FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1938
Jfeeks ioMe
Heywood Broun
I could not tear myself away from staying
home with a good book in order to catch Sinclair
Lewis in Cohasset, Mass. Mr. Lewis ceased to be
my favorite author when he
turned violently conservative
a few years ago, but he still
might be my favorite actor.
One never knows.
The critics seem to have
been impressed by the new
star's performance in his
own dramatic version of "It
Can't Happen Here." The
adjectives showered upon
the actor range all the way from "excellent," and
the author showed no hint of first-night nervous-
ness. But the critics were not justified in the
note of surprise which crept into their reviews.
It is not a new thing for a writing man to step
into a role and get away with it. Even dramatic
critics are not without histrionic ability. Actors
are fond of saying that critics criticize because
they are incapable of creative effort. There is
no soundness in the charge. Many reviewers
have written plays, and not a few have climbed
across the footlights to speak lines and make
Critics Under Fire
A good many years ago the dramatic critics of
New York grew restive under the taunts of ag-
grieved players." Mr. Alexander Woollcott was
conspicuously under fire. In reviewing a mu-
sical comedy he mentioned the fact that the so-
prano was prone to flat. In a public rebuttal
the young lady said, "I'd like to see Mr. Wooll-
cott sing that role." The reviewer refused to
take up this challenge, but he did organize his
associates and gave a show called "The No
Sirrhee," which ran for one performance. That
was all it was expected to run, and many man-
agers said it was among the finest entertain-
ments they had ever witnessed. Some of the
success must have been due to the skill of the
acting rather than the wizardry of the material.
I can still remember my lines. I was forced
by the manuscript to say that I had gone up to
see the Yankees play, and that in the fourth in-
ning the Boston Red Sox had made nine hits and
seven runs off Jack Quinn, and that he then
reminded me of a certain New York hotel., And
when the straight man accommodatingly asked,
"What hotel?" it was my painful duty to reply,
"All-Gone-Quinn" (Algonquin). Do you get it?
Crazed with success from this one triumph, I
made some further forays into the theatre, but
they were not altogether happy. However, cer-
tain other members of the troupe who began as
mere writing men went on to fame and fortune.
This was the show which first revealedthe
acting ability of Bob .Benchley. George Kauf-
man was another first starter, and although he
is better known as a playwright than a player,
his own performance did much to enliven "Once
in a Lifetime," and there is a rumor that he
will act again next season.
I do not know whether George Jean Nathan
has ever appeared on the stage professionally,
but he certainly is pictorially just the type if
any producer has one of those plays in which
the villian lures the girl to his bachelor apart-
ment and plies her with sweet champagne and
chicken salad.
Walter Winchell, of course, may not belong
in the list, because he was an actor, of a kind.
before he became a critic of sorts, but Alexander
Woollcott has appeared frequently and felicitous-
ly in drawing-room comedies.
* * *
Shaw Has Shown Them
George Bernard Shaw has just attained his
82nd birthday, and the chances are now that he
will never make a professional debut. Actors who
have been rehearsed by him say that he is the
finest director in England, and that, he shows
marked acting genius in indicating how he wants
a line read or a bit of business performed. They
attribute his failure ever to act in public to his
ingrained diffidence and modesty. These weak-
nesses must be conquered before a man's a
proper actor. Once that is done the whole world
of the theatre opens to the man of talent.
And so I see no reason why Sinclair Lewis
should not go on acting and acting. In fact,
I'm in favor of it. And if he gives up acting I
hope he will collect postage stamps. Indeed, any
occupation or hobby will be a worthy one if it
keeps him from writing another book like "The
Prodigal Parents."
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1938 i
VOL. XLVIII. No. 28 $
Engineering Mechanics Lecture.
Professor S. C. Hollister, Dean of En
gineering at Cornell University, will t
speak on "Design of High Pressure c
Boiler Drums" today at 3 p.m. in F
Room 311 West Engineering Building. 3
At Ilom, University Observatory.
Summer Session students are invitedt
to visit the Observatory located op-
posite the University Hospital on East b
Ann Street, from 2 until 5 o'clockZ
this afternoon.C
- c
Education F213, Conference inb
Physical Education. The program for
Friday, July 29 is as follows: n
10 a.m. "Recent Recreational
Trends." Dr. Jesse Steiner, Chair-
man, Sociology Department, Univer-F
sity of Washington.
This meeting will be held in the
University High School Auditorium.
General Linguistics 155 and 207 will
haveta joint meeting Friday, July
29, at '7 p.m. in Room 2003 AngellC
Hall. Dr. Henry Moser will discuss
"The Eye Movements of Stutterers."''
Other interested persons are welcome.-
In view of the fact that July 30 is a
half day in many businesses, the Uni-
versity payrolls will be ready on the
morning of July 29.
Russian Language Circle; The nextl
"around the samovar" meeting of the
Russian Language Circle will be hel
on Friday July 29 ,from 4 to 6, in the
Russian room, 21 A.H.
There will be Russian music, songs,I
and games. Excerpts from Russian
classical writers will be read. All stu-
dents interested in practicing con-
versational Russian are cordially in-
Linguistic Society Dinner. Tickets
are available at the English office,
3221 Angell Hall, for the informal
dinner of the special summer meet-
ing of the Linguistic Society of Amer-
(From The New York Times)
Just 'Degenerated Jazz'
Swing music was characterized as
a degenerated form of jazz" and its
devotees were described as "the un-
fortunate victims of economic insta-
bility" yesterday by Donald Grant,
president of the Dancing Teachers
Business , Association, at the third
annual convention of that organiza-
tion at the Park Central Hotel.
"The current furore over swing
dance music is a sign of our uncer-
tain times," Mr. Grant declared.
"Our young people, disturbed by un-
certainties of their economic situation
and wondering whether they will be
on WPA or in a CCC camp tomorrow
have found in swing neurotic and
erotic expressions of physical activ-
ity. There is little or no display of
natural grace in a good jitterbug."
More "suave" types of dancing,
particularly those to be found in the
best tangos and rhumbas, were ad-
vocated by the head of the dancing
teachers' association. He predicted
that the popularity of swing will fade
with the return of economic stability,
and that young people as well as more
mature adults will find in the more
'syistic" dances greater spiritual and
physical satisfaction. The natural
grace used in a good tango has a
certain "feline" character about it
that makes it not only beautiful to
watch but much more satisfying to
execute than any swing( Mr. Grant
Every adult should take part in
folk art, Mr. Grant believed. Folk
dancing brings with it an uplift of
. the spirit and helps to develop the
personality to such an extent that
frequently it may transform the
whole individuality of a, human being,
he said.
Various dance authorities during
the day emphasized dancing as an
aid to muscular development and
in encouraging natural poise, grace
and coordination. Dancing, it was
pointed out, will help to correct physi-
cal defects in children before such
defects become permanent, even
though such corrective measures may
be impossible to obtain from cales-
thenics and competitive games.
Children who are fond of dancing
develop a certain quickness of phy-
sical and mental reactions which also
stands them in good stead in their
school work, it was explained. Dane-
ing was also recommended for the
development of normal social sense
in children, and the correction of
abnormal shyness.
During the dance clinics, which
were attended ofthe 400sdancing
teachers from all parts of the coun-
try and Canada during the day, was
an exhibition for the first time of
a new dance called the Cape Cod
Capers. The exhibition was by Donald
Sawyer. The Cape Cod Capers, which
may be performed in couples or in
ca at 6 p.m. Friday. The price is on the League bulletin board. Chris-
1.10 including tax. tian students are cordially invited.
All members of the Physical Educa- Services of worship will be held in
ion Department and their friends are Zion Lutheran Church 'at 10:30 a.m.
cordially invited to a picnic to be held with sermon by the pastor, Ernest C.
Friday, July 29, at Portage Lake from { Stellhorn.
o'clock on. This picnic is being Trinity Lutheran Church services
ponsored by the Community Recrea- will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
ion class and will provide entertain- The Rev. Henry 0. Yoder will use as
ment such as softball, swimming, dart the theme "Must I Listen?"
baseball and a first-class picnic lunch. The Lutheran Students will meet
Tickets are available at Barbour for the regular Sunday evening meet-
Gymnasium and U. High School office ing in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
for 50 cents. A limited number are 5:30. Mr. Rolfe Haatvedt who wa;
being prepared for so please buy your:H
tickets early so that transportation atmember of the University of Michi-
may be arranged. If you need a way gan group who excavated intensely ir
to go, call Louise Singleton, 22143. Fayum, Egypt will speak on "Receni
Cars will leave from the University Archaeological Discoveries and thei
High School. influence on the Bible."
Band Concert. The University
Summer Session Band and the High Candidates for ( - Teacher's Cer.
School Clinic Band will present an tificate, to be recoir-mcnded by the
outdoor band concert on Ferry Field, Faculty of the School c: Edncatior
Friday evening, July 29, at 7:15 p.m., at the close of the Summer Session
under the direction of Gerald Pres-
cott, Guest Conductor; and William The Comprehensive Examination ix
D. Revelli, conductor. The general Education will be given on Saturday
public is cordially invited to attend Aug. 6, at 9 o'clock in r430 U.E.
without admission charge. In case Paintedinformation regarding the
of rain, the concert will be held in exam ation may be secured at th
Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. School of Education office.
Stalker Hall: Swimming party and Zoology and Biology Graduat
picnic, leaving Stalker Hall at 4 p.m. medabout future coursesiconsult t
Friday. Make reservation by calling m ofutue hourss :iter1:u
6881 before Friday noon. ing my office hours, 10:30 to 11 :3+
__e__rd n .a.m., daily, or Friday, from 2:30 ti
The Graduate Outing Club will 5:30 p.m.
A. E. Woodward
meet on Sunday, July. 31 at 2:30 p.m. 1141 Natural Science Bldg.
at the northwest entrance of the
Rtckham Building. The group will
then decide between Wampler's Lake Candidates for the Master's Degre
and Silver Lake as the location for a in History: Students taking the lan
swim; baseball game and picnic. Come guage examination for the Master'
and bring, your friends. Degree in History should register i
the History Department office, 11
Colleges of Literature, Science, and Haven Hall, before July 30. Th
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools examination will be given at 4 p.m
of Education, Forestry and Music: Friday, Aug. 5, in Room B, Have;
Each student who has changed his '
address since June registration should 1
file a change of address in Room 4 Attention: Faculty and Student;
U.H. so that the report of his sum- Division of Hygiene and Publi
mer work will not be misdirected. Health. There will be an all-de
partment supper in the garden of th
Christian Student Prayer Group League on Monday, Aug. 1, at 6:3
will hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m. p.m. Reservations may be made i
Sunday, July 31, in the Michigan Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium, un
League. The room will be announced til noon on Monday.
ae -
Classified Directory
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no, markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, .607 E. Hoover.
LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
DRESS MAKING and Alterations.
Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine.
Phone 4726. 34x'
Regular $3.50 value. End perman-
ents $1.50. Shampoo and finger-
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
wave with rinse, 56c. Open eve. Ph.
2-2813. College Beauty Shop 48x
private bath and shower. Also, large
double room. Garage. Phone 8544
422 E. Washington 51x
TYPING -Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344. L. M., Heywood
LOST-Eastern Star past matron's
pin between Packard and State.
422 Packard. Boley. 49x
TYPING -Neatly and accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
The Editor
Gets Told .
Je Suis Fasciste
To the Editor:
This letter will probably not be as neat as
those very humorous letters which were published
during the winter session on the same subject,
but I must confess I am too shocked to be either
subtle or amusing.
I decided I was being foolish in not continuing
with my French, so I decided to brush up on it
in the periodical room. Unfortunately I picked
on Je Suis Partout to do my brushing up on. I
have never before seen such a scurrilous sheet,
and I have seen copies of Streicher's Der Sturmer