Santa Claus. We talked about a
lot of things-tremendously vital, un-
important things; and then we stud-
ied spelling, reading, arithmetic-
and then to bed.
"She's back there now-back in the
nursery, soundtasleep, with 'Princess
Elizabeth' (that's a doll) cuddled in
her right arm.
"You guys wouldn't hurt her, would
you? You see I'm her daddy. When
her doll is broken or her finger is cut,
or her head gets bumped, I can fix
it-but when she starts to school,
when she walks across the street, then
she's in your hands.
"She's a nice kid. She can run like
a deer and darts about like a chip-
munk. She likes to ride horses and
swim and hike with me on Sunday
afternoons. But I can't be with her
all the time--I have to work to pay
for her clothes and her education. So
please help me look out for her. Please
drive slowly past the schools and in-
tersections-and please remember
that children run from behind parked
"Please don't run over my little
-Gary Post-Tribune.
Czech Premier
It is easy to imagine the mixed
emotions with which Premier Hodza
welcomes Lord Runciman as he ar-
rives in Prague, quite unofficially but
accompanied by a group of experts
from the Foreign Office, and settles
in for a long tussle with Czechoslo-
vakia's central problem. The posi-
tion of the British adviser, sent to sit
on the lid of Central Europe and
keep it from popping, isn't enviable,
but it is a sinecure compared to the
permanent hot spot occupied by the
Czech Premier. If there is a less de-
sirable eminence in Europe than Dr.
Hodza's, it isn't visible.
Not the least of his difficulties is
little stressed abroad. At home, how-
ever, he is not allowed to forget that
the Czechs have strongly nationalistic
feelings, too. In its desperate efforts
to make concessions that will quiet
the Sudeten Germans his Govern-
ment runs head-in to the stubborn
opposition of the Czech leaders. The
proposals in the new nationalities
statute that are spurned by the Hen-
leinists as miles short of satisfying
their aspirations are roundly con-
demned by Czech politicians as going
miles too far. When to the nagging
minorities and the bridling majority
inside the country is added the pres-
sure of every capital in Europe; when
it is impressed upon Dr. Hodza day
after day that in his hands hangs the
trembling balance of peace and war,
it is no wonder that his smile is a bit
grim as it meets the determined
cheerfulness of the peacemaker from
All that Lord Runciman has to
learn about Central Europe Premier
Hodza knows only too well. If he is
the most harassed of contemporary
statesmen, he is by all odds the best
fitted to deal with the explosive issue
he is trying to solve. Dr. Hodza is a
Central European. He knows his
own country life to the grass roots.
He has lived all his life with the
minority question. By background
and experience he is a kind of Danu-
.bian federation in himself. By tem-
perament and training in the po-
litical melange of old Austria he is
flexible and open to compromise.
Long before the present crisis he
sponsored the most far-sighted and
practical plan yet devised to neutra-
lize the racial and political divisions
by' an economic commonwealth of
Danubian nations. If there is any
hope for the success of the mission of
the English mediator, it is that he
meets on the Moldau a man who
knows all the questions before they
are asked and can supply mosthof
the answers. -New York Times.
Ele-%me;nt 93
Four years ago Prof. Enrico Fermi
bombarded element 92, otherwise
known as uranium, with neutrons, ob-
tained an entirely new element and
assigned it to the, 93rd place in the
table. It was a sensational discovery
because chemists had reached the
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
TUESDAY, AUG. 8, 1938
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-7
ference, Tuesday, 12:10 p.m., at thet
Michigan Union. Dr. Mary HelenT
Meader will speak on "The Emer-e
gence of Language in the Infant and
Russian Language Circle: The lastt
meeting of the Russian Languager
Circle will take place on Tuesday,t
Aug. 9, in the Russian room, 21, A.H.,r
at 4:30 p.m.x
There will be Russian music, songst
and games. All students interested in
practicing conversational Russian are'
cordially invited.
Mathematics Club wil; meet Tues-
'day, Aug. 9, at 3:15 p.m., in Room1
3011 A.H. Dr. K. Friedrichs will speak'
"On the Mathematical Theory of
.Spectra" and Prof. E. W. Miller will'
nouncement confine themselves to a
noncolmittal "very interesting" and
prefer to wait for the inevitabe scru-
tiny of the evidence.
Te ihere fact that physicists now,
believe in element 93 and suspect.
that there may be elements 94 and 95
arouses'cthe suspicion that we make
too nice a: distinction between "na-
tural" and "artificial." There were
good reasons for holding that a trans-
uranium element could not ekist "in
nature." But as soon as the trans-
uranium element is produced artifi-z
cially, even. though the quantity be
too small for experimentation, it
takes its place on earth and therefore
in nature. And if man can produce
the unproduceable, why not nature'
also? So we must wait until the work
done in Professor Perrin's laboratory
is checked.
-New York Times.
speak on the "Four-Color Problem."
Lecture: "What the Social Studies
Teacher Should Try to Accomplish,"
by Prof. 0. W. Stephenson, in the
University High School Auditorium
at 4:05 p.m. today.
Phi Delta Kappa: The regular week-
ly luncheon meeting will be held in
the Michigan Union at 12:15 p.m.
Tuesday. The repott of the commit-
tee on drawing up an amendment
changing the method of expelling
members will be discussed and acted
upon at .this meeting. In view of the
importance of this matter, it is
strongly urged that all Phi Delta
Kappans on the campus be present.
"The University of Michigan Exca-
vations in Egypt," lecture illustrated
with motion pictures, to be given by
Professor Enoch Peterson in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building
at 4:30 this afterrwon.
Students who expect to complete
the requirements for the :naster's de-
gree at the close of the Sui,.mer Ses-
sion must file diploma applicat on by
Tuesday, Aug. Q in the office of the
Graduate School.
Summer Session Chorus. Final re-
hearsal tonight, 7 p.m., Morris Hall.
A large collection of choral material
from all publishers will be exhibited
and sung.
Hillel Summer Session Group: Due
to the holiday of Tisha be-Ab the
informal dance originally planned for
Saturday, Aug. 6 will be held Tues-
day, Aug. 9 at 8:30 p.m. at the Foun-
dation, Oakland and East University,
All Jewish students are invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
Women Students The' Union Pool
(Continued on Page :3)
Classified Directory
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344, L. M. Heywood,
TYPING - Neatly and accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.'
Dial 5244. 2x
and personal paper. Vicinity of Law
Library. J. Fred Colombo, 1912
Geddes'Ave. Phone 23171.
WANTED-Passengers to Utah or in-
termediate points. Share expenses.
Leave Aug. 20. Route for passengers
convenience. Ph. 8900, Tom Brand-
LOST-Black Conklin fountain pen.
Name, H. R. Lillie, on pen. Call
23125. 66x
FOR RENT by month or semester,
excellent Vagabond house trailer.
21 feet, equipped, sleeps four. Avail-
able Sept. 25. Write T. E. Dunlap,
1345 Wilmot St. 65x
IOST: Man's wallet,
containing $5
d i
here 's ho t
pul 'em in..
advertise your Fall rooms
to rent i the August 13th
",.sent to all prospective
freshmen.UBrng your ads
t {J " "