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July 28, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-28

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative.
CITY EDITOR .....................JOSEPH S. MATTES
Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueer
Asistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Heper
BUSINES MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK
Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
Demise Of
Court Bill -. .
HE COURT BILL is dead and
Wheeler, Borah, McCarran and
their cohorts are rejoicing at their victory. They
defeated the bill, fairly and perhaps honestly,
with their bombastic and illogical, emotional ora-
tory. But they did not kill the issues or questions
raised during the fight. We may be confronted
again with desperate economic circumstances
and the people may again clamor for a wider,
more understanding and far seeing government
which will call for another break with the past.
If the effort of a liberal government to meet the
circumstances is nullified by a conservative
court, these "saviors" may have to fight again.
And they will not be the victors.
During this fight it was especially interesting
to note on which side the many columnists and
leaders, hitherto considered liberal and who ex-
tolled the virtues of the rule of the majority,
stood. Their positions, almost unaimously op-
posed, were curious.
In many cases the patriotic duty of the minor-
ity in the Senate to filibuster was emphasized
in highly euphonious and fluent English. Ap-
parently they had forgotten the time when they
had railed against the word "filibuster" when
what they believed in was at stake. Their appeals
then were not mede from a partisan viewpoint
blt upon the non-contestable bases of honesty,
and duty to meet each issue squarely and not to
dodge or resort to subterfuge. How many times
they applauded when measures of cloture were
passed! Lately, how quickly they changed their
But especially interesting were the indictments
of Congress and the Senate with its overwhelm-
ing democratic majority. Many of these liberals,
columnists and political leaders, stated, before
the vote, that they doubted if the men in Wash-
ington were representative. In the next breath
they would talk about saving democracy, fail-
ing to realize they were guilty of a little incon-
sistency. For those men were elected under the
Constitution they were trying to preserve and
according to law. They were elected under demo-
cratic practices, yet they were criticizing these
representatives. What they really meant was
that those representatives did not believe as the
columnists and "saviors." Perhaps unknowlingly,
they were advocating not democracy but the rule
of a particuar philosophy.
Often times, the integrity and honesty of the
president they once supported was assaulted and
epithets of Facist, Communist were thrown at
him. They forgot the trying days of 1933 when
everyone turned to him for salvation, and the
great work he had done towards solving our
difficulties. Lastly, they forgot that he had gone
to the people in 1936 and been returned with the
greatest majority in history.
Long after this court bill has been forgotten,

the attitude of these leaders hitherto considered
keen unbiased analysts, will be remembered. In
many cases they made themselves ridiculous
when they forgot the ethics and intellectual
honesty they had supposedly exemplified. Cer-
tainly, one lasting monument to the court fight
will be that it made many men come forth in
their true colors.
We believe that the court bill should have
been passed. We fail to see why any organ of
government, far removed from the people and not
responsible to them, should have power to over
rule acts of the people's elected representatives
because of a difference in philosophy. The court
bill irsured that a majority of the court would
not go against the wishes of the majority of the
electorate to safeguard a minority or a class in
the electorate.

Chicago in which 10 pickets were killed and
scores wounded during the break-up of a dem-
onstration in frontrof the Republic Steel Corp.
plant and have returned verdicts exactly opposite.
The coroner's jury, holding inquest in Chicago.
exonerated the police, calling the deaths "jus-
tifiable homicide." The La Follette Civil Liberties
Committee of the United States Senate, sitting
in Washingon, declares, on the contrary, that the
police were guilty of "the most careless indiffer-
ence to human life and suffering," that "the
police attack came without warning" and that
"the first shots . . . came from a police revolver."
The coroner's jury bases its findings on evi-
dence, the testimony of witnesses, seeming to
state that the men in the picket column march-
ing on the plant provoked the police by abusive
language, hurling of missiles and a general bel-
ligerent attitude, and that they were engaged not
in "peaceful picketing" but in an armed demon-
stration, which, it is inferred, would have ended
in an attack on the men inside the plant or on
the police themselves, had not the latter inter-
The LaFollette Committee after a study of
numerous photographs taken on the scene of the
riot by newspaper cameramen and of a news-
reel showing almost the entire fracas from start
to finish, finds that "the arming of the crowd
was not so general that it can be attributed to
any preconceived design to assault the police,"
and that "the evidence not only refutes the police
charge that the parade assumed a military char-
acter, but establishes, on the contrary, that it
lacked all of the elements which would indicate
a preconceived plan to employ force." Moreover,
the Committee reveals that many of the clubs
stones and pieces of scrap iron which the police
claimed the strikers had used and which were
submitted in evidence at Chicago were collected
from a nearby dump heap after the riot had
The integrity of the LaFollette Committee can
hardly be doubted. Defenders of the police have
therefore centered their attacks on its verdict
upon an implied mistake in judgment resulting.
according to Mayor Kelly of Chicago, on the
Committee's distance from the scene of the dis-
turbance. The frivolous superficiality of such
an assertion must be manifest in the light of
the Committee's evidence. Even at a distance
motion pictures and news photographs do not
ordinarily lie. In connection with the coroner's
inquest, however, it may perhaps be suggested
that police witnesses sometimes do, at least by
An interesting sidelight on the riot is revealed
by the testimony of Capt. Kilroy, second in com-
mand of the police at the riot, and a reporter on
the Chicago Daily News, who told the Committee
that the clubs used by a number of the officers
were supplied by the steel plant, and that the
tear gas bombs thrown were likewise apparently
the property of the company, since the police
themselves possessed none and the company had
just purchased $50,000 worth of the weapons.
The use of "excessive force" by the police is
commented upon in the following manner by the
Committee's report: "Our conclusion that the
use of excessive force to disperse the marchers
was deliberate is confirmed by a consideration of
their care of the wounded . . . the police dragged
seriously wounded, unconscious men along the
ground with no more care than would be em-
ployed on a common drunkard . . . Not only did
the police neglect the wounded; they prevented
the union from giving aid." The report then con-
tinues to describe incidents in which a patrol-
man, by his own admission, stopped a private car
to drag two injured men out of it and march
them to a patrol wagon; in which a man with
a bullet wound in the thigh was picked up by
union men and a tourniquet applied which after-
ward slipped off when the man was shoved into
a patrol wagon, causing the man to bleed to
death; in which wagons which the police stated
were only fitted to carry one seriously wounded
man were filled with as many as 16.
The conclusion of the report completely refutes
the claim by the police that their only interest
was in preserving the "law and order" so sud-
denly sacred to politicians and police in strike-
torn areas: "We are therefore of the opinion,
after a careful consideration of the facts, that if
the police had permitted the parade to pass down
Burley avenue (the dead-end street leading up to

the plant gates and in front of the plant gate,
under a proper police escort, the day would have
passed without violence or disorder and both
the spirit and the letter of the corporation coun-
sel's opinion (that "peaceful picketing" was Con-
stitutional) would have been complied with."
The methods of the police were, in the opinion
of the Committee, due to "either gross ineffi-
ciency in the performance of police duty or a
deliberate effort to intimidate the strikers."
IAs Others See It
What Comes Out, First Goes In
(From The Chicago Daily News)
DOUBTLESS with the approval of Adolf the
Master Magician the lesser miracle workers
of Germany, who. pull rabbits from tall hats and
abstract goose eggs from the breast pockets of
their innocent and amazed spectators, have been
ordered to use no foodstuffs of any kind in their
stage performances. "The waste involved is in-
tolerable, and anyone guilty of it in the future
will be severely punished," reads the edict issued
by the "chamber of the theatre," absolute author-
ity in the realm of all footlight entertainment
from vaudeville to high tragedy.
Coincidentally, but with less obvious reason,
the chamber forbids magicians to explain their
tricks to the audience. Possibly that peremptory

On The Level
(UNNARD ANTELL received a special delivery
letter a couple of days ago, opened it, laughed
loudly, and then hurried up to his room without
telling any of the boys what he was laughing at.
But the boys, with the
help of Gunnard's room-
mate, soon found out
what it was all about. A
self-appointed commit-
tee of three Betsy Bar-
bour gals had sent Antell
a certificate of merit for
regular attendance at
their domicile.
The certificate was an
elaborate affair with a Michigan seal and fancy
border on it, and probably tool a lot of time for
Florence Rhea and her two committee sisters to
create. As the merit card said, it was given
for attendance "at the Betsy Barbour Dormitory
six times on nine consecutive days." Duly wit-
nessed and all. Gunnard pretends to be very
embarrassed about the whole thing, but he
leaves the card laying on top of all the papers
in his room so that everyone might see it.
Gosh! What will they wear now?
k * x
LETTERS and postcards dealing with the Ann
Arbor restaurant situation have been com~-
ing in at a fair rate, but we should like to have
a bagfull to take down to the Health Commis-
sioner this week. This situation is one that really
concerns the students more than it does the cit-
izens of Ann Arbor, so it is up to us to see that
something is done. Don't feel backward about
mentioning actual incidents that have happened
to you in our local hash houses. And send in
your cards or letters as soon as possible so we
may get something done before the term ends.
n r:' *
We overheard a fellow quoting Elizabeth Bar-
rett Browning to good effect the other day. He
was standing in front of The League with a young
lady who was obviously his auricle and ventricle
affliction. "How do I love thee? Let me count
the ways," he said, as he slowly i;an his fingers
through the stub end of his check-book.
The young lady should have come back with a
little Robert Browning, and replied, "What mat-
ter to me if their star is a world."
WE SHALL NEVER FORGET the time we were
playing an extra in a mob scene in one of
the plays at the old Jessie Bonstelle Play House
in Detroit. The play was one that took place
for the most part on the deck of an ocean liner.
The main roles were up front emoting, and we
extras were standing along the rail at the back of
the stage carrying on silent conversations. One
of the extras lost his balance, however, and fell
over the ship rail and into what was apparently
the ocean as far as the audience was concerned.
Everyone saw it and the action couldn't just go on
as though nothing had happened, so one of the
extras yelled, "Man overboard!" and all the main
characters stopped and gathered around the rail
while the sailor extras "rescued" the extra who
had fallen off the platform and into the dry sea
They threw a life preserver over the rail, some-
one backstage doused the fallen extra with water,
and he was finally pulled on board again looking
as though he had actually been nearly drowned.
Then the play went on after the crowd had dis-

This business of truckin' isn't di-

rectly concerned with radio, but it is Students, School of Education:
a very delightful offspring. The other Students who received marks of in-
day we were approached by a well complete or X at the close of their
known, Summer Session, student- last tern of attendance, must have
trucker who asked us--when he completed work in such courses by
should have known better--this ques- today or have presented in Room
tion: "Is it possible to do a good job 1437 U.E.S. petitions for extension of'
truckin' without usin' the hips? "Now time, with the approval of the in-
we don't profess to be authorities on structor concerned, and directed to
this business, but everyone knows the Administrative Committee of the
that you can't truck without using School of Education. In cases where
your hips. Well we haven't gotten no supplementary grade or petition
over it yet--and especially because for extension of time has been filed,.
we've known all along that this per- these marks shall be considered as
son was a veteran trucker.--oh, oh! having lapsed into E grades.
Now let's get this straight--this---
important now. We've said it, and Linguistic Institute Lecture: Dr.
said it, and said it over and over and Adelaide Hahn of Hunter College
over again-until we're sick and tired will speak at 7:30 p.m. today in Room
of the whole thing-that you CAN- 25. Angell Hall, on "The Derivation
NOT, AND NEVER WILL BE ABLE Iand Meaning of Hittite 'numan' and


ers today at 4 p.m. Meet in front of
Hill Auditorium. Bring cars to help
transport to Portage Lake. Call El-
viva Hamernik, 6640 for reservations.
Cercle Francais: Meeting will be
held Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Foyer
Francais. Speaker: Prof. Charles A.
Knudson. Refreshments.
Stalker Hall: Swimming party and
picnic, Thursday. Meet at Stalker
Hall at 5 p.m. Small charge for
supper. For reservation, call 6881.
If you have a car and can bring it,
will you let us know Summer Ses-
sion students and their friends wel-
Professional Students in Hygiene
and Public Health: A supper for all
professional students in Hygiene and
Public Health attending the Summer
Session is scheduled for Sunday eve-
ning, Aug. 1, Michigan League, 6 p.m.
The price for this supper is 40 cents.
All students are urged to attend.
Tickets may be purchased in Room 2,
Waterman Gym before Friday noon,
July 30.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

HIPS. We've seen some good truck- 'this afternoon at 3:15 p.m. I
in' at the League and the Union Radhakamal Mukerjee will speak
lately, but we never want to see it the subject "Population Problems
even attempted at these places wtih- India bearing on the Situation
out the complete use of he hips. China and Japan."
This afternoon at 3, Edward R.



Grace, Jr., will direct his fellow7
classmates in the University's pro-;
gram over WJR. Grace will present1
this afternoon excerpts from "Sirej
and Prejudice." The casts for these
dramatizations will be taken fromI
Dr. Halstead's and Professor Abbot's
classes in broadcasting, and will in-
clude Richard Orr, Grace Miller,
Joan Brusman, Catherine Moore,
William Kelly, Norman Rose, Eliza-
beth Adams, Stephen Flipiak, Rob-
ert Corrigan, Thelma Slack and
We especially liked Mr. C. W.
Gustafson's original skit, "The Case
of Catherwood" which was presented
Monday of this, week. It was the
cleverest skit we've heard yet from
the Morris Hall studio.
In spite of all the criticism direct-
ed against him, we still like to listen
to Guy Lombardo. If ;You want to
enjoy some dance music which, for
a change, isn't swung, just follow
these directions, and you can't go
wrong: Sunday afternoon at 4:30, go
in the house, send the kids outside,
pour yourself a nice big drink of
whatever you want, (got cigarettes?)
tune in on WJR or other stations of
the CBS, tell everybody to be quiet,
and for the next half hour, we think
you'll enjoy the music of the Royal
Canadians which, by the way, has
been favorites of the American people
for more than 10 years.

Michigan Dames invite all wives of
students and internes to their weekly
bridge party, this afternoon at 2 p.m.
in the Grand Rapids Room, Michi-
gan League. Both contract and auc-
tion bridge will be played.
The 5 o'clcck lecture today in Na-
tural Science Auditorium will be
given by Prof. Vernor W. Crane, pro-
fessor of American History. His
subject will be "Father Jacques
All Summer Students: There will
be a tea dance from 4 to 6 p.m. in
the League Ballroom today for all
students enrolled in the Summer Ses-
sion. There is no admission charge.
All students are urg6d to attend.
Teachers in Attendance at Summer
School: All teachers enrolled in the
Summer Session and others who are
interested in teachers' organizations
problems are invited to attend an
open meeting of the Local Chapter
of the American Federation of
Teachers at 8 p.m. this evening in
Natural Science Auditorium. The
nature, objectives, affiliations, and
functioning of the Federation will be
the subject of addresses and discus-
sion by state officers of the organiza-
tion and others.
C. N. Wenger, President.
Pi Lambda Theta picnic will be
held today at 4 p.m. at the Women's

English Country Dancing
(Continued on Page 3)

will be

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EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 1x
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
LOST: Bristol two-temper casting
rod Friday night on Tappan be-
tween Oakland and Hill. Reward.
Phone 6674.
LOST: Wrist watch. Bulova. On or
in vicinity of State St. Will finder
please return to the- Publications
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MUNICH, Germany, July 27.-(/P)- Athletic Building. Please make your
Bodies of seven Germans and nine reservations with Geil Duffendack,
Gurka porters, killed by an avalanche telephone 7247.
while on a Himalayan expedition,
were found today by a rescue party. Southern Club picnic for Southern-






Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Answering One Of Them'
To the Editor:
Your letter of July 27, is at hand and I am
at this time making just and prompt response.
It is the candid opinion of this correspondent
that Mr. Waldo Abbot, head of the University
of Broadcasting Service, and instructor of your
misunderstood self in Speech 151, is a most de-
lightfully human, intelligent and fine person-
ality. It is further the opinion of this corres-
pondent that Mr. Abbot is a highly versatile,
competent and interesting instructor, qualities
of which certain members of the teaching pro-
fession would know little about.
Your thetorical style and supposedly whimsi-
cal humor in your short and shall I say rather
ironic letter displays most vividly your hidden
and unrecognized talents which I am sure you
have called to Mr. Abbot's attention by this
time. I can see no reason why these talents
should go further unrecognized and hidden from
the world's arsenal of knowledge now that you
have so modestly sketched them with your deft
brilliant pen.
You objected, I beieve, in your lette to certain
remarks, misinterpreted ones, presumably mede
by the subject of this discussion with regards to
school teachers not being college students. You
further stated that you, dear one of them, were
here for a good time but not too frivolous a one.
God bless you, may your every hope be granted.
T rn -,tall1,,,byvmirlaff a, + s~lrlifer h1, hP.


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