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July 28, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-28

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Budge Is Star
As U.S. Wins
The Davis Cup
'War Babies' Sweep Final
Two Singles Matches Of
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 27.-(13)
-America's "War Babies" galloped
off with the Davis Cup today as
Frankie Parker and Don Budge swept
the final two singles matches of the
challenge round with Great Britain
and brought the Stars and Stripes to
the end of a ten-year campaign aimed
at recovery of the International Team
Tennis Trophy.
To Parker, compactly built 21-year-
old youngster from Milwaukee, went
the honor of clinching the series with
a 6-2, 6-4, 6-2 triumph over Charles
Edgar Hare in the first of today's
closing matches.
Then Budge, "veteran" of the team
at 22 and like Parker a grammar
school student when America last
held the cup, made the final series
count 4-1 by whipping the British
stylist, Henry Wilfred (Bunny) Aus-
tin, 8-6, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.
When it was all over, Her Highness
the Princess Helena Victoria lifted
the big trophy from a table draped
with the Stars and Stripes and the
Union Jack, and handed it over in
the name of the British who had held
it since 1933 when France's six-year
grip finally was broken.
Thus the cup which had defied all
American efforts since age crept into
William Tatem Tilden's legs, was
ready for its first crossing of the At-
lantic since 1927. That was the year
that Rene Lacoste and Henri Cochet
whipped Tilden and "Little Bill"
Johnston on the final day of the chal-
lenge round and took the cup back
to France with them.
And not the least remarkable fea-
ture of the American triumph was
the fact that it was accomplished
with perhaps the youngest team that
has ever reached a Davis Cup chal-
lenge round. Gene Mako, Los An-
geles blond and third member of the
squad, is only 21.
Although deprived of the privilege
of scoring the clinching point, Budge
remained the heroic figure in Amer-
ica's successful drive. It was the
singles victory the Oakland, Calif.,
red-head scored over Hare on Sat-
urday and the doubles triumph he
and Mako earned against C. R. D.
Tuckeyaand F.H. D. Wilde yesterday,
that left ,Parker in a position where
he could win the cup.
And it was the lion-hearted Budge
who shouldered almost all of the ter-
rific burden in the interzone finals
with Germany and whipped Gott-
fried Von Cramm in the most spec-
tacular five-set match Wimbledon's
center court ever has seen to clinch
America's berth in the challenge
It perhaps was fitting that Budge,
on the final day of the campaign,
should have some relief from the re-
morseless tension of the past nine
The crowd seemed to know that
Parker hadn't really won the cup, that
Budge actually had done the work
with his noble victory over Von
And they demonstrated this fact
when the tall, lean red-head appeared
for his meaningless match with Aus-
tin. They applauded long and called
his name. Perhaps never in Wimble-
don's history was a foreign player
shown so clearly the crowd was with
They laughed and joked with one
another. In the middle of the fourth
set, for no reason at all, they simply
stopped playing, ordered tea.
Indians, Tigers

Beat The Bees
And Panthers
Tigers, Panthers Lead In
Education League; Cards
And FacultyIn Other
In yesterday's baseball games in the
Education League, the Indians, beat
the Panthers, 6 to 5, and the Tigers
licked the Bees 15 to 5. In the Univer-
sity League the Cubs beat the Chem-
ists 12-10 and the Yankees whipped
the Cards, 6-2.
Standing, Education League :
Team W. L. Pct.
Tigers .................4 0 1000
Panthers ...............2 2 .500
Bees ..................1 3 .250
Indians ................1 3 .250
Thursday's Games-4 p.m.:
Panthers vs. Tigers.
Bees vs. Indians.
Standings, University League:
Team W L. Pct.
Faculty ................3 1 .750
Cards ..................3 2 .666
1Vankees .................3 2 .666
Cubs ...................2 2 .500
Chemists ...............0 4 .000
Thursday's Games-4 p.m.:
Chemists vs. Yankees.
Cubs vs. Faculty.
Cards open date.
Sixth Swimming Meet


The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures



Extra police were stationed in New York's Pennsylvania station to restrain the portion of Harlem that
gathered to give four Negro youths freed of Scottsb.oro, Ala., mass attack charges, a noisy welcome. The.
four boys, arriving with their chief attorney, Samuel Leibowitz, were goggle-eyed at the reception. Police are
shown here straining to hold back the crowd.

Squire Gene Sarazen, farmer-golfer of Brookfield Center, Conn.,
planted an affectionate kiss on the somewhat battered face of his
"victory" ball after winning the $3,000 first prize in the $10,000 Chicago
Open golf tournament at Medinah Country Club. Three other top notch
profesisonals were only one stroke behind Sarazen's 290 total.

At least one man was killed and more than a score of persons were injured in two clashes between police
and strikers at the Republic Steel Corporation's Corrigan-McKinney plant in Cleveland. Jahn Orceny, a .
striker, was dead when an ambulance delivered him at a hospital. Police said he had been run down by
a motor car of a worker entering the plant. Police are shown here restraining pickets.
Farr Hras Lved British CounterHpart
OfAn Americ-an Horatio Alger Hero

Republic Steel
Tries To Limit
Safety Director Prohibits
Assembly Within 500
Yards Of Plant Gates
CLEVELAND, July 27.- MP) - A
proclamation by Safety Director Eliot
Ness prohibited tonight any assem-
blies in the riot-torn district front-
ing Republic Steel Corporation's Cor-
rigan-McKinney plant.
Republic went to court today in an
effort to limit picketing.
"All citizens are hereby prohibited
from congregating or gathering in
groups, in riotous assembly or mass
formations excepting under permit
lawfully issued," Ness ordered.
The proclamation barred assem-
blies within 500 yards of any plant
Picketing Not Limited Specifically
While picketing was not limited
specifically, Ness' proclamation stat-
ed "all persons shall be prohibited
from entering the territory except on
lawful business."
Asked who would have authority to
issue permits to persons desiring to
enter the restricted area, he replied:
"Patrolmen on the scene will be
authorized to issue oral permits."
Ness also announced that company
officials agreed to change hours at
which employes will enter and leave
the plant so that all shift changes
will be made during daylight. The
new shift changes are 8:30 p.m., 6:30
a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and will continue
indefinitely, he said.
After Republic went to court in its
effort to curtail picketing in the riot-
torn district froning is Corrigan-Mc-
Kinney plan, the CIO responded it
would show "paid agents and hired
thugs" of the company were respon-
sible for "all of the trouble last
Ask Fixing Of Picket Numbers
Republic, the nation's third largest
steel producer, asked the common
pleas court to fix the number of pick-
ets at each plant entrance, and de-
manded an injunction against in-
terference with workers.
Chief Justice Homer G. Powell,
over the objections of CIO counsel,
ordered a hearing tomorrow. At the
same time B. J. Damich, who as re-
gional director of the CIO Steel
union is a defendant, requested an
investigation by the senate civil lib-
erties committee. He said:
"All of the trouble last night was
instigated by paid agents and -hired
thugs of Republic Steel. This will be
proven during trial of the injunction
suit here."
Mayor Harold H. Burton visited
union headquarters near the steel
plant to examine the damage from a
four-hour fight between strikers and
workers in which more than 80 per-
sons suffered injuries requiring hos-
pital treatment.
One striker was hit by an automo-
bile and killed.
Labor Board
Is Called Fair
By Roosevelt
(Continued from Page 1)
country would not copy that act in
toto, it contains a fair degree of mu-
tual responsibility.
His defense of the Labor Board and
the Labor Act came while Senator
Black (Dem., Ala.) was striving on
the Senate floor to preventthe Ad-
ministration's wage-hour bill from

becoming a vehicle for admendments
to the Wagner Labor' Relations Act.
Opening debate on the proposal to
establish wage and hour standards,
he sought to head off a move by Sen-
ator Vandenberg. Rep., Mich.), who
has announced he will propose
amendments to increase the respon-
sibility .of labor unions, to prevent
union coercion of employes, and to
give the employer the right of appeal
to the Labor Board.
The Wagner Act carries a guaran-
tee of' collective bargaining and out-
.aws "unfair" practices by employ-
ers. Many employers have contend-
ed that the act is one-sided, that
,hey should be given more rights un-
der it, and that unions should be
made more responsible.

LONDON, July 27.- (/P) -Thomas
David Farr of Tonnypandy, Wales,
who gets the first crack at Joe Louis'
newly won heavyweight crown, has
lived in 23 years the British counter-
part of the American Alger story-
only tougher.
It is a story credible, his British
partisans declare, only because it is
true. In fiction it would be too fan-'
Tommy Farr, British Empire cham-
pion now holding the position of No.
1 challenger to the . heavyweight
championship, was polishing British
boots in a hotel at 9. He was serving
tables at 10. A year later he was
digging coal.
Hardened beyond his years, at 13
he challenged-at the urging of fel-
low-miners who had seen him in im-
promptu fistic action-and defeatedl
a circus sideshow take-all-comers
fighter. At 14 he was appearing in
semi-windups. Husky and clumsy,1
he got his first main billing in the
ring at 15.
Managerial Strategy
He was just another promising but
unpolished fighter the night he en-
tered a London prize ring against
Charlie Belanger of Winnipeg, veter-
an light heavy champion of Canada,
in August, 1934.
Belanger had taken Farr's measure
at Newcastle two months before and
the Welshman was given little chance
to win the return bout. That's where
shrewd Ted Broadribb, Farr's present
manager, comes in.
Ted tells the story: "I could not
resist the temptation to poke my nose
into other people's busniess. I went
along to Tommy's dressing room be-
fore the fight.
"'You should win tonight,' I said.
'You can beat all these fellows with
a little restraint. Don't you know,
you can box a heap better than any-
one in this class?'
"Said Farr: 'I don't believe I have;

a chance at all a'gainst this Belanger.
He gave me a terrific beating at New-
"'It's just nonsense,' I told him
quietly but emphatically. 'Use your
left hand and believe in it. Do noth-
ing rash and you can't help beating
him.' Farr beat Belanger that night.
What he chiefly lack was faith."
Dead Soldiers
A few months later Broadribb be-
came the Welshman's manager. In
May, 1935, Tommy stacked up against
Manuel Aubrew at White City and
won a 6-rounder. This started his
march on the heavyweights. His rec-
ord from then shows 13 decisions,
four knockouts, two draws and not a
Eddie Wenstob, Canadian, and
George Brennan, England, were his
next decision victims, after Aubrew.
Frank Moody held Farr to a 15-round
draw, but Farr retaliated four
months later with a 4-round kayo.
Launching into 1936, Farr decis-
ively outpointed the American, Tom-
my Loughran, one-time light-heavy
champion and old as fighters go, but,
still a testing block for youngsters :
Farr then beat Peter Van Google at
Swansea, then the American Bob Ol-
in, former light-heavy champ. The
Welshman drew with Jimmy Wilde,
then kayoed him in seven rounds. The
German Charlie Rutz was his next
Major Standings

decision victim, then came a kayo
over Joe Zeeman. So much for the
semi-obscure and has-beens Farr de-
Ben Foord had outstepped the
young Welshman, winning the British
and Empire heavyweight titles and
the famous Lonsdale belt. Farr then
outclassed Foord in a London 15-
rounder last March 15.
However, it was not until after he
had badly cut and whipped Heavy-
weight Ex-Champion Max Baer a
month later, that English boxing fans
realized they had something. better
than the famous horizontals such as
Phil Scott.
Tommy has had 270 fights, but
his compiled record goes back only to
May 28, 1929. Since then he fought
69 times, winning 51, drawing eight
and losing 10. Six victories were by
Cut Throat is
t Just A Nice
AUSTIN, Tex., July 27.-(P)-Here
are a few you can try on your sport
fan friends:
Define these terms: "boom," "peek-
ing," "cut throat," "bird," "petticoat,"
"hacking," "boasting," "lunger," "tin-
sica" and "bolt."
They're all well-known words in
sports and are contained in a glossary
compiled by Dr. David K. Brace, pro-
fessor of physical education at the
University of Texas.!,
A "boom" is a 10-foot rail of ad-
justable height used by gymnast9.
"Peeking" and "petticoat" are archery
terms, the former meaning to lift the
eyes from the point of aim before the
arrow reaches the target and the
latter representing part of the target
outside the white ring.
"Cut throat" isn't what you want to
do to your opponent, but a game of
handball in which two play against
one. "Bird" has no relation to golf's
birdie but is another name for a
"shuttle-cock." What's a "shuttle-
cock"? It's a little cork ball with fea-
thers stuck in it-used in badminton.
"Hacking" is deliberately kicking
at an opponent in soccer- football.'
"Boasting" isn't what a player does
after he wins a game. It's a squash
racquetshterm describing a compli-
Scated shot. What kind of a shot?
Well, let's skip that.
A "lunger" is the safety belt used
by tumblers and "tinsica" describes a

Representatives of the Rev. Charles E. Jaynes, Jr., were on the
lookout for a matrimonially-inclined couple for the seven-year-old
minister to marry in his first ceremony. The boy was ordained at
Peoria, Ill., by the Trinity Tabernacle group. The Rev. Mr. Jaynes,
who has expressed a hope that he might someday drive a fire truck and
enjoys a "big chunk" of lemon pie when not in the pulpit, is shown here
with his nurse, Neva Duff.

Japanese Open
Land And Air
Drive On City


Barracks Target

New York .........
Chicago ...........
Detroit ............
Boston ............
St. Louis ..........
Athletics ..........

.... 53


For Heavy Assault As
Peiping Is Surrounded
(Continued from Page 1)
radio towers above the American em-
bassy, was to call Americans to safety
within the foreign section of the city.
United States Marines filled sand-
bags to fortify the four gates within
the International Legation Quarter
to which they are assigned. The ma-
rines were prepared for "emergency
The Japanese command at Tientsin
announced at midnight that it was
taking "free action against China"
because of the "deceptive attitude of
Chinese forces."
Japan had demanded that the 37
Chinese divisions of the 29th Army,
withdraw from Peiping and surround-
ing barracks. This division had been
regarded as anti-Japanese and was
the chief one involved in fighting
which broke out on July 7 ten miles
west of Peiping.
Severe fighting was reported around
Peiping early Tuesday, and the Chi-
nese Central News Agency in Shang=
hai said Peiping forces were "pre-
pared to engage the Japanese in a
war of resistance."
The agency said the Chinese had
rejected Japan's ultimatums for with-
drawal of troops.
Some regarded the Japanese army's
decision to take "free action" as a
virtual declaration of war.
Recognition of Japanese claims to
special rights in economic and polit-

Farr, Louis, Shake
Hands First Time
NEW YORK, July 27.--UP)}-Tom-
my Farr and Joe Louis met for the
first time today, shook hands, but did
not wish each other luck.
They were introduced in the of-
fices of the New York State Athletic
Commission where they formally
-igned articles for their Aug. 26
heavyweight title fight in the Yankee
Their comments on each other
were brief and to the point.
"I sye, but 'e's a big bloke, aren't
he," said Farr. "Well, the bigger
they are, the 'arder they fall, wot?"
"I'm glad to see him looking so fit"
said Louis. "It ought to be a good
fight, but I hope to knock him out."
same room for five minutes before
anybody bothered to introduce them.
They stood in opposite corners chat-
ting to acquaintances. Neither so
much as gave the other a glance.
Finally, Chairman John J. Phelanl
took Farr to Louis' corner and pre-
sented him.

Southern Club
To Hold Picnic
TodayAt Lake
The Southern Club will hold its
annual picnic today at Portage Lake,
according to Dr. Luther T. Purdom,
sponsor of the club. All southern"
students are invited to attend this
last function of the Summer Session.
Those planning to attend are urged
to call Miss Elvira Hamernik, secre-
tary of the club, before noon today
se final glans for fl1'visions andi

New York 6, Detroit 5. (11 in'gs)
Washington 6, Chicago 5.
St. Louis 8, Boston 5.
Philadelphia 4, Cleveland 3.
Detroit at New York.
Chicago at Washington.
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Boston.

Genuine White Bucks and All Two-Tone
Styles with either Leather or Crepe Soles.
These styles are our regular $7.50 to

New York.....
St. Louis......
Boston ........
Brooklyn ......



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