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August 09, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-09

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Weather jjj.U~m
continued warm, rain in south-LA
cast and central part. U~U!
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

revi Wines,
Tseful Citizen...

Japs Estimate
Soviet Losses
At 1,500 Men
Russians In Full Retreat
North From Disputed

Chinese Reds Organizing
Masses Against Japanese
Entire Provinces Of Hopeh, Shansi, Shantung Are Now
Lined Up Solidly In Campaign To Organize
Chinese In Nationalist Societies
China (Correspondence of the Associated Press)-Communist agentsiand
patriotic students are directing a Chinese mass movement against Japan
which is sweeping the towns and villages of North China.
The movement is guarded by the machine guns of guerilla armies which
now control two thirds of the territory behind Japanese advance lines.
The entire provinces of Hopeh, Shansi, and Shantung are now included
in the anti,-Japanese movement except for narrow strips along the railways
where the flash of Japanese bayonets


Tale Fades
Lip! Detector



Deny Moscow Story
Of Japanese Defeat
TOKYO, Aug. 8.-&)-The Ja-
panese Army tonight listed 200 dead
and wounded as its losses in Siierian
border fighting since July 29, and
estiinated Soviet Russia had lost 1,-
500 men battling for the heights of
Soviet troops were reported by a
Japanese army communique to be re-
treating north of the disputed heights,
dominating a thin strip of territory
along the Nvjanchoukuo-Siberia fron-
tier, after an unsuccessful assault on
Japanese lines near the summit.
Denying a Moscow announcement
that Changkufeng had been recap-
tured and Japanese driven from all
Siberian soil, the Tokyo Foreign Of-
fice declared the Russians had been
repulsed in a "heavy engagement."
Hand-To-Hand Fighting
Bitter hand-to-hano fighting re-..
stlted when Soviet troops, covered by
an intensive artillery barrage, ad-
vanced on the four-mile long heights.
A Japanese army communique de-
clared 100 Soviet tanks had been
damaged or disabled since the out-
break of frontier fighting and that
six Red airplanes had been downed.
The Changkufeng sector was said to
be quieter today.4
Another communique related state-
ments allegedly made by two Soviet
infantrymen who surrendered to the
Japanese. It quoted them as saying
Rted Army morale was very low.
They reported a Russian tanks
corps commander who planned to
surrender his entire unit was ex-
ecuted and a "purge," which hither-
tW adaffected only officers, now ex-,+
tended to the lowest ranks.7
Coversations Releaed_;
The foreign office released a par-
tial text of conversations in Moscow
between Foreign Comissar Maxim
Litvinoff and the Japanese Ambas-
sador,hMamoru Sigemitsu, disclos-
Ing the diplomats agreed fighting
should cease immediately but dis-
agreed on the manner of stopping it.i
It was expected here Shigemitsu
would continue peace talks in the
Russian capital attempting to reach
a base for arbitrating the border dis-
pute which started July 11 when So-
viet troops began fortifying the
Changkufeng heights which Russia
claims as hers under an 1886 treaty
defining the border between old Im-
perial China and Russia.
Bitter fighting broke out July 29
when Japanese forces captured the
bills which Japan asserts are part of
Jap Planes Raid Cantoni
CANTON, China, Aug. 9.-(Tues-
day)-(P)-Japanese warplanes raid-
ed Canton for the second successive
day, this morning killing an estimated
200 persons.
The greatest toll was taken by three
large bombs which exploded in the
heavily populated waterfront area,
409 yards frm Shameen, the foreign
The bombs fell in the heart of the
zone where thousands of persons have
been accustomed to take refuge dur-
ing previous bombings, the latest of
which killed 39 and injured 50 yes-
The concussion from the explosives
violently rattled doors and windows
in Shameen.
Roaring over the city at 9 a.m. (8
p.m. EST), the raiders unloosed their
deadly cargoes while rescue workers
were completing,an all-night task of
extricating victims of yesterday's at-
Men, women and children who had
sought refuge in the grounds of Can-
ton's Catholic Cathedral yesterday
were blown to pieces by three bombs
exploding within 20 yards of the
The Cantonese believed they had
found a safe haven beside the ca-

thedral, plainly marked by a large
French flag over the roof.
Professor Cissell To Talk
On New Mackinac Bridge
A talk on theproposed Mackinac
Straits Bridge by Prof. James H.

is visible.
A Chinese leader of the movement,
a 26-year-old graduate of Peiping Na-
tional University, told the Associated
"Our first purpose is to enroll every
farmer, his wife, and his children in
some kind of organization, whether it
be a farmers' union, chamber of com-
merce, women's association, or the
'Little Vanguards,' (formerly the Boy
Scouts). We can spread anti-Japan-
ism through these societies."
"The drama is our most popular form
of propaganda. We call a mass meet-
ing at a county seat of 20,000 popula-
tion. After a few political speeches,
our 'under fire dramatic troup'i
stages three or four hours of anti-
Japanese plays, demonstrating the
atrocities committed by the Japanesei
and the ways iii which farmers can1
help the guerillas in fighting the in-I
This correspondent attended sever-
al of these programs. The centrali
theme of everything' was, simple anti-
Japanism. Communism was taught a
few ronths ago, but has beeni
The village newspaper and news
bulletin are other important propa-
ganda media. The bulletins are posted
at almost every village and, cross-
roads, and the guerrillas are publish-;
ing 38 daily newspapers in Central
Hopeh alone with a total circulation;
of 26,000.
By far the most pemanent formI
of propaganda is the ass education
Dull Student Aid
TopicOf Curtisj
Gives Practical Suggestion
To Teacher Audience
Some practical suggestons for the
teaching of dull-normal students was
the subject of a talk given yesterday
at the University High School As-
sembly by'Prof. Francis D. Curtis, of
the School of Education.
Professor Curtis declared that dull
students differ from bright students
only in degree, not in kind; that is
they can do the same things bright
students can, but the difference arises
in the quality of the work.
Practical experience m the hand-
ling of dull students has resulted in
the formulation of certain principles
which Professor Curtis believes will
show positive results when applied.
Acquisition of the confidence of the
student, the necessity for proceeding
slowly and steadily, careful lesson
planning and frequent changing of
classroom activities were listed by
Professor Curtis as definite aids in
dull-student teaching.
Toy,Fitzgerald Criticize
H/rphy's Expenditures
DETROIT, Aug. 8.-(A>)-Criticism
of state expenditures was leveled at
Gov. Frank Murphy and his Demo-
cratic administration in addresses
Frank D. Fitzgerald, tw of the three
candidates for the Repub'aran guber-
given tonight by Harry S. Toy and
natorial nomination.'
Speaking at Flint, former Governor
Fitzgerald declared that when he was
in office in 1935 and 1936 he Wiped
out an inherited deficit of $5,800,000
and built up a balance of $8,775,000.
Roosevelt Prepares
For Georgia Trip
8.-(W)-(Via -Naval Radio)-Presi-
dent Roosevelt, nearing the end of
his vacation cruise aboard the crusier
Houston, began work today on the two
addresses he will make Thursday in

The Houston late today had less

1,178 Student
Loans Granted
Here In '37-'38
$134,876 Total Is Greater
Than Previous Amount;
Recession Caused Jump
Student loans granted 1,178 stu-
dents last year totalled $134,876.65,
Boyd C. Stephens, University cashier,
announced yesterday. Gifts totalling
$16,839.39 were made to the fund.
This amount is $2,566 more than
the amount loaped kin 1937 while 32
less students than last year shared it.
Of the total amount loaned, $1,304.00
was labelled "Uncollectable."
With the advent of the Recession
in the latter half of the academic
year, Mr. Stephens said, the number
of loans jumped -considerably over
the first half which had been about
the same as last year. There was
one $5,000 endowment received by the
University last year.
Since the establishment of the Stu-
dent Loan Fund in 1897, a total of
$1,488,827.39 in loans has been grant-
ed to students. Of this amount $10,-
271 has been uncollectable.
The amount available for loans in
the Student Loan Fund dropped from
$523,315.52 in 1937 to $519,771.03 last
year: This decrease, Mr. Stephens
pointed out, was due to a transfer of
several funds from the Loan Fund to
endowments, on which only the in-
terest and not the principle is loaned.
The total amount in the endowment
fund to date is $401,866.60.
In .1897, the year of the Fund's
establishment, $75 was loaned. The
largest amount was loaned in 1935-36
when $147,352.89 was given out.
Labor Decries
Non-Partisan League Says
Kraschel Forfeits Aid
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(IP)-La-
bors' Non-Partisan League, headed
by John L. Lewis, declared tonight
that Gov. Nelson G. Kraschel of Iowa
had "forfeited the backing of labor
throughout his state" by using the
National Guard to force a settlement
of the Maytag strike at Newton, Ia.
E. L. Oliver, Executive Vice-Presi-
dent of the League, issued a state-
ment asserting such use of armed
force "should be a warning to the
American people" and declared Con-
gress would have to deal with the
The League did not deal with what
it called "the basic problem involved
at the clash between Federal and
State authority" at Newton resulting

BOSTON, $Aug. 8.-(P)-A "lie
detector" tonight showed that
Douglas Corrigan was fooling
when he said he "certainly" start-
ed for California ion the flight
which ended in Dublin.
The "lie detector" was applied
on the good natured Corrigan at
a dinner honoring him by Dr. Wil-
liam Moulton Marston, New York
"Because Douglas may have de-
ceived himself in his flight across
the Atlantic, we are offering this
test of self-deception," Mayor
Maurice J. Tobin said.
The instrument records blood
pressure in the form of a graph.
A truthful statement, Dr. Marston
said, was recoiided as a normal
1 "Did you really start for Cali-
fornia?" Dr. Marston asked Cor-
The crowded hotel ballroom was
"Certainly," Corrigan replied,
but his voice was feeble.
Dr. Marston looked at his chart.
"I'm really sorry to say there is
a slight rise here," he said. The
crowd roared.
Speech Class
Debate Teams
To Meet Here
Six High School Teachers
To Discuss British-U.S.
Alliance Tomorrow
Six high school debate coaches will
participate in a debate at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of the
Graduate School.
The question will be: Resolved,
That the United Sta es and Great
Britain Should Form an Alliance.
The affirmative will be upheld by:
Kenneth S. Wood, Coach of Debate
at Pontiac High School; Russell V.
Anderson, Coach of Debate at Ft.
Thomas, Ky., and Robert G. Turner,
Coach of Debate at Normal, Ill. This
team will represent Prof. Carl G.
Brandt's class in the Teaching and
Coaching of debate.
The negative will be upheld by
Maurice S. Fall, coach of debate,
Jackson High School; M. Harold
Mikle, coach of debate at Ionia High
School, and James E. Latture, coach
of debate at Plymouth High School.
This team represents Prof. G. E.
Densmore's class in the Teaching of
The question for debate is the ques-
tion that will be used in the Michigan
High School Debating. League for next
year and is also the National High

Spain Settled
Ideas' Conflict
Professor Keniston Holds
Spain Found A Median
Between Varied Forces
Cervantes' 'Quixote'
TypicalOf Period'
The capacity for achieving a syn-
thesis of conflicting values was seen
yesterday as the distinguishing mark
of the Spanish people at the time of
the Renaissance by Prof. Heywarct
Keniston, speaking in conjunction
with the Graduate Conference on
Renaissance Studies.
While the rest of Europe was locked
in a terrific conflict occasioned by
what is believed to be the irrecon-
cilable nature of humanistic and ec-
clesiastic beliefs, Spain was engaged
in finding a median where these two
principles each could exist in har-
Characteristic of the trend in that
period, Professor Keniston said, is
Cervante's "Don Quixote." In it are
pictured two characters of opposite
extremes-Quixote, the impractical
mystic and Sancho Panza, the down-
to-earth toiler. As Cervantes made
these opposites work together, Pro-
fessor Keniston said, so the Spanish,
people made the opposite beliefs of
humanism and ecclasiasticism work.
together. The so-called "Polyglot
Bible," assembled in Spain in the
16th century he indicated as an ex-,
ample of the tendency. The Span-
ish people put their new-found
knowledge of classical languages to
use in putting together the religious
The devotion of Spanish artists in
the early period of the Renaissance
to the "Cult of Form" was cited by
Professor Keniston as a characteristic
of the Renaissance which was also
common to the rest of Europe. Span-
ish poets so worshippeduat the alter
of form inr that period, he pointed out,
that their work became merely mean-
ingless imitations of early Italian
poets. This form worship, however,
he emphasized, was alienable to the'
Spanish temperamentiand did not
endure. Later Spanish art broke
away from this practice which led
only to "confusion and meaningless-
A second characteristic of the Ren-
aissance which found its way into
Spain, Professor Keniston said, was
fertility of invention. The Spanish
people especially concentrated this
fertility in the five fields of science,
religion, idealogical speculation, lit-
erature and drama. In science great
strides were made in physics, botany
and medicine. The order of St. John
of the Cross and Company of Jesus
formed by St. Ignacius gave an outlet
breaking away from the ancient
,for new religious expression without
Catholic faith as Europe was doing
at the time. The Chivalrous Ro-
mance and the realistic and pastoral
novel were developed by Spanish au-
thors at that time, Professor Kenis-
ton pointed out, and originality of
plot characterized all theatrical pro-
ductions of the period.
LapeerMayor Dead
LAPEER-(1)-funeral services will
be held here Wednesday for H. R.
Easton, Mayor of Lapeer, who died
Monday of a cerebral hemorrhage,
Easton, who came to Lapeer in 1927
from Dryden, was elected mayor last
spring after serving for eight years

as a member of the Lapeer County
Commission. He was 59 years old.

Women's Education
Club Offers Play
The Women's Education Club, or-
ganization for women Summer Ses-
sion students, will present a, play, "If
The Shoe Pinches," at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Alumni Room of the League.
In the cast of characters for this
comedy presentation written by Bab-
itte Hughes will be Jean Ramsay
playing the part of Veronica Pell, and
Ethel Clark as Veronica's sister. Dr.
Dodge, the woman physician in the
production will be portrayed by Mrs.
Isca Morton, while Mary Jordan will
be cast as Princess Olga.
Mrs. Ethel D. Hamilton will give
several readings in the course of the
program and Mary Nicholas is in
charge of the music. Mrs. Hamilton
directed the play which will be open
to the general public. General chair-
man of the affair is Edith L. Steele,
and advertising manager is Mrs.
Connie Jones.
French Consul
To Be Honored
By French Club
Invite Rainguet To Attend
Banquet Closing Club's
Activities For Summer
Activities of the Summer Session
French Club will be closed with a
banquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in the onion, at which M. M.
Rainguet, French Consul 4t Detroit,
will be the guestof honor, Mr. Charles
E. Koella, of thecromance languages
department, director of the club, an-
nounced last night.
Members of the faculty of the ro-
mance languages department will
speak and Mrs. Koella and Didier
Graeffe, Grad., will offer musical
selections, and French songs will be
sung by the members in honor of the
Consul's visit. Mr. Koella will act as
A complete French menu and
French decorations have been ar-
ranged for the affair under the direc-
tion of., Mrs, .Koella, and .it is, ex-
pected that more than 70 persons
will attend.
"The French Club this summer has
enjoyed an exceptionally successful
season," Mr. Koella said last night,
pointing out that the attendance at
the meetings has averaged between
50 and 60 persons.
Players Plan
Supper Sunday
Affair, Open To Public,
Concludes 10th Year
In celebration of the conclusion of
the 10th anniversary season of the
Michigan Repertory Players, there
will be a Sunday night supper served
in the League at 5:15 p.m. next Sun-
All of the participants in the plays
of this summer will be present on
this occasion and an informal enter-
tainment is being arranged. Students,
members of the faculty, and Ann Ar-
bor residents who are interested in
the work of the Michigan Repertory
Players are invited to attend.
Tickets for the supper are 65 cents
each and may be obtained at the main
desk of the Michigan League or at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box
office. Please secure your tickets as
early as possible.

Egypt Excavations
Peterson's Subject
Enoch E. Peterson, director of
University excavations, will give an
illustrated lecture on "University of.
Michigan Excavations in Egypt" at
4:30 p.m. today' in the Graduate
School Auditorium.
.Mr. Peterson, who received his mas-
ter's degree from the University, be-
gan his work ,in excavations under
Sir William Ramsay, eminent Scotch
scholar from the University of Aber-
deen. He has directed excavations
in Asia Minor and Egypt.
Kipke Has Margin
In All-Star Voting
CHICAGO, Atig. 8. -(P)-A Tw
" coaches who have monopolized rank
e ing positions virtually throughout the
. college all star football coaching poll

Traffic Parley
Deleeates .See
Drop n Street
Mishaps In '38
Dr. McClintock Advances
Seven Point Program
To Reduce Auto Deaths
Today's Program
Considers Roads
With reduction of traffic accidents
as their objective, 125 members of
the first National Institute for Traf-
fic Safety Training opened a 12-day
session here yesterday to hear open-
ing day speakers unanimously predict
that loss of life on streets and high-
ways in 1938 will show a major de-
crease from last year's total.
Dr. Miller McClintock, director of
the Yale University Bureau for Street
Traffic Research, declared that 25
years of experimentation had de-
veloped a tested technique for re-
ducing traffic accidents. The tech-
nique, he said, is embodied in a sev-
en-point program which includes
education of the public in safety
practices; adequate administrative
agencies for registration, licensing,
inspection and enforcement; legisla-
tion based upon sound social cus-
tom and intelligent engineering prin-
ciples; enforcement which seeks to
guide rather than to punish; engin-
eering based upon operative as well
as constructive features of highways,
and research which aims at a safe,
convenient and economical environ-
ment for the modern automobile.
With regard to technical training in
the field of highway engineering, Dr.
McClintock said, "One of the most
outstanding examples of university
activity in the traffic safety field is
to be found here in the University
of Michigan."
"The Seven Point Program is.an
unbeatable combination," Dr. Mc-
Clintock said in summary. "With each
point adequatelydeveloped andall
points, coordinated, the scourge of
traffic deaths and accidents, and
in my mind, the equally important
scourge of congestion and waste
will disappear."
A prediction that the traffic toll
this year would be the lowest since
1928 was made by D. D. Fennell of
Chicago, president of the National
Safety Council, who spoke on "What
Is Safety?"
"These substantial reductions in
deaths on the streets and highways
cannot be attributed to decreased
highway travel," Mr. Fennell said.
"During the past six months there
has been, if anything, a slight in-
crease in gasoline consumed and
miles traveled. .
"We have excellent reason, then,
for believing that the motor vehicle
problem is being solved today in
many communities, and I see no
reason why it cannot be solved in
every American community when we
extend over the whole of the ceuntry
the same methods and the same
aggressive persistence in safety lead-
ership that we have used hereto-
fore," he pointed out.
"Safety on the highway," Mr. Fen-
nell said, "depends on the three E's--
engineering, education, and enforce-
ment. It means giving the motorist
and the pedestrian the safest highway
(Continued on Page 3
German Club

Event Concludes Summer
Session's Activities
The final event on the program of
the Peutscher Verein's summer ac-
tivities will be a banquet at 7 p.m.
tomorrow in the Hussey Room of the
League. Admission will be one dol-
All students of German, members
of the faculty and others interested
in German are cordially invited to
attend. It is requested that reserva-
tions be made by Tuesday noon with
Miss Shabin, secretary of the Ger-
man department who can be reached
on University extension 788.
Included on the program are Miss
r Ruth Nelson, Grad., who will render
a group of violin selections; Mrs.
o Otto Graf, pianist, who will play a
- Bach suite; Mr. Vernon B. Kellet,
e 'Grad., who will offer a group of mod-
, em/ German songs and Prof. Henry

School question.
The public is cordially
attend, and there is no

invited to

Japanese Steamer Joins
Search For China Clipper
TOKYO, Aug. 9.-(Tuesday)-()')-
The Japanese steamer, Canberra
Maru, reported today she was pro-
ceeding to a point 150 miles northeast
of Douglas Reef following currents
which might have carried the Hawaii
Clipper, missing in the Pacific.
The Japanese vessel said she cruised
five times around Douglas Reef, 800
miles south of Japan, without finding
a trace of the Clipper which disap-
peared July 28 while flying from


from the Governor's closing of a Na-
tional Labor Relations Board inquiry


I -

I (

into the strike.
"The revelations of the perversion
of the National Guard function at
Canton, Cleveland and Massilon on+
the orders of Gov. Martin L. Davey of
Ohio, now being developed by Sen.
Robert M. LaFollette before the Sen-
ate Civil Liberties' Committee, are
merely' a, few of the glaring ex-
By his use of armed force to settle
the Maytag strike, the League con-
tinued, Governor Kraschal "classified
himself automatically as an instru-
ment of the financial interests which
had become alarmed at the pro-
longed, successful stoppage of opera-
tion of the Maytag plant through the
Wines Funeral Yesterday
At Forest Hills Cemetery
Funeral services for Levi D. Wines,
nt~n ivtr -- A" d - -rMf".iu o"

Guam to Manila with

15 persons)

Largest Cast In Mendelssohn's
History Offers Wagabond King'


The largest chorus and cast of writer of slanderous poetry and po-
principles ever assembled on the tentate of the Paris slums, through
Lydia Mendelssohn stage will swing his adventures after a price has been
into action at 8:30 p.m. Thursday to set upon his head for penning same
present the opening performance of a poetic libel about King Louis XI of
six-day: run of Rudolf Friml's op- France. The light opera has seen
eretta, "The Vagabond King." various Broadway productions; not-
The performance comes as the ably the one in which Dennis King
appeared as Francois Villon a few
grand finale to the 10th anniversary years ago.
season of theRepertory Players, di- Hardin Van Duersen of the Music
rected this summer by Whitford School, will take the role of Villon in
Kane and Valentine B. Windt, who the current production. Mr. Va
will be in charge of this performance. Duersen sang in the recent May Fes-
The music for the production will tival production of "Paul Bunyan.'
be supplied by the University Sym- Other members of the cast will b
nhnnv under the direction of Henry Burnette Stahler. Mildred Olson

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