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August 05, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-05

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The Weather
Generally fair' today and to-
morrow. Warmer.

CY- r

Lift ig an


While Congress Tries
To AdJourn ...
Our Underpaid
,Policemen .,.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session
- -- - -- --


Leave China;
Spread Of Jap
War Is Feared
Japanese Nationals Are
Withdrawn Hastily; Few
Take ShipsHome
War Shifts Towards
South; Fear Clash
SHANGHAI, Aug. 5.-(Thursday)
-(P)-Hurried evacuation of Jap-
anese noncombatants from a vast
area of China caused fear today that
Japan's week-old urdeclared war in
North China might spread deeper
than had been expected.
Japanese reports disclosed that
withdrawals of Japanese nationals
were being effected with increasing
rapidity and were drawing Japanese
residents even from China's interior.
Japanese women and children
crowded trains into Canton to take
ship for Japan. More than 3,000
Japanese concentrated at the port of
Tsingtao to await developments or
sail for home.
Go To Coastal Cities
Even from South Central China,
reports arrived that many Japanese
were en route here and to other
coastal cities from Hunan and Kwei-
chow provinces.
At the same time, authorities in
Nanking were said to fear for the
safety of 8,000 Chinese nationals in
Japan and to have considered evac-
uating them.
The theatre of war shifted defi-
nitely to the south, apparently toward
an impending clash between both na-
tion's main forces.
Two Japanese columns, one in east-
ern Hopeh province and the other
in western Hopeh, penetrated steadily
southward to strike at the central
Chinese government's first-line de-
fenses. Japanese commanders re-
ported virtually no opposition.
20 Miles From Chinese Vanguard
The eastern column was said to be
about 20 miles from the Chinese van-;
guard near the Hopeh-ShantungI
province border. The parallel west-
ern column, at a point about 20 miles1
southwest of Tientsin, was believed to
be about the same distance from an
arm of the Chinese forces along the
Pukow-Tientsin railroad line.
Inpouring reinforcements, authori-
tative reports indicated, multiplied
Japan's war material and raised to1
about 25,000 the number of her well-~
equipped, fully armed effectives. 1
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek,
commander of the Nanking forces,
was believed to have massed about
50,000 troops in southwestern Hopeh
and a somewhat smaller force int
the Southeast.1
Eastern Spain t
Now Secured
By Insurgents
War In Albarracin Area
Wanes After 3 Weeks Of
Steady Fighting
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Aug. 4.-()-Peasants in the1
war-torn mountains of eastern Spain7
slowly filtered back to their villages,
tonight from forest refuges.
Insurgent dispatches said fightingt
in the Albarracin sector ofbthe Te-
ruel front had waned as both sidesz

took respite after three weeks ofi
steady battle.
InsurgentGeneralissimo Franciscot
Franco's command was occupied with
"'mop up" operations and establish-
ment of food and supply centers fort
inhabitants of the vast wedge theyl
have driven southward toward the
Valencia-Madrid Highway.
In the Valdecuenca sector, south of
Albarracin and west of Teruel, in-l
surgents announced they occupied po-
sitions dominating the Cuenca andt
Valencia valleys after artillery andr
aviation pounded the government
On the northern Asturian front,
Insurgent dispatches said, Govern-
ment forces were routed "almost
without opposition" in a surprise at-
tack on the coastal highlands be-
tween Santander and Oviedo. They
said the Government forces lost sev-
eral important positions.
Other Insurgent dispatches indi-
cated that the Government salient
west of Madrid had been pressed back
from Villanueva de la Canada, about1
15 miles west of Madrid.

Plan To Extort
Sum To Return

Buildings Are
Described Bi

Amelia Bared
NEW YORK Aug. 4.-(P)--A fan-
tastic plot to extort money from
George Palmer Putnam on a prom-
ise to return his missing flier wife.
Amelia Earhart, was disclosed today
by the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
Rhea Whitley, special agent in
charge of the New York office, an-
nounced the arrest of Wilbur Rothar,
42, a seaman, who allegedly received
$1,000 from Putnam as half-payment
on his promise to deliver Miss Ear-
hart to a New York hospital from a
mystery boat off New York. Rothar
said she had been under medical care
since the vessel picked her up on a
south Pacific island.
Whitley said Rothar made a com-
plete confession of the plot in which
he said he conceived it because he had
in his possession a scarf of Miss Ear-
hart's which he had picked up at
Roosevelt Field several years ago. He
admitted, Whitley said, he had never
seen Miss Earhart.
Rothar who called on Putnam at
his hotel room at 2 a.m. Sunday and
gave his name as Johnson, said they
discovered a wrecked airplane on the
island, that a man, partly eaten by
sharks was on the plane and that
a woman attired only in shorts was
standing on the rocky shore.
The man on the plane was buried
at sea "Johnson" said, and the wo-
man, out of her mind and badly in-
jured was taken on board and placed
under the care of the ship's Chinese
Linguistic Group
Told Of Hebrew
Tongue Revival
Dr. Zellig Harris Lectures
To Institute; Language
Dead 1,000 Years
Political Zionism may not yet be
an accomplished fact, but its corol-
lary, the revival of Hebrew, has for
some time emerged from the experi-
mental stage. So reported last night
Dr. Zellig Harris, instructor in or-
iental languages in the graduate
school of the University of Pennsyl-
vania, in the first of two lectures on
modern Hebrew.
The second of the series, which is
being offered under the auspices of
the Linguistic Institute, will occur
Friday evening.
Hebrew Revival Fact
Not only is the revival of Hebrew
a fact, but it is one of the most ex-
traordinary linguistic facts in his-
tory, attested Dr. Harris. Hebrew had
been a dead language for more than
1,700 years. Though preserved in re-
ligious ritual and as a learned writ-
ten language for international use,
much like Latin for centuries after
its disuse, Hebrew ceased to be spok-
en after 150 A.D. Yet today it is the
colloquial speech of thousands.
The story of this revival of a dead
tongue is the story of the emancipa-
tion of the Jew from the European
ghetto, according to the speaker.
Restrictions Lifted
As far back as 1780 the lifting of
some of the severe restrictions upon
the Jews in Germany led to the pub-
lication of some modern literature in
Hebrew, but it was not until about
1850 that Hebrew was revived as a
spoken language. This was in Rus-
sia. The first success in establishing
the spoken language as a living and
practical tongue occurred about 1882
with the first arrival of Zionist Jews
in Plestine.
The next great wave of immigra-
tion there came with the influx of
young idealistic Russian Jews just
before the war; and in recent years,

many more have arrived from Russia,
Poland and Germany.
Children Learn Hebrew
Already, said Dr. Harris, hundreds
of second - generation immigrants'
have learned Hebrew as children. To
them it is their native language. The
newcomers are learning it rapidly,
most of them having studied it for
some time before going to Palestine.
About half the Jewish population,
commented Dr. Harris, who has ob-
served the situation in that country,
are sufficiently familiar with it so
(Continued on Page 4)
Pollock At Lansing
To See Bill Signed
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department, author of

Prof. Talamon
French Professor Opens
Lecture By Telling Of
Parisian Structures
Stereopticon Slides
Illustrate Address
Prof. Rene Talamon of the French
department, described some of the
outstanding buildings of Paris in the
regular University lecture yesterday.
Prof. Talamon opened his address
by describing the original Paris, the
Ile de la Cit6, which was once walled
in completely and still has traces of
the boundaries in monuments. Illus-
trating his talk with stereopticon
slides, he followed an imaginary trip
around Paris, starting at the Cite
on the, left bank, and continuing.
around on the right bank back to the
Tells Of Pont Neuf
Professor Talamon told of the Pont
Neuf, in reality the oldest bridge1
crossing the Seine, and the historic
statue near it on the island, built
in the reign of Louis XIII in honor of
Henry IV, melted down for cannon
under Napoleon, and rebuilt in the
reign of Louis XVIIII, by melting
down two §tatues of Napoleon.
He also described the famous
"Notre Dame de Paris," also on the
Ile de la Cite. This cathedral is a
perfect example of early Gothic arch-
itecture, he said, and its square tow-
ers have never been completed,, 'dd-
ing to the bulky appearance of the
He also commented on the intricatet
stone work around the doors, illus-
trating scenes from the Old and
New Testaments. These scenes taughtI
the Bible to the people of the middle
ages who could not read it them-
selves. Professor Talamon said that
the cathedral had been restored ex-
tensively during the past century.t
Chapel Of Kings Described
Continuing on the Ile de la Cite,}
Prof. Talamon described the Saint-
Chapelle. the chapel of the kings
when they resided on the island. It
was built in honor of Saint Louisj
in the 13th century. The shrine con-1
tains two chapels, the lower one forr
the household of the kings, and the
upper one for the royal family.
Professor Talamon then told of the
Musee de Cluny, important since it is
one of the few great examples of
non-religious Gothic architecture. It
was built in the late Gothic period
and bears some traces of Renaissance
Two other famous religious struc-
tures described by Professor Talamon
were the Saint Etienne du Monde, the
comb of Saint Genevieve, the patron
saint of Paris, and the chapel of the
Limits Homes
Under Housing
Bill To_$4,0001
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-(iP)-Fer-
vent appeals by Senator Byrd (Dem.,
Va.) induced the Senate today tol
put a $4,000 limit on each home tor
be built under the Wagner low-costt
housing bill. /
The Virginia advocate of economyr
warned legislators against a repeti-
tion of the expenditures of the re-
settlement administration. DeclaringC
this agency had spent $16,182 for
each unit at "Tugwell Town," a hous-
ing project at Greenbelt, Md., Byrd
said :+

"It is a willful waste of money
such as has never occurred before
in any civilized country of the world."
Then, by a 40 to 39 vote, the
chamber adopted the Byrd amend-
ment, which would withhold Federal
loans or subsidies from projects cost-
ing more than $4,000 a family unit,
or $1,000 a room.
Nude Statuary Shocks
Kankakee School Board
KANKAKEE, Ill., Aug. 4.-IP)-
The problem of where to get enough
money to pay for putting plaster
pants on 50 male nude statues per-
plexed the Kankakee school board
Recently George Gray Barnard,
New York sculptor, donated statuary
valued at $100,000 to the Central
School, of which he was an alumnus.
An argument over his art's nudity


Riots Follow
Discharge Of
4 UAW Men
Plymouth M o t o r Plant,
Employing 11,000, May
Not ReopenToday
Management Will
Meet Union Again
DETROIT, Aug. 4.---(P)--The beat-
ing of an independent union leader,
for which four U.A.W. men were dis-
charged Wednesday, led to a partial
strike, a shut-down and rioting in
which at least nine men were injured
seriously in the Lynch Road Plant of
the Plymouth Motor Corp.
Whether the plant which employs
11,000 men will reopen Thursday ap-
peared problematical Wednesday eve-
ning. Corporation officials and Unit-
ed Automobile Workers representa-
tives went into conference immediate-
ly after the trouble in the afternoon
and talked until 6:45 a.m. At that
time the meeting was adjourned until
9 a.m. Thursday.
Richard Frankensteen, organiza-
tional director of the U.A.W., said as
the conference broke up that there
"probably will be no work" in the
plant on Thursday.
The rioting brought from Chrysler
officials a charge of "serious breach
of contract" against the U.A.W.
The known injured were Frank A.
Dillon, president of the Independent
Association of Chrysler Employes,
taken to Receiving Hospital, Walter
McBride, 33 years old, and Vilas Coon,
43, both of 8423 Mt. Elliott Ave.
and both members of Dillon's union.
They were taken to Harper Hospital.
All suffered head injuries.
Minor injuries brought the list of
those hurtto nine, police said. U.A.W.
officials said that two of the men
treated at the scene were Fred Bal-
more, of 3559 Second Blvd., a former
vice president of the U.A.W. local, and
Charles Bethel, of 364 Kitchener Ave.,
a U.A.W. shop steward.
One man was stabbed, police said.
A man was taken from the plant by
police following the stabbing, but
had nopt been registered at a precinct
station or at headquarters at 6 p.m.
Dillon was beaten and thrown over
a fence at the plant about 1 p.m.
U.A.W. members charged that he had
been soliciting membership for hisl
union on company time.t
Solons Convene;
Again To Agreet
To Adjourns
. 1
Leaders Believe Murphy's
Labor Relations Act Will
Not Be Considered
LANSING, Aug. 4.-(/P)-The Leg-i
islature will reconvene Thursday tof
write another chapter in the strang-
est extra session in history.
The possibility existed that little
will be done except adopt a formalj
adjournment resolution.
Not Optimistic
Governor Murphy expressed the
hope the returning legislators might
revive and pass his labor relations
bill, and approve measures providing
maximum working hours for women
and guaranteed tenure for teachers.
Administration leaders were far from
optimistic, however.

There was strong sentiment in the
Senate in favor of ending the drag-
ging session without furthertdelibera-
The Governor indicated his willing-
ness to remove from the labor bill
the most controversial points, such
as a section legalizing picketing and
authorizing picketing by others than
employes of the affected plant. He
also was believed willing to drop a
provision against injunctions. This
would leave more or less a skeleton
measure creating an industrial rela-
tions board to mediate disputes, but
it still would contain sections de-
signed to discourage participation by
company unions in bargaining or
other labor activities.
Murphy Wants Bill
"I think the bill should be passed
as it was sent to the house," Murphy
declared. "However, I am told there
is so much opposition in the Senate
it probably could not get through."
Majorities in both the House and
Senate were assured when the legis-
lature assembles again at 2 o'clock
tomorrow. Tieutenant novernrn T.o

Murphy's Intervention
Ends Sit-Down; Strikers
Evacuate Broach Plant

Local Strikers As They Held Plant

-Michigan Daily Photo.
Well into their second day of the local sit-down strike, these work-
ers at the American Broach and Machine Company played cards to
pass the time as they defended the main gate at the east side of the
plant, fortified by signs reading "No admittance," "In Union There
Is Strength," and "Signed Agreement-Not Empty Promises-Makes
for Collective Bargaining." Last night through this key gate their leader
announced plans for evacuation of the plant.
8 Commercial Scientists Heard
By Electronics Teachers, Students


nstitute Enrollment Has General Electric Co., three by the
ReWestinghouse Manufacturing Co., two
Represe~ntatives From 45 by the Bell Telephone Laboratories
(iollegcs, 32 States Inc., and two by the RCA Manufac-
turing Co.
By RICHARD G. HERSHEY Altogether the summer enrollment
One of the most significant features, for the Institute has been approxi-

of the 1937 Summer Session, the
Electronics Institute, has started onl
the second of its four week periods.
With a group of special lecturers, in-
cluding at the present time Prof.
Leonard B. Loeb, from the University
of California, and Dr. Lewis Tonks of
the Berkley General Electric labora-
tories. There is a total enrollment of
about 80 students.
The enrollment so far this summer
has. included teachers from 45 dif-
ferent colleges and universities, en-
gineers from 15 different industrial
organizations and men from 32 dif-
ferent states.
The purpose of the institute, ac-
cording to Prof. W. G. Dow, director,
is to acquaint the men who teach
electronics with the recent develop-
ments which have taken place in
commercial laboratories. Electronics
is a relatively new science and is only
now being introduced into the cur-
riculum of engineering schools and
colleges. A large part of the de-
velopment in electronics has taken
place in industrial laboratories and
the Institute provides an opportunity
for the men in commercial fields to
tell the story directly to the men who
teach electronics.
Eight special lecturers have been I
sponsored by the Institute, and haveI
come directly from commercial lab-
oratories. Two have been sent byl
Japanese Attack
U. S. Cameramen
In Captured City
PEIPING, Aug. 5.--(Thursday)-
(P-American photographers were4
beaten over the head and pushed
about by Japanese troops today to
prevent them from taking pictures of
troop movements in this conquered
Japanese news photographers and
news reel cameramen were permitted
to take pictures without any objec-
tions being raised.
Sheridan Fahnestock, 23-year-old
New Yorker on a three year cruise
around the world, was beaten over the
head by Japanese while attempting
to photograph a cheering Japanese
crowd near the Italian embassy.
Nearby, Bonny Powell, a news reel
cameraman was shoved and pushed,
I ohnnt to nrevent his takino- nirture

111maieiy ±ub, compiing11111 40ut ! 01

80 in each four weeks Prof. W. G.
Dow, head of the administrative com-
mittee, pointed out that most of the
persons in each half also attended
the Physics Symposium, which con-
tributes to the Electronics Institute.
The Institute has two parts. The
(Continued on Page 4)
Union To Hold
'Barn Dance'
Friday Night
A barn dance atmosphere will pre-
vail at the Friday dance this weekend, '
which will be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight in the Union ballroom, ac-j
cording to Jeanne Geyer, in charge of
arrangements. Because this will be
the next to the last Friday dance inj
the series, Miss Geyer urges that
everybody attend.
Guests attending the dance are re-
quested by Miss Geyer to come in
farm outfits, but if these are not
available, any clothes sufficiently,
disreputable will do. Women shouldI
wear sweaters and skirts instead of'
silk dresses. A prize will be given
to the man and woman with the most
original costumes, Miss Geyer said.
Charlie Zwick's orchestra will play
barn dance music, with special em-
phasis on square dances and Virginia
reels. The orchestra members will
farther carry out the barn dance
theme by wearing blue denim over-
alls, work shirts and old straw hats.
Dance assistants will be provided
as usual, and there cutting will be al
lowed after the intermission. There
will be fountain service in the tap
Ancient Astronomy
Next Lecture Topic
"Ancient Korean Astronomy" will
be the subject of a lecture by Prof.
W. Carl Rufus of the astronomy de-
partment at 5 p.m. today in Natural
Science Auditorium, under the aus-
pices of the Far Eastern Institute.
Professor Rufus, who is secretary

Leave Plant 15 Minutes
Before Sheriff's Men
Would Have Arrived
Picketing To Start
At Six A.M. Today
Ann Arbor's first sit-down strike
ended last night almost as abruptly as
it had begun 36 hours earlier, when
nearly 80 of the striking workers
marched out of the American Broach
and Machine Company's plant on
West Huron Street under an "armed
truce" arranged by Mayor Walter C.
Sadler during a conference with Vic-
tor Reuther for UAW and Francis
LaPointe, superintendent, and E. K.
Morgan, works manager, for the com-
With Sheriff Jacob B. Andres,
armed with about 60 writs of at-
tachment, about to carry out a cir-
cuit court order to oust the strikers,
word suddenly flashed through a
crowd of more than 200 gathered in
front of the plant that Mayor Sadler
had entered the plant unseen through
a back door and had negotiated the
truce by which representatives of
both sides will meet Governor Murhpy
in Lansing at 11 a.m. tomorrow to
arbitrate the dispute.
Reuther Speaks
At 9 p.m. Reuther appeared at the
work-shop entrance nearest the
street and shouted to the crowd that
"The workers have decided to evac-
uate the plant pending a meeting with
Governor Murphy Friday at which
this whole thing will be discussed. As
soon as they have cleaned up the
shop and put it in the condition it
was when the sit-down started, they
will parade out of the factory and up
to the Unitarian Church annex for a
closed meeting."
At 9:30 the strikers, led by a bass
drum, snare drum, harmonica and
two Union posters, finally marched
out of a rear door and after 45 min-
utes of parading through downtown
streets wound up at the Labor Temple
for their meeting.
Just Missed Andres
Andres said he would have been at
the plant with deputies at 9:45.
Meanwhile, the management would
make no further comment beyond
the fact that the company had
agreed to "talk the matter over" With
the Governor, and did not know how
soon production could or would be
resumed in the plant, idle since the
pulled main-switch stopped all elec-
tric machinery including clocks at
10:01 a.m. Tuesday.
Reuther said he had telegraphed
the Governor upon learning of the
court order and had secured his
promise to act as mediator in the
strike, caused by demands for a col-
lective bargaining agreement with
Broach To Be Open
Authoritative sources, however, said
that American Broach was planning
to re-open the plant this morning
with substitutes and a small group
of loyal workers, and this announce-
ment, made at the strikers'meeting,
brought the dispute to an intense
pitch once more.
At the end of the meeting Reuther
emerged to announce that picketing
would begin at 6 a.m.today. Reuther
told the workers to "picket peace-
(Continued on Page 3)
Labor Organizer
To Speak Tonight
Eugene Fay, educational director
of a Flint local of the United Auto-
mobile Workers, will talk at 8 p.m.
today in the Michigan Union on
"What Does Labor Want?"
Prof. George C. Benson, associate
professor of public administration
and research investigator, will dis-
cuss the relation of the professional

and middle classes to the labor move-
Victor Reuther, organizer of the
United Auto Workers will speak on
his experiences in labor organiza--
tions. The meeting is sponsored by
The Progressive Club.
Suggest Michigan Gas
Eor Ann Arhnr's Use

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