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July 17, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-07-17

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The Weather
Cloudy, possible rains today;
tomorrow fair and warmer.

C, 4r

lfilfr iga


Your Last Chance
To Help .. .
Newspapers And
Community Service..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Main Armies
Nearing Fight
In ChinaaWar
Crack Nanking Regiments
Believed Moving North
To Meet Japanese
Fear Major Battle
After Movements
NEIPING, July 16.-(/P)-The main
armies of the Empire of Japan and
the Central Government of China to-
night appeared abo.t to be drawn
ito the vortex of the North China
conflict, hitherto confined to local
Dispatches indicating that trops
of the central Chinese regime, thus
far not involved, were moving north
to meet the Japanese reached high
foreign officials.
Troops Moving In
"More than one" of Nanking's
crack, German-trained divisions was
said to have reached the vicinity of
Paotingfu, 90 miles southwest of Peip-
ing by rail.
This was received by northern Chi-
krese as the first trustworthy evidence
that forces belonging to Nanking
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek were
coming north to oppose what the
Chinese say is Japan's purpose to
sever the northern provinces from the
rest of China.
Hitherto Peiping Chinese have paid
little-attention to Nanking statements
that six of its divisions were "stand-
ing by in north China."
Foreign observers said the approach
of Nanking divisions might prove the
provocation they believed the Jap-
anese are awaiting to launch major
warlike operations.
Japanese On Way
Troops from Japan's homeland di-
visions are known to be on the way
'to China. Reliable reports from Ti-
entsin said preparations were being
made at Tangshan, railway town 70
miles northeast of Tientsin, to receive
a Japanese army corps from Korea.
(Japanese forces in Korea normally
are limited to two divisions, but more
from the homeland may have been
moved into that Japanese colony since
the crisis began.)
(At Nanking a government spokes-
man said China had "unimpeachable
information" that five Japanese di-
visions, "totalling 100,000 men," were
on the way to China. He named the
divisions, but his total appeared high,
since a Japanese division even at full
war strength is about 15,000 men).
In the series of clashes, which
began about 10 miles west of Peiping
July 7, only men of Japan's North
China garrison and the Chinese 29th
Army have been involved. The 29th
army, with two divisions in the Pei-
ping area, is only nominally subject
to Nanking's orders.
Local clashes today and yesterday
between small Chinese groups and
Japanese moving by railway and
roadway to concentrations around
Peiping emphasized the prospect of
much larger operations.
Peace Sought
By Hull Reply
Claims American Interests
Involved By Any Conflict
Between Two Nations
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(P)--
Secretary of State Cordell Hull sought

tonight, by moral suasion, to prevent
further hostilities between Japan and
Carefully refraining from mention-
ing either nation by name, he called
for "international self-restraint;" for
"abstinence by all nations from the
use of force in pursuit of policy and
from interference in the affairs of
other nations."
He let it be known that this coun-
try would consider its interests or
obligations involved in any serious
hostilities which may develop between
Japan and China.
Hull refrained, however, from com-
mitting the United States to action
requested today by the Chinese gov-
ernment against the reported massing
of Japanese troops in North China.
Dr. C. T. Wang, the Chinese am-
bassador, had advised the state de-
partment chief that his government
wants action by the United States
and other signatories of the nine-
power treaty of 1922.
The treaty pledges the contracting

Loyalists Repulse Rebel Attacks,
Government Tightens Discipline
MADRID, July 16.-(/P)-Govern- I VALENCIA, July 16.-The Span-
ment forces repulsed three insurgent ish government took steps today to
attacks, supported by many tanks, maintain discipline in its territory
in severe fighting today near the
village of Villafranca Del Castillo, 12 and tighten its control over produc-
miles northwest of Madrid, military tion of raw materials, as well as com-
reports said tonight. merce and industry generally.

Sale Of Tags Smithers Lost
For First Day I With'37 Grid
Brings $536, Practice Near


Today's Drive Is Expected
To Better Last Year's
Total By Good Margin

Follows Jordan As Second
Permanent Loss; Season
Two Months Off

The conflict in the sector was con-
tinuing at a late hour.
In the Ciempozuelos sector, 25
miles south of Madrid, government
forces said they had consolidated po-
sitions captured at the beginning of
their offensive after crossing the Ja-
rama River.
Fliers reconnoitered areas in the
insurgent rear, officials said, and
>ombed several airdromes and rail-
road stations.
Bombs were dropped on an insur-
gent airdrome north of Toledo, an-
other near Arenas De San Pedro and
a third south of Aranda De Duero. A
fourth southwest of Sepulveda and a
fifth south of Avila also were re-
ported bombed.
The government said- all its planes
returned from their missions un-
Railroad stations at Segovia and
Santa Eulalia were bombed.
Insurgent aviation likewise was
active, attacking Madrid airdromes.
Petersen Sees
Hittite Tongue
First Recorded
Ancient Language Belongs
To Indo-European Set;
Unique InGroup
Why does Hittite exhibition pecul-
iarities that make it unique among
Indo-European languages?
The answer to this question, which
is of interest to language scholars be-
cause of to fact that Hittite, an early
language of Asia Minor, is one of
the first recorded tongues of the lin-
guistic family including English,
French, and Greek, was presented
last night by Professor Walter Peter-
sen of the University of Chicago, ap-
pearing as guest speaker on the sum-
mer lecture series of the Linguistic
In discussing "Hittite and the Sub-
stratum Theory," Dr. Petersen men-
tioned several hypotheses that prev-
iously have been advanced to account
for the characteristics that make Hit-
tite unique in its group. His dis -
missed as unsound the nation that
all the changes occurred spontane-
ously, and similarly discounted other
explanations, including the one re-
cently dominant, that Hittite separ-
ated from the Indo-European group
before other languages did, and thus
retained archaisms which the others
In their place Professor Petersen
advancedthe theory that at least a
chief factor in producing Hittite's
peculiarities was a linguistic substra-
tum. In other words, he explained,
Hittite is different because it was af-
fected by the language of a conquered
people who were forced to speak it
as the tongue of their conquerors.
As illustration of the frequency of
this effect in linguistic history, Dr.
Petersen cited a number of examples
in both Asiatic and European lan-
guages, mentioning especially the ef-
fect of the Norman-French influence
upon English and of the Celtic influ-
ence upon French. He pointed also
to the familiar cases of dialect islands
in this country where in immigration
communities a population of Swedes,
Germans, Poles, or others speak an
English strongly contaminated by the
immigrants' original language.
A variety of specific arguments
were adduced by Professor Petersen
in maintaining his thesis, to not all of
which, he admitted, would he give
equal credence. His first contention
was that Hittite reveals sound
(Continued on Page 4)
Name Former Dean

Dentists' President
Members of the American Dental
Association, meeting in Atlantic
City, have named Dr. Marcus 'L
Ward, former dean of the School of
dentistry, as president-elect, it was
learned yesterday.
Dr. Marcus, who holds the Jona-
thon Taft professorship, will assume
his new duties a year from now. Ac-
tive in advising on matters concern-

It issued a decree authorizing the
ministry of finance to acquire raw
materials used in the production of
goods for export. The manner and
extent of such acquisition were not
immediately made public, but the
measure provided that it be made at
centers of production.
Rearguard battalions composed of
soldiers over 30, with at least threei
months combat service and physical-C
ly unable to continue at the front,
will be enlisted now by the govern-'e
ment to aid in maintenance of disci- C
pline. Two battalions will be sta-r
tioned in each of the larger provinces
and one in each of the smaller. 5
The defense ministry provisionally
assigned courts of three provincess
whose capitals are in insurgent terri-5
tory to capitals of other provinces forr
military administrative purposes.
Badajoz and the court of CordobaI
will be administered from Ciudad
Real and courts at Jaen and Granada 1
from Almeria.
NLRB Chargesr
Republic Steel
Violated Lawss
WASHINGTON, July 16.---The r
Labor Relations Board stepped into5
the steel strike today, accusing the A
Republic Steel Corporation of violat-t
ing the Wagner Act in its Ohio plants.
The board's complaint, issued after I
John L. Lewis' Steel Workers' Or-
ganizing Committee had asked for ant
investigation, charged the company
or its agents with:
(1) Locking out employes in Can-
ton and Massillon, Ohio. .
(2) Discharging 75 for union activ-
(3) Threatening employes with dis-
charge of lay-off for union activity.
(4) Refusing to rehire certain em-
ployes because of their participation
in the strike.
(5) Dominating and contributing
financial support to local labor or-
(6) Trailing and beating up union
organizers before the strike started.
(7) Increasing the company police
force and using this force to inter-
fere with peaceful picketing.
(8) Maintenance of arsenals "for
the purpose of interfering with, re-
straining and coercing its employes at
said plants in the exercise of their
right to self-organization."
(9) Promoting "back - to - work"
movements during the strike.
(10) Interfering with peaceful
The board ordered a hearing on
these charges next Wednesday and
arranged to use the large auditorium
in the public health building instead
of its regular hearing room.
65 Leave On
Excursion To
Niagara Falls
Sixty-five students and two faculty
members left yesterday for the Sum-
mer Session's excursion to Niagara
Falls. They will return Monday
Prof. Fred M. Bullard, visiting lec-
turer in geology from the University
of Texas, and Prof. Louis J. Rouse
of the mathematics department are
the faculty members making the tour.
The main features of the excursion
will be a view of the illumination of
the Falls, a trip by bus on both sides
of the Gorge for 14 miles, a tour of
Goat Island between the American
and Canadian Falls, a descent into
the Cave of the Winds, a ride on the
Maid of the Mist and a possible air-
plane flight over the Gorge.
Search For Amelia

Moves Northward!
HONOLULU, July 16.- (IP) -- A
study of equatorial winds and cur-
rents sent naval aviators farther
northward today in the closing phase
of their south seas search for Amelia;
Forty-two planes again left the air-
craft carrier Lexington west of How-
land Island to explore 28,000 square
miles along either side of the inter-

320 Boys Will Go Michigan Is Left
To Camp This Year Without Wingbacks
The annual summer Tag Day to so- By CLAYTON HEPLER
icit contributions for the Fresh Air Johnny Smithers, regular wingback
Camp continues today when young- on the Varsity football team who was
sters comb the downtown area in an
effort to raise enough money so 160 looking forward to the Fall campaign
other boys will not be disappointed as the climaxing period of his career,
next month. has been asked to withdraw from

Strikes At A Glance
CHICAGO-Coroncr's jury sees
strike riot motion pictures, hears
photographers testify battle was
started "undoubtedly by rocks
thrown into police lines"; nation-
1 labor board closes case against
Inland Steel; company begins
WASHINGTON.-Labor board
files 10-count charge against Re-
public Steel charge, sets hearing
for July 21; national mediation
board steps into disagreement
over rail workers wage boost de-
mand; Secretary Morgenthau says
use of coast guard unjustified in
seamen's strike.
DETROIT.-News men tell la-
bor board hearing on Ford Motor
Co. charges company official did
not approve any organization of
restrains "checkoff" as provided in
textile workers contret with Marl-
boro Mills.
NEW YORK.-Two mile protec-
tive zone of police established in
shipyard strike.
PITTSBURGH. - Flat glass
workers convention awaits move
to oust federation president;
union ruling for reporters with-
drwn, newspapers resume cover-
age of meeting.
against Hershey Chocolate Corp.,
scene of sit-down strike disorder,l
filed with National Labor Board.

Truck Drivers'
Strike Ended,
2 Dynarniters
Are Convicted
Ford Employe, On Stand,
Tells Of Instructions In
( Dearborn Riot

In the campaign on the campus

yesterday, three-score campers col-
lected $536.80. Today's final drive
should bring the total far above last
year's when $650 was the sum gar-
nered in two days.
Now in its 17th year, the Fresh
Air Camp has made a few weeks of
camping possible for more than 6,000
boys in the Ann Arbor and Detroit
districts. This summer 320 boys
have been selected by cooperating
agencies to attend the camp for one
month. The camp is entirely sup-
ported by donations.
Breakfast for the 60 campers par-
ticipating in the Tag Day fund drive
was supplied yesterday by the Union'
and League, who will repeat that
ervice when a contingent arrives
rom Patterson Lake to augment the
number already here. Lunches were
supplied by various inerchnts. The
Michigan Theatre treated the boys to
the feature picture.
The goal of this year's summer
drive is $2,500-higher than in pre-
vious years because of higher food
costs, acco'ding to George G. Alder,
director of the camp.
Camp officials are also seeking
funds to construct a "health cot-
tage secluded from the camp proper,
for boys who require much quiet
and rest.
British Believe
Impasse Ended
Over Neutrality
English Plan For Isolation
Of Spanish War Taken
As 'Discussion Basis
LONDON, July 16.-()-British
officials tonight declared their be-
lief the long deadlock over Europ-
ean neutrality in the Spanish civil
war had been broken.
After Britain's new plan for isolat-
ing the conflict had been presented
to the 27-nations non-intervention
committee, British spokesmen said
all members of the committee had ac-
cepted it as a "basis for discussion."
A subcommittee will consider de-
tails of the plan Tuesday..
The plan calls for withdrawal of
foreign volunteers from Spain, dis-
solution of the neutral naval patrol,
establishment of a system of neutr
observers on supply ships entering
Spanish waters, and granting "lim-
ited" belligerent rights to Spain's
warring factions.
"A week ago the principal powers
were at odds completely, but now the
outlook is highly satisfactory," a
British spokesman declared.
France, Italy and Germany wer
reported to have accepted the pro-
gram with reservations, which eac2
said must be "fully discussed" before
a final agreement is concluded
Ivan Maisky, Russian ambassador
and Moiseyevitch Kagan, Soviet rep-
resentative on the committee, indi-
cated they will object vigorously tc
many points in the British plan.
"Our opposition will be disclosec
to the subcommittee next Tuesday,'
Maisky said when he left the meeting
Although the proposal was regard-
ed as acceptable as a basis for dis-
cussion, the critical question was
whether the Italian-German anc
French-Russian viewpoints can b
T h e French cabinet decide
Charles Corbin, French ambassado
to London, should insist on "substan-
tial" progress in setting up control o:
Spain's ports and withdrawal of for-
eign fighters before granting the in
surgents belligerent rights.
It was thought that Germany an
Italy, who already have recognize
the insurgent junta as the de fact
government of Spain, would wan
such rights accorded immediately

school because of scholastic deficien-
cies, it was learned yesterday. I
He is the second of the major grid
casualties the 1937 team has suffered
with the season still two months off.
John Jordan, 220-pound center who
alternated at center with Captain
Joe Rinaldi, is the other permanent
No Wmigbacks Left
Smithers' ineligibility is more than!
just the loss of a regular to Coach
Harry Kipke, however, as the Mich-
igan mentor is now left without a
wingback. Two of the freshmen
blocking halfbacks, August Fabyan
and Joe Goldberg, are definitely out
while another yearling Milo Sukup,
is in summer school making an at-
tempt to regain his standing. Ed.
Phillips, number one substitute for
Smithers last year, is in one of the
,University's summer camps with an
outside chance of making his grades.
Which leaves Michigan's grid pros-
pects again in a state of confusion.
Probable filler of Smithe s' shoes, at
this writing, is Bob Cooper, who
played tailbacklast year in the few
games he saw action. A pre-season
shoulder injury kept him on the
bench after he had showed promise
as a quarterback in his first year of
History Trips Smithers
Two "D's" in history courses, re-
ceived at the conclusion of the first
semester of the past school year,
proved to be Smithers' downfall. Ac-
cording to the ruling, a student must
complete his first 60 hours of work
with as many honor points as hours,
or a "C" average, and in the event
he fails to do so, he has one more
semester to make up his grades.
It was up to Smithers to bring up
his grades during the Spring semes-
ter, and although his marks were
sufficient to keep him eligible for the
Lbaseball team, they were not high
enough to put him back into the good
graces of the faculty. His final stand-
ing in June showed 81 hours and 76
honor points.

-I l

Rumors Are Blamed
By Fired Schoolmarm


SAUGUS, Mass., July 16.-(IP)--A
pretty young schoolmarm tonight
challenged "any one in town" to
prove the "malicious rumors" she
claimed led to the school committee's
refusal to reappoint her.
Miss Isabelle Hallin, 26-year old
English instructor, shouted her de-
nials at more than 500 townsfolk, who
ov-rwhelmingly favored a resolution
seeking her reinstatement.
Earlier she had denied rumors she
served cocktails at a high school
play rehearsal.
Roosevelt Not
Interfering In
. I
Senate .battle
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(P)-
I President Roosevelt sought to make
plain today that he is playing no
favorites in the hot conflict over the
selection of a Senate Majority Leader
to succeed the late Joseph T. Robin-
He called in Senator Harrison
(Dem., Miss.), one of the candidates
and after the conference Harrison
said he had received assurances the
Chief Executive is not taking sides.
Harrison, backed generally by
Democrats who have opposed the
President's court reorganization bill,
is running again Senator Barkley
(Dem., Ky.), who served as assistant
leader under Senator Robinson.
The Chief Executive's assurances to
Harrison followed a letter written, to
Barkley addressing him as "Dear Al-!

3-Day Meeting
O £ Educators
Opens Monday
Students And Faculty Are
Invited To 8th Annual1
Summer Conference'
All instructors and students in the
Summer Session are invited to at-
tend the eighth annual summer ed-
ucation conference to be held from<
Monday through Wednesday in the
The three day conference will dis-
cuss "The Implications for Michigan
Education of the Work of the Educa-
tional Policies Commission."
Among the speakers that will ap-
pear at the conferenceeare Dean
James B. Edmonson, of the School of
Education, Dr. William G. Carr, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Educational
Policies Commission, Dr. Eugene B.
Elliott, State Superintendent of Pub-
lie Instruction, Prof. John L. Brumm
of the journalism department and
Prof. Gerge E. Carrothers of the
School of Education.
Other speakers on the program are
Dr. A. J. Phillips, executive secre-
tary of the Michigan Education As-
sociation, Harley W. Holmes, presi-
dent of the Michigan Education As-
sociation, Dean Clarence S. Yoakum
of the graduate school, Prof. Mowat
G. Fraser of the education school,
Dr. Dennis H. Cooke of the George
Peabody College for Teachers, in
Nashville, Tenn., Prof. L. W. Keeler
of the education school, Dr. Paul T.
Rankin of the Detroit public schools
and Dr. Henry J. Otto of the W. G.
Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek.
Still others scheduled to speak are
Carl M. Horn, president of the Mich-
igan Education Association's depart-
ment of school superintendents, Dr.
H. L. Turner, director of teacher
training at Michigan State Normal
College, S. M. Brownwell, superin-
tendent of Grosse Pointe schools,
and Dr. George A. Rice of the Univer-
sity of California.
The first session will be held at
2:15 p.m. Monday and the last at 2:15
p.m. Wednesday. Conferences will
take place each morning and after-
noon except Monday, when they will
be-held in the afternoon and evening.
All meetings will be in the Union.
CHICAGO, July 16.-(P)-A
coroner's jury saw motion pic-
tures of the Memorial Day steel
strike riot today and heard the
photographer, Orlando Lippert,
testify "the rioting was un-
doubtedly precipitated by rocks
thrown into police lines by the
Lippert gave his testimony in
a Paramout screening room,
at standard speed, in slow mo-
just before the film was run off
tion and as still pictures, His
testimony was a surprise, inas-

NLRB Hears Story
Of Company Union
DETROIT, July 16.-(iP)-A 30-day
ruce in the strike of Michigan's in-
erstate union truck drivers, during
which time workers and operators
will negotiate, was announced to-
R. J. Bennett, spokesman for the
International Brotherhood of Team-
sters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen and
Helpers, said the truce was arranged
in telephone conversations with rep-
resentatives of trucking operators in
the sate.
He said the union's embargo on
certain types of shipping would be
lifted immediately. Conferences be-
tween the union men and th ship-
pers, Bennett added, probably will
begin tomorrow.
"The union feels that the public
and the shippers have suffered
enough," Bennett said. "We have
showed tht the state can be tied up.
Now we are going to work this out
The operators made no immediate
comment on the truce.
tk few hours before it was effected
Michigan's labor commissioner had
been asked to intervene in the strike,
affecting between 3,000 and 8,000
L'ANSE, Mich., July 16.--('P)-At a
special session of Baraga County cir-
cuit Court here today, Ero Maki, one
of a group of woods workers on strike
in the Upper Peninsula, pleaded guilty
to dynamiting bridges and privat
property, and was sentenced by Judge
John G. Stone, of Houghton, to serve
10 to 25 years in the Marquette
Branch Prison.
Lawrence Kantela, another striker
who pleaded guilty to the same charge
was sentenced to. serve two to four
years in the Marquette prison.
Justice Price today ordered tie $1,-
000 bond of Eugene Saari, alias Eu-
gene Island, arrested a few weeks ago
for resisting an officer, forfeited when
Saari failed to appear in court.
Maki was arrested Tuesday in Iron
River by Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Seavoy
and Trooper Scholander, of the Mich-
igan State Police, following the dy-
namiting Saturday night of two
bridges leading to strike-bound camps
and equipment at the Emblad camp.
Kantela was arrested in Covington
by Sheriff Meador Seavoy and Cor-
poral Merle Peck, of the State Police,
because he was said to have been
implicated in the dynamiting.
The dynamiting of the bridges fol-
lowed the firing of the Emblad Camp
earlier Saturday night. The fire was
extinguished by the camp cook and
(Continued on Page 4)
Mae West's Kiss
Enough For Judge,
Even If In 1911
LOS ANGELES, July 16.-()-
Mae West officially was declare a
"kissing bridge" today-Mrs. Frank
The New York dancer's suit to
prove he had married Miss West in
Milwaukee in 1911 and she had lived
as his wife was upheld by Superior
Judge Robert W. Kenny. The jurist
also ordered the actress to pay the
costs of the suit.
In a move by her counsel, Charles
E. Milliken, Miss West admitted she
was a "kissing bride" and her denial
that she ever had lived with Wallace
as his wife was ordered stricken from
her answer.
The court also ordered stricken the
actress' charge that Wallace had
married Ray Blakeley in 1916 and was
divorced from he r in 1935, while still
married to Miss West.
Attorneys Avery M. Blount and
Betty B. Gillette, representing Wal-

lace, protested "we are not ready to
terminate these proceedings,
Report Patient Missing
At Adjustment Institute
Donald Riker, 19 years old, who


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