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July 17, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-17

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Official Publication of the Summer Session




icism and loss of faith in the press.
But no matter what the cause, the change is
desirable. It does not require that a newspaper
be eternally crusading, but it does call for a
recognition of the sore spots of the locality and
the taking of vigorous steps to correct them.
It requires a determination by the paper to make
the "home town" a really better place to live
in, in the real-not the "booster" and Chamber
of Commerce-sense.
Every newspaper in the United States should
follow the trend. Each and all should take
action. The great needs of the American news-
paper today are an intense desire to serve the
community and the nation constructively, and
a willingness to do so in the face of any opposi-
tion which may arise.


On The Level

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the orie of the Summer Session, Room 1213
( A. H. until 3:301; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


will be held at 9:15 with
by Rev. Henry Yoder on
of a Christian Home."

The following column
Creighton Coleman.

was written by


. s-_
~0~1 tr ARD 'CI'Or of 5TU5wNf 5yai,,nje5p .oAA w w.,. . e .. ,,
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credted in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represe.tative
CIT EDITOR ...................JOSEPH s. MATTES
Assoe1itke Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
BUSN1ESS MANAGER..................JOHN R. PARK
Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
Your Last
Chance To Help...
TODAY is the second and last
chance Ann Arbor will have to
contribute to the Tag Day drive of the Fresh Air
Carp. They need $2,500 to meet their budget.
Perhaps these two stories may show the utter
need for this camp out at Patterson Lake:
One day last week an 11-year-old kid with
straggly white hair climbed into an oak tree,
tied a rope firmly about a leafy limb, tied the
other about his thin neck, and gave himself
a push with his hands. A disheartened boy
was saved from hanging himself when a coun-
selar saw him jump and then clutch at the taut
Another kid had been too bothersome for the
counselor to handle. His sullen refusal to co-
operate with any part of the program caused
him to be sent home to Detroit. It was Sunday
night that a counselor found his bed already
inhabited. It was Johnny; his mother had
sent him back to the camp. The 12-year-old
boy, asleep in an old sweater, didn't care much
where he stayed. The camp wasn't exactly his
idea of fun, and his mother was a follower of
the world's oldest profession. She didn't want
him around when she brought men home and
he was a brat anyhow.
These are extreme cases, but are by no means
the only extreme cases. These boys need help.
With their third week of camp beginning,
these two fellows are reported to have become two
of the camp's most willing members, both in work
and in play.
Boys aren't naturally bad, and they deserve
an insight into good living. Without it at the
impressionable ages of 9 to 14 years, they de-
velop suddenly and certainly into hardened pros-
pects for our penitentiaries.
Penitentiaries and criminals cost a lot of
money. The institution at Jackson, where the
seventh Session excursion will go next ,Wednes-
day, was built at a cost of $8,000,000.
Youngsters will again solicit your aid at
many points on the campus today. There are
160 other fellows waiting for their four weeks
at Patterson Lake, and it's they your contribution
will help. They are coming out next month
from Detroit, Wyandotte, and Hamtramck for
a month's swimming, hiking, baseball games, na-
ture study, and a good time.
But when they return home they will have
got smething vastly more important.' They will
have learned to do their share of the work; to
play fair in games; they will have developed an
interest in things they have never known before,
and having been shown what fun it is, they
will be impressed.

Newspapers And
Community Service .. .
creasingly coming to recognize
that they are more than mere news-distributing
agencies. While the virulent personal journalism
of past decades has practically disappeared, a
large number of papers are trying to take a
more active part in local affairs and thus to be-
come stronger forces in their communities.
It is time that such a change took place. For
too many years there have been reasons for
asking why the newspapers existed. In order
of importance the raison d'etre of the average
paper seemed to consist of: (a.) profit-making;
(bi) increasing personal prestige; (c.) distribut-
ing and gathering news; and (d.) community
The decline of most newspapers can probably
be attributed primarily to the business office and



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
On The Court Bill
To the Editor:
In a recent editorial you suggest that the
filibuster is an undemocratic weapon for Roose-
velt's opposition to use against his proposal to
subvert the Supreme bench, that it is a denial
of the free exercise of the people's choice as it
should be expressed through their representa-
tives, that the people showed tacit agreement
with the President's designs in the overwhelming
majority they gave him lastNovember.
Is it possible that you believe this yourself?
Are you so politically naive as to think, even for
a moment, that Roosevelt's puppet show on-
Capitol Hill expresses the will of the people?
Would you care to defend before God and your
conscience the thesis that the people in voting
for a politician in November underwrote there-
by a scheme which lie didn't divulge until the
year following-and had expressly denied enter-
taining? Would you care to debate the legitimacy
of a filibuster in the Court issue with a keen
and unbiased analyst like Walter Lippmann, who
says that a filibuster against the Roosevelt plan
is not only justified, but demanded as a patriotic
The late Joseph Robinson was an able man.
You call him great. A truly great man would
have followed his conscience, no matter how the
whip cracked about his ears. It is regrettable
that others equally as able as Robinson are daily
selling themselves down river to a relentless and
self-centered taskmaster. It is even more re-
grettable that the most brazen effronteries of
the President and his Lewises and Farleys are
suffered quietly by the American people and
cheered by the diapered radicals enrolled in the
American universities.
-Charles A. Smith.
Peace Before Socialism
(From the N. Y. Herald Tribune)
DR. JESSE H. NEWLON, director of the Lin-
coln School of Teachers College, has told a
conference of school teachers that the greatest
hope of avoiding Fascism in this country lies in
a strong labor union movement. One can agree
with him, provided his definition of a strong
labor union movement means a thoroughly dis-
ciplined and responsible one. If, on the contrary,
he has in mind the CIO surge, then his argu-
ment is obviously ridiculous.
The CIO to date, as witness the vigilante
spirit it has aroused, has done more to promote
Fascism in this country than has any other
factor. Its control by an autocracy unaccount-
able to its membership, its violent, lawless meth-
ods and disregard of contractual obligations have
created a condition of anarchy dangerously sim-
ilar to that which in Italy provoked the march
of the Black Shirts on Rome.
To avoid Fascism, then, the most pressing
thingeat the moment is public control and reform
of the labor union movement as represented by
the policies and tactics of Mr. Lewis's organiza-
tion. This entails as the first step complete
revision of the Wagner act to bind labor equally
with the employer to the course of conduct which
today it prescribes only for the latter. It en-
tails such a supervision of union affairs that
neither the dictator nor the racketeer may take
charge, and such restrictions of the right to
strike that the right to work shall not be in-
fringed. Only a labor union movement subject
to restraints of the kind can remain safe for
IAs Others See It
To Avoid Fascism
To the Editor:
Inasmuch as I shall have left the University's
employ when you receive this letter, I should be
more than happy if you should publish my reason
for voting the Communist ticket last November.
You will recall that former Regent Murfin was

considerably exercised at hearing that something
like 10 Communist straw votes were cast on
this campus. Shortly before the election, in
order to avoid misunderstanding when asked
how I expected to vote, I prepared the follow-
ing statement, which I showed to all questioners:
"I expect to vote the Communist ticket in
November because I believe, as President Wilson
believed, and as Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, in 1920, that United
States membership in the League of Nations is
'the single paramount issue.' The Communist
platform, in its Section VIII, is the only platform

T SEEMS that when Dr. Victor Heiser was in
the Philippines he had a Dr. Turnipseed as-
sisting him as a quarantine officer. One morning
Dr. Turnipseed boarded a big ship from the Pa-
cific Coast, went to the bridge and knocked tim-
idly on the captain's door.
"Come in," commanded a gruff voice.
Turnipseed edged through the door and said
apologetically, "I am Dr. Turnipseed."
The reply was, "Well you haven't anything on
me I'm Captain Garlic."
-American Doctor's Odyssey.
* * * *
Education may be a rather botched job at
times, and at present some may even think that
it is doing more harm than good in the long run.
But we find that when regulations can't be en-
forced, when problems of intercourse become too
complex to be controlled by an administrative
body, that the way that the necessary rules
and regulations and habits are formulated and
held to among those needing such is by and
through the process of education. You will never
be able to force a nation not to drink, but you
may be able to teach them to drink moderately
or not at all. You may not be able to force them
to regard certain sanitary and preventative
measures, but you may be able to teach them
these. You may not be able to force through a
labor movement in one year, but you may be
able to educate labor to the responsibilities
and benefits to be gained from such.
Education is an evolutionary process, not rev-
olutionary, and necessarily so. As that is the
way that seems to wreck less havoc, and seems
to be the road to real and substantial progress.
The tragedy of man is that he has develope
an intelligence eager to uncover mysteries, but
not strong enough to penetrate them.
Having trouble with a key the other day we
started to wonder about the thousands of keys
that had to be taken care of on the campus year
in and out. So after a few inquiries we located
a Mr. Bruch of the B. and G. department over
in the storehouse back of the Health Service.
We found him to be a blue-grey eyed individual,
sandy haired, of a fairly sturdy build, and
of average height, probably between 30 and
35 years of age, not married.
Upon asking Bruch how he got into the bus-
iness of keys and locks he informed us that
his father was a contractor. Bruch therefore
being naturally interested in building hardware
along with the general contracting work drifted
into the hardware business with a now extinct
Ann Arbor hardware. This concern started to
take care of the University keys and continued
to do so for about eight or nine years, at which
time the University decided to take care of their
own keys. And what could be more natural
than to ask the man who had done this service
for them to continue it? (Probably lots of things).
But anyway Bruch thereupon became a B. and
G. man and remains so to this day.
It seems that about 99 per cent of Bruch's
work is with the cylinder type key. He modestly
denied that he knew any more about bit locks
than you or I. Now this cylinder type of lock
is the ordinary flat type key lock with which
we are all familiar. It seems that a little clylin-
der fits into each lock and turns with the key
when it is turned, if the key lifts all of the little
plungers in the cylinder to the proper level.
Most of the locks, cylinder type, are of the five
plunger variety, which plungers may be varied
five times, (Bruch claims to vary them 10 times
is too close to allow for real wear) thereby giving
a possible 3,125 variations for each "key way" or
groove variation on the key itself. And these key
ways may be varied by several dozen patterns.
Therefore you multiply 3,125 by several dozen you
receive the number of possible locks and keys.
(Don't forget there are also six plunger types of
cylinders, etc.)
Furtherinformation; all keys are worked from
an original grand master, most keys today are
made by the American Hardware Association.
All University keys have a seal on them and are
not supposed to be duplicated by other lock-
smiths, there is a very small loss of keys on
the campus. One should use a dry lubricant on
ordinary locks, loading and unloading the locks
takes real skill, it being easier however to take

the binges off the door or saw off the bolt, than
it is to pick a lock.
As a hobby man we find Bruch very active,
even though he really is genuinely interested in
the key business. He is now managing two soft
ball teams in Ann Arbor Leagues, one of which
is at the top of its league. They are both Elk
teams, Bruch being an ardent member. It seems
that he has played and umpired soft ball for
sometime and now manages these teams. We
were unable to ascertain which he lived to do
best. Altobether then Bruch keeps pretty busy.
He believes that hard work would solve a great
many of the present day problems and asked
us to write this down as much as possible.
Which do you like best?
The Big Shot who comes into a dining room
and with an air of complete dominance starts
ordering with a flourish, this and that, telling
all within gun shot that he prefers lobsters
a la newberg to lobster a la thumidor, and then
when exactly what he orders is brought to him
he doesn't even recognize it.
The professor who painstakingly orders a reg-
ular meal and then wishes an extra choice meat
substituted for the regular meat, and wishes an

Public Evenings at Angell hall Ob-7
servatory: The 10-inch refractor andt
the 15-inch reflector, located on the
fifth floor of Angell Hall, will beI
available for Summer Session stu-
dents from 8 to 10 p.m. on seven
evenings during the current session.
These evenings are:
Saturday, July 17.
Friday, July 23.
Friday, July 30.
Friday, August 6.
Friday, August 13.
Saturday, August 14.
On the first two and last two eve-
nings, the moon will be shown in bothr
telescopes; on the intervening three,
evenings Jupiter, Mars, and double
stars will be shown as available.
Take the elevator to the fifth floor
of Angell Hall. It is useless to come,
of course, on stormy evenings or
when the sky is entirely overcast;
limitations of space make it neces-
sary to restrict attendance to those
enrolled in the Summer Session.
In addition, the staff of the De-
partment of Astronomy will be at!
home to Summer Session visitorsl
from two to five p.m. on Thursday, ,
July 29 and Thursday, August 5, for;
the benefit of those who desire to in-
spect the apparatus in the Univer-
sity Observatory, located on East Ann,
Street, just in front of the University;
Swimming: The Physical Education
faculty is sponsoring an open swim-
Saturday evening from 8 until 9 p.m.
Both men and women students are
Students, - College of Engineering:
Saturday, July 17, will be the final
day for dropping a course in the
Summer Session without record.
Courses may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor in the:
A. 11. Lovell, Secy.
The Christian Student's Prayer in-
vites all students to attend its weekly
meetings held each Saturday at 7:30
p.m. at the Michigan League for
prayer, scripture reading and Chris-
tian fellowship. For room inquire at
Women Students in Department F:
All graduate and undergraduate
women students majoring in Depart-
ment F. course are cordially invited
to attend a supper at the Women's
Athletic Building on Saturday eve-
ning, July 17 at 6:30 p.m. Reserva-
tions must be made by Friday eve-
ning at Barbour gymnasium.

Presbyterian a n d Congerational
Churches to be held at the Congre-
gational Church, corner of State and
William Streets. The Rev. Ray A.
susden, pastor of the Eliot Congre-
gational Church of Newton, Mass.,
will preach. His subject will be "The
;et of the Mind."
10:45 a.m., Nursey and Church
Christian Student's Prayer group
invites all students to attend its
School in the Church basement.
5:45 p.m., Round table Conference
for students. The subject for dis-
cussion will be "Our Economic Mud-
dle." This is the fourth of a series
on "Vital Religiou Issues." Dr. W. P.
Lemon will preside. The price of the
supper is 15 cents.
7:45 p.m., Interdenominational
Service at the Congregational
Church. Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys
will speak on the topic "A Professor
Looks at the Bible."
Episcopal Student Fellowship:
There will, be a meeting for Epis-
copal Summer School students and
their friends at Loch Alpine Sun-
day evening. Cars will leave St.
Andrews Episcopal Church, 306 N.
Division Street, at 5 o'clock. A pic-
nic supper will be served at a small
cost. Swimming and basebll are a.
scheduled part of the program.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. holy communion, 11 a.m., morn-
ing prayer and sermon by The Rev.
Frederick W. Leech.
Stalker Hall: Students, class at
9:30 a.m. Prof. George Crrothers,
leader. We will discuss the book
"Chuch and Society" by F. Ernest
Weslyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
the Bible."
First Methodist Church: Morning;
worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares will speak on the subject "To
the Lost."
Lutheran Students will meet Sun-
day evening in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall at 6 o'clock. Several students
who are members of faculties of Lu-
theran Colleges will lead a discussion
on "The Place of the Lutheran Col-
lege in Modern Education." All Lu-
thern students are invited. Due to the
illness of Mrs. E. C. Stellhorn the
meeting will be held at the Parish
Hall instead of the Stellhourn home
as planned.
Services will be held in Zion Lu-
theran Church at 10:30 with sermon
by the pastor, The Rev. Ernest Stell-
Services in Trinity Litheran

First Church of Christ, Scentist,
409 South Division Street.
Morning service 10:30 a.m.
Subject: "Life."
Golden text: Luke 20:37, 38,
Responsive Reading: Psalms 65:1-
5; 66:1-9 Sunday School 11:45 after
morning service.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 18, at
Lane Hall where cars will take them
to Saline Valley Farms for swimming
and a picnic supper. Those having
cars are urged to bring them. All
graduate students are cordially in-
There will be a mass meeting of all
public health 'nurses enrolled in the
School of- Education and the Grad-
uate School on Monday, July 19 at 4
p.m. in the West Amphitheatre of
the West Medical Building.
Barbara H. Brtlett.
The Mens and Womens Education
Clubs will meet jointly with the 8th
annual Summer Education Confer-
ence in the Michigan Union Ball-
room Monday, July 19 at 7:15 p.m.
John L. Brumm, chairman of the
Department of Journalism, will be
the speaker. All students interested
in Education are cordially invited.
Deutscher Verein: A meeting will
be held at the League, in the Grand
Rapids Room, on Monday, July 19, at
at 8:15 p.m. A program of magic will
be followed by group singing and sev-
eral numbers by a quartette. Every-
(Continued on Page 4)
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only 11c per reading
line for one or two insertions. 0c per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 1x
FOR RENT: Desirable single rooni
for University girl or business
woman. 220 S. Thayer. Apt. 3.
Phone 2-1225. 633
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phonle
5244. Reasonable rates. 632

First Presbyterian
a.m., Summer Union

Church: 10:45
Service of the


A Good
1. Joins a local University of Michigan Club.
There are 150 of these Clubs in all parts of the world.
They have their social programs- and they initiate activ-
ities for the benefit of their members, their cornmunities
and their University.
2. Concerns himself with his Class Organhizdtion.
Every Alumni Class has its officers and its program.
A Reunion is held once every five years on the Campus.
3. Reads the Michigan Alumnus.
The magazine is issued 26 times each year and is the chief
liaison agency between the University and its Alumni.

4. Rembrs-always, that he isA Michi an Max.,


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