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July 27, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-07-27

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TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1937



~JE~D>AX, 3~LY 27, L%37 7AQI

Despite the heat, Friday night saw
the usual large crowd at the Union.
Charlie Zwick and his "Swing De-
rons" again kept every thing going
with new novelties and smooth
On walking into the ballroom we
encountered Jean Geyer looking sup-
er in a pale peach knit suit, inciden-
tally she deserves loads of credit for
the neat job of getting hostesses for
the occasion.
We went out for a bit of dancing
and bu ped quite unceremoniously
into Ja e Reitter and Jimmie Sar-
gent. Then we spotted Hope Hart-
wig with Jack Crofts. . . . and out
of the corner of our eyes we caught
sight of John Jordan getting ready
to do a little cutting. . . . Cigarettes
were holding the attention of several
couples, among whom we saw Jenny
Petersen with Hank Homes.
As usual, stags were numerous,
which is a feature that adds to the
fun of any good dance. Thirst hav-
ing gotten the better of us, we wan-
dered down to the grill to partake of
a coke. We saw Marie Sawyer with
Doug Gregory . . . smooth dancers by
the way. . . . On the dance floor
once again, we saw Marge Erb danc-
ing with Fred Hoffimeister and hum-
ming along with the music,
On account of the rain, Saturday
night was somewhat cooler and the
crowd seemed even larger than Fri-
day. With mid-semesters completely
over, happiness was in the air.
Charlie Zwick helped the evening off
to a great start by playing "The Night
Ride" just as well as Ambrose ever
thought of playing it.
We saw Phyllis Miner, who also de-
serves a great deal of credit for pick-
ing hostesses, wearing a black linen
bolero dress with a red sash, dancing
here and there with several lucky
stags. And speaking about stags, we
saw Tom McCann looking for some-
one to dance with.
While in the grill we found out
how the band amuses itself during
intermissions. They play a modified
form of basketball, using paper nap-
kins which they and others were vain-
ly trying to throw into coke glasses.
Very shortly 12 o'clock rolled
around and the band sang "When
Night Falls Dear" as the whole crowd
listened without a sound. It was a
very impressive way to end a swell
Three Couples
Have Weddings
Over Weekend
Miss Alice Petersen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. August Petersen of
Cadillac, became the bride of Gil-
bert J. Ward of Marquette at noon
Saturday in the League Chapel.
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. V. Nicholas. Miss Irene
Petersen, sister of the bride was maid
of honor and William Gill served as
best man.
Mr. Ward graduated in chemical
engineering from the University and
is a member of Scabbard and Blade
and Phi Kappa Tau fraternity.
lliss Frances Cunningham, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunning-
ham of Cassopolis, and John Jacob
Van Akkeren, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob John Van Akkern of Ann Ar-
bor, were married Saturday morning
at Dowagiac.
Mrs. Van Akkeren graduated from
St. Mary's college at Notre Dame and
Mr. Van Akkern is a graduate of the
University forestry school.

Miss Leone Judson, daughter of
111r. and Mrs. James Judson of Ann
Arbor, married Paul Fierke, son of
11tr. and Mrs. Frank Fierke of Dundee,
Ill., at 4 p.m. Saturday.
The Rev. Ernest C Stellhorn per-
formed the ceremony in the League
chapel The maid of honor was Miss
Fern Judson a sister of the bride
and Frank Fierke, jr., served as best
Both Mr. and Mrs. Fierke are grad-
uates of Michigan State Normal col-
lege at Ypsilanti and Mr. Firkee at-
tended the University.
The wedding of Miss Alice Eliza-
beth Monagahan to Louis Columbo,
jr., of Detroit will take place Sept.
11. Mr. Columbo is a graduate of the
UniDersity law college and a member
of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

Windsors Give Aid To Austrian Officials At Sport Festival

2 Men, Woman Grimm Joins Cubs
MerLong Layoff
Are Badly Hurt
CHICAGO, July 26.-UP)-Charlie
.after Collision John Grimm, who left his Cubs in

Order Pin Ball
Machines From
Liquor Stores

Accident Happens 9 Miles
North Of City; Total Of
7 Treated For Injuries j
Two men are in critical condition
and a woman seriously injured in St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital here today
as the result of a head-con collision
near the intersection of Webster
Church and Farrell Roads Sunday af-
ternoon, nine miles north of Ann Ar-
Three more have been hospitalitzed
and a seventh person treated and re-
leased for injuries received in the
same crash.
More than two hours elapsed after
the crash at 5 p.m. before the last of
the victims had been removed and
brought to the hospital by the two
ambulances, Staffan's and Red Top,
which are the only ones in Ann Arbor
available for emergency calls. Heavy
traffic on roads leading to the scene,1
together with the necessity of two
trips by each ambulance, occasioned
the delay.
Autos Hurled Into Ditch
The crash took place on the Web-
ster Church Road 200 feet from its
intersection with Farrell Road, and
at a point where two cars barely have
roo menough to pass. A car being
driven south by Merle Groulx, 32
years old, of Whitmore Lake Route 1,
came over the brow of a hill on the
road and in the hollow beyond it
collided with a north-bound car driv-
en by Rothwell E. Felter, 27 years
old, 917 E. Ann St., and both auto-
mobiles were hurled into the ditch.
Groulx, who suffered a skull frac-
ture, severe scalp lacerations, and a
probable internal injuries, was most
seriously injured. One of his com-
panions, Elmer Altenbernt, 20 years
old, also of Whitmore Lake, was also
reported in critical condition. His
. right eye was badly damaged, and he
also suffered severe contusions, lac-
erations, and abrasions, together with
compound fractures of the nose and
right cheek.
Suffer Serious Injuries
Felter's injury consisted of a com-

Boston, on a stretcher 10 days ago,
came back to Chicago today, driving One more step forward in the local
an automobile to assume command abolition of pinball games appearel
of his club in the opening game of the near today after local officers an-

series with Brooklyn tomorrow. +
With his customary genial grin,
Grimm declared that he "felt real1
good." He gave every indication that
he had been relieved of the sciatic
condition in his back which forced
him to turn over the National League
leaders to themanagerial talents of,
catcher "Gabby" Hartnett.,
Grimm can see nothing but the Na-
tional League Championship for those
pace setting Cubs. They are all
ready for a 21-game home stay that
gives them every opportunity for
pulling farther ahead of the Giants.
pound fracture of the elbow, but his
companion, Mrs. Louise Chapman, 22
years old, 1007 S. State St., was pro-
nounced in serious condition by hos-
pital officials, who listed her injuries
as fractures of both legs and a wrist,
together with severe neck lacerations,
and a possible skull fracture.
Two other passengers in Groulx's
car, Florence Altenbernt, 14 years
old, and Chester Radjekawski, 17
years old, a neighbor of the Alten-
bernts, were also hospitalized, the
girlr with severe bruises of the head
and body, and Radjekawski with a
dislocated shoulder and deep cuts
about the head.
Nelson Altenbernt, 17 years old,
was released Sunday night after
treatment for multiple contusions
and lacerations about the head and
Groulx received a broken neck in
an accident more than a year ago.
Bothcars in the accident were com-
pletely wrecked.
ELKHART, Ind., July 24.-(IP)-
Herbert G. Steger,,35, of Oak Park,
Ill., former University of Michigan
star halfback and Bernice Sheffield
Rapp, 29, of River Forest, Ill., ob-
tained a marriage license here to-
day. Steger was captain of the 1924
Wolverine team.

nounced the receipt of a letter from
E. W. McFarland, head of the State's
Liquor Control Commission, callin
the attention of sheriffs and police
chiefs to the recent ruling, effective
Aug. 1, by which the Liquor Commis.
sion will bar all pin-games and sini-
lar machines from the premises of li-
censed dealers, with revocation of li-
censes as a possible penalty for those
who violate the new order.
The letter suggested that sheriffs
and police chiefs notify all licensed
liquor and beer dealers that the ma-
chines must be removed by the time
at which the ruling becomes effective
if they do not wish to incur the
penalty prescribed by the Commis-
In Washtenaw County the order
will be enforced inside the limits of
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti by the po-
lice departments of the two citics,
and elsewhere by the sheriff and his
deputies together with the State Po-
The ruling, which was passed, the
latter revealed, July 16, says in part:
"It shall be a rule of this Com-
mission that no slot-maclhines, baf-
fle boards, gaming or gambling de-
vices of any kind whatsover, in which
the one who plays the machine
stands to win or lose money, trade
checks, prizes, free games, or any
other consideration whatsover, shall
be permitted in premises licensed by
this commission."
LONDON, July 26. - (R)-- Tho
Duchess of Kent and her two small
children escaped unharmed tonight
from a collision in which the royal
automobile's windows were smashed
and its side was crushed.

The moneymooning Duke and Duchess of Windscr broke the self-imposed rule of avoiding public
appearanecs to assist Austrian officials in the opening of a water sports festival at Klagenfurt. Here they are
with Austria's president, Wilhelm Miklas, between them. They are vacationing at Wasserleonberg castle.

Shoes Look Worn? Brighten Up
Wardrobe With Bargain Sales'

Resident Found
Dead From Gas
FUnlc% In Aj-tni

Petitpoint Flower Cirelets
Across Vamp Increase
For those of you whose early season
dress and street shoes look a little
worn, or if your wardrobes need
brightening, there are still smart
styles in summer footwear. And be-
sides, the summer sales offer bargains
to those who feel that the full price
for half a season's wear is uneco-
This summer colored shoes and
those without toes or heels are worn
by those who are not too conservative.
For the first time white with colors
other than navy, brown, or black are
seen frequently.
One pair of the most becoming
color-trimmed sandals are heelless
and toe-less with a T-strap. Across
the vamp are petitpoint flower cir-
clets, about 7 of them, following the
cut of the shoe. The toe is cut in a
V up the instep and below each little
circlet is a V shaped space, making
an interesting pattern. These slim-
ly elegant linen sandals never fail to
cause comment, and come with the'
circlets in one or two tropical colors
on white, deep blue and red on sun-
tan, brown and bellow on beige, or
rose on baby blue.
Ankle-Strapped Sandal
Ankle strapped sandals with open
toes flatter the ankles, though they
are rather uncomfortable when climb-
ing stairs., Pandora has one in pow-
der blue cotton shantung with kid
trimmed petals over the vamp.
Two open-toed sandals that are
distinctly dressy are in mesh lined
with kid. One is all white with a
cross-winged T-strap with strips of
calf outlining the cut of the shoe. The
other is a plain strap sandal with a
stitched circlet on the toe, comes in
all white or white with black or blue
The sabot shoe is an unusually
comfortable shoe. It is cut like a high
oxford, but has a strap which buckles
on the side, is either heelless, or has
cut-outs above the arch. This type
of shoe may be found in plain buck,
linen mesh, or in kid with a colored
twill mesh insert down the center of
the toe.
Pump Is All-Around Shoe
Perhaps the most all-around shoe
is the pump, especially the peren-

nial spectator in brown and white. .1l NJt £ 11U. U kY
But an outstanding pumpto focus
a glance has a short vamp. Superbly a
prcportioned, its sole trimming is a Death Of Man AttibUted
coronet of petals (baby lizard), in To Worry Over Troubles
pastel flower colors. Of white linen, To.Wrry iOver Trobles
it is dyeable. Concerning His Famnily
The most popular shoe for campusy
wear is the saddle shoe. In fact for Edward F. Wahl, 56 years old. a
the undergraduate at least one pair is life-time resident of Ann Arbor, yes-

a necessity, for in brown or black with
white, they are worn all year on cam-
pus. Or wear the moccasin shoe
with thick crepe soles for rainy wea-,
ther. And ghillies of white buck,
or with brown pigskin trim are worn
for golfing with anklets, as well as
to classes.
A kelly green sandal of two or three
insignificant straps would look well.
with a bright yellow dress. Or wear
blue shoes with beige. A multi-col-
ored sandal is practical in that it may
be worn with almost any summer out-
Fabrics Best For Summer
Summer shoes are seen in fabrics
such as linen, crash, shantung, or
floral silk crepe. In leathers such as
pigskin, buck, suede, kid or calfskin.
The range of colors is almost unlim-
ited, most fabric shoes being dyeable.

terday morning committed suicide by
pumping exhaust fumes into his
coupe as he sat in it with his Bos-
ton terrier, Toy, a constant compan-
ion of recent years.
His body was discovered by Harold
Hutzel, owner of the double garage
at 116 W. William St., where Wahl
kept his car, shortly after noon when
Hutzel came after his own automo-
bile. He noticed that Wahl had his
motor running, and the garage doors
open, and then saw a piece of garden
hose running from the exhaust pipe
through the car door, which was
slightly open.
Wahl, who had been a bill collector
for a number of local firms, at the
time of his,'death was a salesman
for the A. & L. Battery Electric Serv-
ice. He left a note asking that the
dog be buried with him.
Police, who attributed the death
to family troubles, said that the mo-
tor had probably been running for
three hours or more. The body was
taken to Staffan's Funeral Parlor.
MT. CLEMENS, Mich., July 26.-
(/P)-The Mitchell Trophy Race, the
U.S. Army Air Corps Classic, will be
held Sept. 18 at Selfridge Field, Com-
mandant Henry B. Clagett said Mon-
day. The date was advanced be-
cause of bad weather in previous




Where 'oGo
Theatre: Michigan: "The Singing
Marine," with Dick Powell and Doris
Weston; Majestic: "The Hti Parade,"
with Frances Langford and Phil Re-1
gan; Wuerth: "Shall We Dance,"
with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rog-
ers; Orpheum: "Maytime," with'
Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy
and "Off to the Races," with the
Jones Family.
Lecture: "Recent Advances in the I
Treatment of Cancer by Means of
Radiation" by Dr. Willis S. Peck.
Concert: Faculty of the School of
Dancing: The Blue Lantern at
Island Lake and Bartlett's at Pleas-
ant Lake.

iromptly and neatly done by expet1-
aced operators at moderate prw,;.
314 South State btreev


h __ ___. - ----------- -_. __.ti


It 11


. .

Toe, tap, acrobatics,
Vaught daily. Terrace
Garden Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
2nd Floor. Open eves.


Yes, it's really our last week of price-slashing, of unprecedented
bargains and your last chance to make enormous savings. And don't
forget our suggestion to Christmas shoppers. Avoid the holiday
rush and holiday prices. If you're wise and thrifty, you'll be
thrilled with the countless bargains in lingerie, purses, men's scarfs,
handkerchiefs and so forth.
SILK GOWNS . .. the ideal gift! Trillium and Wondermaid
pure silk crepes and satins.

MATS. 25c

EVES. 35c

_____- CLAST DAY -
"The Hit
__- Tomorrow

MATS. 25c EVES 35c
NOW! __



Were $4.95
Were $5.95
Were $6.95c

and $3.95... now $2.49
.. ....now $3.29




.. now $3.95

We also have a lovely group
that sold for $2.95 . . .

of GOWNS and 1 -piece PAJAMAS
Now $1.19

III"The Singing


COTTON and RAYON knit sports shirts that sold to $1.25-
Now 44c
GABARDINE SLACKS with cunningly practical zipper pockets
that sold for $2.50- Now 83c






.. _ IHU

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