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July 21, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-21

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brtly cloudy to cloudy, rain
rrow and possibly today in
h. Continued warm.

Y r e

ilti Tgan sIat
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Liberal Policy Still Worthy
Of Support; Niagara Falls Ex-
cursion An Opportunity...

M -

XV No. 23



is Defeats

Principal In North Dakota Gubernatorial Row

Walsh; Enters
inished First Nine 2 Up;
Walsh Evens Match On
Fourteenth Green
.oCsis Meets Grand
RapidsStar Today
Talsh Is Playing In His
First State Tournament;
Shows Much Promise
LANSING, July 20.-(P) -Chuck'
csis reached the quarter-finals of
e Michigan amateur golf tourna-
nt this afternoon, but not until he
d been extended to defeat Bill
lsh, 16-year-old novice from Kal-
azoo, one up.
?laying his first state tournament
I before his first large gallery,
lsh shot steady golf and earned his
,ition as one of the coming golfers
the generation. Walsh went two
on the first two holes with par
rs, while Kocsis was taking a pair

ir four won the third hole for
fending champion, and both
ar threes on the 165-yard
Walsh equalled Kocsis' birdie
n the 452-yard fifth, but his
e was not good enough to win
h, Kocsis making a birdie four.
also had a birdie on the par
ven to go one up, and shot par
n the eighth and ninth to fin-
first nine two up as Walsh took
and five.
wereone over par on the
nd Walsh cut Kocsis' advan-
one hole with a birdie on the
ar eleventh. Kocsis was on in
the 533-twelfth, and took a
our, while Wash was shooting
Walsh won the next two holes
r fours to even the match on
rteenth green.
he 502-yard fifteenth Kocsis!

-ascae i



* * *

st the match on the sev-
ole. His tee shot went to
he right of the green, on
.d water hole, and his sec.
to reach the short grass.
>ur, while Kocsis was down
oth had par fours on the

Kocsis earned the right to meet
I Flowers, Grand Rapids city cham-
on, in the quarter-finals tomorrow
orning. Flowers won this afternoon
>m Don Duncanson of Ann Arbor,
ree up and two to play.
inx Pursues
Jean Kyer In
Golf Tourney
ails Again To Beat Mrs.
Hanley In Final Round
Of State Championship

North Dakota
Farmers A s k
For 'Clean-up'
Statehouse Doors Locked
As 500 Men March To
See Governor
BISMARCK, N. D., July 20.-
-Doors of the North Dakota state-
house were locked today in the face
of 500 marching farmers who came to
ask Acting Gov. Ole H. Olson to "clean
up" the chaos caused by the recent
ousting of Gov. William Langer by
the State Supreme Court.
Accompanied by a band, the peti-
tioners were halted at the steps of
the capitol by bayonets of the Na-
tional Guard, called out by Langer in
an effort to maintain his position
despfte the Supreme Court's decree
but since then obedient to the orders1
of Olson, designated by the court as
the governor.
Olson received a committee of four
marchers who asked him to call a
special session of the legislature
which would replace the current ses-
sion called by Langer. Olson refused
to do so.'
"Langer's session" of the legisla-
ture was in complete uncertainty. The
House of Representatives, which or-
ganized yesterday but was ignored
by Olson, held another session.
The senate, still far shy of a quor-
um, heard several speeches but had
not organized itself like the house.
"No one realizes more than I do the
situation which now confronts us,"
Olson told the marchers' committee.
Saying that he never believed he
could find himself involved in so
much turmoil, the dirt farmer who
challenged Langer's authority to gov-
ern after his conviction and sen-
tence on Federal charges of defraud-
ing the government, told the com-
mittee thathe had sworn to up-
hold the State and Federal consti-
tutions. That, he said, he would do.
The committee was headed by J. H.
Miller, of Bismarck, one of the lead-
ers of men on Federal relief, who
declared a strike from their jobs
several days ago.

zeable Crowd At
3rd League Dance
Despite the warmth of the evening
a sizeable crowd danced in the League
ballroom last night, at the third
League dance of the summer. The
dance began at 9:00, lasting until
1:00. Al Cowan and his band pro-
vided the music for the occasion while
Charlotte Whitman sang several
songs in her own inimitable fashion.
She sang "Sleepy Head," "I'll String
Along With You," and "Dreamihg."
Among those seen in the foyer and
dancing .were: John Jewel, Chuck
Bergelin, Paul Elliott, Alice Traver,
Garry Bunting, Betty Duddleson, Bill
Reed, Helen Drink, Frank Furry, Joe
Fohey, Herbert Schmidt, Jack Os-
good, Elizabeth Altsman, Ethel Stur-
gen, Jean Thompson, Dave Hinks,
Walter B. Allen, Al Neill, Ward Mil-
ler, Martin Cheever, Elizabeth Dil-
lon, Gilbert E. Bursley, Katherine
Hildebrand, Joe Hettinger, and Ed
.Austrians Publish
Demands For King
VIENNA, July 20. - (A) - In the
midst of bombings and other forms
of terrorism, monarchists today pub-
lished a strong appeal to Chancellor
Engelbert Dollfuss for quick restora-
tion of the monarchy.
The dynamiters wrecked the elec-
tric power plant at Reuite in the
Tyrol, paralyzing industry over a wide
area. Other blasts damaged a priest's
home at Fohnsdorf, Styria, shattered
church, windows in the Tyrol and
damaged a railway line at Salzburg.
Sudden movements of police and
troops in the, direction of Salzburg
gave rise to a rumor that the garrison
there had revolted, but it developed
that the transfer was a concentration
in preparation for the opening of the
Salzburg festival next week.

City swelters
Under Second
Hottest Day
University Observatory's
Report States Maximum
Temperature As 102.5
70 Die As Nation Is
Engulfed By Heat
Little Prospect Of Relief
Is Seen; Water Famine
Wilts Great Plains
Ann Arbor continued to swelter
yesterday beneath the intense heat
of several day's duration which per-
sisted throughout the day. Officials at
the University Observatory reported
a maximum Friday temperature of
102.5 degrees.
This mark represented the second
hottest day recorded this summer by
Observatory officials, the warmest of
all occurring June 28, when a tem-
perature of 103.1 degrees was re-
Practically no wind throughout the
day was the major cause of the great
discomfort placed upon the city. The
total mileage of wind for the last
23 hours, at 7 p.m. last night, was
listed at 83.9 miles, or an hourly
velocity of slightly over 3.4 miles.
In spite of the intense heat, how-
ever, the police department and hos-
pitals stated that no heat prostra-
tions had been reported.
(By Associated Press)
More than 70 deaths had been re-
corded last night as the severe heat
wave engulfing the plains between the
Appalachian and Rocky Mountains
continued unabated for the second
day, with little prospects for general
A reading of 114 degrees was re-
corded Friday at Mpxico, Mo. Other
highmarks of 11Qw; hecLatQo-
lumbia, Mo., Ottumwa Ia. LaFayette,
Ind., had 106, Springfield Ill., 105, and
St.' Louis 107.9. The blazing sun
burned new records for the summer,
pushing the mercury a few unplea-
sant fractions higher in some places
than in Thursday's sizzling prelude.
The Great Plains, withered, wilted,
and crying for rain, suffered the most.
In Lincoln, Neb., 'a was 107 degrees,
intensifying the most critical crop
conditions and water famine in years.
DETROIT, June 20. - Detroit's all-
time heat wave record will be tied
Saturday and probably broken Sun-
day, weather bureau officials predict-
ed Friday when the temperature
boiled above 90 degrees for the twen-
ty-sixth day this year.
The highest temperature recorded
officially during the day was 96.
Detroiters will continue to swelter
over the week-end and no immediate
relief is in sight, they reported. Sat-
urday will be fair and continued warm
and there is only a slight prospect of
brief showers and cooler tempera-
tures Saturday night or Sunday
High humidity in Chicago gave
residents their most sleepless night
of the year and New Yorkers swel-
tered in temperatures that jumped
well above the 80 mark as the day

Hobbs Speaks
On Beauty Of
Niagara Falls
Says Niagara And Grand
Canyon Rank High As
World ScenicSpots
Lecture Given As
Addition To Trip
Excursion Party To Leave
For Falls Friday; Will
Return Sunday
Niagara Falls and the Grand Can-
yon are the peers of scenic spots in
the world, not only for their scenic
splendor but also for their geological
This is the opinion of Professor-
Emeritus William H. Hobbs, former
head of the geology department, who
spoke yesterday in Natural Science
Auditorium, on "The Geology of Ni-
agara Falls and Vicinity."
The lecture supplements the an-
nual excursion to the Falls, which this
year takes place from Friday, July
27, until Sunday, July 29, under the
direction of Professor Hobbs.
The main gorge of the Falls is
gradually being cut away, according
to Professor Hobbs, and if recession
takes place at the same pace as it
has for-'the past few years, the Falls
may go back far enough to drain
Lake Erie.
Until several years ago the Falls
receded from the main gorge at the
rate of about 4 feet every year but due
to the fact that a share of the water
is being drawn from the gorge for
power purposes, the main Falls is now
only receding about three feet a year.
Bein Washed Away
The manner in which the wall of
the falls is being washed away was
explained by Professor Hobbs. He
said that the water falling over the
gorge has created a churning move-
ment under the surface of the water
and has undermined the soft shale
underneath the gorge, thereby caus-1
ing the top layer, composed of lock-
port dolomite rock, to collapse.
The percentage of recession is much
greater on the Canadian Falls than
it is on the American Falls, accord-
ing to Professor Hobbs, and he there-
fore asserted that if the movement
continues the Canadian Falls will
eventually "capture" the American
Falls and the latter will be nothing
but a dry river bed.
Tracing back through the geologi-
cal ages, Professor Hobbs stated that
the principal cause for the creation
of the set of great falls was the great
glacier which covered the whole coun-
try. The glacier of that period was
comparable to the ones now existent
in Greenland and the Arctic region,
according to Professor Hobbs.
Land Uptilted
"The glacier covering the ground
as it did depressed it to some de-
gree," stated Professor Hobbs, "there-
fore when this surface of ice, averag-
ing two miles in thickness, receded,
there was a definite spring reaction
in the earth and the ground in the
northern regions uptilted more than
the south. As a result Lake Huron
waters rushed into the Falls and
caused the development of a wide
and deep gorge.
"However, when the glacier with-
drew and left the Ottawa river this
left another outlet for the upper lake
regions and as a result the waters
from this region went into Lake Ot-
tawa. At this time there was only
Lake Erie to flow into the falls and
its form changed again into a nar-

row and shallow gorge."~
Late geological events, continued
Professor Hobbs, caused the Ottawa
lake region to uptilt. and following
this all of the waters of the upper
lakes again flowed past Port Huron
to the Falls.
Discusses Excursion
Leaving the geological aspects of
the Falls to discuss plans for the ex-
cursion, Professor Hobbs said that,
the party would leave Ann Arbor in
a special railroad car the afternoon
of Friday, July 27. They will arrive
at Welland at 8:30 p.m. and there will
be met by a motorbus, which in turn
will transport the party to the Falls.
At the Falls the party will view the
nightly illumination spectacle, in
which various colored lights are
thrown on the Falls.
Saturday the party will visit the
state park on Goat Island, see the
Cave of Winds, and the whirlpool..
They will also embark on the Maid of
the Mist and cruise in front of the
"great spectacle."






Front Is Widened


Labor Head Flays
General Strike As
A Grave Mistake'
WASHINGTON, July 20. -() -
Sharp criticism of general strikes by
SWilliam Green and reports of marked
1 progress in San Francisco peace ne-
gotiations today left capital officials
to hope for a speedy truce in the
Coast labor war.
Green, president of the American
Federation of Labor, said organized
workers in San Francisco made "a
grave mistake" in their "sympathetic
strike" and acted wisely in going back
to work.
Apparently, the labor leader also
sought to discourage general strike
sentiment among Portland employ-
ees. Strikers there have talked of fol-
lowing the course in San Francisco.
But they have withheld decision
pending the -results of truce parleys
in the California city between strik-
ing longshoremen and maritime
workers and their employers.
Green left no doubt of his or the
Federation's attitude of general walk-
outs by organized labor. He said
union men could not afford "to en-
gage in a sympathetic strike when
such action calls for the violation of
contracts arrived at through collec-
tiverbargaining, and involves the pos-
sibility of losing all the economic
gains they may have secured through
years of sacrifice and effort."
Detroit Loses
First Game Of
Serie~s With A's
Foxx's Home Run Defeats
Hamlin In Close, Hard-
Fought Contest
DETROIT, July 20. - Jimmy Foxx,
the strong-arm boy of the Phila-
delphia Athletics, today gave Luke
Hamlin a nice lesson in pitching to
a strong hitter. For Hamlin lapsed
in the eighth inning of the Tiger-
Athletics game and threw a three-
and-one ball down the groove to Mr.
Foxx,and Mr. Foxx drove the cripple
over the walls of Navin Field.
The homer was just enough to
defeat the Tigers, 5 to 4, but Mickey
Cochrane's league-leaders stayed in
the same relative position in the pen-
nant race, as the New York Yankees
bowed to Chicago in an overtime
game, 7 to 6, in 13 innings.
Luke Hamlin entered the game in
the seventh inning after Lynwood
Rowe had pitched five iniings very
well, a sixth in shaky fashion, and
started the seventh disastrously, put-
ting two men on bases and allowing
one run. Hamlin then came to the
mound, and although he let in one
run in the seventh, pitched creditably
except for the indiscretion with Foxx,
and allowed two hits.
The Tigers collected twelve hits off
the combined offerings of Johnny
Marcum and Sugar Cain while Connie
Mack's team was being held to nine
The A's opened the scoring in the
third, putting across two runs, but
the Tigers retaliated with four
straight single-run innings ,to go
ahead until the Athletics came to
bat in the seventh and scored two
The Tigers appeared to have a
chance of wiping out Hamlin's error
in the ninth when the first two men
to face Cain reached first safely.
But Gerald Walker, pinch-hitting for
Hamlin, tried for a base-hit instead
of a sacrifice and hit into a double
play and Pete Fox ended the game
by lining to Jimmy Foxx, leaving the
tying run on third.

Principals In Lacy Case
Called By Grand Jury
MASON, July 20. - (R) - Central
figures in the controversy over $189,-
000 in fees paid the law firm of Arthur
J. Lacy, appeared before the grand
jury investigating state affairs today.
Attorney-General Patrick J. 0'-
brien who recently recommended to
the State Banking Advisory Commit-

Governor Makes Threat Of
Martial Law After First
Serious Violence
New General Strike
PossibilityIs Seen
Coast Maritime Workers
Still Dissatisfied; Riots
May Break Out Again
(By Associated Press)
Violence roared over the strike-
lighted industrial front yesterday with
a wake of dead and injured as offi-
cial announcement was made that the
Pacific Coast maritime strike would
Battles between authorities and
strikers occurred at Minneapolis,
scene of a truck strike, and at Seattle,
one of the crucial points in the long-
shoremen's strike.
One was killed, forty-eight were
wounded, and many others were in
jured in two separate battles in which
there was shooting at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 20.-() -
Police bullets cut a swath through a
mob of strikers today who attempted
to halt a truck with merchandise just
outside the market area in the first
violent outbreak of the truck drivers'
Thirty-five persons, including two
policemen, were wounded, one serious-
ly, before shotguns in the hands of
patrolmen were sheathed and 50 Na-
conal Guardsmen, the vanguard of
3,400 men immediately ordered to
Minneapolis by Adjt.-Gen. E. A.
Walsh, arrived on the scene.
One Dies
One man later died of his wound,
nd anthe Waexctdoli,
Meanwhile Gov. Floyd B. Olson
considered the advisability of placing
the city under martial law.
Machine gun companies were sent
to the scene of the outbreak after
the shotgun battle had died down,
Military lines were immediately ex-
tended and the area cleared.
Shooting broke out almost simul-
taneously on two fronts between po-
lice, ordered by Chief of Police Mi-
chael Johannes to shoot if necessary,
and strikers.
Police lines had been formed from
the Slocum Bergen Co., whence the
ladder truck had started to move.
.It had just got under way with
its convoy of police in automobiles
when a small truck, jammed with
strikers, rushed up. Defying police,
who ordered them back, the attack-
ers climbed upon the vehicle.
Shots rang out --into the air. An-
other burst lower and directly into
the mob, was the signal for general
firing. Simultaneously, a block away,
police guns roared when a crowd of
demonstrators there sought to break
through the lines.
Four Wounded
Four persons, police said, fell
wounded in the second outburst.
Meanwhile, two strikers who had
climbed upon the truck, dropped off
.wounded. Others, in a nearby crowd,
standing fast despite orders to fall
back, stumbled and staggered as lead-
en pellets found their bodies, the
shots richocheting from sidewalk and
Nosooner 4ad the disturbance died
down and the National Guard moved
in, than taxicabs, which up until to-
day had been permitted to operate to-
gether with ice, beer and gasoline
trucks, were ordered off the streets
by strikers. f
Strikers usurped complete control
of the situation about their head-
quarters, threatening police on nearby
corners where they had been direct-
ing traffic, and ordering them to'
leave. Strikers then directed traffic

SAN FRANCISCO, July 20.-- () --
More rioting, threats of another gen-
eral strike, and the possibility of ad-
ditional military rule overhung the
Pacific Coast today despite the aban-
donment of labor's mass walkout in
the San Francisco area.
I In Seattle a terrific gas attack by
300 policemen, led personally by
Mayor Charles L. Smith, drove 2,000
pickets from a strike-blockaded sec-
tion of the water front.
Hundreds were affected by the in-

ORCHARD LAKE, July 20. -(W) -
Mrs. Stewart Hanley, of Detroit, to-
day won the women's state golf cham-
pionship for the fourth time by de-
feating Miss Jean Kyer, of Ann Ar-
bor, one up.
Mrs. Hanley finished the first nine
with a margin of one up and then
added two more holes on the tenth
and twelfth greens. Miss Kyer, a
contender in several tournaments,
whittled Mrs. Hanley's margin to one
hole by taking the thirteenth and
seventeenth but was beaten when the
eighteenth was halved.
The cards:
Par out. . . ......g..555 355 354
Kyer out..... . .....555 475 357
Hanley out...........555 367 366
Par in...... .... ...454 554 455
Kyer in....... .....755 445 445
Hanley in ....:.........654 545 455
Mrs. Hanley's victory today was her
fourth in state championship com-
petition. Her play from tee to green
was not nearly as good as that of
her youthful opponent, but what Miss
Kyer gained in her drives she lost in
putts, several times missing two foot-
ers, due to her nervousness.
Kipke To Name Practice
Squad Of 50 Next Week
Announcement of the squad of 50
who will be invited back for early

200 Students See Observatory
During Second Conducted Tour

American League
W L Pct.
Detroit.... . .......53 32 .624
New York. ...........50 33 .602
Cleveland .............46 38 .540
Boston ................47 40 .540
St. Louis .............38 41 .481
Washington ......x....41 46 .471
Philadelphia ...........33 50 .398
Chicago ............ ..29 57 .337
Yesterday's Results
Philadelphia 5, Detroit 4.
Chicago 7, New York 6 (13 innings).
Cleveland 5, Boston 3.
St. Louis 7, Washington 4.
National League
W L Pet.
New York .............56 31 .644

Nearly 200 people visited the Uni-
versity Observatory last night in the
second of its series of open nights.
Officially the attendance was limited
to - 180 for, the three tours at 8:15,
9:15, and 10:15 p.m., but those that
couldn't get tickets and wanted to
come anyway last night seemed to
have "sneaked in" in goodly num-
At each tour the groups, sup-
posedly of 60 each, were split up into
five or six small groups and started
at different points of the observatory.
They were conducted by staff mem-
bers of the observatory.
One of the high points of the trip
was the view of the moon through the
12-inch refracting telescope. Each
student was allowed to take a good
look at the moon, while the various
craters and other features of terrain

automatically keeps the large 37.5-
inch instrument focussed on the star
which is under observation.
On the next floor below are located
the clock room and the meridian cir-
cle. The latter may be used for de-
termining sidereal, or star time, or, if
the sidereal time is known, for de-
termining the positions of the stars.
The clocks are checked against U.
S. Naval Observatory time each day,
and are mounted on piers separate
from the foundation of the building
to eliminate its vibrations. They may
be connected to any instrument in the
building by a panel of plugs just out-
side the clock room.
In the basement were seen the
seismographs, used for recording
earth tremors. These instruments are
also mounted on special {piers sunk
into the earth, and even record such
movements as a party of students

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