Summer Session activities are nearing the end of
the well-known rope---in fact, the tea dance tomor- :
row is to be the last one of the summer. Well, things
may near the end, but they don't slow up. .
The ,Union was the scene of a Barn Dance Friday
and same was well attended, to say the least.
Romeo Vance and Dot Vogel seemed to be all of a )
twitch about the square dancing that was going on
spasmodically. and Lucile Cool and John Sobesky
were truckin' on down in the best campus manner.
Frank Kern, Alberta Stein, Evelyn Harv and Edwin
Shake were all there bustling around, as was Dierdre
Nancy Gossard, now the proud owner of a fish
bowl, was out doing Ann Arbor the other night with
a Purdue man, of all things, named Stan. Tsk, tsk.
Jim Boozer, Mary Bell, Marion Daily and Dick Dick,
(were they discussing Baden-Baden or Bali-Bali? Or
was it Walla Walla?) were also seen in various promi-
nent spots about the city. Liz Patton, that exotic little number from Detroit,
was with Ed Drury. Al Conrath was dancing with Joan Savage, and as for
the stags-Bob Christy, Bob Benford, Paul Cameron and Stan Birleson.
A big swimming fray came off Friday night at Barton
with people like Jack Meohlman, Bill Wood, Jane Wilson,
John Dice, Helen Culley, Art Hopkins, Ed Perkins, Foss
Terry, Jean Moehlman, Ted Guthe, Mary Anderson and
Marty Graham 'doing the wallowing around.
Among the many at the mellerdrammer at the League
Friday was Bill White, so they say. Saturday was a
good night, too. A crowd at a downtown restaurant that
night included Mary Ellen Wheeler, Dwight Adams, Al
Lee, Cy Bernhard, Morlye Baer, (ssh, it's an actor!) Carl
Kessler, Margaret Neafie, Joe Karpinski and Bobby Grif-
.a ± , Rose Marie and Bud Dawe were at Walled Lake Satur-
day, and so were Jack Pedigo and Dorothy Houlle, the
litt'le gal with the big eyes, Seems that the roller-coaster out there is a killer,
and strikes terror to the hearts of the bravest. Jenny Petersen and Bob Weeks
flounced into another downtown restaurant Saturday after a strenuous
canoeing session on the nrighty Huron.
Trudy Dole and Austin Beebe went to Loch Alpine Tuesday afternoon for
a slight swim. The tea dance Wednesday, the next to the last, brought out
Mark Cheever, Marie McElroy, Betty Dickens, Jo-Clark Kimball, Elsie
Jensen, who spent last year on the Continent, by
the way, Bart Myers, Al Conrath, Don Lanby,
Juanita Pardon and Mary Jean O'Donnell.
Esther Lapointe gave an elegant splash party
Saturday afternoon in the Lapointe pool for the
benefit of 10 of her pals from Ann Arbor and its
Proposed Bridge Over Straits Of Mackinac Showun By Diagram
- - '4Z,
VT*WL ~enth 5.17 Miles
Main Span 1700 Feet
Cleorrnce ISO fcee
Proyide for two tane hiqhway
gri siglfroick. roilway
E~timoted costS*52, 400,000.
Prof. Cressey Tells Of Travels
Over 16,000 Miles Of Siberia
TODAY AT 2:00 and 3:45 P.M.
environs. Fee Menefee, Madalyn Cad-
agan, Mary Ervin, Bettl Bonisteel,
Mary Jane Lutz, Evelyn DeBorde, Joe
Chapin and Alice Wagner were the
beauties that swam and stuffed them-
selves with the "light" lunch that fol-
lowed the pool activities.
More stunning athletes (the real
McCoy, too) turn out for these fran-
tic intramural baseball games. John
E. McCoy, Bob Mueller, Bob Angley,
and Ham Morris all lend their bit to
the cause. Westwood is still a good
spot in the summer time, and last
night Dick Shroth, Margaret Beck-
ham, Doug Miller, went out to hear
Horace Heidt.
Clayton Hepler went to Coloma
over the week end to visit his friend
Francesse Selter.
i 1
(Continued from Page 1)
hitherto unsuspected mineral re-
serves. The complex mountains south
of the Angara shield are also tremen-
dous reservoirs of mineral wealth, hex
In all, at least a trillion tons ofi
coal probably exist within the boundsi
of the Soviet, one eighth of the en-z
tire world's supply. The Kuznetz
Basin on the upper Ob is known to-
contain upwards of 450 billion tons,
and the, partially-explored Tunguskat
area between Lake Baikal and thet
Pacific Ocean is suspected to con-
tain as much.
With oil, the Soviet is not so wellr
supplied, and yet estimates show thatl
it ranks second to the United States
and possibly first in the world in oil
potentialities. The Russo-Japanese
Island of Saghalin, the Baku area on.
the western shores of the Caspian
Sea, and the partially-tapped Emba.
area to the north and northeast of the7
Caspian Sea tare the chief sources.
"The Soviet," said Professor Cres-
sey, "has all the natural resources"
needed for the development of a great
material and industrial nation."
Another great untapped Siberian
resource is "white coal"-water pow-
er-to be found in .abundance in its
great north-flowing rivers. On the
Angara River, which flows out of Lake
Baikal, one of the largest inland lakes
in the world and a gigantic natural
reservoir, the Soviet government is
building a power settlement which
may eventually prove of greater size
and capacity than the Grand Coulee
project on the Columbia River.
Climate, he said, is one of the most
forbidding factors in the colonization
of Siberia, which is being extensively
attempted by the Soviet Government,
with partial success, and is due main-
ly to "continentality"-the fact that
Siberia is situated in the northern-
most portion of the greatest land-
mass on earth. At the small vil-
lage of Oimekon a January tempera-
ture of -104 degrees fahrenheit, has
been recorded. The entire country
suffers from inadequate rainfall, all
of which comes from the Atlantic
Ocean. When the rain-bearing winds
strike elevated lands, however, they
quickly divest themselves of their
moisture. For instance, on the wind-
ward side of the Sian Mountains,
which rise to a height of 8,000 or 9,-
000 feet, around 50 inches of rain
falls per year.
The arctid nature of the country is
also manifested in anotherunpleas-
ant mariner. Three and one half-
million square miles of Siberia--an
area larger than the continental Unit-
ed States-is frozen ground the en-
tire year around. Borings, which
the Russians are fond of taking, have
revealed in one place at least, that
the ground was frozen to a depth of
980 feet.
Divided into vegetative regions, Si-
beria consists of three regions, the
arctic tundra, the Taiga, or great
northern forest, over which Prof es-f
sor Cressey flew 3,000 miles, and the
Steppes which lie just north of the
great Turkestan deserts. Although
most ofmthe Taiga consists of material
too small for commercial purpo'ses,
it is so vast that the small part which
is of a usable size constitutes a tre-
mendous timber reserve.
The soils of Siberia are of cwo kinds
-the podsols, or acid soils, of the
forests and the black chernozen soils
to the south of the forests. The lat-
ter are the finest soils in the world
and are found in Siberia to about
four times the extent to which they
are found in the wheat regions of
North America.
The. first migrations from Czarist
Russia to Siberia began in 1581, but
it was not until 1913 that the largest
wave of migration began. ' In 1913,
the population of Siberia was ap-
proximately ten million. Today it is;
twent'-five million.
Dr. Cressey will speak again at
4:30 p.m. today on "Man Transforms
Siberia," concerning political and so-
cial forces at work in the Soviet.
Dr. Imlay Maps Sonora Desert
With the aid of a Mexican helper cal survey of those islands fort
who has accompanied him on pre- purpose of ascertaining the exte
vious expeditions, Dr. Ralph W. Im- of petroleum deposits.
lay of the University Museums is en-
gaged this summer in the making of I
geological maps of the dry hot So- Give Supper Dance
nora Desert of western Mexico. He A
is searching for an old ocean shore- Tonigh At Leag
line, which he hopes, to identify by_____
means of marine fossils. Study of The second annual. Cabaret Su
the results will be carried on next
year in the paleontology department per Dance sponsored by the Wome
of the museums. Education Club will be given fr
Dr. Imlay's Mexican helper serves 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. today int
him -as chauffeur, guide, and inter- Ballroom of the League. Mary-E
preter. This trip he has not been Shannon is the general chairman
able to serve him as a guide, but the affair.
rather has had to be guided, for the Tickets for 300 guests have b
two have always worked hitherto in sold, and guests plan to reserve tab
eastern Mexico, separated from the to accommodate parties or to atte
western part by the impassible Sierra the function alone and be seated w
Nevada Range. It was necessary for a group. A floor show including
Dr. Imlay to secure the man a pass- play entitled "A Jury Panel to E
port into the United States before All Jury Panels," written by Dr. W
he could conduct him to this year's 'Trow, specialty numbers by memb
scene of operations, by way of El of Zwick's orchestra, and an exh
Paso, Texas, and Douglas; Ariz. tion square dance directed by I
Prof. Lewis B. Kellum, who is on Parker have been planned.
leave of absence from the Geology The Women's Education Club,
Department, is in the employ of the organization of the Summer Sess
Vacuum Oil Company of New Zea- plans to make the affair an ann
land this summer, making a' geologi- I event.
tg a
. C.
Here's Your
N, and LA
Lucy Dorn Almand, '38, of Buffalo,
N.Y., and Frederic Arthur Thomson,
Jr., '39, of Detroit, were married in
a simple ceremony performed here
yesterday before a few relations and
friends in the First Baptist Church,
the Rev. Howard Chapman officiat-
Mrs. Thomson is the daughter of
Mrs. Lucy Dorn Almand of Buffalo,
Thomson is the Frederic A. Thom-
son of the Ford Motor Car Co.
Mrs. Almand attended her daugh-
ter, while Albert P. Mayio, '39, edi-
torial director of the Daily, attended
Thomson, who is affiliated with Tri-
gon fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson will make
their home in Dearborn.
Toe, tap, acrobatics.
Taught daily. Terrace
Garden Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
v 2nd Floor. Open eves.
tote Y
s gye~A :t
,agtC a Nr
Read Daily Classified Ads
lce Cream Social
Receipts Total $227
Receipts from the Ice Cream Social
given at Palmer Field July 22 to aid
needy Chinese students amounting to
$227 were paid to the Chinese group,
according to Miss Ethel McCormick,
social director of the Summer Ses-
Of that amount $14 came from the
sale of brooches sponsored by Mr.
Yee and Mr. Chong. Gifts netted the
committee $13.10, and $66.15 was
Turned in from the cabaret dancing
that was given on the tennis courts.
The bulk of the amount was received
from the sale of gingerale, ice cream
and cake, however, as $133.15 was
turned in from that source.
If rain hadn't put a stop to the
activities at 11 p. m. the Social would
have netted approximately twice that
amount, Miss McCormick stated.
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nue shops! Today, in the Daily ads of Ann Arbor's
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