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August 09, 1938 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-09

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State Campaigns
To Fight Dread
'Shig a' Infection
Dr. Gudakunst States 75
Owasso Residents Have
Caught Oriental Disease
DETROIT, Aug. 8.-U)-Health of-
ficials mobilizedthe resources of sci-
ence todayto'prevent the spread of
"S$higa dysentery," a virulent Orien-
tal disease whichhastakentat least
si lives in Michigan.
A clinical study of cultures taken
from the body of a child who died
Sunday while visiting in Detroit was
awaited to determine whether she
was a seventh victim of the disease.
At Owosso, where the six other
deaths occurred, Dr. Don W. Guda-
kunst, state health commissioner,
said that 75 persons were suffering
from various forms of dysentery and
that 35 of them had some symptoms
of 'Siga," the most severe of all
types of;n the disease. He said the
diabosis of those 35 cases was not
Gundakunst Calls Meeting
Dr. Gudakunst said that the per-
sons now sunder treatment "seem not
to be dangerously ill, but clinically
their cases appear to be a continua-
taion of the disease."
The commissioner called a meeting
of, Shiawassee County physicians for
tonight, in Owosso to lay plans fo:
controlling the disease.
Owosso physicians expressed the
belief that the epidemic was waning.
They said that, of six children ad-
titted to hospitals in recent days ap-
parently suffering fromthe disease,
three were found to be suffering from
A milder form of intestinal infection.
Doctors expressed doubt that the
other three had the Oriental malady.
Diaddition to six-months-old Mary
Conrad, of Saginaw, who died in a
Detroit hospital of an intestinal dis-
order Sunday, three otherhildren
are under observation in a Detroit
hospital with similar symptoms.
Precasutions Taken
Dr. Bert U. Estabrook, acting city
health commissioner said he doubt-
seiy the disease was spreading to
Detroit but asserted that every pre-
caution was being taken to avert con-
taminationdofwater supplies, milk
sipplies orkfood.
The first death from "Shiga" dys-
etery occurred at Owosso on July 29.
All of the victims were chidren. At
least four had drunk water from an
open stream that had been dammed.
Autopsies disclosed that portions of
their large intestines h ad been de-
stroyed by a mysterious germ which
was isolated Saturday by the state
health department through experi-
ments conducted on a monkey.
Filip C.-Forsbeck, of the state de-
partment, said the disease did not
seem to be spreading bt rather that
the larger number of cases reported
were the result of greater vigilance.

News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures
Jewish Farmers Carry Guns Along With Farm Implements Victory Smile for N w Deal's Senate Leader
..............................:.. ':il";{:wK~.. ,:' et~ t} ..C' . '
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Lest their blood spill upon the acres they are cultivating in Jewish colonies in Palestine, these four carry Ms __nii~ii N~9
rifles along, to resist any marauding attacks as they work in the fields. Note farm implements. Meanwhile in After being ild that he had apparently decated G y A B Chand-
London, a Washington attorney, Geo rge Rublee, was elected permanent director of intergovernmental, corn ler for the Kentucky Democratic senatorial nomination, Senator Alben
mittee on political refugees. Barkley raised his hands and smiled at his Paducah, Ky. home.

Traffic Institute
Delegates See
Accident Drop
(Continued from Page 1)
and the safest car that engineering
skill can devise, and that available
money can build."
Paul G. Hoffman. president of the
Studebaker Corp., and'" head of the
Automotive Safety Foundation, also
spoke, giving safety campaigns credit
for reducing the fatality rate from
18 per 100,000000 vehicle miles in
1936 to 12 in thie first six, months of
this year.
"Accident reduction and relief of
congestiorl can be brought about only
by bringing trained men into the
picture who are equipp , to make a
scientific approach to the problem,"
Mr. Hoffman said. "Instead of offer-
ing theories, these experts are pre-
pared to present techniques in engin-
eering, education and enforcement
that have proven their effectiveness
beyond the shadow of doubt. It is
no longer a question of what to do,
but rather one of applying idis
known and proven. s r
"Tne most encouraging aspect of
this new war an accidents" Mr. Hoff-
man added, "is the fact that.We
have just gotten under way."
R. L. Forney, chief statistician of
the National Safety Council, also
spoke. He discussed, the analysis of
traffic accident reporting, including
methods used, deficiencies in present
reporting methods and their effect on
resulting information, factors and
results *in traffic: accidents, and
needed improvements in stati99tical
work. in safety and accident preven-
tion and- reporting.
Today's program. features a ,special'
session on "The Rad," to be pre-
sided over by Prof. Roger L. Morri-
son of the civil engineering depart-
ment. Speakers will include Varnum
B. Steinbaugh, chief engineer of the
Michigan State Highway Depart-
ment, and J. H. Wehmeyer, saiety
engineer of the Wayne County Road
Commission, Detroit.
Topics to be covered include road
design and its relation to safety;
multi-lane highways; intersections;
lafies; curves and grades; the ac-
cessories- of safety, suci as illurlina-
tion and guard rails; and basic city
and regional planning. Discussion will
be open to all attending the meeting,
which will be held from 1 to 3 p. m.
in the Union ballroom.
The, meeting of the Institute is
sponsored by the University, in co-
operation with national organizations
interested in highway safety.

'Charlie Chan' Dies

New Nazi Air Giant Unveiled At T emplehof Airport In Berlin

'Super' is the mildest word Germans could find for this new Nazi air giant, a low-wing cantilever monoplane, Junkers JU90, which was unveiled
before the German Press Templehof airport, Berlin. Built for 40 passengers, the plane will be equipped with four air-cooled engines developing
5,600 horsepower, its present engines having a power output of only 800 horsepower each. The ships will have a maximum speed of 280 miles an hour,
using new engines, and the interchangeable power plant can be changed in half an hour.


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice,to all members of the
University. Copy received at the of oe of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


- t

Van Boven, Inc.
Final Summer,

(Continued from Page 2)

4 Every form of dancing,
Open 10 to 10. Terrace
Garden Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
1 Second Floor


Read Daily Classified Ads

t il


'. MAG IFICO! '-
Most hilarious bullfight ever
seen below the Rio Grandel
lGrandioso EspectdculoI
fights ferocious bult ... Mexican style!
lEspectdculo Colosall
tbrows furious bull ... American stylet

Warner Oland, 57, a Swede who
looked so much like a Chinese that
he was continually cast in Oriental
roles on the screen, died in Stock-
holm Sweden, of pneumonia. Here
are two pictures of Oland as
Charlie Chan, the Oriental de-
tective. Even in China he was ac-
cepted as a Chinese.
MONROE-(P)-Seven year old
Robert Heltz, of Toledo, who disap-
peared Sunday, was found dead early
Modyin the mouth of Otter Creek.
te timie 0 }y
showing Yohe musical thats1
youlfi the C
the twn
: fa3 your P
.sckedf.rnUX o *

will be open for recreational swim-
ming for women on Tuesday and
Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 in the
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students who wish to be candidates
for the Public Health Nursing Cer-
tificate at the close of the Summer.
Session and whose names do not ap-
pear on the list posted in 1431 U.E.S.
should report to the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., at
Faculty, School of Education: An
important meeting of the regular
faculty of the School of Education
will be held Wednesday, Aug. 10, at
3 p.m. in 1430 U.E.S.
Chemistry Lecture. The seventh in
the series of Chemistry lec'vures will
be given by Professor F. F. Blicke on
Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 4:15 p.m. in
the amphitheatre of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
Subject: Developments in Synthetic
Drugs. All interested are invited.
Luncheon of the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Studies, Wednes-
day, Aug. 10, 12:15 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union. Professor Hereward T.
Price will speak on "The Influence of
the Compositor on Grammar in Eng-
land during the 16th and 17th Cen-
turies." Make reservations at the
English office, 3221 Angell Hall.
German Table: Final banquet spon-
Sored by the Deutscher Verein of the
Summer -Session will be held at the
Michigan League, Hussey Room on
Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. Price
one dollar, tax included. There will
be musical offerings, entertainment
and talks. Mr. Vernon B. Kellett will
be toastmaster. Reservations should
be made through the departmental
office (204 U.H. Ext. 788) before
Tuesday noon.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, 7:30
p.m., Wednesday. Professors Willey
and Strong will discuss "The Thories

of the Lautverschiebung from an
Anatomical Point of View."
The Michigan Dames will meet for
bridge in the Grand Rapids room
of the Michigan League Wednesday
at 2 p.m. Wives of students and in-
ternes are invited. Auction and con-
tract bridge will be played.
Summer Session French Club: The
last meeting of the club will take
place on Thursday, Aug. 11. There
will be a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in
the "Second Floor Terrace Room"
of the Michigan Union.
The French Consul of Detroit will
be the guest of honor. Mme. Charles
E. Koella will sing some French songs
and Dr. Didier Graeffe will play a
sonatine by Ravel.
The members who have not yet
signed up for the banquet please do
so before noon Wednesday by tele-
phoning Mr. Koella, 3923 or Univ.
405. Those who have signed up and
cannot come please telephone also.
Approved Houses for Women: Sign-
out slips for the second three weeks
of the Summer Session, July 17
through August 6, must be left in the
Undergraduate Office by Friday, Aug.
Candidates for Masters degree in
Psychology. The comprehensive ex-
amination will be given Saturday,
Aug. 13, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Room
4129, Natural acience.
Engineering Seniors: The diploma
application must be filled out before
Aug. 17 for graduation after Summer
Forestry Officers
To Visit Peninsula
LANSING, Aug. 8.-(P)-The con-
servation commission will leave to-
morrow on a field trip to the Upper
Peninsula, planning to remain there
for a business meeting in Ironwood
Director P. J. Hoffmaster said the
commission would decide whether to
impose stricter duck hunting regula-
tions than those provided by the Fed-
eral government. Where state and
Federal rules differ, the more strin-
gent code prevails.
The Federal officers extended the


GROUP B ......now $27.50
Others at $34.50 and $54.50
,No Charge for Alterations.

At the above prices you can puruchase our tine tropical worsted,
and flannel suits. Values of this kind can be found only at VAN

... Values to$50.00



SPECIAL LOT . ... 3 for $5.00 .... Values to $30
Alterations at Cost.

Now $1.15 each .... 3for $2.95
GROUP A . . .. now 39C pair

Values to $250


A ..... now $21.50 .... .Values to $40.00

...Values to.75c

Values to $1.25

now 79pair ...

3 pairs for $2.25




SPECIAL LOT $4.95......$7.50 and $10.00 Values,
FINE FOULARD SILK......Now 1/2 Price
,..CW I kA TwD !I M VeC x 11A rVc C fDt I , h 'ATC








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