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July 29, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-29

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The Weather
Generally fair today; tomorrow
partly cloudy and warmer.




Labor Espionage
In Republic Steel ..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


German Jews
Unite To Deal
With Problem

Negroes Must Support Progressive
Forces In Nation, Simmons Says

Negro Congress
Declares New
Helped Race's

Deal Has

Of Emigration
Form Federation In Berlin
To Officially Represent
Group In Government
Rabbi Leo Baeck Is
Organization Head
BERLIN, July 28.-()-German
Jews today formed a united front
in an effort to deal more effectively
with the problem of emigration from
Nazi Germany.
Formation of a federation of Jews
to constitute their official represen-
tation in dealings with the govern-
ment was announced in the weekly
central Verein Zeitung, organ of Ger-
man Jewry.
Rabbi Leo Baeck, chief rabbi of
Berlin, was named president of the
organization which united all Jewish
societies at a time when international
effort is being made to assist emigra-
tion from Germany.
There are some 300,000 Jews in
Germany, including those of absorbed
Austria. George Brandt, official
United States refugee observer, is here
surveying possibilities for transplant-
ing some of them to other countries.
In a brief appeal published by the
Jewish weekly,'the new federation1
"Tasks of the most serious nature
lie before us. Against all adversity we
posed our trust in God and our self-
confidence. There can be no doubt,
however, that the continued extra-
ordinary call upon our resources has
limits. The basis of our eistence has
been narrowing constantly.
Jewish circles frequently have com-
plained that difficulties were put in
the way of emigration by passport
offices. In this connection Austrian
Jewish sources haye stated that 2,-
980 Austrian Jews have emigrated
with the aid of other Jews since the
March 13 Anschluss.
They added that emigration would
be faster if conditions for leaving Ger-
many were lighter and simpler.
The Jew in Germany is down-
stripped of whatever political power,
social prestige or cultural influence
he might have enjoyed in pre-Hitler
days-but he is not out of the Ger-
man scene. Those that have left
Germany still total less than 150,000,
Jews estimate.
In business the Jew is being elim-
inated more gradually than in other
fields. One by one the big Jewish
department stores are passing into
"Aryan" hands. But many Jews are
in business, especially in the smaller
establishments, while in the medical
and dental professions many Jews
still are making a living.
Mobs Slay 40
In B urma Riot
250 Injured As Moslems
Battle Buddhists
RANGOON, urma, July 28.-( - ;
Three days of street fighting between
Burmese Buddhists and Indian Mos-
lems reached new severity today when
40 persons, including five Indian
women, were killed.
Armored cars have patrolled the
streets since Tuesday, when disorder
broke out following publication of a
book by aMohammedan allegedly of-
fensive to Buddhism.
More than 250 persons have been
Late tonight fierce fighting flared
out again in several Indian and Bur-
mese parts of Rangoon. Many bodies
were said to be in houses smashed by
the rioters and an accurate check on
the casulaties, therefore, was impos-

Most of the streets in these areasj
hastily were barricaded by natives.
Others, strewn with stones and brick-
bats, were deserted.
A state of alarm existed in this city
of almost 500,,000 population with In-
dians and Burmese roaming the na-
tive localities armed with weighted
sticks and daggers.
All British shops and businesses
were closed, Strategic streets in the
center of Rangoon were barricaded by
reinforced British troops who have
mounted machine guns.

The liberty and security of the
Negroes of the United States can be
achieved only by an alignment with
all the forces that are actively work-
ing for the preservation and propa-
gation of those ends among all class-
es of American citizens, C. Lebron
Simmons, secretary of thenNational
Negro Congress, said in an address
here yesterday.
Speaking on the general subject
of "The Negro and the New Deal,'
Mr. Simmons maintained that the
Roosevelt Administration, 9,s current-
ly constituted, is the spear-head of
American progressive ideals, and as
such deserves the support, not only
of Negroes, but of all citizens who are
interested in preserving peace, demo-
-racy, and the national standard of
life. Negroes, however, because of
historical and psychological reasons
are faced with problems that are
peculiar to themselves, he said, and
must of necessity form organizations
of their own which will effectively
champion and defend their own in-
terests. The National Negro Congress,
established in 1935 in order to effect
such ,a unity among American
Negroes, has made great progress in
this respect in the three years of its
existence, Mr. Simmons declared.
American Negroes first became
aware of the necessity of supporting
the New Deal in 1935, Mr. Simmons
said, for at that time the Administra-
tion undertook its gIeat program of
social and economic amelioration and
reform. The passage of such measures
as the National Labor Relations Act,
the Wage and Hours Bill, the Civilian
Conservation Act and the Social
Security Act, indicated that the Presi-
Hu go Grotius
To Be Subject
Of Reeves' Talk
International LaW Expert
Addresses Renaissance
Studies Group Today
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, W. W. Cook
Professor of American Institutions,
will speak at 4:30 p. m. today in the
Graduate School Auditorium on
"Hugo Grotius and the Republic of
Letters." His illustrated lecture will
be in conjunction with the Graduate
Conference on Renaissance Studies.
Professor Reeves has beer, techni-
cal adviser to the American Delega-
tion to the Hague Conference for
Codification of International Law in
1930, Lecturer at the Acadmy of
International Law at the Hague in
1921 and American Member of the
Pan-American Commission of Jurists
for Codification of International Law'
since 1925.
Before coming to the University,
Professor Reeves taught at Johns
Hopkins University, the University of
Chicago and Dartmouth University.1
At the present time h is associate
editor of the American Journal of
International Law and member of
the Institut de Droit Internationale.
Among his many publications are
"The International Beginnings of the
Congo Free State" and "La Commun-
aute Internationale."
Co-op Conciudes
Profitable Year
4 Per Cent Dividend Votedi
Members At Meeting
As a result of an exceedingly suc-
cessful year the members of the Ann
Arbor Cooperative Society voted
themselves a four per cent dividend
last night at Lane Hall at a special

meeting called for that purpose. The
organization, Prof. Norman Nelson of,
the English department said, felt{
that after concluding the most profit-'
able six-month period of its existence
such a move was justified.
Charts illustrating the upward
trend of gross sales volume and in-
come statement and balance sheet
were drawn on the blackboard and
explained to the membership by the
operating heads of the organization.
This graphic portrayal of the opera-
tions of the cooperative permitted an

dent was actively engaged in helping
the submerged "one third," and
Negroes, ninety-five percent of whom
are wage-workers, benefited from all
Furthermore, Mr. Simmons said
the President's appointment of Wil-
liam Hastings, distinguished Negro
attorney, to the Federal bench, con-
firmed the belief that the Adlminis-
tration intended to make no distinc-
tions of race in any of its appoint-
ments or measures.
Mr. Simmons spoke in Natural'
Science Auditorium. The lecture was
sponsored by the American Student



Czech Cleavage
Is Unbridgeable
Statement Infers British
Arbiter, Lord Runciman
Faces Tremendous Odds
PRAHA, July 28-(P)-The Sude-
ten German Party declared tonight in
an official press letter that the
"cleavage between Czechs and Ger-
mans appears no longer bridgeable."'
* The statement hinted ominously
that Viscount Runciman, Britain's
unofficial, mediator in the Czechoslo-
vak government's dispute w i t h
3,500,000 Germans and other minori-
ties, faced tremendously difficult
The letter declared that it would be
unfair to hamper Lord Runciman in
his first effort to solve the minori-
ties problems but insisted there was
a widening breach between the gov-
ernment and the Germans Adolf Hit-
ler has, declared he would protect.
It added that British Prime Minis-
ter Neville Chamberlain, in his Tues-
day Parliament address announcing
L o r d Runciman's appointment,
brought before the world "unreserved
acknowledgement of the Sudeten Ger-
mans as a partner in the negotia-
In a practical sense, the statement
said, this amounted to unofficial
recognition of Sudeten Germans as
a "Staatsvolk" with equal rights in-
stead of as a minority.
Bar Group Rejects
Resolution On Black
CLEVELAND, July 28-(P)-The
House of Delegates of the American
Bar Association accepted today the
report of its committee on adminis-
trative law without a mention of the
section which Commissioner Jerome
N. Frank of the Securities and Ex-
change Commission said "defamed"
SEC Chairman William O. Douglas.'
The assembly rejected early today
a resolution asking the association to
petition the Supreme Court for in-
formation concerning a lawyer's right
to question the eligibility of Supreme
Court Justice Hugo L. Black.

2 Bands Unite,
Offer Concert
On Ferry Field:
Out-Door Show Expected
To Bring 10,000 People;
Music Starts At 7 P.M.
Revelli, Prescott
To Direct Players
Combining their personnel of 215
men the University Summer Session
Band and the All High Clinic Band
will present 'an open-air band con-
cert at 7 p.m. today in Ferry Field.
The largest concert of its kind ever
attempted in Ann Arbor, according to
Prof. William D. Revelli, Director of
the Michigan Band, said is expected
to draw 10,000 music lovers to the
bleachers in Ferry Field. In case of
rain, the concert will be held at 8:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. Gerald Prescott, of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, nationally known
for his work as a band contest ad-
judicator and his "Prescott System
of Band Technique," will be the guest
conductor Friday evening.' He will
ishare the directing honors with Pro-
fessor Revelli.
Approximately 215 musicians will
participate in the concert, and in ad-
dition to individual numbers by each
band, a program of massed band
playing is to be presented.
This concert will mark the fial
appearance of the season frr All High
Clinic Band which is a group of 115
high school students picked by a se-
lective process under the direction of
Professor Revelli, to spend three
weeks of the summer studying solo,
ensemble and concert technique at
the University. The group, referred
to many times this season by Profes-
sor Revelli as "the best I've ever had,"
has been living-girls in Adelia
Cheever House, and the boys in the
Michigan Union-under the super-
vision of Don Chown. Chown has
prepared and directed a program of
work and recreation including swim-
ming, parties, hikes and sports. Pro-
fessor Revelli and the season guest
conductors have been supervising the
musical training of the group.
Professor Prescott was enthusiastic
in his praise for the Summer Session
Band's playing ability, claiming that
good balance and artistry abound in
the group to a degree unique in his
The program for the evening will
include "Morning Prayer, by Tschai-
kowsky; Selection from Mozart; Se-
lections from Waltzes by Johann
Stiauss; "Goliad March," by Berry-
man, all played by the All High Clinic
Band. The Summer Session Direc-
tors Band will play "Concert Over-
ture," by Hadley; "First Movement of
Sonata for Organ," by Borowski;
"Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 1," by
The combined bands totalling 215
players will then play, "Manitou
Heights," by Christiansen; "Varsity,"
by Moore; "Come Sweet Death," by
Bach; and "Stars and Stripes For-
ever," by Sousa.

French Ready To Defend Concession

As a Japanese flying column advancing up the Yangtze neared the
great city of Hankow, this French machine gun detachment prepared
to defend the barbed wire gates of the French concessign in case of
trouble. It is the only foreign concession in Hankow.

Speech Traces,
Rise Of Math
Through Years
Progress Of Mathematics
Qutlined- By Karpinski
Before Conference Here,
A long history of progress rather
than any definite Renaissance char-
acterizes the rise of mathematics
through the centuries, Prof. L. C.
Karpinski of the mathematics de-
partment speaking at the luncheon
meeting of the Graduate Conference
on Renaissance studies said yester-
The history of mathematics paral-
lels that of science and civilization,
Professor Karpinski pointed out,
showing that much of it was passed
on from the Hindus to Europe by
the Arab.
The computing system using zero
and nine numerals and the use of
half chords and tangents which the
Arabs learned from the Hindus 'in
800 A. D., he said, was the closest ap-
proach to a Renaissance in mathe-
The Arabs combined the knowledge
gained from the Arabs and the logi-
cal method of the Greeks and wrote
basic textbooks in algebra and trig-
onometry which proved invaluable in
measuring the earth and establishing
its relation to the universe.
European progress in mnkthematics
came about in the 16th century with
the rise of first Francisco Villiers
and later Descartes and Newton. Vill-
iers systematized work in algebra and
trigonometry and his contributions
enabled Descartes to make his ad-
vances in analytical geometry. Then
in 1637, Professor Karpinski said,'
Newton published his "Principia"
pointing out the principles of calcu-

Soviet Directs
Purge Against
Jap Influence
Siberian Newspaper Tells
Of Action In Far East
To Combat 'Wreckers'
MOSCOW, July 28-(:1)-The Si-
berian newspaper, Pacific Ocean Star,l
tells of a "great' purge" in the Soviet
Russian Far East to frustrate what1
the newspaper terms Japan's efforts
"to destroy our strength from the in-
"In the past few months a great1
purge was carried on, and it still con-
tinues," the newspaper says. "Ther
Bolshevists of Primorsk province willt
smoke from their holes all spies,
wreckers and terrorists to the lastE
man." z
Stalin Initiates Purge!
The newspaper, published at Khab-
arovsk, near the scene of recent bor-
der incidents between Red soldiersf
and detachments of the Japanese1
army of occupation in Manchoukuo,
says the purge was started "on the
initiative" of'Joseph Stalin, ecretary
general of the Russian C mmunist
Diplomatic exchanges between
Moscow and Tokyo in a renewed dis-
pute over the Siberian-Manchoukuoan
border were marked by Russian re-
jection of a Japanese protest that
Soviet soldiers had occupied Man-
choukuoan soil near Changkufeng on
July 11. Japan since has taken a
conciliatory attitude.)
The Pacific Ocean Star says that
"under the direct leadership of Com-
rade Stalin, the militant capacity of
our party organization is increasing
daily, also the strength of our Red-
Bannered Far Eastern front and our
Pacific Fleet.
Have Selves To Blame
"If Japanese rabble poke their
noses into Primorsk province they
have only themselves to blame for the
consequences. They will be scattered
by a hurricane of fire from the air,
sea and land." .
The newspaper declares the purge
was necessary because "Japanese im-
werialists resorted to ,their favorite
methods of espionage and terrorism
-first sending to Primorsk province
Fascist agents and - Trotskyist and
Bucharinist spies and terrorists.
Japs Advance On Ilankow
SHANGhAI, July 29.--(Friday)-
WY-Two columns of Japanese infan-
trymen, struggling to keep pace with
Japanese. marines in their drive up
the Yangtze toward Hankow, were
engaged today in a broad movement
to flank the Chinese line at the Tien-
kiachen-Wvusueh boom.
Meanwhile, Japanese planes con-
tinued terrific bombardments of the
new line of defense, centered on the
submerged Yangltze barricade up-
river .from fallen Kiukiang and about
110 miles from Hankow.
The big bombers assaulted a rail-
road running from Kiukiang, 90 miles
south, to the principal Chinese air
base, Nanchang. Part of the railway

Drive Across
Ebro Regains
200 Mile Area
British Freighter Is Struck
As Rebel Planes Raid
Valencia;_18 Are Killed
5,000 Captives Fall
Into Loyalist Hands
HENDAYE, France, July 28-
() - Generalissimo Francisco
Franco today released Ebro flood
waters upon Loyalist columns,
bombed them mercilessly from
the air and sent 20,000 new re-
inforcements into a couterattack
in a desperate effort to shatter
the Government's whirlwind of-
fensive in Eastern Spain.
Despite the intense counterof-
fensive near Gandesa, insurgent
base of operations 90 miles south-
west of Barcelona, five columns
of the Loyalist international bri-
gade appeared to be holding
tenaciously to their conquest of
386 square miles of territory.
H$NDAYE, France'CAt the Spanish
Frontier), July 28-(P)-The Spanish
Government's South Catalonia army
was reported tonight to have pushed
around and beyond Gandesa and
well along the road to Alcaniz.
The day of war also brought an
Insurgent aerial bombardment of
Valencia in which 18 persons, includ-
ing a Danish nonintervention observ-
er and a Chinese cook aboard the
British freighter Kellwyn, were killed.
The Kellwyn, just arrived from
Marseille, France, to discharge a
cargo of sugar and coffee, was only
slightly damaged. One hundred and
fifteen bombs, in all, were said to
have been unloaded over the populous
Mediterranean port city.
A similar attack on Tarragona
caused widespread damaged but the
number of casualties was not known.
The government did not claim
actual occupation of Gandesa, Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco's for-
mer regional headquarters and a link
between the Insurgent Catalonian
and Mediterranean fronts but it lay
within about 200 square miles of
territory regained from the Insurgents
by the four-day Ebro River offensive.
Reports from Barcelona said the
government's counter-conquest had
covered 240 square miles but other
advices reaching Hendaye added the
gains up to 193 square miles.
Regents Board
To Discuss Graduate Study
For Teachers Colleges
The'Regents of the University will
meet tonight at the summer home of
President Ruthven at Frankfort to
consider the adoption of a plan to
provide graduate study in state teach-
ers colleges under the supervision
of the University and to pass on the
routine business of the University.
The graduate teachers' study plan
will also be considered today in a
meeting of the State Board of Edu-
cation at Marquette. The plan has
been called by Dr. Eugene B. Elliott,
State superintendent of public in-
struction, the first of its kind in the
nation, and is designed to avoid dup-
lication of instruction in various in-
stitutions and to maintain economies.

If the plan is approved by both the
education board and the Regents,
credits would be given and degrees
3onferred by the University which
would furnish"the supervision and in-
List Hostesses
Of Barn Dance
Regular Dance Is Changed
To Union Today
Officials for the Barn Dance which
will be held from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.
today in the Ballroom of the Union
haye been announced by Suzanne
Gordor chairman of the hostesses
for the Summer Session dances. ,
Included in the list are Rose Beyle.

Nationa1 Linguistic Society Meetings
Open Tonight;, Goetze, Cowan Speak

Diigner To Precede Parley;
Two Sessions Saturday
Will Complete Program
As special invitation speakers for ?
the first summer meeting of the Lin-
guistic Society of America, Prof. Al-
brecht Goetze of Yale University and
Dr. J. Milton Cowan of the State
University of Iowa will address the
second session at 8 p.m. today in the
amphitheatre of the Rackham build-
The session will follow the' in-
formal dinner of the organizationat
6 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Pro-
fessor Goetze will speak on "Umlaut
in Babylonian," and Dr. Cowan will
present motion pictures showing the
vocal cords in action.
Two sessions Saturday complete the
society's program. At 9:15 a.m. in the
Rackham amphitheatre the following
will read papers: Prof. Roland- G.
Kent of the University of Pennsyl-
vania, "A Forged Old Persian Inscrip-
tion in Cuneiform Characters"; Prof.
A. H. Marckwardt of the University,1

Dr. Fries Speaks

Loss of inflections and the accom-
panying development of substitute;
for inflections are helping to make
English more and more like Chinese
and less and less like such a typically
inflected language as Latin or Greek,
according to Dr. Charles C. Fries of
the University, director of the Lin-
guistic Institute, who yesterday after-
noon delivered the fourth of a series
(Continued on Page 3)
Cornell Dean Talks
To Engineers Group
A special talk will be given this
afternoon by Professor S. C. Hollister,
Dean of Engineering, Cornell Uni-
versity, Ithaca. N. Y. in connection
with the engineering mechanics Sym-
"The Design of High Pressure Boiler
Drums" will be the subject of Dean
Hollister's lecture, which will be held

Dr. Cowan Makes Address
In the third of his series of talks
before members of the Linguistic In-
stitute, Dr. J. Milton Cowan of the
State University of Iowa reviewed at
the luncheon conference Thursday
noon the recent experimental linguis-
tic results of Von Eberhard Zwirner
and Kurt Zwirner of the Kaiser-Wil-
helm Institute in Berlin.
These German investigators, Dr.
Cowan related, have recently an-
nounced a technique which they call
'phonometry' and which corresponds
roughly to that called 'psychophysics'
in this country. They have developed
a kind of phonetic alphabet by which
trained listeners make a written
qualitative analysis of recorded
speech sounds, including pitch and
both word and sentence stress., The
subjective record thus obtained is
next checked with an instrumental
analysis for the purpose of determin-
ing the accuracy of trained subjec-
tive judgment.
By this technique, Dr. Cowan stat-

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