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July 17, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-17

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Of Federal Job
Service Denied
Detroit Office Of National
Reemployment Service
Has No Word So Far
DETROIT, July 10---(Special to
The Daily)-Although W. Frank Per-
sons, director of the United States
Employment Service, told reporters
sevearal days ago in Washington, D.
C. that the National Reemployment
Service in Michigan would be dis-
ontinued in the immediate future,
no word has been received so far by'
Major Howard Starret, State Re-
employment Director.
"35 To 50 Offices"-
Major Starret said the only other
information that his organizat
would be scrapped and supplanted by
a new employment service came
through press reports that the Michi-
gan Unemployment Compensation
Board would set up "35 to 50 offices
in the State within 90 days."
"I know nothing about the plans
of the new service except what has
come to my office indirectly," he said.
"No state officials have consulted
with me about Michigan unemploy-
ment problems or about experience
in placing nearly x300,000 Michigan
people in jobs. Of course I would
have been glad to consult with them
about costs of operating offices, and
other matters and -would have em-
phasized that politics must be kept
out of any employment service.
Depends On Leader
"There is no reason why politics
can't be eliminated from a state
service. It all depends upon the
.leader and his policies. We should
remember that a Michigan State Em-
ployment Service set up in 1933 was
a complete failure and only lasted a
short time. When I was appointed
to head the NRS in October, 1935,
we were dreadfully handicapped by
the ill-will which had been created.
"But we worked hard and over-
came the prejudices of Michigan em-
ployers by giving good service and
staying out of politics. Today the'
record shows that thousands and
thousands of people gt jobs through
the NRS because of the cooperation i
and assistance of about 15,000 Michi-

Map Shows Recreational Facilities And Resorts Near Ann Arbor



LoWale Lk

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
taversity. Copy received at the oBW * the A o ta t to the PremSdmR
tU 3:30, 11:00 a=esonSaturday.

The accompanying map of Ann
Arbor and vicinity has been espe-
cially prepared by The Daily for
students of the Summer Session
showing the nearby pleasure re-
sorts, bathing beaches, and dance
pavilions. The roads indicated are
the shortest routes to the various

SouTh Lye0

! .%

the H
to Po
St. t
ter ri

ance pavilions are located at Po 4d q eLha
tmore Lake, Island Lake, Sand
, and Walled Lake. PublicL
iming beaches are located at1
tmore Lake and Portage Lake.
Portage Lake beach also pro-
facilities for picnics. Oudoor
naming may also be enjoyed
g the Huron River which is in-
ed on the map. For the dis- DtetYO
e between Ann Arbor and Dex- exter
the river is accompanied by
Huron River Drive.r
ie road to South Lyon, called
Pontiac Road, is gravel. It
ches off Broadway to the left
beyond the concrete bridge 5wimmi n e h H , St(\ estwooc)
the Michigan Central Tracks
the river. To, get on the road ' e DVi o it
ortage Lake go west on Huron
o the fork just inside the city To trtoY
s and branch right onto Dex- Ypsilani
oad. North Main St., is the
to Whitmore Lake and Island
and South Main St., is the
to Saline and Sa'nd Lake. The
wood Symphony Gardens are
east of Wayne on Michigan,
recommend that any students
ested in attending any of these TO To~edo
s tear out this map and save it.
C47* latfo
rr , o e,

(Continued from Page 2)
body is cordially invited to attend.
Piano Recital: Walter Ihrke, Ply-
muth, Wis., student of Prof. Joseph
Brinkman of the School of Music, will
give a piano recital, Monday, July 19,
at the School of Music Auditorium at
8:30 p.m., to which the general pub-
lic, with the exception of small chil-
dren, is invited.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its week-
ly luncheon Tuesday, July 20 at 12:10
p.m. in the Michigan Union. Members
and their guests are cordially urged
to attend.
Faculty Concert: Joseph Brinkman,
pianist, and E. William Doty, or-
ganist, will participate in the next
Faculty Concert in the Summer Ses-
sion series, Tuesday evening, July 20,
at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Unidentified mail is being held in
being held in Room 1, University
Hall for thefollowing:
Murlin Bell
Prof. Hugo Boeker
Elizabeth Copeland
L. S. Ehlers
Harvey Hessler
Evelyn Kilpatrick
Care of G. Hobart.
Campbell Hornell (Dr.)
Open Swim Hour At
Intramural Planned
An open swimming hour at the In-
tramural pool is being sponsored by
the Physical Education faculty on
Saturday, July 17, from 8 to 9 p.m.
The main purpose of the swim is
to enable the men and women stu-
dents on campus to see and use the
pool. During the academic year and
summer women students use the pool
in the Union except when open hours
are offered at the Intramural pool.
The Varsity swimming team and the
Intramural hours for men keep the
Intramural pool's time filled. During
the year mixed swims are sponsored
on Saturday nights and are very well
Men and women in summer school
are invited to attend this open swim-
ming hour either as a spectators or

Mrs. Edna Keyesw
Eileen Lautzenhiser
Mr. McGill
Dan Nastaff
Mary Ruth Palmer
Dr. Alfred Schultz
Elizabeth Stewart
Clarence M. Tarzwell
H. Wendall Taylor
Dr. S. Helen Taylor
Thomas Thompson
Petersen Discusses
Substratum Theory
(Continued from Page 1)
changes not consistent with Indo-Eu-
ropean and obviously not conditioned
by neighboring sounds. Another rea-
son, is that Hittite's inflectional sys-
tem is so simplified that it almost re-
sembles that of a modern language,
a phenomenon that is almost inevi-
tably the result of such language ad-
mixture as he suggested.
He gave a number of detailed in-
stances to prove additional state-
ments respecting the absence or loss
of quantitative vowel distinctions in
Hittite, the absence of ablaut or vowel
gradation, the absence of initial r de-
spite its frequency in other Indo-Eu-
ropean languages, the presence in
Hittite of a ts sound where Sanskrit
has a ks combination, and the unique-
ness of the Hittite h.
Without detailed treatment the
speaker referrea also to certain pe-
culiarities of the Hittite verb in-
flection, such as its two fundamental
tenses in place of the several in Indo-
European. These, he said, were only
of minor importance in establishing
the substratum theory; but the theory
itself, he declared, is the only satis-
factory method of solving a problem
which has long puzzled Indo-Euro-
30c - 35c - 40c
Delightfully C-O-O-L
Plenty of Parking Space
4 Large Dining Rooms
- SUNDAY -12 to 3 P.M.-


I e 1 I

and assistance of about 15,000 Michi-
gan employers. As a life-long citizen
of Michigan I am anxious that this
kind of service be continued for the
benefit of the unemployed and em-
ployers alike."
Ford Inquiry
Gets Testimony
Of 'Vigilante'
Describes His Instructions
For Riot At Dearborn;
Reveal Company Union
(Continued from Page 1)
other camp workers before much
damage was done.
DETROIT, July 16.-(,)-A Ford
Motor Company employe who said he
was a member of the United Automo-
bile Workers Union testified today he
vas also one of a group of "vigilantes"
instructed to "pick up a lead pipe and
start swinging" in the event of
"trouble" at the Ford plant.
The witness, Mack Cinzori, told a
National Labor Relations Board trial
examiner that he helped obtain sig-
natures to a "vote of confidence" in
Ford labor policies from other em-
Explains 'Vote of Confidence'
He said a clerk who gave him the
papers told him "all those who were
satisfied with working conditions and
pay were to sign and those who
weren't satisfied I was to take their
badge number and give it to the fore-
Some discharged Ford workers have
testified they were dismissed after
they refused to sign the "vote of con-
Cinzori's testimony before the
NLRB hearing on a complaint charg-
ing the Ford Company with unfair
labor practices including dismissal of
workers for union activity, was the
first by a present employe of the
company. He said that until he got
on the witness stand no Ford official
or foreman knew he was a UAW
Company Union Started
Another witness, Homer W. King,
former electrical maintenance man
at Ford's Rouge plant who said he
was discharged June 14, told the1
NLRB trial examiner Ford foremen
supervised the solicitation of mem-
)erships in the Ford Brotherhood of
America, Inc., an independent union,
early in June.
King, speaking with a slow drawl,
said he saw workmen passing down
the aisles, stopping men at their work
and signing them up and collecting
a 50-cent initiation fee. He said the
signed cards and the money were
taken to .the department superinten-
:ent's desk and put into a box.
"T hanAd at lnt icht nut nf ivpl'

Plans For Second Annual Competition
Are Announced By New Play Bureau

Plans for the second annual play
competition, sponsored by the Bu-
reau of New Plays in New York for
:ollege students and recent graduates,
have been announced by Miss Ther-
esa Helburn, director of the Bureau,
after a series of preliminary meetings
with the Advisory Committee, a mem-
ber of which is Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe
of the local English department.
Michigan Leads Field
Much to the disguntlement of
crack play-writing departments in
Eastern universities, Michigan stu-
dents walked off with the lion's share
of the prizes in last year's competi-
Arthur A. Miller, '38, of Brooklyn,
a former Daily staff member, headed
the list of prize-winners with a $1,-
250 award given him for his Hopwood
Award winner. "They Too Arise," pro-
duced on campus here last Spring
after announcement of the Bureau's
award Feb. 1. Another award of $500
was made to Robert Wetzel of New
York, who graduated here in 1933,
while Theodore Kaghan, who was
known as Theodore Cohen on the.
campus when he was here two years
ago, received honorable mention.
Movie Executive Advisors
On the Advisory Committee of the
Bureau are Prof. Walter Prichard
Eaton of Yale, chaifman; Professor
Rowe; Prof. Frederick H. Koch of
the University of North Carolina; and
the representatives of the seven ma-
jor motion picture companies spon-
soring the Bureau of New Plays.
These last are: Marion Avery, Co-
lumbia Pictures Corporation; J. Rob-
ert Rubin, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Corporation; Russell Holman, Para-
mount Pictures, Inc.; Leda Bauer,
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.; Edwin P.

Kilroe, Twentieth-Century-Fox Film
Corporation; Charles Beahan, Uni-
versal Pictures Company, Inc.; Jacob
Wilk, Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc.
The Bureau of New Plays was
founded May 4, 1936 by these same
seven companies in association with
Theresa Helburn to discover and en-
courage young playwriting talent for
the theatre and to assist authors, notI
only with financial aid but with crit-
icism and advice, toward a profes-
sional goal at a different period in
their careers. To this end funds have
been appropriated for competitive
cash awards, as well as for scholar-
ship and fellowship awards.
Awards Again Offered
Awards of $500 will again be made+
to the authors of the six best plays
submitted in the competition. At the
discretion of the Burea uof New Plays,.
and on the basis of future promise'
and financial need, these awards may
be increased to scholarship awards of;
$1,250 or to fellowship awards of
from $1,500 to $2,500. More awards
may be granted if the material sub-;
mitted justifies it. If, in the opinion
of the judges, the material submitted
does not justify the full quota ofi
awards, the Bureau also reserves the
:ight to grant only as many as they1
The recipients of such scholarship
or fellowship awards will be expected+
to submit at least two plays within+
the year's tenure of the scholarship or1
fellowship or within six months there-
after, and in case of production of

one or both of such plays, part of
the scholarship or fellowship awards
shall be considered as advance on
royalties to be returned to the Bu-
reau of New Plays fo' the mainten-
ance of awards.
It was decided to open this second
competition October 1, close it De-
cember 15, and announce the awards
not later than March 15. This change
in dates from last year's competition
was made to allow students who may
have written scripts this summer to
:evise them with professorial crit-
icism in the fall before submitting
them in the competition, to obviate
rushing professors in colleges at the
last moment for letters of recommen-
dation which must accompany the
scripts, and to permit students new
in the fall in playwriting courses like-
wise to enter the competition.
Many Are Eligizle
Any undergraduate or graduate
student now attending any American
or Canadian university or college, or
who has attended such an institution
at any time since September 1, 1931,
whether or not the work for a degree
was completed, is eligible to compete
for the awards.
Plays must be full length, original,
unpublished and unproduced by any
professional theatre, and must have
written recommendation by the head
of the English or drama department
or his authorized representative, of
the college attended by the author.
According to Miss Helburn, "The
colleges are showing a great deal of

interest already. The professors of
playwriting report that their stu-
dents are even now planning what
plays they wish to submit in this com-
petition. A great many of the com-
petitors in last year's competition who
received encouragement and advice
on their manuscripts are working now
on new plays which they expect to
submit in this second play competi-
A committee of judges selected from
a panel of leading producers, direc-
tors, educators, actors and critics and
Theresa Helburn, ex-officio, will make
the final degisions.



Ii , II



Where To Go


Theatre: Michigan: "Way Out
West," with Laurel and Hardy and
the Louis-Braddock fight pictures;
Majestic: "Woman Chases Man,"
with Miriam Hopkins and Joel Mc-
Crea; Wuerth: "Fifty Roads to
Town;" with Don Ameche and Ann
Sothern and "Borderland," with Wil-
liam Boyd; Orpheum: "Ready, Will-
ing and Able," with Ruby Keeler and
"Bulldog Drummond Escapes."
Play: Repertory Players produc-
tion "First Lady."I
Dancing: Summer Session Dance
at the League, The Blue Lantern at
Island Lake and Bartlett's at Pleas-
ant Lake.
COLDWATER, July 16.-(/P)-Po.-
lice dragged Coldwater Lake Friday
for the body of Thurman Nelson, 35,
wmhn dranwr Thuridv night. Nel-

Choice of one:
California Fruit Coupe Chicken Noodle Soup
Jellied Consomme or Essence of Clam en Cup
Ice Grape Juice
Branch Celery Mixed Olives Sweet Pickles
Planked Jumbo White Fish, Union Style $1.10
Breast of Chicken, Rasher Star Bacon $1.10
Grilled French Lamb Chops on Toast, Mint Jelly $1.10
Glaced Imported Holland Ham, Pineapple Sauce $1.10
Cold Chicken Salad Plate, Hearts of Lettuce $1.10
Tenderloin or Porterhouse with French Fried Potatoes to order
Baked Potato or New Potatoes in Cream
New Peas au Beurre or Timbale of Fresh Spinach
rroan P>nnh


I l




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