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July 17, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-07-17

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SATURDAt, JULY 17, 1937



Of The DAY
(By The Associated Press)
Japanese Ambassador
Reviews Cherry Festival
TRAVERSE CITY, July 16.--()-
Hirosi Saito, Japanese ambassador to
the United States, and Gov. Frank
Murphy reviewed a parade of 45
flowered-bedecked floats and 13 bands
in the national cherry festival's an-
nual parade today.
Police estimated that 100,000 per-
sons stood along the line of march.
The festival ended tonight with the
Mummers' parade, a ball and fire-
Crews Etush Preparation
For Piccard Ascension
ROCHESTER, Minn., July 16.-(P
-Dr. Jean Piccard eagerly scanned
weather maps tonight as his ground
crews rushed final preparations for
his ascension in a strange multi-bal-
ion aircraft.
Word that a high pressure area was
descending from the north sent the
stratosphere balloon experimenter
and his aides into high speed activity,
testing ballast, checking the sensitive
ultra-short wave radio equipment
and arranging a multitude of import-
ant details.
Mac Emerson of the St. Paul air-
port weather bureau said conditions
might be favorable tomorrow night.
Piccard hopes to show his craft of
two 'clusters of thin rubber balloons,
each about four feet in diameter, is
satisfactory for scientific observations
in the upper layers of the atmos-
Ice Pack Piling Up
Near Soviet Arctic Camp
MOSCOW, July 16.-()-Soviet
Russia's scientific expedition near the
North Pole reported tonight that a
huge ice pack was piling up near
the camp.
The four members left there by
Soviet fliers who mde a trip to the
Pole said ice formation appeared
south of their floe Thursday night and
reached a height of nearly 23 feet.
The floe on which the Soviets have
their camp has an average thickness
of nine feet and is several miles
The men radioed to Moscow that
their camp momentarily was out -of
danger but they were keeping close
watch for cracks.
Liquor Commission
Bars Slot Machines
LANSING, July 16.-(P)-A drive to
eliminate slot machines from drink-
ing establishments was ordered today
by the State Liquor Control Commis-
Edward W. McFarland, chairman
of the commission said revocation of
licenses will be the penalty for oper-
ation of a slug machine or other
gambling device would be considered
after August 1.
The chairman said the commission
had received complaints from li-
censees that representatives of some
slot machine companies had threat-
uned that they would "influence the
commission to suspend licenses un-
less they agreed to install machines.
Sen. Robinson Honored
By Great Of Nation I
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(A')-The
great of the nation honored Senator
Joseph T. Robinson in death today
with a reverent little service which,

in its hushed simplicity, belied the
name state funeral.
Led by President Roosevelt, his face
drawn and unsmiling, they gathered
in the Senate chamber, where for
years Robinson directed the battles
of his beloved Democratic party. His
flower-banked, silvery coffin lay a few
feet from the desk which had been
In reverence, they heard a few
prayers, familiar passages from the
scriptures, the softly moving cadences
of the Episcopal service for the dead,
hymns that an older generation
loved. Then silently they departed.
It was a state funeral without pomp,
without ostentation, without eulogy,
without military display. It was a
service in keeping, his friends bt -
lieved, with the blunt, simple char-
acter of the man it honored.
Company Charges
Union Refused Contracts
JACKSON, Mich., July 16.-(l)-
Edivard Passage, a representative of
the State Board of Labor and Indus-
try, was the first witness for the
Trenton Garment Company today at
the National Labor Relations Board's
hearing on a charge of unfair labor
practices against the firm.
Passage, who had been designated
me~diator in a strike at the plant
here by Gov. Frank Murphy, testified
that the company twice submitted
contracts to the Ladies Garment
Makers Union and they were rejected.

Tiwenty Rodies Are Removed From Intdiana Mmne A1fter Blast

Twenty men were crushed and burned to death and three others were seriously injured in an explosion in
the Glendora Company's Baker mine, five miles from Sullivan, Ind. The explosion occurred half an hour after
203 went into the mine to start the day's work. Members of the rescue staff are shown above loading the
body of one of twenty victims into an ambulance, for removal to Sullivan morgue. Jerry Cox, one of the
survivors, said "The explosion picked me and my buddies up and rolled us like footballs. Some of my buddies
were thrown against the wall and they didn't have a chance." A portion of the crowd of hundreds of rela-
tives and friends who assembled at the mine entrance, is shown below. They waited patiently for the men
to come out or news of those who failed to return.
Interest In Resort Clothes Returns
For Those Sunny Days At The Beach

By COLLINGS ADAMS pansive on the figure. A size 12
With a cloudless sky, the prospect suit will stretch sufficiently to cover
of outings on the beach brings re- a size 40. Thus a perfect fit is as-
newed interest in resort clothes. sured, for it moulds itself to the
Bathing suits, robes, play suits, play figure.
shoes, and beach bags are all in The best thing to wear over these
demand. suits are corded cotton, terry, seer-
Dressmaker bathing suits of striped sucker or crash beach robes. Some
seersucker, printed broadcloth, or fine are reversible cotton on one side,
pique, are very flattering to the none terry on the other, in bright prints.'
too slim. These usually are cut on Other styles have novelty fastenings,
princess lines, with flaring skirts. and are in white, pastels or plaids.
One would be inclined to think that One robe, just warm enough to be
cotton would be very uncomfortable comfortable after a cool plunge, is an
when wet, but these have foundations ankle length terry robe, cut on prin-
of wool or jersey knit. cess lines, with a contrasting zipper
One suit is of printed cotton in down the front. It has a' round
bright splashy colors; it has a V- Peter Pan collar, and banded puffed
neckline and is tied on the shoulders sleeves, with an edging of bias on'
in little bows. The, skirt is full and each, to match the zipper. It comes
pleated. It is surprisingly inexpen- in white with red, blue or green trim-'
sive, being under $5 as most of these ming. ..1
cotton suits are. s The usual shorts and shirt com-'
Satin lastex suits are much less bination has been replaced by a va-
expensive this year. and quite ex- riety of play suits, much like those)
little sister wears.
A naive one-piece romper suit is of
blue denim, cut to make you look
H onor Faculty young and appealing. The suit has
short bloused bloomers, and a square
Outsid G sts neck on which the double row of
rick-rack trimming makes a simu-
lated yoke; the narrow shoulder
At Dormitories straps and bloomer legs are also1
An informal Faculty dinner was
given by the Helen Newberry Dormi-

trimmed with rick-rack. A flying
waist-length cape may also be tied
around the waist to make a short
flaring skirt.
The newest fad for the season is
a nautical short and shirt outfit,
made of cool thin bandanna cotton,
with amusing all-over patterns of an-
chors, fishing boats or other things
biiny. With this is a little matching
kerchief to keep the head cool, or
hold the haid down. This suit comes
in almost any color.
For games on the beach, knee
length beach dresses are comfortable,
especially for those who do not care
to tan or burn. They are simnply cut,
and are usually either buttoned down
the front or fly loosely, with a tie
at the waist. Play shoes are of many
kinds, canvas ones are nice in dark
colors. One pair is the friar or monk
type, buttoning on the side. Beach
bags made of two large bandannas
stitched together hold all beach ne-

tory Thursdy night. The Social Di-
rector, Miss Ruth Danielson, and the.
House President, Miss Dorothy Bris- I
coe, received the guests in the living
room. The tables in the dining room
were attractively decorated with
vases or larkspur, zinnias and del-
Betsy Barbour dormitory gave an
informal tea Thursday afternoon for
outside guests. The tea table was set
in the living room, arranged with a
cream lace cloth, ivory candles, and
a lovely bouquet of blue salvis, and
pink snapdragons. Miss Edith Bar-
nard, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Morati a
Corbin and Miss Ann Vardon poured.
A tea was given also at the Mo-
sher-Jordan dormitory for outside
guests. The centerpiece on the table
was of vari-colored hollyhocks. Those

%kI t4AA d

FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON, reading a good magazine is a well-earned relaxa-
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