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July 28, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-28

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WEiDNESDlAY, JULY 28, 1937


.............. . ......... - - - - - - - - - - -

Of The DAY
(By The Associated Press)
Winds, Lashing Lakes
For 36 Hours, Subside
HARBOR BEACH, July 7.-(I)-
Winds that lashed the Great Lakes
for 36 hours subsided today, with the
Canadian-owned barge Michigan and
her crew of seven safe here, and 34
Chicago racing yachts scattered
among ports of refuge along the
astern shore of Lake Michigan.
Coast guardsmen removed five of
the men from the wallowing barge
in Lake Huron last midnight while
the storm was at its height, narrow-
ly escaping injury from drifting logs
washed off the vessel's deck by tow-
ering waves.
Before the other two men could be
taken off, the lifeboat had been driv-
en away by the high seas and the
other two men, one of them Capt.
Roy McGregor, of Owen Sound, Ont.,
elected to remain on the barge rather
than jump into the lake and risk
rescue from the water.
The wind subsided at dawn, and
the coast guardsmen reestablished
the tow line between the barge and
the tug Harrison, which snapped yes-
terday, afternoon. The Harrison
towed the barge to port here, con-
voyed by the Coast Guard Cutter
Cardigan. The barge, owned by John
Harrison & Co., of Owen Sound, lost
half its cargo of pulpwood.
Hardly had the Cardigan reached
Harbor Beach when it was ordered
to assist coast guardsmen of the
Thunder Bay station in searching for
the fishing tug Venus, of Alpena, re-
ported in distress in Lake Huron. The
Venus, however, reached Alpena un-
der its own power this afternoon. The
crew said it had drifted for a few
hours while engine repairs were made.
Homer Martin Denies
Charges OfAlfred Sloan
MUSKEGON, July 27.-(P)-Hom-
er Martin, president of the Unitedt
Automobile Workers of America, de-
nied tonight a charge of Alfred P.
Sloan, Jr., chairman of the Board of
General Motors Corp., that the union
had not proved its responsibility or
the ability of its leaders to control
rank and file members.
"The United Automobile Workers
of America has demonstrated both1
responsibility and discipline over its
members," Martin asserted. "In myK
opinion, the United Automobile1
Workers of America has demonstrat-f
ed it has better control over its mem-t
bers than General Motors has overr
its Board of Supervisors."
Exhibit Of Boys'
And Girls' Bookss
Is Presented,
An exhibition of selected books for(
boys and girls, in charge of MissC
Edith Thomas, head of the Universityc
Library Extension Service, is beingE
held from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. every
day this week in Room 2036 of thec
University high school.-
The books which appear in ther
exhibition have been selected forv
their excellence and beauty of text, il-e
lustration and format, according tor
a bulletin issued recently.
The w'ork with children's books,g

which is represented in the compila- v
tion of this list has been made pos- F
sible by appropriations from the Chil- c
dren's Fund of Michigan in supportv
of a free loan collection of books for t
boys and girls. Books such as occur
in this exhibition are made up in
sets of 20 and let to Michigan towns
and communities of 2,000 or less pop-
Children Should
Be Encouraged,t
Says Dr. Greenes

Will She Run?

Political opponents of Gov. Carl
E. Bailey, of Arkansas, awaited
definite word from Mrs. Joseph T.
Robinson (above) whether she
would run as an independent can-
didate against the governor to suc-
ceed her late husband in the
United States Senate. Mrs. Hattie
Caraway, of Arkansas, is the only
present woman member of the Sen-
ate. Mrs. Caraway is also a Sen-
ator's widow.
(creel Speaks
On History Of
Ancient China,
Chicago Professor Tells
Of Recent Investigations
Into Extinct Civilization
(Continued from Page 1)

Criminal Lingo
Is Elucidated
By Dr. Maurer
Underworld Slang Studied
By Louisville University
Explained ToLinguists
(Continued from Page 1)I
in metallurgy, and who in speaking!
with them hd acaquired their special
vocabulary. Dr. Maurer also read'
samples of the argot of shoplifters,
pickpockets, and "slaw-workers" or
house burglars, and concluded with
the lingo of the criminal narcotic ad-
dict, who, he said, had as a class de-
veloped the most unusual and most
jealously guarded argot of all the
Various factors combine to make
the language of the criminal classes
one of unsual linguistic interest,
stated Dr. Maurer, who perhaps more
than any other student has made or-
iginal research in the field. In the
first place, he said, the study requires
extremely accurate field workers who
can actually make contacts with the
groups and thus catch the particular
argot at its source. Further, it is
necessary to study the historical
background of these argots, many of
which may in origin be very old.
Any argot should provide rich ma-
terial for "a psychological study of
the actual process of word-creation,
as well as of the kindred process of
linguistic change. This latter is
especially true, said Dr. Maurer, be-
cause these processes are stepped up
so much in an argot that in a gen-
eration and observer can study what
might take a century or two in the
standard language. Another prob-
lem to be investigated is the lin-
guistic inter-relationship of the many
argots, and still another is the con-
tribution they make to the standard
English vocabulary.
Bath Tubs, Beds

Roxanne Herrick, three-yaear-old child prodigy of Monroe, Mich.,
pcsed with a doll while visiting in Detroit but deserted it immediately
to play cards with an aunt. A Binet Simon test rated her intelligence
quotient at 54 points above genius.
Semi-Brutal Students In 1895
Provide Newspaper Sensations

Prodigy Deserts oll For ciards

Calvin Griffith 'Seeks Trouble'
Insists On Managerial Berth
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July 27.- champions in 1924 and the 192
P)-The "Little Fox" of minor league American League champs.
baseball, Calvin Robertson Griffith, He managed their midget team
piesident of the Chattanooga Look- which played in a vacant lot near th
outs, was born to baseball. park. The least they could do was
The 25-year-old Cal is the son of make him manager, with the gre:at
the late Jim Robertson, a third base- Muddy Ruel teaching him baseball.
man; his uncle and foster father is The catcher was Cal's idol, next tI
Clark Griffith, the "Big Fox" of the Uncle Clark.
majors, president and owner of the "Why," commented the elder Gri;-
Washington Senators: his brother-in- fith, "he played baseball from da:-
law is Joe Cronin, manager of the light until dark--and when he wasnt
Boston Red Sox, and his sister, Thel- playing we couldn't keep the litt v
ma Griffith, is secretary to "Uncle scamp off of our diamond."
Clark." Jim Robertson had died when Cal
Not satisfied with being a club pres- was only nine, leaving his wife ai d
ident, Cal aspires to a managership. seven children. He was managirng
"And," says Uncle Clark, "we'll give a club in Canada ,at the time. ClarK
him a shot at it. Some day he'll prob- Griffith, whose wife was Robertson's
ably be manager and president of sister, took over the entire familv,
the Senators-but he is asking for a legally adopting Calvin and his sister,
lot of trouble." Thelma.
Cal argues. When Cal was old enough he was
"But a manager can get out there sent to Staunton preparatory school
and exercise and match his wits at Staunton, Va.
against the other guy and have a lot "Because my father had been a
of fun." third baseman, I wanted to be orm,
The elder Griffith only lifts his too," said Cal, "so that's what I start-
heavy brows. ed playing at Staunton."
Midget Manager The Anti-Climax
The kids around the National Zo- Soon he was converted into a
ological park in Washington, which catcher, however, and as a catcher he
was close to the Griffith home, were went to George Washington unliver-
green with envy when Calvin was sity at Washington. After a game
mascot of the Washington world with Washington and Lee, a Chicago
Cub scout approached him.
"Interested in a baseball career,
was a fabrication, and including the son?" he inquired.
signed statement by Cameron to the A prompt "yes" brightened the
fact that he had been "grossly mis- scout, but an added "Clark Grifith
informed," and that "my refelction is my uncle" dulled his enthusiasm.
on the medical professors and stu-
dents I find uncalled for and unjusti-Re rt yPl es
,, Repertory Players
How the following came about is a Stage Austen Novel
mystery to those who read of the
case at this late date, but The Daily, (Continued from Page 1)
in its "University Notes," May 3, gave
the information that "Norman M. ing room; the home of Mrs. Gar-
Cameron, who was expelled from the ner, an aunt of the girls; and th
University last week, has been ad- home of Lady Catherine Bourgh, a
mitted to the Washtenaw County relative of Darcy.
bar." 'Ihe cast is headed by Virgin:a
It was not until Feb. 10, 1909, how- Frink Harrell in the role of Elizabeh
ever, that anything definite was done and Charles McGaw as Darcy. W-
to curb such exciting news. The liam Rice will play Darcy's frier1
Daily's headline was "STUDENT the handsome young Bingley, and
COUNCIL RESTRICTS PRESS." The Mary Pray will enact Jane, the
Council, they said, ruled that "cor- younger sister. Mr. and Mrs. Benneti
respondents must no longer have the will be played by Ralph Bell and
space rate remuneration alone in Nancy Bowman respectively, while
mind. They will be held accountable Truman Smith will take the part of
for every article." The Council was the Rev. Collins, a. humorous, char-
to sit in judgment on cases brought acter of the type of Uriah Heap ir
to their attention. Expulsion was David Copperfield. Edward Jurist
the threat to those who didn't live up Evelyn Smith aid Morlye Baer round
to the mandate, out the cast.

comparatively recent times, is an ,
early paleolithic creature, who used. Are Sacrificed
stone weapons. Painting as an art
appears to have started much earlier T , l s P
in China than in the West, Professor To Englsh Plan
Creel stated, while the Chinese were
casting bronzes as early as the 12th
and 14th centuries B.C. which are Nation, Afraid Of Attack
still considered by experts as the fin- -Air
est work of their kind in existence. By Given Advise
The Shang period, however, was not In Case-
as civilized in many other respects as
in the development of artistic genius. (Continued from Page 1)
There was in all probability a great
deal of human sacrifice, Professor private manufacture of arms and the
Creel indicated, and the individual trading in weapons of war, is among
probably was not given great con- the leaders of the advocates of a "new
sideration, according to the records League of Nations.
preserved in the Oracle bones. These I have found their propaganda
latter are bones on which is inscribed much more convincing in its logic and
fragments of tribal and dynastic his- more cogent in its expression than
tory and which were employed by the that of the "mysterious flier" school.
priests in their religious incantations. In Sir Philip's newest book, "Ordeal
The system of writing was almost in England," he points out the ab-
mully developed under the Shang dy- surdity of the Home Office device on
nasty, Professor Creel declared. Every air raids.
mportant principle of writing at pres- Protection for tiny children is
ent used in the Chinese language was shown to be impossible, and the re-
worked out at this time, and a con- port pictures children sealed up in
siderable national literature, which containers screaming themselves into
has entirely disappeared, was written. fits with the mother trying to pump
The Shang monarchs finally fell air into several at once. He found that
before the onslaught of a coalition of gas penetrates bricks and plaster,
princes headed by the first of the new cracks covered with brown paper and
Chou dynasty, in 1122 B.C. This line mushed paper, blocked fireplaces and
of kings ruled for nearly nine cen- sealed doors.
turies, establishing a system of feu- "We had better concentrate on
dalism similar to that in vogue in, stopping the next war if possible," he
Europe at a much later date. The writes, "for if it comes, retaliation is
administration was at first to a group no protection."
of princes who continued to enjoy But more people are buying and
the royal favor as long as order was reading The Evening News and The
maintained'in their dominions, but Evening Standard than "Ordeal in
who were finally supplanted by a her- England." And furthermore it is in-
editary civil service which proved finitely more simple to put together
more effective in stabilizing the re- and operate a machine gun than a
gime. League of Nations.
"It is genuinely thrilling to be We Americans have known that for
working in Chinese history just now," years. But how long will it be be-
Professor Creel finished. "We are not fore our bathtub and bedstead market
certain of all of our conclusions, but is booming?
we know we are contributing some-
thing to the knowledge of the future." T h;Fe r n
..tLTact'hers5 Fedetion ~f~

Correspondent Ousted For
Filing Lurid Dispatches
From Ann Arbor
(Continued from Page 1)
name of the University, did not visitf
the anatomical laboratory."
Cameron added that the Daily edi-
tor was an unsuccessful applicant to
various Detroit and Chicago papers
to represent them here.
The report which was at the time
uppermost in the thoughts of the
Daily editor-a story that had seem-1
ingly climaxed a long series of such
"Ann Arbor, Mich., May 1.-A
small sensation was created in the l
anatomical laboratory of the medical
department of the University today
when it became known that one of;
the students had eaten a sausage the
filling of which was the meat of a
human being," etc.
A German student called "The
Count" usually brought his lunch
with him, according to the article,
and some of his fellow students
thoughf it would be a good joke to
... The Count was fond of sausages
and brought them almost every day,
so the plan was simple; when his ab-
sence from the room was secured,
the boys went to work.
The Chicago News called attention
to the' enterprising journalist in a
story about the same time; under a
FUN-Brutes at Ann Arbor Burn the
Skin Off a Student's Face- Each
morning paper in Chicago is enabled
to present its readers with an abso-
lutely novel and exclusive news item
from Ann Arbor. And it is needless
to say that a struggling young cor-
respondent in the city of learning has
since been enabled to indulge his
healthy~ fancy for asparagus, green
peas and the other luxuries of the
On May 14 the Daily advocated a
University Press Club to act as its
own censor of news emanating from
the University. On May 15 the
University Senate decided that cor-
respondents sending untrue reports
should be expelled by the faculty.
On May 17 the Daily had two short
items at the bottom of page one, with
boldface heads: "ICE CREAM WILL
BE SERVED-The women of the
University will serve ice cream and
cake Friday evening after the con-
cert in University Hall, at 15 cents a

dish, the proceeds to go to the wom-
en's gymnasium. Stop with all your
friends." The concei't referred to
was one of the first May Festivals,
featuring Gertrude Stein-another'
Gertrude Stein of another day, sing-
ing Tschaikowski's Concert Scene,
and something from Beethoven's
Nevertheless, Cameron was in no
position to enjoy either the concert'
or the ice cream, as the other small
item was as follows:
"EXPELLED. Norman M. Camer-
on, '95L, was expelled by the law
faculty last night for sending untrue
reports of University happenings to
the Detroit Evening News. The vote
was not unanimous.' '
That's about all there was to the


affair, except for a concluding thrust
at the reporter, in the form of a
story in the Detroit Free Press, scor-
ing the "worst form of sensationalism
by the Evening News," and quoting
Dr. V. C. Vaughan of the medical
school who claimed the sausage story

Pens - Typewriters - Supplies
"Writers Trade With Rider's"
302 S. State St.

(Continued from Page 2)
taught on Thursday evening from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymna-
sium for men and women students
attending the Summer Session.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Any students in the School of Edu-
cation, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, and Graduate
School who wish to be candidates for
thet teacher's certificate at the close
of the Summer Session and whose
names do not appear on the list post-
ed in 1431 U.E.S. should report to
the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 U.E.S.

To Hold Open Meeting
The American Federation of Teach-
ers will hold an open meeting at 8
p.m. tonight in Natural Science Au-
ditorium for all teachers in the Sum-
mer Session, and all others interested,
Prof. Christian N. Wegener, of the
engineering school, president of the
Ann Arbor chapter, announced yes-
Teachers' organizational problems
will be discussed, he said. Prof. John
E. M. Cooper, of the Jackson chap-
ter, will speak on cooperation with
labor.. General discussion will follow
other brief talks.

MATS. 25c

EVES. 35c

A person should encourage a child
every time he has a chance, Dr. Kath-
erine B. Greene of the psychology de-
partment yesterday told a group in
the auditorium of the University High
Speaking of "Techniques Used With
Very Young Children," Dr. Greene
stated that one should never inter-
fere with a child's activities when one
can stay out of them. "The only ex-
ception," she said, "is when the child
is doing damage or when he is stag-
n nShe went on to point out that it is
the duty of the parent and the school
to teach he child how to handle him-
self and the environment in which he
lives. "The best teacher will sit back
and, through observation, learn the
needs of the child," Dr. Greene de-
nrp ,m


MATS. 25c

EVES 35c

- Now! - Two Features! -
/ Fu~t1ES
.,AK tGj i

Last Times Today
The Singing


I \~i.Z~ . - I

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