National Society
For Linguists
Dinner To Precede Parley;
Two Sessions Saturday
Will Complete Program
(Continued from Page 1)
Union at 12:15 p.m., the following will
appear on the final session at the
Wackham building at 2 p.m.: Dr.
George Bechtel of Yale University,
"The Hyppthesis of Reduced Vowels
i. Indo-European"; Dr. Ruth Moore
echtel, New Haven, Conn., "The Re-
duced Grade of Original Short Vowels
n Greek and Latin"; Prof. T. A.
notof the University, "The Middle
English and the Early Modern Eng-
lish Dictionaries"; Dr. Harry Hoijer
of the University of Chicago, "Two
Spanish Wo r d s in Chiricahua
Apache"; and Dr. J. Alexander Kerns
of New York University, "The Tense
Categories of Indo-Hittite and Indo-
All sessions of the meeting are open
to the public, it is announced by the
secetary, Prof. R. G. Kent.
Dr. Fries Speaks
of public lectures sponsored this week
by the Institute.
But the liberal attitude which
recognizes objectively the growth
and change of language is often at-
tacked, said Dr. Fries, by people who
are unfamiliar with the nature of
linguistic change. He read editorials
from American newspapers decrying
liberal statements of certain teach-
ers and compared them with a 17th
century pamphlet written by the
Quaker leader George Fox, who de-
nounced the professors for using
"you" with a singuar verb.
All such attacks, Dr. Fries de-
clared, are alike in their assumption
of the existence of a basic general
grammar for all languages, divorced
from usage and founded, as John
Stuart Mill believed, on the universal
laws of thought.
"But if grammar means anything
at all," Dr. Fries defined, "it is that
set of devices by which we express
certain linguistic relationships, such
,devices as changes in form, function-
words like 'shall,' and word-order or
position. We can learn nothing about
a language unless we actually look at
the grammar of that language as it is
used, making not just a survey of un-
usual forms but studying it quantita-
tively on the basis of thousands of in-
stances of any one feature.
"When we look at English this way,
we find that for the past 1,000 years
English has steadily been moving
away from inflectional forms and to-
ward the use of function-words and
word order as substitutions for in-
flections. A study of the genitive
idea shows, for instance, that while
in the 12th century this idea was ex-
pressed usually by the genitive case
and by the use of 'of' in only 6.3 per
cent of the instances, today we ex-
press this idea by 'of' in 94.8 per cent
of the instances."
That the accumulated evidence of
this kind is of great importance in
understanding contemporary gram-
matical changes was demonstrated by
Dr. Fries with respect to the use of
forms indicating number, the use of
dative-accusative forms like 'them'
and 'whom,' and the tendency of the
first of two adjectives to become
simply an intensifying word, as in
'dark green house' and 'awful deso-
late picture.'"
The often - disputed expression
"Who do you mean?" Dr. Fries ex-
plained by showing that when per-
sons speak they sometimes meet a
conflict between the older pull of in-
flectional form and the newer pull of
word-order. The older "Me was given
a book," in which "me" is the dative
indirect object, became "I was given
a book" because of the urge for a
subject case form in the subject po-
sition. Similarly, the older "Me-
thinks" became "I think." And, Dr.
Fries added, even Shakespeare so far
felt this pull of word-order that he
wrote "Who do you mean?" instead
of the "Whom do you mean?" which
some people are still trying to get
others to say.
Run Off Final Two
I. M. Swin Events
The final two events in the I.M.
swimming meet were run off with Jim
Harryman capturing the 75-yard
medley in the time of 52.2. Sherman
Thomas took second place, with R.
Bellaire coming in third, and J. Ed-
monds, fourth.
Bellaire and Edmonds tied for first
in the diving, while Harryman and
Thomas tied for second. By virtue of
his tie for first, and his third, Bellaire
who has never won another first
place,hemerges the I.M. swimming
champion, with 730 points. Bill Mil-
ler, who has led all season, did not
compete on Monday, but wound up in
I In The Majors
American League
New York ........
Boston ...........
Chicago ..........
St. Louis .........
...53 30
.. .51 ,30
...50 33
..:46 45
...43 46
...35 41
...29 50
...26 58
National League
Pittsburgh ............55 31
New York .............52 38
Chicago ...............50 38
Cincinnati .............49 40
Brooklyn .............41 47
Boston...............38 46
St. Louis ......... . ....37 49
Philadelphia. ...........26 59
Atlantic ocean Troubled By summer Traffic Problems
tit.s. * RE tAN.TD -' --
4PC .
"Nefoundland AR
"Azor e, 0 HUGHES
0,C E A N F~RENCH ........- -
Summer's traffic problem isn't limited to motor highways for--as this map shows-the Atlantic ocean has
become a much-traveled road for oceanic air craft. In quick succession recently, Howard Hughes',plane flew
to Paris; Douglas Corrigan crossed to Ireland; England's pickaback plane, Mercury, left mother ship above
Foynes, Ireland, and landed in New York about 25 hours later; Germany's catapult planes, Nordmeer and
Nordwind, crossed from Azores to New York. The Mercury will return by way of Azores. Pan American Air-
ways, whose 1937 survey routes are indicated, pushes plans for regular trans-Atlantic service.
Ford Suspends Production
DETROIT, July 28.-UP)-The Ford
Motor Co. announced today that au-
tomobile assemblies in all domestic
plants will be suspended this week-
end for two weeks. During the fort-
night inventory will be taken and
production will resume Aug. 15 on
1938 models.-
3 -M11an Board
To Halt Federal
Fund Shopping
WASHINGTON, July 28.-UP)-Of-
ficials in charge of federal funds for
relief and public works established a
committee of three today to prevent
cities and towns from "shopping
around" between government agen-
cies for money.r
Secretary Ickes said three WPA
representatives had been appointed
by WPA Administrator Harry L. Hop-
kins to check applications for public
works administration funds to pre-
vent any duplication of requests filed
with the two agencies.
The new system, he explained, was'
adopted after Mayor Maurice J. To-
,bin of Boston turned' down a $1,125,-1
000 PWA grant for a new city hall.
Tobin announced he would econo-
mize by obtaining WPA funds for im-
provements to the 76-year old build-
ing, which a former Boston mayor
characterized as "dangerous, inade-
quate and antiquated" in appealing
for PWA funds.
The PWA approved the boston
project recently, Ickes said, assuming
the city still wanted it.
"We didn't make Boston file this
application," Ickes continued. "The
city had money to match federal
funds, but instead of going ahead
with the project Mayor Tobin kicks
us in the face."
At his press conference, Ickes called
Tobin "discourteous" for failing to
reply to two PWA inquiries as to
whether the city still wanted the
project, originally requested by form-
er Mayor Frederick W. Mansfield in
Ickes said that "Tobin was goirrg to
economize and save money for the
taxpayers, and instead of the new city
hall which we had been told was fall-
ing down, he was going to Harry Hop-
kins and repair it, refurnish it and
shine it up at less expense to Boston,
but more expense to the government,"
Ickes added "we don't deal with
individuals, we deal with communi-
ties. We thought that especially in
Boston a government is a continuing
thing not dependent on an individual
rrr a.r.rvni.r.- wr . r - ..r.a - - - - - ----- -----
Hildebrand Hands Browns 4-3
Victory Over Yankees Today
Yanks Homers Fail To Win
ST. LOUIS, July 28.-.(P) - The
Yankees did most of the homer-hit-
ting, but the Browns won the ball
game today, handing the New York-'
ers a 4 to 3 defeat behind Oral Hilde-
brand's seven-hit pitching.
The defeat--only game the Yanks
lost in the four-game series-shaved
the New Yorkers' American League
lead to one game over the Cleveland
Indians, who were rained out.
All the Yankee runs came on hom-
ers. In the fourth, Joe DiMaggio
walloped his 18th and Twinkletoes
George Selkirk clouted his fourth. In
the sixth, Lou Qehrig bounced his
17th off the top of the right field pa-
Tigers Make It 5 Straight
DETROIT, July 28.-(IP)-The De-
troit Tigers won their fifth straight
game today, hammering three Wash-
ington pitchers for a 12 to 4 victory
and a clean sweep of the series.
George Gill went the route for De-
troit, blanking the Senators until the
eighth inning to gain his sixth victory
of the season.
Indians-Macks Rained Out
CLEVELAND, July 28.-(A')-Cleve-
land's Indians went three scoreless
innings with Connie Mack's Phila-
delphia Athletics today before a thun-
derstorm caused the game to be called
off. a
The Tribe, clinging. to second place,
didn't get a hit off Edgar Smith,
youthful southpaw, in the three
stanzas but did receive three walks.
The Athletics nicked Denny Gale-
house, Tribe hurler, for three singles
and two passes.
Pirates Beat Phillies
PHILADELPHIA, July 28.-(/)-Af-
ter holding the league-leading Pirates
to one hit for six innings, Al Hollings-
worth blew up today and Pittsburgh
scored seven runs to beat the Phil-
lies, 9 to 2.
With the Phils ahead, 2-1, through
Spud Davis' single in the second, and
Chuck Klein's double in the fourth,
--Last Times Today
Paul Waner started the Pirates' big'
seventh by getting a base on balls.
Cardinals Bow To Hubbel
NEW YORK, July 28.-(P)-Old re-
liable Carl Hubbel put a stop to the
Giants losing landslide today. He
gave up seven hits, pitched shutout
ball for eight innings and defeated
the St. Louis Cardinals 2 to 1 to end.
the New Yorkers five game losing
Cincinnati Defeats Bees
BOSTON, July 28.-(IP)-Linus
Frey's two-base smash with the bases
full in the fourth inning today gave
the Cincinnati Reds a 4 to 2 victory
over the Boston Bees and an even
break in the current four-game series.
Frey's hit scored three mates and
spoiled Bobby Reis' first start on the
mound for Boston.
Reis was stingy in the pinches, ex-
cept in the fourth, when he gave up
four hits in a row. He walked five
men in the first three innings, but
pulled out. It was Peaches Davis'
sixth victory against as many losses.
CHICAGO, July 28.-(P)-Boston's
Red Sox moved within two games of
the second place Cleveland Indians
today by slugging their way to a
double victory over the Chicago White
Sox, 13 to 8 and 8 to 5.
Boston won the first game, a battle
of base hits, by scoring five times in
the eighth inning and then five
more in the tenth after the White
Sox had tied it.
No Profits, Says Grace
NEW YORK, July 28.-(P)-Eugene
G. Grace, president of Bethlehem
Steel Corp., said today there must
be a reduction of labor cost or an
increase of prices if the steel indus-
try was to make money.
Today and Saturday
Bob Lake Adds
To Net Laurels
Bob Lake added the men's singles
crown to his doubles and mixed
doubles championships by beating
Sammy Durst in straight sets at Pal-
mer Field yesterday. The Penn State
instructor who played with the
University of Alabama downed the
left-handed Durst, a6-2, 6-2, 6-3.
Lake's experience and steadiness
was too much for Durst, a member
of last year's freshmoen squad, and
the southpaw was kept on the de-
fensive throughout the match.
In the women's singles finals, Mer-
ida Hobart defeated Beatrice Mass-
man, 7-5, 6-3. Miss Hobart, cham-
pion two years ago, did not defend
last year. Miss Massman upset Dor-
othy Maul, winner in 1937.
In the women's novice division,
Cynthia Adams defeated Ella Ford,
6-3, 5-7, 6-4 while John Edmonds won
the men's novice crown after a five
set match with Reuben Frost.
Two Soldiers
By River
Flood Safe
MARFA, Tex., July 28-(P)--Two
soldiers marooned on a canyon ledge
by flood waters of the Rio Grande
were believed rescued tonight after
an army plane reported it had been
able to find no trace of the men or
the rescue party seeking to take them
from their precarious perch.
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