The Weather
Local showers, and somewhat
warmer today; tomorrow fair,
somewhat cooler.
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Demise Of Court Bll...
LaFollette's Comittee,..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Reporter Sees All
Europe Preparing
For Inevitable War
England, Afraid Of Attack
By Air, Is Given Advise
In Case- '
Propaganda Spread
By Newspapers, Air
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar-
ticle was sent to The Daily by a member
of the staff vacationing in Europe.
These are his impressions of the pres-
ent European situation written from
London, England. He has visited Ger-
many, Denmark, France and England.
(Special to The Daily)
England, afraid of air raids, dam-
age to her commerce or harm to her
colonies, is using bathtubs and bed-
steads in frenzied preparation today.
Her huge rearmament program, so ex-
tensive that present supplies of brass
and iron are insufficient to provide
enough material, has now gone from
the Englishman's pocketbook to his
bed chamber for metal to make tanks
and cruisers.
. The Britisher accepts the immi-
nence of war in a matter-of-fact
fashion because the newspaper, the
radio, the cinema and all media for
propaganda are being utilized in the
process of so paralyzing him with
fear that he can not effectively re-
sist, nor in many cases express a de-
sire to.
Invent A Mystery Flier
The latest fear inspiring device is
the mysterious plane that has twice
swooped over the English coast. It
was "bannered" in many of the news-
papers and The Daily Express printed
an extra today carrying a story about
a telephone call from the "mystery
flier" in which that person was re-
ported to have said:
"I have been flying about to show
theBritish people how inefficient the
R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) would be in
the event of foreign air invasion."
What timorous Englishman would
not hand over his bedstead as well as
much of his earnings in the face of a
score like that!
Shaggy orators up in Hyde Park
justify the rearmament program be-
cause it affords protection to the
worker and his family who would be
killed by workers seeking to destroy
the capitalistic machine of England
of which the workers claim to be the
main spring.
Sell Tubs and Bedsteads
Suave statesmen down in Whitehall
insist that the British Lion must be
bolstered up in order to withstand
dictators and combinations of dicta-
tors who seek more conquests like
Ethiopia and the Rhineland to assure
them of popularity and support. ;
And between the tower of Big Ben
on Parliament and the marble arch
of Hyde Park you may see the people
that sell their bedsteads and bath-
tubs. They are unlike the men and
women that walk up and down State
Street and ride the subway in New
York. An airplane overhead will seem
to make them blanch as they appre-
hensively look up and perhaps at-
tempt to recall the Home Secretary's
list of instructions in case of air raids.
Riding home at the end of the day,
you may watch them reading reports
on page one, such as "The Home Of-
fice advises you to set aside a room in
your house in case of air raids," which
appeared yesterday in the Evening
Horror Present Everywhere
Although I have emphasized the
horror that has stirred Britainzto re-
armament the same horror was being
stirred up in Germany when I was
there in June. Hitler's Volkischer
Beobachter was giving air raid advice
instead of the Evening News, and in
Denmark, "The Kingdom of Reason,"
they are not selling bedsteads-they
are keeping them so they can hide
under them!
In Copenhagen, I visited a new
home that was being built and re-
marked at the extraordinary depth
of the cellar and it was explained to
me that the authorities had advised
architects to provide for a haven from
gas dropped from airplanes. But this
fellow was going to use it as a laundry
room instead. He told us this just as
a man would tell you that heshad
decided to spend his money on a new;
car instead of on life insurance for
himself and his family.
Although Europe is what Hearst
would call "an armed camp," it is a
poor term because in this armed camp
there are several staunch battalions
Mexico Earthquake
Death Toll Hits 34
ORIZABA, Vera Cruz, Mexico,
July 27.-(/')-The death toll of
Sunday night's disastrous earthquake
mounted tonight to 34. Hundreds
were injured. Thousands were with-
out shelters.
Rescue parties dug through ruins of
homes and public buildings in the
states of Vera Cruz and Puebla,
hunting for bodies and trying to aid
any living victims who might still be
A survey of the stricken region, ex-
tending fanwise to the northeast and
southeast of Tehuacan, Puebla,
showed widespread damage.
Residents said loss of life would
have been far greater had not the
first shocks been oscillatory ones, giv-
ing occupants of many houses time
to flee into the open before subsequent
shocks wrecked buildings.
Criminal Lingo
Is Elucidated
Dr. Maurer
Underworld Slang Studied
By Louisville University
Before the largest Linguistic Insti-
tute luncheon conference group of
the summer, Dr. David W. Maurer of
the University of Louisville yesterday
explained and illustrated peculiarities
of underworld lingo, and declared
that it offers numerous unexplored
possibilities for original linguistic re-
Before actually discussing "Prob-
lems of Criminal Argot" Professor
Maurer outlined the general make-up
of the underworld, which, he said,
constitute a large heterogeneous l
population below the wavering levell
of respectibility. The line of de-
marcation, he observed, is not neces-
Creel Speaks
On History Of
Ancient China
Chicago Professor Tells
Of Recent Investigations
Into Extinct Civilization
Institutions Called 1
Dynamic, Not Static
"We are getting away from the idea
of Chinese civilization resting petri-
fied for 2,000 years," Prof. Herlee G.
Creel of the Chinese department of
the University of Chicago told the
Summer Session lecture audience yes-
terday in hisdiscussion ofg "Ancient
Chinese History in the Light of Re-
cent Investigations."
Professor Creel, widely-known au-
thority on Chinese history and liter-
ature, declared that "instead of a
fixed tableau we now have a pan-
oramic scroll unfolding before us. We
are not very certain of the context
of the scroll in many places, but we
are at least in possession of material
which we know enables us to do work
that will not be entirely useless to the
Discussing the celebrated culture of
the ancient Shang dynasty, rulers of
China from 1776 to 1122 B.C. Profes-
sor Creel told how the cultural unity
of the era is found preserved in the
repetitive symbols in art, even certain
propagandistic catch-phrases in
bronze inscriptions being repeated, so
that a fixed basis, however elemental,
can be established. "And at the same
time," Professor Creel said, "we get
the dynamic spirit of Chinese history
rather than a static set of institu-
tions portrayed by these works of
The gap which previously was be-
lieved to exist between the neolithic
man and the early Chinese has been
closed by the discovery of the "black
pottery," a form of primitive work-
manship recently brought to light.
The Peking man, whose skull and
bones have been uncovered only in
(Continued on Pae 3)
Fourth Dance
In Tea Series
Will Be Today
The fourth in the series of tea
dances sponsored by 'the Summer
Session League Council will be held
from 4 to 6 p.m. today in the League
ballroom, according to Jean Boni-
steel, '38, chairman of the affair.
Members of Charlie Zwick's band
will play for dancing, and dance as-
sistants will be provided. The re-
freshments served will be lemonade
and chocolate cake.
"Students in all schools are urged
to come to these afternoon dances"
Miss Bonisteel said, "for they pro-
vide an excellent opportunity to get
The following have been invited to
pour for the tea dance: Mrs. John
Sundwall, Mrs. Joseph Hayden, Mrs.
Warren Forsythe, Mrs. Robert Angell,
Mrs. Paul Leidy, Mrs. Hawley Tap-
ping, Mrs. Herbert Kenyon and Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
the League.
Members of the Summer Session
League Council will also assist. They
are: Hope Hartwig, Barbara Brad-
field, Janet Allington, Barbara Nel-
son, Jeanne Geyer, Phyllis Miner and
Ona Thornton.
Austen Novel
Is Repertory's
5th Of fering
Stage Version Of 'Pride
And Prejudice' To Open
Four-Day Run Tonight
Play's Scene Laid
In England Of 1815
"Pride and Prejudice," a dramati-
zation of Jane Austen's novel by Hel-
en Jerome, will be presented by the
Repertory Players as their fifth offer-
ing at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. It will continue
for four days ending Saturday.
The play, one of the special at-
tractions of the Summer Season, is a
comedy of manners in marked con-
trast to the heavy drama of last week,
"Yellow Jack." An outstanding suc-
cess in New York and London, it re-
lies on the whimsical charm of the
early nineteenth century English
society in which it is laid as well as
on the brilliant and ironic wit of the
great novelist, whose style is said to
have been retained in large measure
in the stage version of her story.
The plot centers about the upper
middle class Bennett family, whose
gruff paterfamilias is disgusted with
the efforts of his social-climbing
match-making wife to find husbands
for her two daughters. The latter in-
clude the heroine of the piece, Eliza-
beth, a precocious child of ultra-
sophistication for the 1815 back-
ground in which she lives, and her
younger sister, Jane. Elizabeth is
introduced to Darcy, a young man of
the upper class with the inhibitions
typical of his station. His pride and
intellect, which match. Elizabeth's
own, furnish the material for a num-
ber of verbal battles which enliven
the action throughout. When Darcy
finally proposes marriage, Elizabeth
rebukes him with the fact that he
has caused the affair between sister,
Jane and his friend-Bingley to be
broken off on the grounds of the Ben-
nett's inferior social rank, but all
complications are finally ended and
the comedy concludes on the usual
satisfactory note of happy marriage.
The archaic and slightly precious
language affected by the characters,
the picturesque costumes and the
handsome settings are expected to be
chief contributing factors to the suc-
cess of the production. Three sets are
used: the interiors of the Bennett liv-
(Continued on Page 3)
Democrats Meet
To Talk About
Due Leoislation
Supporters Of Roosevelt,
Consider, With Barkley,
Coming Bills
WASHINGTON, July 27.-0')-A
group of first-term Senate Demo-
crats, all ardent supporters of Pres-'
ident Roosevelt, stepped into the ad-
journment situation tonight with a
meeing to decide what legislation
they wish enacted before the session
To -a dinner party, arranged by
Senator Smathers (Dem., N.J.), they
invited the majority leader, Senator
Barkley of Kentucky.
The meeting was called while Ad-
ministration leaders were considering
what portions of the Roosevelt legis-
lative list might have to be deferred
in difference to growing sentiment
for an early adjournment.
The young Democratic group sup-
ported President Roosevelt's defeated
proposal to reorganize the Supreme
Court and also backed Senator Bark-
ley in his close contest for the Dem-
ocartic leadership, on the ground he
was Mr. Roosevelt's choice for the
Individually its members have de-
clared they favor going ahead with
the entire Roosevelt legislative pro-
gram before adjournment.
Speaker From India
To Lecture Today
Dr. Radhakamal Mukeijee, head of
the departments of economics and so-
Chinese Barracks Bombed
By Japanese Aerial Forces
As Army Encircles Peiping
Ann Arbor Resident, University,
Grad., In Peiping Danger Sector
Barbara Wilson Tinker,
Studying Oriental Cloths,
At Scene OfFighting
Miss Barbara Wilson Tinker, 26
years old, of 519 Oswego St., Ann Ar-
bor, was listed last night by the State
Department at Washington as one of
the 1,300 Americans now in the
danger sector around Peiping, China,
scene of Japan's "punitive" attack on
China, at the start of hostilities.
According to her parents, Mr., and
Mrs. Almerin D. Tinker, Miss Tinker
has been in Peiping for seven months,
studying Oriental tetiles under di-
rection of Dr. Carl Shuster, head of
the Oriental division of the Pennsyl-
vania Museum, and was to have left
in the near future for Cheng-Tu,
Readiness Can
Be Controlled,
Asserts Woody
Round Table Conference
Told The Four Aspects
Of Problem
Reading readiness, which is under
the control of the teacher, consists
of those things which a good teacher
does to connect up the child's ex-
perience with things to be taught so
that understanding and mastery may
result, Prof. Clifford Woody of the
education school told the round table
conference on reading problems yes-
"There are four aspects to readi-
ness," he said, "the biological, the
psychological, the sociological and
the educational."
Professor Woody continued by say-
ing that although readiness is a new
educational concept, the idea behind
it is old.
"There are several ways by which
the teacher can predict readiness," he
concluded. "He can do it by attitudes,
social maturity, emotional stability,
interests and habits of work."
Speaking at the afternoon session
of the conference, Prof. Louis M. Eich
of the speech department stated that
there should be training in oral read-
ing as well as silent reading until a
pupil enters high school.
"Some university students can't
read to others intelligently," he de-
Professor Eich pointed out that
with the radio, the extent of reading
aloud has been increased.
"There is also prevalent today," he
concluded, "a feeling that the literary
classics should be read aloud more,
for-they are vitalized by oral reading."
Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the edu-
cation school will address the confer-
ence at 9 a.m. today on "To What Ex-
tent Do Reading Difficulties Condi-
tion Slow Learning," and Prof. Stuart
A. Courtis of the education school will
speak at 2 p.m. on "Improved Meth-
ods in the Measurement of Reading."
nort.ern Chinese city near the Tibet-
an frontier, to study peasant em-
While in Peiping, she has been
staying at the home of a former gov-
ernor of one of the southern Chinese
provinces, Y. S. Chi, an influential
Chinese resident of the city. With
the start of the heavy Japanese of-
fensive this morning, however, all
American citizens in Peiping have
been summoned within the foreign
sector in that city, to be brought
under the protection of heavily con-
centrated marine corps forces:
Miss Tinker, who also took under-
graduate work at Michigan State
Normal College in Ypsilanti, graduat-;
ed from the University in 1933, and
took her Master of Arts degree in
1934. She was engaged at the Uni-
versity Museums for two years in
cataloguing the largest collection of;
Chinese tetiles in the United States,
which after its display at the New
Orleans Exposition in 1885 was given
to President James Burrill Angell,
who before that time had been United,
States Minister to China. The col-
lection had not been touch.ed since
it wasreceived here in 1885.
Before she left for China Miss Tin-
ker worked for some time under the
late Benjamin March, head of the
Oriental Division at the Detroit Mu-
seum, and on her way to the Orient
she also worked for a time with Dr.7
Larry Sickman, who holds a similar
position in the Kansas City Museum.
The former student was born in
Ann Arbor and has lived here all her
life. Mr. Tinker is a partner in,
Tinker & Co., State Street clothing
Loyalists Are
Confident After
MADRID, July 27.-(P)-Insurgent
troops hammered hard at government
lines west of Madrid again today but
the government said all assaults had
been repulsed and the attackers ap-
parently were weakening from 'ex-
It was the third day of fierce strug-
gle since Gen. Francisco Franco's
men recaptured strategically-situated
Brunete, 15 miles west of Madrid.
Artillery crashed almost incessant-
ly, and planes dumped bombs on the
The government asserted its de-
fense was as sturdy as a stone wall
and charging insurgents dropped
back to their own trenches under
withering machine gun fire.
The government's advance, de-
signed to cut off the insurgents who
have been lying in the city's western
outsI irts since last November, had
been halted definitely by the insur-
gent conquest of Brunete.
But the government declared it had
at least twice as many men in reserve
as the insurgents and expressed con-
fidence it could ultimately win any
major battle if Franco should push on
toward the city, long since evacuated
by the cabinet.
Warning Of 'Free Action'
By Tokyo Regarded As
Declaration Of War
Battle Is Awaited
By 1,300 Americans
TIENTSIN, July 28.-(Wed-
nesday-()-The Japanese high
command announced today its
advance guard had captured
Nanyuan barracsks, south of
Peiping, after desperate fight-
ing in which the Chinese 9th
army was driven back on the
walls of the ancient city.
TIENTSIN, July 28.-(Wednesday)
-UP)-Forty-five Japanese warplanes,
including heavy bombers, roared from
Tientsin airfields at dawn today to
support a major Japanese offensive
against Chinese barracks guarding
Troops moved to encircle Peiping
itself, carrying out the Tientsin Jap-
anese command's wariging that it was
taking "free action" to force with-
drawal of Chinese troops from Pei-
ping and neighboring barracks. Some
regarded the warning as a virtual
declaration of war by the Japanese
Japanese troops were pushing from
Fengtai, along with the Tientsin
sarily a social distinction.
The underwold, Dr. Maurer con-
tinued, is made up of numerous high-
ly organized groups, such as the
bank-blowers, the "con" men, the
prostitutes and the criminal narcotic
addicts. Most of these rarely serve
time in prison, for their groups are
highly organized to protect them. The
criminal who is arrested, said the
speaker, generally is the one outside
a group or clan and thus lacking the
protective contacts with the law.
How great is the turnover in vo-
cabulary in a criminal class was
studied recently by Dr. Maurer, who
found that, in general, about one-
fourth of the argot is lost within a 30-
year period, while much more of it
suffers alteration of meanings.
Samples of argots of various classes
were read by Dr. Maurer, who had
succeeded in obtaining them directly
from the persons who ordinarily used
such a highly artificial vocabulary
within their own group. An unusual-
ly interesting specimen was provided,
by the conversation of a ,university
man who had been retained by a
gang of safe-blowers as an adviser
(mIontnimd on an n
Barracks Are Objective
Barracks west and south of Peiping
were objectives of the aerial bombers,
but the Japanese command insisted
that Peiping itself would not be
bombed from the air.
The bombers first attacked Nan-
yuan barracks, south of Peiping, and
"large losses were inflicted on the en-
emy," a Japanese communique said.
The attack was at 6:20 a.m.
Troops moved against the Chinese
barracks of Hsiyuap,, just three miles
northwest of ancient Peiping itself.
The Japanese, it was believed, had
delayed a previous encircling move-
ment about Peiping, begun ten days
ago, because of the small force then
at their command.
Japanese Number 20,000
The present Japanese force in
North China was estimated today to
number 20,000 troops, most of them
in the Tientsin unit, 5,000 at field
headquarters at Fengtai and the re-
maining 500 comprising the normal
garrison within Peiping.
The Chinese, foreign military
sources said, have an estimated sev-
en divisions in all Hopeh province,
numbering 150,000 men.
Thirteen hundred Americans kept
tense watch today for a fluttering
blue and white flag to signal that
China and Japan have begun battle
for the walled and moated city of old
The flag, if hoisted on the huge
(Continued on Page 4)
Labor Board
Is Called Fair
By Roosevelt
President Answers Critics
Of Wagner Act In Press
WASHINGTON, July 27.-(AP)-
President Roosevelt defended today
his National Labor Relations Board;
which has been charged with leftism
and bias in favor of unions.
He asserted at a press conference
that the Board has been fair to both
capital and labor.
Charges that the Board is conspir-
ing with Communist influences to de-
stroy southern industries were made
yesterday by Representative Rankin
(Dem., Miss.).
Previously Senator Nye (Rep., N.D.)
had declared that the Board is so bi-
ased in favor of John L. Lewis' Com-
mittee for Industrial Organization
"that the average man regards it as
an adjunct."
Hugh S. Johnson, the former Na-
tional Recovery Administrator, con-
tended that the Board is a one-sided
"pressure" group unsuited for its
LANSING, July 27. -- (/P)-
Powell, 12-year-old daughter
and Mrs. Jacob Powell, of V
ston, was killed today in ans
bile collision on US-16.
- Ir'ene
rof Mr.
Camp Davis Hard Work Broken
By Week-End Mountain Climbs
'Semi-Brutal' Students In 1895
Provided Newspaper SensationsI
July 27.-(Special to The Daily)-
Sixteen members of the University
Geodesy and Surveying Camp, find
respite from work only on week-ends
when "Beulah," the camp truck, pulls
away to some near point of interest.
Sunday the crew visited the Gros
Ventre Slide, largest avalanche of
modern times, near Teton National
The gang of geology students who
come to the camp in June with softI
den, '39E, repeated the 10-mile climb
the next day.
Week-end dances at Jackson pro-
vide relaxation for the camp-all ex-
cept Joseph J. Demma, '39E, who
spurns any bodily exercise after five
and a half days work, and spends his
spare time watching his beard grow.
Tourists and natives attending the
dances present a western atmosphere
mingled with that of the city. It is
the group of summer "dude-ranch-
ers" that fills the place with a phan-
tasmata of awe-inspiring shirts and
overalls, while the cowboys wear civ-
Whether it was true that on Hal-1
lowe'en 1895 more than five special
police were sworn in, students ar-
rested, and coffins and corpses;
burned by students, has not to this
day been satisfactorily proved.
But the report in a Detroit paper
that a student in the medical schoolt
ate a sausage other students had
filled wih ground human meat on
Monday, May 1, 1895, was revealed on
May 28 of that year in a rival paper,
to have been declared by the local
scolded Norman M. Cameron, '95L,
for filing news dispatches that "mis-
represented and maligned the Univer-
sity," and for sending a "half-column
of lies on the 'burnt flesh carnival'
at Hallowe'en as compared with a
stickful on the oratorical contest."
Cameron answered the charge at
length in a communication May 10.
The Daily said in a prelude that they
could not condescend to make reply
to the personal attack contained
The reporter for the Detroit Eve-
ning News said in his letter that not