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July 27, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-27

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TUESDAY, AMY 27, 1937

) TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1937

Official Publication of the Summer Session

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50..
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADIsoN Ave. New YORK. N.Y.
CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES
Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Iorace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bsett, Jean Drake
Gov. Murphy.. .
THIS TIME we might just as well
beat the State Police on the draw
with the admission that for the eleventh time
this year their quickly set blockade has failed to
capture gangs of armed robbers after bank hold-
ups in the state.
In fact, we can point out that only ore since
the system of a radio-directed auto blockade
was put into use in the state has it brought re-
sults, and that was in the hunt for Alcide
"Frenchy" Benoit, marihuna-crazed slayer of
Trooper Hammond, who was captured about 24
hours after his crime to end a search in which
more than 150 cars from three states had taken
We might as well add the reason given by the
State Police after each failure, that there are not
enough men in the service to make the blockade
function as it should. In this claim we support
It has been estimated that a force of more than
100 men, properly placed on US-112 and bridges
over the Huron and Raison rivers, would be
needed to make it impossible for a car to cross
Washtenaw County unseen. Suppose that a bank
robbery takes place at Gregory, a town no smaller
than Otisville, where armed bandits Friday re-
lieved a bank of about $1,500.
In 30 minutes the bandit car would be across
that' line of defense. If the men cannot be
placed there in that period of time, the blockade
must be set further back, and a proportionately
greater number of men used to make the trap
Again, suppose the bandit car decides to lie
low in the vicinity of the bank robbery for 24
hours. Before that time has elapsed the block-
ade must be withdrawn because there are not
enough men to replace the origial police lines
when they have reached the limit of their en-
Only superhuman efforts and a fanatic desire
to trap the man who killed a fellow officer kept
the blockade in place long enough to catch
Benoit. In a Kalamazoo shooting some time ago
the culprit, who was known to be heading for
Fort Wayne, simply kept under cover in Kal-
amazoo a few blocks from the scene of his crime
for almost a day, then kidnaped a motorist and
proceeded to drive to Fort Wayne, where he was
picked up a week later.
Assuming that a quarter of the State Police
force, with the aid of nearby local police. and
sheriff's deputies, could throw an effective block-
ade 30 miles in radius around a town in which a
bank robbery had occurred, it is still to be
doubted whether that quarter of the State Police
could bet concentrated in their positions in the
30 minutes it would take the fleeing car to cross
the line.

The answer to this-is an increased budget for
the State Police, already proposed, and the ap-
proval of which the officers are anxiously await-
ing. Underpaid and understaffed, they know that
the odds are against them when they try to
stop the wave of bank robberies which have al-
ready cost more than $65,000 this year.
Another fact on which accurate statistics are
not available is that resignations in the force
are taking place faster than replacements can
be effected. There is still a high morale and
pride in the service, but a 20-hour day which is
more the rule than the exception, low pay and
little relief, are all taking their toll. The officers
are willing to take risks with their lives, but they
cannot be blamed for insisting that they make
a living and live while they are doing it.
Commissioner Oscar G. Olander has repeatedly
asked for a budget which would at least allow
him to give more equitable salaries and to add

On The Level
W E GOT QUITE A LAUGH Sunday while eat-
ing at one of the downtown German res-
taurants. When we picked up our fork to begin
the mastication process, we noticed three Greek
letters inscribed on the handle-Beta Theta Pi.
* * * *
A practical joker with some two thousand dol-
lars and no near relatives, died the other day.
In his will he left Franklyn Delano Roosevelt
$1,000, and another grand to Joseph Stalin, the
dictator of the U.S.S.R. The biggest laugh will
come, though, when they deduct the inheritance
tax from Roosevelt's money.
IT WAS A PECULIAR FEELING to talk for some
time with Bob Cunningham after the last per-
formance of "Yellow Jack" Saturday night. Cun-
ningham had just washed the make-up off his
face after having played the role of "Carroll" in
this yellow fever drama, and we felt rather
nervous all during our talk with him because
"Carroll" came down with yellow fever and was
dying throughout most of the 22 scenes. We
thought the thing might be contagious and have
been on the lookout for mosquitos ever since.
* * * *
By the wayside, the Repertory Players are
really doing a swellelegant job of presenting their
various plays. Of the four plays put on thus far,
we liked "First Lady" the best. We like to go to
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre each Saturday
night and grade the players "A," "B," "C," and
etc. according to their acting ability. We grade
tlVn act by act.
-1vr our own particular choice, we rate Edward
Jura nearest to the "A" mark. In the "B"
markings consistently, we have placed Charles
Harrell, Sally Pierce, Charles Maxwell, Charles
McCaffrey, Ralph Bell, and Virginia Frink Har-
rell. Others, like Richard Orr, have rated well in
one part, but we haven't seen enough of them to
really put down a judgment that would stick,
JANET COLLINGS, Betsy Barbour brunette,
succeeded in fooling the penny fortune tell-
ing weight guessing machine at the entrance to
Nichol's Arcade, yesterday. Weighing about 115
/ actually, Janet stepped on
the scale and got a ticket
back that told her she
weighed 130. The fortune
on the back of the card
read, "Your quiet manner
and calm demeanor win the
respect of all who meet
you." Both the weight and
the character analysis had
this rather talkative miss
guessing, so she inserted another penny. This
time the card came down the chute and told
Janet that she weighed 122, and her analysis
read, "Beauty, in all forms, appeals to you and
you are often able to detect it beneath a dull
This penny scale also gives the user a picture
of her favorite movie star. On Janet's first card,
her favorite is Edward Everett Horton, and on
the second, John Boles is her choice. We take
it from this that the inventor of the weighing
machine goes on the theory that people are only
after a fairly close estimate of their weight.
Even if you don't like Dick Powell, this picture
has some good lines, both in dialogue and in Doris
Weston, discovery, whose refreshing attractive-
ness whisked her to Hollywood from an amateur
And Mr. Powell isn't as precocious a child as in
previous roles. The story centers around his ef-
forts to hold transcontinental and transpacific
broadcasts as the "Singing Marine" while being

under obligation to Uncle Sam's corps. There
are some good songs, among which are the too
true "The Lady Who Couldn't be Kissed," and
"You Can't Run Away from Love."
Fidgety-fingered Hugh Herbert, as the booking
manager, is better than we've ever seen him.
His double as his sister is what is vulgarly known
as a scream. A blind Chinese with a haunting
harmonica sobbing "Night Over Shanghai,"
leaves an indelible impression. Several impos-
sible situations, stocks-in-trade of Warner mu-
sicals, don't succeed in marring the fast-paced
Powell, who starts the piece as a coy lad
from Arkansas: "I can't get along with women.
I guess I just don't understand them." Allen
Jenkins, a tough sergeant, snaps back, "That's
two things! You can learn to get along with 'em."
Powell forgets his bashfulness abruptly after a
weinie roast, after having been roped into an
experimental date by Jenkins, with Doris Weston,
an appealing restaurant cashier. It took only his
voice singing a sentimental ditty to make women
lose all inhibitions, so the boys pitched in two
dollars each to send him to New York on his
furlough, where he carried off unprecedented
honors, probably with the aid of thousands of
marines on both land and sea who flooded the
studio with votes. Stupidly enough, he is en-
meshed in dotted lines-screen, radio, personal
appearance contracts, under the nervous guid-
ance of Hugh Herbert, and doesn't remember he
is still a marine until two huskies from the
Brooklyn Navy Yard come to his ultra-furnished
hotel suite to enlighten"him.
His new-found heights get him in hot water
with his fellows in uniform, but naturally they



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded,
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the camnus.
Forgotten Classes
To the Editor:
We belong to the Forgotten Classes of 1931 ad
1932. Forgotten, we say, because as far as jobs
go we, of those classes, may as well be dead. The
Bureau of Appointments once asked us to fill
in cards stating salaries we would want. What
a thrill that was and how important we felt!
Those were the days we actually had hope; we
believed in jobs and the democratic part. Better
still, we believed in the Bureau. But time has
changed hope into sickening futility. The Bu-
reau does not remember us any more. When su-
perintendents ask for English majors and biology
minors, the Bureau gives them 1937 models. For-
gotten are those lovely recommendations and
references that we worked so hard to get way
back in the dim dark years '31 and '32. They
are now a part of the archives-the forgotten
filing system in 201 Mason Hall.
We of the Forgotten Classes, feel that we would
still make good teachers. Five years have not
dimmed our memories; we still know Columbus
came to the New World in 1492 and that Darwin
wrote the Origin of the Species.
We would like to ask the superintendents who
are in attendance here: Why is it that you must
have a 1937 model when 1932 is more mature and
just as anxious to serve? How can we get experi-
ence when no one gives us a break? Will someone
straighten us out?
-E.W. Stevenson.
-F. S. Savage.
Protest To Regents
To the Editor:
The "Michigan Alumnus," in its July 10th
issue, reports that the Board of Regents approved
"the recommendation of the Men's Dormitory
Committee of the student body that $1,000,
raised during the year from student projects, be
used to erect the ornamental gate which is to
placed between the addition of the Michigan
Union and the new dormitory unit, Alleri House
and Ramsey House, and, further, that the gate
be named, the Murfin Gate in honor of Regent
James O. Murfin."
The writer, in common with other students of
his acquaintance, would like to voice his opinion
concerning this use of the money contributed
toward the building of men's dormitories during
the past year by students through the "Dorm
Dance," the "Michigras," and similar activities.
It is not argued that Regent Murfin is unworthy
of the honor accorded him; rather, it is felt that
the tribute is one well deserved. Nevertheless,
in the light of possible future actions of a sim-
ilar nature on the part of the Regents, some
statement of the student attitude in donating
these funds is called for. That attitude, as far
as I know it, was in expectation of the use of
the money raised from student donations for
the specific purpose of building dormitories, not
ornamental gates. The need for housing for men
is acute; that for ornamentation is infinitely
more remote. It is to be hoped that the more
immediate need receive the more immediate ac-
tion. -Edward L. Cushman, '37.
We Don't Know Teachers
To the Editor:
Do you know what that dynamic and non-
chalant Mr. Waldo Abbot threw at us the other
morning in 151 Broadcasting? Well, I doubt it.
In fact, do you know much about us at all, who
labor for hours to send out broadcasts of first
quality that can take the criticism hurled at
educational programs? Have you ever sat in class
and had the judgment day fall on your shoulders
for trying to be original? Well, perhaps not.
However that man told us (with the aid of those
pinch glasses and very suggestive eyes) that we
teachers are not "college students." We do not
know how, it seems, to be "collegiate." We need to
learn to "unbend." With it is the implication that
we need to learn how to "live."
In the name of common sense, sir, how do you
of this institution of learning gather such opin-
ions? What is your criterion? Not the few stiff

individuals with downward trends about the
mouth, who should have retired with the oncom-
ing century, I hope? After swimming off the
foam, it was evident Mr. Abbot only meant about
half of what he said. He is, after all, a very
broad man. But isn't it true that the school
at large thinks we are sticks and stones?
When will people realize that the successful
teacher has changed into a well rounded being
-that he counts his good points of personality
as the dietician counts his vitamins? May I ven-
ture, Mr. Editor, that you need to know us better?
Of course, we're not frivolous, and we hope, not
too giddy during our "vacation" months, but we
are here for an interesting summer, if that tells
you anything.
By way of proof for all that has been said, I
refer you to the landladies of Ann Arbor. Ten to
one, they'll say, "What a congenial group of stu-
dents these summer people are." And we summer
people are teachers, Mr. Editor!
-One of Them.
(From Daily Files of July 27, 1922)
President Harding set in motion the Federal
Emergency Fuel Control Organization with se-
lection of a committee of government officials,

review today.
C.E. 26: There wil be a written re-
view today.
Lecture: At 4:05 p.m. today Mrs.
Katharine B. Greene, lecturer in ge-
netic psychology, will sneak in the'
University High School Auditorium on
"Techniques used with very Young
Linguistic Luncheon Conference:
Following the regular Institute lun-
cheon at the Michigan Union at
1:10 p.m. today, Prof. David W.
Maurer of the University of Louisville
will speak on "Problems of Criminal
Argot" at 1 p.m. Persons interested
are invited to both luncheon and dis-
Christian Science Organization
at the University of Michigan will
hold its service this evening at 7:30
p.m. in the Chapel of the Michigan
League. Students, alumni, and fac-
ulty members of the University are
cordially invited to attend.
Excursion No. 9: Greenfield Vil-
lage. Visit to Ford's Village, Museum
of early American life; Edison's
Menlo Park Laboratory; the Dear-
born Inn. Buses leave at 1 p.m.
from in front of Angell Hall, State
Street, and will return to Ann Ar-
bor about 5:45 p.m. Round trip bus
ticket $1. Entrance fee to village, 25c.
Reservation must be made in office
of Summer Session by this afternoon
at 4:30 p.m.
All summer students: There will be
a tea dance tomorrow for all students
enrolled in the Summer Session from
4 to 6 in the League Ballroom. No
admission will be charged.
Pi Lambda Theta picnic will be held
Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the Women's
Athletic Building. Please make your
reservations with Geil Duff endack,
telephone 7247.
Southern Club picnic for South-
erners on Wednesday, July 28 at 4
p.m. Meet in front of Hill Auditor-
ium. Bring cars to help transport tc
Portage Lake. Call Elvira Hamernik,
6640 for reservations.
Teachers in Attendance at Summer
School: All teachers enrolled in the
Summer Session and others who are
interested in teachers' organizations

the subject of addresses and discus-
sion by state officers of the organiza-
tion and others.
C. N. Wenger, Pres.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and Arts: Students whose rec-
ords carry reports or I or X either
from last semester or (if they have
not been in residence since) from any
former session, will receive grade of
E unless the work is completed by
July 28. Petitions for extensions of
time, if approved by the instructors
concerned, should be addressed to the
Administrative Board of the College,
and presented in Room 4, University
Hall before July 28.
English Country Dancing will be
taught on Thursday evening from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymna-
sium for men and women students
attending the Summer Session.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate (except gradu-
ate students) are required to pass a
Comprehensive Professional Examin-
ation covering the Education courses
prescribed for the Certificate. The
next examination will be given in
1022 U.H.S., Saturday, August 7, at
9 a.m. The examination will cover
Education A10, C1, special methods,
and directed teaching. (This notice
does not include School of Music
Teaeber's Certificate Candidates:
Any students in the School of Edu-
cation, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, and Graduate
School who wish to be candidates for
thet teacher's certificate at the close
of the Summer Session and whose
names do not appear on the list post-
ed in 1431 U.E.S. should report to
the Recorder of the School of Edu-
* cation, 1437 U.E.S.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following civil service examina-
tions :
Senior educational analyst (tests
and measurements), $4,600 a year;
educational analyst (tests a n d
measurements), $3,800 a year; ex-
tension service, office of Cooperative
extension work, Department of Agri-
Field representative, $3,500 a year
a division of savings bonds, Treasury
Principal safety promotion adviser.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Pinafore Orchestra: Important re- problems are invited to attend an
hearsal this evening at 7 p.m. in open meeting of the Local Chapter of
Room 506, Carillon Tower. The re- the Americal Federation of Teachers
hearsal will begin prompty at 7 p.m. at 8 p.m. Wednesday evening, July 28,
in order to finish by 8:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium. The
-- nature, objectives, Affiliations, and
C.E. 27: There will be a written functioning of the Federation will be

$5,600 a year; division of labor stan-
dards, Department of Labor.
Warden, $6,500, $5,600 and $4,600
a year and associate warden $5,600,
$4600 and $3,800 a year; U. S. Bu-
reau of Prisons, Department of Jus-
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Unidentifiable mail is being held in
held in Room 1, University Hall, for
the following addresses: M. B. Boul-
ware, Julius Christensen, Prof. P. E.
Corbett, Dr. C. Garber, Jean Graham,
Lois Hayes, Margaret Jones, Carl J.
Lowell, Eva R. McCowen, E. S. Mur-
rell,,J. M. Reese, Anna Wallace.
Salary Trouble Is
Bothering Freddie
CULVER CITY, Calif., July 26.-
()-Freddie Bartholomew now can
look at any queen in movieland and
say, "Hi, yah, pal."
Freddie is having salary trouble.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, preparing
to film "Thoroughbreds Don't Cry,"
indirectly disclosed this when it an-
nounced replacement of Bartholo-
mew by Douglas Scott. It was feared
Freddie's dispute might get to court
and delay production.
Freddie's been getting $12,00 a
week, a mere pittance-in view of his
value-thinks his aunt and guardian,
Myllicent Bartholomew. In a guar-
dianship action last week Myllicent
said shewas trying to double her
'adopted son's income.
Maybe it will be settled before you
can say "double or nothing." The
Ritz Brothers decided they were'nt
vetting enough money. After agree-
ing among themselves (some fun, eh
kid?) .what they wanted, they
marched in to see their boss, Darryl


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