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July 27, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-27

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The Weather
Fair, not so cool today; to-
morrow unsettled and warmer.
Probable showers.


A4 61vr
170 att

Gov. Murphy...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Leaders, Back
From Cruise,
Plan Schedule
For Congress
Conferences Will Decide
How Much Of Roosevelt
LegislationWill Pass
Members Anxious
For Adjournment
WASHINGTON, July 26.-(WP)-
"Adjournment fever" gripped Con-
gress tonight and the Senate labored
past its dinner-time to clear its cal-
endar so it can begin the struggle
over the Black-Connery wage and
hour bill tomorrow.
Senator Black (Dem.,Ala.) plans to
begin the discussion of his measure,
which would authorize a board to fix
minimum wages and maximum hours
for large segments of industry.
Senator Barkley (Dem., Ky.), ma-
jority leader, declared the long sit-
ting today was an evidence of the
willingness of the Senate. to stick to
its task and get the session finished.
Pass McCarran Bill
Before knocking off work for the
night the Senate passed (without a
record vote) the McCarran bill to
limit freight trains to 70 cars. Spon-
sors said it would protect the health
and safety of railroad workers. Op-
ponents complained it would cost the
railroads $150,000,000 a year, and that
the public would foot the bill.
An attempt by Senator Copeland
(Dem., N.Y.) to attach an anti-lynch-
ing bill as a rider failed, 41 to 34.
Administrative leaders arranged an
immediate series of conferences to-
night to determine how much of the
Roosevelt legislative program must
be jettisoned to meet a growing de-
mand for Congressional adjourn-
Promises Decision
Just back from a week-end cruise
with the President, Senator Barkley
of Kentucky, the Democratic Floor
Leader, publicly acknowledged the
strength of the movement and prom-
ised the Senate a decision within the
next few days.
Meanwhile, with Administration
forces recovering from the shock of
their defeat on the President's Court
Bill last week, Barkley proposed to
go ahead with debate on the bill to
establish mininum wages and maxi-
mum hours for large segments of
American industry.
Then the substitute court bill,
minus its principal original provision
for altering the Supreme Court, will
be brought in for perfunctory ap-
proval. Beyond that, pending the
conferences planned, Barkley would
say nothing.
Education Club
Plans Cabaret
Dinner, Aug. 2
Men, Women Both Invited
For Affair; League And
Union Sell Tickets
Final plans for the University of
Michigan Cabaret Dinner to be held
from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Mon-
day, Aug. 2 in the Ballroom of the
Michigan League have been an-
nounced by Mary-Eliza Shannon,
general chairman for the dinner.
The dinner, which is being spon-

sored by the Women's Education
Club, is open to both men and women
who are interested in attending.
Tickets will be sold at 75 cents, and
may be obtained from any commit-
tee member or at the main desks in
the Union or League, Miss Shan-
non said.
A complete program of entertain-
ment has been planned for the eve-
ning. In addition to general danc-
ing, specialty dance numbers are to
be presented by Douglas Gregory and
Marie Sawyer. Miss Sawyer will ap-
pear in another dance feature with
Hope Hartwig, president of the
Both Mr. Gregory and Miss Sawyer
have played leading roles in local
dance recitals as well as serving as
instructors for the regular student
classes. They have both studied un-
der Roy Hoyer, and have had prom-
inent parts in "Juniors on Parade."
Miss Hartwig was general chairman
of this year's Junior Girls' Play and

Pride And Prejudice,' Opening
Tomorrow, To Have Lots Of Color

Three Factors
Affect Child's

Dr. Peck Talks
On X-Ray Usej

Period Costuies Will Add
To Picturesqueness Of
5th Repertory Play
More than 35 brilliant period cos-
tumes will add color to the Repertory
Players' production of "Pride and
Prejudice" which opens Wednesday
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"They're not very beautiful but
they're picturesque," Evelyn Cohen,
costume designer, said. "They were
a lot of fun to make up." The cos-
tumes for the Repertory plays are
mostly the work of Miss Cohen's class
in costume designing, although she
says "most everybody comes in and
helps out."
Among the clothes, period since
1815, which will be worn in the dra-
matization of Jane Austen's novel are
more than 25 dresses and 12 men's
costumes. Included in the latter are
four gorgeous military uniforms, re-
plete with green and gold embroidery
and epaulettes. "They're not any
particular regiment," Miss Cohen ad-
mitted, "they're just nondescript
British army officers."
The costumes are supposed to
characterize the people in the play
rather than represent the fashions of
the era, she pointed out. Many Ann
Arbor family heirlooms are among
the stage properties. "Several people,
friends of the theatre, were generous
enough to lend us shawls and jewel-~
ry," Miss Cohen said.-
"Pride and Prejudice" is one of the
featured "special attractions" of the
Vocal Program,
Arranged F or
Concert Today
Van Deursen, Hackett And
Lewis Featured; Old And
New Classics To Be Sung
An all vocal program has been se-
lected for the faculty concert which
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium. Thelma Lewis'
soprano, Arthur Hackett, tenor, and
Hardin Van Deursen, baritone, plan
to sing groups of songs and will join
in a group of trios and duets.
The proram which is to be pre-
sented in tonight's concert ranges
from the early classics to the more
modern selections. The program will
be opened with Mr. Hackett and Mr.
Van Deursen singing "Solenne in
quest 'era," from "La Forza del Des-
tino,"' by Verdi.
Continuing, Miss Lewis will sing a
group of songs by Handel and Haydn:
"Del mio core" from "Orfeo," and
"Sympathy" by Haydn; and "O
Sleep! Why Doest Thou Leave Me,"
and "Alma nia," by Handel.
Mr. Van Deursen will present "Vi-
sion Fugitive," from "Herodiade," by
Massenet. Next Mr. Hackett will sing
a group of Italian moders, including:
"Luoghi sereni e cari," and "O del
mio amoto ben," by Donaudy. The
next two songs he will sing are sere-
nades, "Stornello" and "Stornellata
marinara," by Cimara.
Criminal Argot
Subject Of Next1
Linguistic Talk
Prof. Maurer, Louisville
University, Will Discuss
Jargon Of Underworld

Of greater general interest than
most of the Linguistic Institute lec-
tures will be the discussion by Dr.
David W. Maurer of the topic, "Prob-
lems in Criminal Argot." - The dis-
cussion is scheduled for 1 p.m. to-
day at the Michigan Union, follow-
ing the regular Linguistic luncheon
Dr. Maurer, now professor of Eng-
lish at the University of Louisville
and formerly a member of the Eng-
lish department at Ohio State
University, has long pursued as a
hobby the study of various group
dialects. He began this hobby when,
during a period spent on the Labra-
dor coast, he found the vocabulary
of the fishermen of unsual linguistic

Repertory's Summer Season. Written cidngJell
jor part of the action of the Austen R e d n h~
by Helen Jerome, it contains the ma- rpr fteato fteAse
story, and is said by critics to have
captured most of the wit and charm Student Manifests 4 Types
of the novel as well. Sen
Virginia Frink Harrell will play Of Behavior Upon Seeing
Elizabeth Bennett, the heroine, in the Very Difficult Material
local production, while Charles Mc-j

Gaw will enact the role of Darcy, theI
male lead. Other chief parts will be
played by William Rice, Herman
Smith, Ralph Bell, Nancy Bowman,
Edward Jurist, Mary Pray, Evelyn
Smith and Morlye Baer. Valentine
B. Windt, director of Play Produc-
tion, will direct the performance.
Insurgents Try
Again To Take
Brunete Front
Spectacular Air Fighting
Marks Heavy Battle As
Lines Remain The Samel
MADRID, July 26.-(R)-Spectacu-
lar air combat accompanied a fierce
insurgent attack tonight on the Bru-1
nete front.
For the first time in military his-
tory, a Government bulletin said, an
airplane was shot down in a night.
battle. It was an insurgent tri-mo-
tored bomber, one of five insurgent'
planes downed by Government squad-
rons during the last 24 hours, gov-
ernment said.
One of the biggest air battles of
the civil war occurred over Villanueva
De La Canada, where the insurgents'
were attempting to smash the govern-
ment line.
Forty insurgent bombers were
routed in a clash with a squadron of
Government pursuit ships there,
Government dispatches said. They
said two insurgent ships were shot,
down in that engagement and anoth-
er in a fight between a squadron of
fast Government bombers and insur-
gent pursuit ships in the same vic-[
Both armies poured all their re-
sources into a concentrated battle be-
tween Brunete and Villaneuva De La
General Francisco Franco's evident

Reality, Experience,
Symbols Are Bases
The lack of experience in the life of
a child is one of the main causes ofC
his ability to comprehend material
that he reads, Dr. Ernest Horn, pro-
fessor of education at the State
University of Iowa, told the round
table conference on reading problems
yesterday morning in the auditorium
of the University high school.
"There is great variation in the
ability of children to read," Dr. Horn
said," and there are three factors
that influence this-the mental abil-
ity of the child, the interest of the
child and the experience of the child."
He continued saying that there are
four types of behavior a student man-
ifests when confronted by the task
of reading difficult material.
"Some try to memorize it, and this
results in verbalism, some pick out
certain understandable portions and
omit the rest, some pay no attention
to parts they do not understand and
pass them up and some construct er-
roneus ideas from their own exper-
ience," Dr. Horn stated.
Give Understandable Material
He stressed the fact that children
should be given material they could
read and understand.
"Especially important," the Iowa
educator declared, "is that material
deal with familiar and worthwhile
ideas of the child. The subject mat-
ter should be so the child could get
success and build satisfaction
through reading."
Dr. Horn urged a wide sale of easy
reading material, interesting to the
child and adapted to his needs.
Speaking at the afternoon meeting
of the conference, Dr. Horn stressed
the necessity for presenting ideas
within the comprehension of the
"There are three factors which are
fundamental to the reading process,"
he stated. "They are reality, sym-
bols and experience."
Material Too Far Removed
The Iowan declared that the ma-
terial presented to children now was
too far removed from them. "The
meaning of symbols in our language
must be developed from the child's
experience," he said.
At the general sessions of the con-
ference today, Prof. Clifford Woody of
the education school, and Prof. Louis
Eich of the speech department will
Professor Woody will talk at 9 a.m.'
on "The Problem of Reading Readi-
ness," and Professor Eich will address
the group at 2:15 p.m. on "The
Place of Oral Reading in the School
Four Persons Dead
As Car Hits Train
ADRIAN, July 6.-( A)-Four per-
sons were killed early tonight when
an automobile was struck by a train
at the Wabash railroad crossing in

Upon Cancer
Growths Can Be Cured If
Treated During Earliest
Stages, He States
Disease Composed
Of Several Types
Roentgen rays, commonly known
as X-rays, produce destruction of tis-
sue beneath the surface as well as on
it, and are therefore usually highly
effective in treatment of cancer, Dr.
Willis S. Peck, assistant director of
the department of physical therapy
at University Hospitalyand Roent-
genologist at the Health Service, told
the audience of the Summer Session
lecture yesterday.
Speaking on the subject, "Recent
Advances in the Treatment of Cancer
by Means of Radiation," Dr. Peck de-
clared that four out of 100 baby girls
born in present times will be afflicted
with some form of cancer, and five
out of 100 baby boys will suffer from
the disease. "Practically all cancers
are cured if they are treated before
they involve vital organs or reach
advanced stages," he said.
Cancers Are Of Many Types
Cancers are of many different
types, and might better be regarded
as a group of closely allied diseases
than one single disorder, he pointed
out. Their advent is usually marked
by bloody discharges, changes in
function of stomach or bladder or
some similar detectable sign, but not
usually by a great deal of pain. Each
type of the disease tends to show par-
ticular growth characteristics which
distinguish it from others. All, how-
ever, are alike in one respect, Dr.
Peck said; they must be completely
eradicated if the host is to survive.
Two types of light rays have been
found which destroy tissue effectively
and quickly enough to prove useful:
the X-rays discovered by the German
physicist Roentgen, and the more re-
cent gamma rays. Radioactivity in
general, Dr. Peck stated, is marked
by the spontaneous disintegration of
certain substances.
Two Light Rays Effective
Radium, most practical form of
radioactivity, discovered by Pierre
and Mme. Curie, has recently fallen
in price for several hundred thou-
sand dollars per gram to only $25,000
per gram, due to the influx of radium
from newly located and mined fields
in recent years. Most hospitals are
now equipped with radium, the lec-
turer declared, in amounts varying
from a tenth of a gram, minimum
necessary to effect a cure of cancer,
to as much as four grams.
A number of slides were shown pic-
turing cases of cancer cured in the
University Hospital, Cancer of the lip,
a common form among older people
who are generally more susceptible to
the disease than youth, can often be
cured even in a fairly advanced stage,
Dr. Peck told his audience. Cancer
of the stomach, on the other hand,
and other deep-seated cancers, do
{ not respond well to any kind of treat-
ment applied so far.
Colonel E. W. House Sick
On His 79th Birthday
MANCHESTER, Mass., July 26.-

Dooling, Tammiany
Head, Dies At Home
NEW YORK, July 26.-(P)-A
chaotic mayoralty battle with party
and factional lines long since badly
tangled was dealt a jarring blow to-
day by the death of Tammany Hall
Chieftain James J. Dooling, 44, lead-
er of the Manhattan Democratic
Dooling succumbed to a stroke at
his Queens home only a fewdays af-
ter, playing a lone hand, he mustered
!nough strength in a climactic fac-
tional fight to set forth anti-New
Deal Senator Royal S. Copeland as
Tammany's mayoralty candidate.
The victory was his last in a long
series of revolts that have rent the
hall since a stroke made him a virtual
invalid, but a fighting one, two years
Tammany's endorsement of Cope-
land, instigated and carried by Dool-
ing, was a touch-and-go affair in theP
ace of the other four county Demo- r
cratic leaders' backing of GroverE
300 Japanese t
Barricaded In
Peiping Temple,
Chinese Troops Surroundc
Trapped Nippons Whenv
They Advanced Too Far1
TOKYO, July 27.-(Tuesday-
-Renewed Sino-Japanese hos-t
tilities at Peiping, involving cas-
ualties on both sides, threw the
whole North China situation intoc
chaos today and created newt
fears of a general conflict.
If Japan's ultimatum to Gen-a
eral Sung Cheh-Yuan, demand-
ing evacuation of 37th division,
9th army, Chinese troops from a
Peiping, Loukouchiao and Pa-
paoshan barracks, is not fulfilledX
by noon, the Japanese army an-1
nounced it would resort to arms1
on a major scale.
PEIPING, July 26.-(P)-Three 1
hundred Japanese troops barricadedt
themselves in an ancient temple andr
cemetery within Peiping tonight after
running a hand grenade barrage at
the southwest gate of the city.
They were surrounded by hundreds
of Chinese troops and 1,000 Chiese
gendarmes, faced with the choice of a
desperate fight in the dark or accept-
ance of a Chinese offer of safe convoy
if they would return to their Fengtai
At least twenty of their number
were killed by hand grenades dropped
from Peiping's ancient walls as motor
lorries rumbled through the southwest
gate, Kwanganmen, carrying rein-<
forcements for the Japanese embassy
guard to protect Japanese citizens
and property in the event the Northc
China conflict develops into declaredi
20 Japanese Killedr
Ten of the lorries, filled with Jap-;
anese troops, had passed the gate1
when fighting broke out about 7:30
Chinese said the Japanese opened
fire first. Japanese blamed the Chi-
nese force.
Both sides agreed that gate guards
dropped the hand grenades which
destroyed three lorries. One Chinese
policeman was killed and another in-
jured in the ensuing fight.
The 300 Japanese who had en-
tered the city then sought refuge in
the Temple, and almost at once they
were surrounded by Chinese.
It was not known here what had
been the fate of the Japanese who
did not get through the gate, but who
may have been involved in the fight-

ing on the outer side of the walls.
All Lights Extinguished
The entire section of the city near
the southwest gate was concorded by
gendarmes, and all lights were ex-
The Chinese were preparing to at-
tack, when a high officer of the gen-
eral staff here arrived with the offer
of safe convoy if the Japanese would
leave peacefully.
The Japanese did not at once reply.
And while they waited for an an-
swer, this correspondent saw Chinese
troops creeping stealthily into posi-
tion, unsheathing their big swords
and clasping hand grenades.
Creel To Give Talk
On Chinese History
Dr. Herlee G. Creel, well-known
authority and writer on China and
the Orient, will lecture at 5 p.m. to-
day on "Ancie Chinese History in
the Light of Rece Investigations" in
WT -. ,I 'nirzn - nr - rr'

Routes Across
North Pole Are
Feasible, Says
Hobbs To Club
Security Over Vast Arctic
Seas Greater Than Over
Atlantic, Pacific Oceans
Impractical To Have
Stations Near Pole
Commercial air routes over the
North Pole are not only feasible, but
more advisable than flights over the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Prof.-
emeritus William H. Hobbs, of the
geology department, toldmembers of
he Men's Education Club last night.
Transpolar flying will probably be
f greatest advantage between the
United States and China, he said.
New York is opposite China, and is
much nearer than by any other route.
Professor Hobbs pointed out the
greater security in flying over the vast
Arctic seas, inasmuch as ice floes pro-
vide landing areas, as opposed to the
choppy southern oceans. Lack of
wind currents, too, are advantageous,
he said. One difficulty found in such
flying has been the take-off, he said.
The snow and ice must be tramped
down by the feet for a runway so
that the plane can resume flight.
Russia First To Land At Pole
Although 60 persons have flown
over the North Pole, Russia has been
the pioneer in making landings there,
he said. As early as 1914, a Russian
aviator flew a greater distance over
sea ice than Byrd in 1925.
An immense portion of the Arctic
area near the geographic pole on the
American side has never been ex-
plored, Professor Hobbs said. He be-
lieves, among others, that there is
land somewhere in that unknown ter-
ritory. Peary reported land-but it
has never yet been found. This fail-
ure was attributed by the geologist to
the inclination of men to underesti-
mate distance of objects at the Pole
due to mirage conditions.
Permanent Stations Impossible
Newspapers contained fantastic ut-
terances of latest Soviet Polar flyers
after theirlanding at San Francisco,
hie said, indicating that the fact that
the three aviators did not speak Eng-
lish accounted for their being quoted
as having flown over the Bering Sea.
If so, Professor Hobbs said, they
would have been out of fuel long be-
fore reaching California, as the Ber-
sing Sea is fully 1,000 miles off their
Permanent stations near the Pole
are impossible, Professor Hobbs de-
clared, because of the constant drift-
ing character of the flows. The Rus-
sian base at the Pole has moved tens
of miles since its establishment, he
said. A permanent camp is held by
the Russians at Rudolph Island.
Best Boundaries
Are Indefensible
Reeves Contends
Says Straight-line Borders
Promote Most Peaceful
International Relations
Paradoxically, those international
boundaries which have been made

without regard for strategic signifi-
cance and with little or no knowledge
of the geography of the section have
proved most successful in promoting
pacific relations between the coun-
tries whose land they separate, Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves, former head of the
political science department, last
night told the audience of the fourth
public lecture sponsored by the Sum-
mer Session of International Law.
Professor Reeves cited as a prime
example the boundary between the
United States and Canad which, he
said, is absolutely worthless from a
strategic point of view yet famous as
a dividing line over which there has
been no conflict.
The whole continent of North
America is most fortunate in having
so many straight-line boundaries im-
possible to defend, Professor Reeves
asserted. In Europe where the boun-
daries have been made with full
knowldge of the terrain, strategic, de-
fensible divisions have been chosen
Twtl th..,m lttht 'FilrnnP'q 'nn_

strategy still was to hammer at
centers of the Government's
rather than expose his forces
broadside offensive.

in a

30 Die When!
Quake Strikes
Puebla States
Doctors, Nurses Rush To
Scene; Many Persons Are
Still Unaccounted For
MEXICO CITY, July 26.-()-
Bodies of 30 persons had been taken
tonight from the ruins in Vera Cruz
and Puebla States where a heavy
earthquake last night plunged cities
into darkness.
The death toll rose hourly as re-
ports seeped in through damaged
communications systems.
Scores of injured were in hospitals
and hastily improvised first aid sta-
A special train, carrying doctors
and nurses left the city of Orizaba for
the Railroad Station Town of Mal-
trata, 13 miles away, which appeared
hardest hit.
Half the buildings in the town of
8,000 crashed to the ground. Sixteen
dead and 70-odd injured, 17 seriously,
were extracted from the wreckage
with many still missing.
The epicenter of the quake, which
began at 9:48 p.m. (10:48 p.m. EST)I
and lasted from 30 seconds to two
minutes or more, was fixed at 114
miles southeast of Mexico City by the
national seismic observatory.
That would place it near Maltrata,
5,550 feet above sea level in the moun-
tainous country around the long dor-
mant peak of the Volcano Orizaba.
Many towns and villags perched on
mountainsides were unable to report
because of broken telephone and tele-
graph lines.
In Mexico City, protected by its
"mattress" of old lake beds, there was
no damage but the shocks sent hun-
ireds, including many American
tourists, running from hotels and
movie houses. In other towns and

Seneca, about 14 miles southwest of (A)-Illness tonight confined Colonel
Adrian. Edward Mandell House, war time ad-
The dead were identified as Wesley visor to President Wilson, to his bed
Wolf, 22, of Seneca, his wife, Emily on his 79th birthday.
Rose Wolf, 18, and their two neph- Dr. George P. Denny said House
ews, Duane Shadbolt, 5, and Bobby had been ill two weeks but his condi-
Lee Shadbolt, 7, of Medina. tion was not serious.
The automobile was struck by Relatives said Col. House was suf-
westbound train No. 7 (Red Arrow) fering from neuritis, but would be
and the wreckage carried some dis- able to resume his normal activities
tance. isoon.
Summer Excursions Fully Please
Their Director, Professor Rouse

With the visit tomorrow to Green-
field Village, the Summer Session ex-
cursions are nearing the end of the
series of 11 tours to nearby points of
Prof. Louis J. Rouse, of the engi-
neering : t ol, who has conducted
the excursi- hfor the past two years,
said yesterday 'that he has more than
pleased with the acceptance of the
students this year. A third more per-
sons on the average attended the
tours this year over last summer, he
Last week 76 persons registered for*
the trip Wednesday to the Michigan

afterward exhibited moving pictures
dealing with motor car manufacture
and testing.
Previous excursions visited Niagara
Falls, Detroit, Ford plant at Dearborn
and an initial tour of the campus
Professor Rouse emphasized that
the trip to Cranbrook, postponed
from its schedule time, July 10, will
be held this Saturday. Reservations
must be made by 5 p.m. Friday for the
tour of the two schools in Bloomfield
Hills-Cranbrook School, for boys,
and Kingswood School, for girls.
Of particular interest at Cranbrook,


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