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August 05, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-05

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large extent the standards of enforcement that
are to prevail throughout the state. In many
instances they act as a check on the efficiency
of local officers in the enforcement of state and
national laws.
Because they are a state organization, the
state police have the resources to solve difficult
cases with a thoroughness and epediency im-
possible with the limited facilities of local de-
partments. In addition, they have the power;
necessary to the proper handling of cases whicl
include the territory of several local enforcement
A distinctly high type of individual must com-
pose the personnel of the department if it
is to fulfill its potentialities and maintain the
high standards set for it. With the return of
greater prosperity in the business world, it is
apparent that men of the necessary caliber can-
not be induced to join the service by the present
salary level.
According to the prevailing wage scale, a re-
cruit in school is paid $10 a month and is housed
and fed. When and if accepted as a trooper,
he is paid $60 a month for the first six months
and $75 forthe second six months. His second
year calls for $90 a month. The third year he
gets $1,200. A trooper the fourth year reaches
the maximum salary of $1,300 for that rank.
A junior sergeant is paid $1,600 to $1,700, senior
sergeant, $1,800 to $2,000, a lieutenant $2,100
to $2,300, a captain $2,400 to $2,500 and super-
intendent $2,900.
The state will lose in two ways if the wages
of state police are not adjusted to conform with
those prevailing in business and industry. First,
it will suffer because of the inability of the
service to attract a high type of recruit to its
ranks, and second, it will lose because the men
already in the service, who have been trained for
their jobs at considerable expense to the state,
will leave to accept other positions. The result
of this is to make the department of public
safety in effect a school for the training of the
personnel of city and industrial police depart-
ments. Since January 1, according to Commis-
sioner Olander, nine troopers have resigned to
accept more lucrative positions and six others
are soon to leave for other positions in police
Higher wages for state troopers thus are
necessary not only for tle maintenance of high
standards in the department, but as a, means
of retaining the money which has been invested
in the training of the present troopers.

On The Level
going strong and the machines at American
Broach and Machine Company are as quiet as
an unprepared lawyer. If it keeps going much
longer we might suggest a way out to the man-
agement. The method is guaranteed to at least
get the men off the factory premises after work-
ing hours if it doesn't settle the entire affair.
At least that's the way it worked out recently in
a western city.
All the manager need do is throw a huge party
for his workers. Liquor, beer, cigars, and women
entertainers are taken
to the plant where the
c men are sitting. Pho-
tographers and report-
ers are likewise invited
to the brawl. Then the
Nnext day, pictures ap-
pear in the town news-
papers showing Joe
Gulch holding a dancer
named Dawn Je Leur
on his lap, or showing the entire batch of work-
ers frolicking with the entertainers and having
the time of their lives. The wives and sweet-
hearts of the sit-downers see the pictures. They
worry about what their affiliated males are do-
ing. They talk over back fences, and finally go
in a body and drag their husbands home. The
psychology is sound, but the expense of the
party might cost the firm more than the strike.
* * * *
[HE "PEST HOUSE" or Contagious Ward of
the University Hospital handled a problem
very neatly Monday. Joe Mattes, who was city
editor of The Daily until his recent contraction of
scarlet fever, needed a bit of mazuma for sundry
articles such as newspapers and. Olie Bergelin.
A check was waiting for Joe's endorsement, but
since he was in the contaminating atmosphere
of the pest-house room and everything he touched
had to be fumigated, Olie and the entire Sigma
Phi house were wondering just how they could get
his signature without waiting three days for the
fumigating process.
Finally the nurse taking care of Joe solved the
matter by covering the entire check with paper
toweling, leaving' only a quarter of an inch at
the top back for the signature. Thus Joe man-
aged to sign away his present fortune without
spreading his present affliction. Now Joe is even
more in the "red."
F ROM Southern Methodist University comes
the following story about a freshman who
is a delight to the heart and soul of all freshman
joke writers. The freshman cut a math class.
At the next meeting of the class, the professor
glared at him and demanded to know the reason
for the unexcused absence.
"I have a gym class just before this class,"
glibly explained the frosh, "And I was in such
a hurry to get dressed in time that I shoved my
foot through the seat of my pants."

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Public Health Nursing Certificate: Toledo. Ohio, will give a graduation
Students expecting to receive the recital in partial fulfillment of the
Certificate in Public Health Nursing requirements for the Master of Mu-1
at the close of the Summer Session sic degree, Thursday evening, Aug.
must make application at the office 5, at 8:30 p.m. in the School of Music
of the School of Education, 1437 Auditorium. The general public is


cordially invited to attend.

class. Please leave your name in
Room 12, University Hall, or call Ex-
tension 673, or meet the class at the
school about 11:30 a.m.
Graduate Students who have al-
ready consulted with me concerning
the foreign language requirement for
the doctorate and who wish to make
definite appointments to take exam-
.nations during the last three weeks
of the Summer Session are requested
to call at or telephone to my office,
Room 3 E.H., telephone 570 on Thurs-
day of this week promptly at 9 a.m.
or at 4 p.m.
A. O. Lee.
The class in School Administration,
B 249, is planning to visit the Lin-
coln Consolidated School seven miles
beyond Ypsilanti, Thursday, Aug. 5,
leaving Ann Arbor at 11 a.m. Any
other students especially those from
(Continued on Page 3)

Linguistic Luncheon Conference: The class in School Administration,
Dr. Pierre Delattre of Wayne Univer- B 249, is planning to visit the Lincoln
sity will discuss "Investigating Vowel Consolidated School seven miles be-
Length in French" at 1 p.m. today at yond Ypsilanti, Thursday, Aug. 5,
the Michigan Union. Persons in- leaving Ann Arbor at 11 a.m. Any
terested are invited to attend also the other students, especially those from
Institute luncheon at 12:10 p.m. foreign countries, who would like toj
----see a first-class consolidated school
At the 5 o'clock lecture today in plant are invited to join with this
Natural Science Auditorium, Prof. W.
Carl Rufus will speak on "Korean
Astronomy and Civilization." g

"New Ideals Respecting Community
Plan and Recreation" will be the lec-
ture given by Elmer D. Mitchell, As-
sociate Professor of Physical Educa-
tion, at 4:05 p.m. today in the
University High School Auditorium.
Cercle Francais: Last meeting thisl
evening at the Foyer (Thursday, Aug..
5) at 8 p.m. Musical program to be
presented by Miss Alice Horner, pi-
anist, and Miss Virginia Moore, so-
prano. Refreshments. All members
are urged to attend. Members who
desire to attend the banquet on Aug.
12 are requested to communicate
with the secretary, Mr. Woodward, as
soon as possible.
Baseball games in the University
League will be played today at 4 p.m.,
inside Ferry Field, between: Cards
vs. Chemists; Yankees vs. Faculty.
The Cubs have an open date. Mem-
bers of teams who are not playing to-
day are invited to come down for in-

I l ~>a~iiu ljwl ig,'j

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only llc per reading
line for one or two insertions. loc per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five averagemwords to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
SINGLE ROOM for freshman. Must
be nicely furnished and large. Also
in good residential district. State
rental. Sidney Wagner, 2931 John
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FOR SALE: '29 Buick coupe. Good
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Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles
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)rmal games.
Piano Recital: Miss Marion Wood,





Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
rejecttletters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
A Wayward Son Speaks
To the Editor :
The recent, death of a prominent and popular
student came as a shock to those of us who
were his friends, but the information that his
sole aid for the first nine days after contracting
an acute infectious disease came through a pro-
minent faith-healing religious cult, that medical
help was granted him not until a few days before
the end, adds an element of tragedy.
Since the beginnings of Eddyism, misnamed
Christian Science, in Massachusetts about 1877,
the followers of the thrice-married Discoverer
and Founder Eddy (who proclaimed complete
celibacy the only worthy spiritual state) have
been, as "adherents of Truth," taking "the in-
spired word of the Bible as (their) sufficient
guide to Eternal Life." The group now en-
compasses the globe, holding four thousand or
more churches in all inhabitable regions, sup-
porting ten thousand "Practitioners" (Los An-
geles' quota 530) who aid the Flock in combatting
the testimonies of the material senses ai'd Mor-s
tal Mind, the latter being "Nothing claiming to
be something, for Mind is immortal," according
to Science and Health Glossary.
Official publications, in English, Danish, Dutch,
French, German, Norwegian and Swedish, fur-
nish the entire reading matter in thousands of
homes. The conservative, non-crime-news and
rabidly dry Christian Science Monitor, deserving
its recognition as the finest of international
newspapers, its journalism unsurpassed, was
founded to dynamite the rocks of prejudice from
the world to open the way for the stream of
Truth, but an unfortunate name given it by old
Mrs. Eddy at 87 (age being purely a mental state)
has largely restricted its circulation to libraries
and Christian Scientists.
Proceeding from the Biblical tale of creation
in Genesis, Mrs. Eddy's Science and Health sets
forth in the chapter "Genesis" that since God
created heaven, earth, vegetation, animal life,
etc., and that they were all seen to be good,
that anything apparently not good must logically
be unreal, fictitious. And since "God created
man in His own image," everything was in reality
perfect. Eddyism is based on the idea that
everything non-Spiritual is non-existent, that
not only are all apparent material ills false,
but all materiality in general is purely imaginary.
God is defined (Science and Health Glossary)
as "The great I Am; the all-knowing, all-seeing,
all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Prin-
ciple; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all sub-
stance; intelligence." In case that this defini-
tion leaves the reader a bit uncertain, he can be
enlightened by turning back to the definition of
"I Am" which is "God, incorporeal and eternal
Mind; divine Principle; the only Ego." Other
terms used in the first quoted definition may be
found defined with similar duplicatory phrases.
"Christian Science" has undeniably been a
vital tonic to many souls in need of a superna-
tural stimulant for their mental well-being, and
the cult would be quite harmless if it did not

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"Accent On Youth," a comedy by Samson Ra-
phaelson. Presented by the Michigan Repertory
Players in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Directed
by Valentine B. Windt.
Mr. Windt turned over the production of this
fast and easy comedy to the old hands on his
acting crew and they have made out a reasonably
amusing little piece of entertainment of it.
Raphaelson's play is agile and smooth in the
orthodox Design for Living manner, often hilar-
ious and occasionally a trifle boring. It is,
in fact, right down the center groove of good light
com'edy, standard in its humor, its heavy relief,
its situations and even its originality.
Frederic Crandall played his role, which was
that of Steven .Gaye, middle-aged playwright,
with finesse. Sarah Pierce, Charles Harrell,
Ralph Bell, Virginia Frink Harrell and Richard
Orr played their parts with finesse. Claribel
Baird, in a smaller role, also played her part
with finesse. In fact, if there is one thing the
cast had, always considering, of course, the fact
that it is a non-professional cast, it was finesse.
As a matter of fact, Richard Orr really deserves
a rather special mention for his interpretation of
Flogdell, the butler. Stage butlers have been
written and played in every conceivable man-
ner, and about all the humor in them has been
exploited long before this. But Flogdell, as Mr.
Orr played him, was both fresh and comical.
There were enough funny lines in the show,
but by far the most appreciated by the local audi-
ences is certain to be the reference to Princeton
in the last act by Mr. Crandall, who recited the
remark with a good appreciation of what it was
worth here. Somehow, any sarcasm directed at
an eastern college is the belly laugh of the
decade for Michigan students.
so that they will not learn that disease may ac-
tually be due to a condition of the heart or lungs
instead of merely Mortal Mind, that the birds and
bees enter the world through the process of
physical reproduction rather than the spontane-
ous eruption of some mystic Divine Mind.
But as these children mature and get away
from the Protecting Shelter, many of them never-
theless fall by the wayside and are duped
into believing that they are living in a material
culture, peopled by mortals, in which the Science
of Mind doe snot always insure Eternal Life,

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or do you want typing to do?
Or, have youlost anything?


In any case, yo ur best Medu


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