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August 02, 1938 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-08-02

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Republic Steel
Guards Broke
Monroe Strike
Civil Liberties Committee
Told Of Assault Made'
With Clubs, Tear Gas
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-(P)-The
Senate Civil Liberties Committee re-
ceived testimony today that volun-
teer policemen equipped with tear
gas, billies and baseball bats pur-
chased by the Republic Steel Corp.
dispersed pickets outside the Monroe,
Mich., plant of that company. 5
That done, the 1937 strike in "Little
Steel" was ended, so far as Monroe
was concerned. But prior to that time,
witnesses said, a Negro organizer had
been severely beaten and run out of
town, after fruitless appeals to the
police, and supervisors in the plant
inspired a group of workers to send
,p telegram protesting the strike to
John L. Lewis. The message was giv-
en wide publicity.
In the weeks following, nervous
at reports that CIO men in other
cities intended to invade Monroe,
James S. Torbic, Republic's police
chief there, received "undergover in-
formation" from a mysterious "Jack
Smith" and ultimately paid him
$1,000 lest, he said, the man sue him
and the Senate committee learn that
such tactics were being used.
"As I thought it 'out later," said
Torbic, "I think he just plain black-
mailed me."
The day's evidence was presented
by a score of witnesses, rr nging from
Monroe's mayor, Daniel Knaggs, who
told of his dealings with Republic for
the purchase of anti-strike muni-
tions, to a group of steel workers,
some still employed by -the plant
there and others now on WPA.
Dialect Survey
Aims To Save
(Continued from Page 1)

i r .


News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures

This detachment of Japanese infantry, veterans of 15 months fighting in China, are advancing in the face
of stiff resistance up the Yangtze River toward the great city of Hankow.4

.._ r




1600 x6f AKE I.

Pity-but not life could these sad-faced men give to the boy who
drowned in the waters of Black creek near Rochester, N. Y. The lad
was James E. Payne of Buffalo, and he was pulled-unconscious-
from the stream by Scoutmaster Erwin Palmer. (right), who rubs an
aching wrist. Palmer applied artificial 'respiration in vain effort to
restore ebbing life.


Sm*AGO AiG0l5mn

plan already has been realized. First
proposed by members of the present-
day' English group of the Modern
Language Association in 1929, the
Linguistic Atlas was actually begun
in 1931. A staff of trained workers,
with the collaboration of Yale and
Brown universities and more than 400
informants who volunteered their'
time, finally gathered the material
which has been analyzed and present-
ed in the form of 730 large maps
showing regional distribution of vo-
cabulary and pronunciation differ-
ences throughout New England. This
sectional atlas will be published this
That the University of Michigan is
likely to be the focal point for lin-
guistic geography in the Middle West
is evidenced by the undertaking which
will begin this month. Two investiga-
tors trained by Dr. Hans Kurath,
director of the New England Atlas,
during the Linguistic Institute here
in 1936, will take the field in order
to .make samplings of southern Michi-
gan and Indiana speech.
Each will spend about fifteen hours
with every informant selected. The
informant must be not younger than
70, born of American stock, with not
more than a grade-school education,
and with a life-long residence in his
community. T h e s e informants'
answers to the more than 400 ques-
tions asked them will tell the investi-
gators in what part of this region
"spider" is used instead of "frying
pan," and "tunnel" is used instead of'
"funnel," and what were the names
and expressions used for hundreds of
objects and foods and activities hard-
ly known by the present generation.
That many differences will ap-
pear in the survey is certain f ;om
the circumstances that the region in-3
cludes three different native popula-
tion groups. Southern Michigan and,
Northern Indiana settlements were
due to the Erie canal migration;
those of Central Indiana to the move-
ment west over the National Trail and
up through Ohio;,and those of south-
ern Indiana to the swing of southern
pioneers up through Kentucky from
the Cumberland Gap and across the
Ohio river.
Educational System
Compared To Penal
(Continued from Page I)
when released outright. Bush said that
such cases are often criticized by the
public when nothing is known about
the facts.
Attacks on the parole system are
seldom made on the basis of the
theory of parole, however, Bush said.
The administration of the penal and
parole units are the most frequent
targets, he stated, although these
attacks are not always justified,
"I am ready to adimit that at' cer-1
tain times and in certain places, the
administration of parole has beenl
lax," he said, "because politics havet
entered into parole systems and criti-

This map shows the route of the Hawaii Clipper, Pan-American Airways 26-ton flying ship, which vanished
with 15 men aboard when 565 miles from Manila, Philippine Islands. The missing clipper-was 'flying from
Guam to Manila. At the time of the ship's last report, she was flying south of her normal course to escape a
tropical stornm

Biological Station To. Observe
Eleventh Annual Visitors' Day

Mel Fineberg
Some Fun, Eh Jake .. .
"Hitting niggers with his club" may
be a sport when policing in Dayton,
Ohio, but Jake Powell is finding out
that baseball and Judge Kenesaw
Mountain Landis have a high idea of
racial integrity-where the gate re-
ceipts are concerned.
It seems that the trouble all
started when the club-loving
Powell admitted in a radio broad-
cast that he was slightly prema-
ture with his batting practice.
From what Powell considered
sport- has come repercussions
which may evict Mr. Powell from
organized baseball.
As soon as the good judge heard
about the incident, he rose in all his
wrath to protect baseball's good
name. He suspended the Yankee out-
fielder for 10 days because, as the
Judge put it, he made "uncompli-
mentary remarks about a portion of
the population."
The Judge's stand seems aw-
fully equivocal. Members of the
colored race are not allowed in
Big League baseball. This itself
is paradoxical in our democracy.
But since this is baseball tradi-
tion and since baseball tradition
must be preserved in spite of its
opposition to constitutionalism,
there seems little that can be said
about this phase.
But as soon ,as "a portion of the
population" has been slandered, the
slanderer is punished and every pos-
sible balm is prepared to sooth the
It looks as though Negroes
aren't good enough to play ball
with the great white folks but
as long as they have the buck-
ten to pay for their seat it's good
policy to appease them. It seems
as tho 0he box office not liberal-
ism and tolerance that is being
How's About It..
The solution of course is simple.
Let the Negroes play ball. They'd
probably show up many of our whit
stars just as-they have in track, foot-
ball, basketball (except in Big Ten
schools) and in other sports they've
Another point of the Judge's
policy that might be questioned
is Landis' right to dictate player
opinion. That Powell's Intoler-
ance and narrowness is unde-
sirable cannot be denied but that
Judge Landis is so wise and Ib-'
eral that he can play censor to
baseball player's thoughts is an-
other thing entirely. Judge Lan-
dis represents official baseball
thought not individual thought.
Unless the Liberty League slipped
a law through when I wasn't
looking, individual players are
entitled 4to beliefs, bigoted and
narrow as they may be, just as
individual citizens are entitled to
But if the suspension of Powell
stands, and it is very likely that this
ballplayer may be ostracized from
baseball because he was foolish
enough to believe it fine sport to beat
other people, another precedent will
be established. In the future, base-
ball players will play Charlie Mc-
Carthy to Czar Landis' Bergen.
The last time the P.K.S. softball
team met the Parkerites in the I-M
softball league, Jim Lewis was picked

off first base ala Gee (Welovehim)
Walker. Lewis was immediately ac-
cused by his teammates of selling out
to Moscow, Hearst and the Parkerites.
With a decided emphasis on the Park-
In best Horatio Alger fashion, our
hero Lewis decided to spike all evil
rumours. Yesterday, in a return game,
Lewis struck out Prof. Parker three
times which should silence suspecting
Kane Talks About
'Whiteheaded Boy'
(Continued from Page 1)
and dicing. Complications.result when
he gets home and father of the lady
of his choice becomes obstreperous.
However with the aid of real Irish
luck things start to work out happily.
No Irish brogue is going to be at-
tempted by the cast, according to Mr.
[Cane who believes that attempting
any dialect is vulgat. "It would be as
if I were to put on a big nose to play
a Jewish part, consequently I don't
use it."
In this production reality is the
keynote. The Geoghegan family are
great eaters. And the table on stage.
literally groans under hams, chickens
and assorted side dishes, all real food
which tantalizes the cast through the
whole production. Further than this
real kerosene lamps, real heat in the
fireplace and a real clock which is
depended upon to strike the hour at
f- nnranl- 4 nl.n p a i. ni. A In


James M. Woltz (above), super-
intendent of the Youngstown
Sheet and Tube Co. police, re-
versed his testimony before the
Senate Civil Liberties Committee,
in Washington recently and said
he had exchanged labor informa-
tion with other steel companies.
Earlier in the day he had denied
exchanging reports with Republic
Steel Corp.

James Maxwell (above), a for-
mer reporter, told the Senate Civil
Liberties Committee hearing in
Washington that two steel com-
panies had contributed $8,147.50
to his one-man campaign to make
such "Dodo birds" as Chairman
Robert LaFollette, Jr., and other
high government officials "turn
around and fly forward."


Pulication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at t e office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:0 0a.m. on Saturday'.

(Continued from Page 2)
afternoon at 4:05 on "The Importance
of Longitudinal Studies of Children's
Growth" in the University High
School Auditorium.
Phi Delta Kappa. The regular week-
ly luncheon meeting will be held
Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union. Dr. George E. Schlesser
of Colgate University will be the
speaker. Members of Pi Lambda
Theta will be guests of Phi Delta
Kappa at this meeting.
Students from the greater Kansas
City area and vicinity will hold a
luncheon meeting at the Michigan
League, Tuesday noon, 12 o'clock,
Aug. 2. Dean Edmonson will speak
on "Highlights of the University of
Michigan." Make reservations by
calling 2-3251.
English Literature Students: An in-
formal discussion meeting will be held
at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Building for
all those interested in the English
literature tour in England to be of-
fered for credit next summer. Prof.
Louis A. Hopkins, Prof. Bennett
Weaver, director of the tour, and
Prof. Warner G. Rice will address
the meeting.

theatre of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Sub-
ject: Interatomic Forces and Mole-
cular Spectra. All interested are in-I
The German Table will go on a pic-
nic Wednesday, Aug. 3. Cars will
leave from the parking space at Old
University Hall at 5 p.m. Please make
reservations through the office of
the German Department, 204 U.H. by
Tuesday noon.
Excursion to Put-in-Bay, Wednes-
day, Aug. 3. Trip to a beautiful island
in Lake Erie. A steamer ride of 125
miles; visit to several caves on the
island, Perry's Monument, and other
points of geologic and scenic interest.
Prof. I. D. Scott of the Department
of Geology will accompany the group
as lecturer. Special bus to boat dock
leaves Ann Arbor at 7:30 a.m. and re-
turns at 9:30 p.m. Reservations may
be made in the office of the Summer
Session, 1213 Angell Hall.
Thunder Over China: Talking and
silent motion pictures on the war in
China, supplemented by a lecture by
Dr. F. S. Onderdonk on "From World
War to World Community" will be
presented Wednesday, Aug. 3, 8 p.m.,
Natural Science Auditorium. Admis-.

Jenny Kammersgaard (above,
holding a child admirer), a 17 year-
old Danish girl, swam the 43-mile
distance across the Baltic Sea be-
tween Denmark and Germany in
the unofficial time of 40 hours, 20,
minutes. She believes she is the
first person to swim the Baltic. Her
swim was from Gedser, Denmark,
to Niegenhagen, near Warnemu-
ende, Germany.
McLoud will accompany her at the
Fellowship of Reconciliation: The
pacifist position will be discussed pro
and con at the F.O.R. meeting Wed-
nesday night, 9 o'clock, Lane Hall.
The public is invited.
Luncheon of the Graduate Con-
ference on Renaissance Studies,
Thursday, Aug. 4, 12:15 p.m. at the
Michigan Union Mr. Eugene Power
wil speak on "'photographic Repro-
ductions and Photographic Processes
As Aids to Research in Renaissance
Materials." Make reservations at the
English Office, 3221 Angell Hall.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place on Thursday, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m.,
at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
Mr. Didier Graeffe of Belgium, and
now at Lawrence Institute of Tech-
nology, Highland Park, will speak.
The subject of his talk will be "Un
Voyage en Nigerie." Songs, games,

(Continued from Page 1)
rolled, four more than last year's
high registration. Of this group 100
are graduate students, and many
have their master's degrees. There
are 74 men and 46 women. During
the school year 68 are teachers and
52 are registered as students at va-
rious colleges and universities. Twen-
ty-one married student couples are
in attendance. The students come
from 23 states and the District of
Columbia. Michigan leads with 37
students while Illinois is second with
27 and Ohio third with 14. Pennsyl-
vania and Wisconsin send six stu-
dents each, New York five, Minne-
sota four, Oklahoma, Indiana, Ne-
braska, and Texas two each. Single
students represent Arkansas, Con-
necticut, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri,
North Carolina, New Jersey, Utah,
Washington and the District of Co-
Research has been emphasized
about equally with teaching. These
studies result in the publication of a
score or more scientific reports each
year. To date about 425 such re-
ports have been published in scien-
tific journals which are distributed
to libraries and biologists all over the
world, thus bringing this area to the
attention of a large group of scien-
Besides the regular teaching staff
who are also doing research, three
visiting investigators are studying
Reservations may be made by calling
21939 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Southern Illinois Stud-ents and
Staff members are invited to attend
a picnic to be held Saturday, Aug. 6.
All those planning to attend should
call 4553 between 6 and 7:30 p.m. be-
fore Saturday.
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of
Education, Forestry and Music: Sum-
mer Session students wishing a tran-
script of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request will
result in a needelss delay of several
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-

biological problems this summer.
These are: Dr. P. C. Beaver from Law-
rence College, Dr. P. P. Levine from
New York State Veterinary College,
and Dr. D. B. McMullen from Mon-
mouth College. Mr. Louis Olivier of
New York University and Ruth Gil-
reath of the University of Michigan,
are :erving as research assistants.
The new member of the faculty this
summer is Dr. Olin S. Pettingill,
Carleton College, who takes the place
of the late Prof. Frank N. Blanchard.
Other members of the faculty are
Prof. George R. LaRue, Chairman of
the Department of Zoology and Di-
rector of the Biological Station, Prof.
Alfred H. Stockard, of the Zoology
department, secretary; Prof. Paul S.
Welch, of the Zoology department;
Prof. John H. Ehlers and Prof. Carl
D. LaRue, of the Botany department;
Prof. Frank E. Eggleton, of the Zool-
ogy department and Frank C. Gates,
Professor of Botany in Kansas State
College; Prof. George E. Nichols,
head of the Department of Botany at
Yale University; Herbert B. Hunger-
ford, Professor and Head of the De-
partment of Entomology at the
University of Kansas; William W.
Cort, Professor and Head of the De-
partment of Helminthology at the
School of Hygiene and Public Health,
Johns Hopkins University; Charles
W. Creaser, Professor of Zoology and
head of the Department of Biology,
Wayne University, and Lyell J. Thom-
as, Assistant Professor of Zoology in
the University of Illinois. Miss Odina
Olson of Ann Arbor is Dean of Wom-
en, and Dr. W. M. Brace, a tmember
of the Health Service staff at the
University of Michigan, is physician
to the station.
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer work will not be misdirected.
Reading Examination in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in
the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the Sum-
mer Session, are informed that an
examination will be offered in Room
108, Romance Language Building,
from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoon,
Aug. 13. It will be necessary to regis-
ter at the office of the Department of
Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at
least one week in advance. Lists of
books recommended by the various
departments are obtainable at this
It is desirable that candidates for
'the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
'requirement at the earliest possible


Physical Education Luncheon: The tificate, to be recommended by the
last of the series of luncheons for Faculty of the School of Education
students and faculty in health, physi- at the close of the Summer Session:
cal education and recreation will be The Comprehensive Examination in
hli Tfhurday Aiaq.4 a 1i n n m Eucation will e iven on tivrdahv

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