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July 21, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-21

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icial Publication of the Summer Session


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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
0eoiied F(01iti $t
i~ 933_ ~Nvoian wvm~tc 1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to" it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Thirdt Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
. Ofices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80:
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,

is undoubtedly this trip to the Falls, which will be
led this summer by Professor Emeritus Williamn
H. Hobbs, who has an international reputation in
geology as well as for many other services he
has rendered to the world in such varied fields as
the Peace Conference and meteorology. This is
probably the last time that Professor Hobbs will
undertake to lead one of these tours, for although
he is still active in the work of the University, his
resignation was accepted by the Board of Regents
at its last session.
How greatly this last opportunity is valued may'
be judged by the attendance at the Put-in-Bay
tpur last Wednesday, also conducted by Professor
Hobbs, which broke all previous excursion records,
with an attendance of over 150. The Niagara
Falls excursion should be even more popular.
The University is trying to make Hobbs' last
excursion his best by throwing open the door to
all who wish to go, whether or not they are Uni-
versity students this summer. In urging all to
make the trip, it is doing everyone concerned a fa-
vor. Special low rates have been secured to make
the trip an exceptional opportunity in that respect
Another feature of the trip, arranged for by
Professor Hobbs, is the special airplane flight over
the Gorge, which can be made for as little as $2
per person.
Niagara Falls is renowned as one of the out-
standing scenic spots of the nation. With the addi-
tion of a vivid history and explanation of all its
features, by one of the outstanding living experts
on geology, the tour is one of the most interesting
opportunities to come to University students for a
long time. May we join the University and Pro-,
fessor Hobbs in asking your support to make the
1934 excursion an exceptionally successful one?

I believe this expressesathe feeling and opinion
of other students as well as myself.
As long as The Daily and its staff seek and
maintain such a policy of frank intelligent enlight-
enment for the student body, just that long will it
continue to be an indispensible institution on the,
-Milton E. Scherer.

To the Editor:
If it has ever been your good fortune to sit
in the Graduate Reading Room Number Two of
the General Library, you must have been pro-
foundly moved by the zealous duty of one of our
University's most earnest servants. I know not
her name; I must therefore designate her by that
charming title of the "dear white-haired old lady."
Certainly of none other in the University's service
can it be so aptly said that she does her duty as she
sees it plain before her.
The room under her untiring glance is utterly
subdued to silence, and the spirits of the world's
great writers, looking down from their musty
tome son every side, must be deeply sensible to the
awe and respect that this deathlike silence be-
tokens. Little do they surmise that is it not rev-
erence for them - nay, but a trembling terror, a
very fear of fears, that occasions this awful hush.
'Tis she yonder on her puissant throne - Czarina
with hair as white as driven snow, she who without
-a motion of her tongue or frame can still this
room so that not the least semblance of a hurried
whisper can be heard.
And whence, you ask, derives this power? 'Tis not
in tongue, nor lash, nor mighty brawn. And yet,
if you sit but a moment, you will feel it. 'Tis
indeed the cold gray steel that strikes forth
from her eyes-Test its strength, and see. Can
you withstand it? Whisper but a word in yonder
ear -
Beware! Beware! The Fury is upon you! The
.flash of gray is on you! The steel! The steel! It
pierces you to the very marrow! Many a seductive
whisper ere yours has been nipped in the bud by
that frigid flash of silvered steel. And you, too,
have succumbed! Your eyes, too, are riveted on the
page before you! As with others, so with you! 'Tis
ever thus!
Great is the zeal and great the devotion to
duty of one who, by the darting glance of two
,old orbs, can quell the whispers of a whole room
of scholarship's devotees. To many, an impossible
task, but to our Czarina of the Reading Room
- a task to be done with ease.
Shall this glorious work go forward unrewarded?
Is there not in all this great University a single
soul magnanimous enough to lay at her feet the
trophy she so richly deserves? Is this magnificent
performance of the noble task of disciplining our
naughty graduate students to pass unnoticed?
Horribile dictu!


Publication in the Bulletinais constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30

Phone 4925
AsSOCIATE EDITORS: Chaaile A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
n Keene WillamR. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
Barbara Btes, C SI.Beukema, Donald R.
ir,, Ralph Danhofr, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia Scott, ernard H. Fried.
Office Hours 92, 5APhone 2-1214
Liberal Policy Still
I6rthy Of Support...
D ARK DAYS indeed are these for
those believing in the orderly on-
'ard progress of humanity along trails blazed
by a few intellectuals, cleared by a corps of en-
Ihtened lesser leaders, and finally brought to
perfectin by the tramping of the masses. Today
the world is, indisputably, chaotic, both as to
what it wants (for there is no agreement in value
judgments) and as to what it wants to do, ha-
it* no common goal, nor even agreed-upon means
that all consider decent, and at the same time
But on this account despair ned not be uni-
versal. Contrary to popular op'nion, the thinker
does not always precede the doer; the theory does
not necessarily exist before the fact. Mussolini
in Italy and the Labor Party in Great Britain give
ample evidence that a philosophical system may
grow out of, or be grafted into, the fait accpmpli
of political power after that power has achieved
dominance. Not every revolution needs a Rous-
seau, and a Voltaire.
Among our intelligentsia the extremists, both
those who deal strictly with theory and those who
ride themselves on their realism, are inclined to
assume an attitude of despair toward the present.
The theorist builds, on the basis of fundamental
social rights and obligations, a Utopia which he
desires to substitute, in toto, for the present system.
The Marxist, too, would change the world, block
by block, substituting for the price system a
functional system, and for the power state a
welfare state. This train of thought jibes well with
the Marxian notion that no ruling class will relin-
quish its power unless forced to, and recent Rus-
sian history will bear this out.
In this country, however, and in England, where
arder is more highly prized than nominal power,
the rule will not hold. In these countries the
ruling economic class is so enlightened that it can
relinquish its power - has relinquished it, and will
again, little by little; preferring compromise now
to catastrophe in the future.
The members of this ruling economic class will
not sacrifice order to gain any hypothetical bene-
fits, however, appealing, by going from system by
way of revolution. But they are not so averse to
step-by-step progress toward these same new sys-
$ems. The reason, and it is natural and funda-
inental, In this: in the evolutionary process the
individual may make secure his personal fortune.
The smarter men may even increase theirs, and all
at least have a "head start" on the masses such as
a revolutio would deprive them of entirely.
The field for the exercise of intelligence in re-
form in countries as enlightened as Britain and
the United States is still, then, liberalism. We
must be content with piecemeal reform, but we can
insist that this reform be continuous. An en-
couraging sign is the growing respect for political
intelligence, (Professors in government, today to
some a joke, may tomorrow be standard equip-
ment. We need more intelligent men in practical
politics, also, running for cffice.)
And so long as the complexity of our civiliza-
tion demands order above all things, and our
ruling economic class is willing to make conces-
sions to maintain that order, the liberal policy,
which is, essentially, making the best of each situa-
tion as it arises, will still be the most worthy of the
support of intelligent people seeking reform.
Niagara Falls Excursion
An Opportunity...
- TUDENTS of the University this
summer have an opportunity that
will be found at few other universities in the
country, namely, the Summer Sessiorexcursions to

Final Round Of

rife with incidents of an unusual nature. His
father was an actor and his mother a playwright
of considerable repute. They managed the Drury
Lane Theatre for many years after David Garrick
gave it up. Richard was in a boy's school at the
* * *I *
WHEN HIS MOTHER died, he and his father
went to Bath, where he met, fell in love with, and
married Elsie Lindsey. Her parents annulled the
marriage. It was here that Richard wrote his first
play, "The Rivals," which was based on his love
affair with Elsie. It was poorly received at the
* * * *


Excursion No. 8: Ford's Greenfield V
tillage, Wednesday afternoon, July t
5 - Round Trip $1.10. Buses leave
roin in front of.Angell Hall at 1 :00
.mn. Party returns to Ann Arbor by C
:00 p.m. Nominal entrance fee of t
5 cents will be charged at the vil- C
age. The conducted tour will this s
ear include several new features and o
will also provide opportunity to see
he museum. Reservations must be
made by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, t
n Room 1213, Angell Hall.n
Carl J. Coe a
Stalker Hall: Sunday at 9:30 aim.t
-Seminar on Applied Christianity.$
The Church and Economic Relations.
Sunday at 3:30 p.m. - The Inter-
national Student Forum. Informal,
Round-robin discussion on the social
and economic views of those present.,
Sunday at 6:00 p.m. - Supper and
Social period. C
Sunday at 5:30 p.m. - Worshipl
service incorporating a forum led by 1
Mr. R. M. Burr, organizer for the
Railroad Telegraphers Union, on The
Function of Religion in An Age of
Power As Seen by a Labor Union
Official. All welcome!
Teacher's Certificate - Compre-
hensive Examination: All candidates
expecting to reecive a Teacher's Cer-
tificate at the close of the summer
session are required to pass a com-
prehensive professional examination
covering the work of the required
courses leading to the Certificate. The
next examination of this sort will be
held on Saturday morning, August 4
in the University High School Audi-
torium at 9 o'clock sharp. Candidates
expecting to receive a Teacher's Cer-
should leave their names immediate-
ly with the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 University Ele-
mentary School. Graduate students
taking advanced degrees in August
will be exempted from this examina-
The Women's Education Club will
meet on Monday evening, July 23, at
7:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of
the Michigan League. The program
promises to be a very interesting one
with slides showing. actual pupil ac-
tivity in the classroom.
Wray H. Congdon, Assistant Direc-
tor of the Bureau of Co-operation
with Educational Institutions, will
speak at the Educational Conference
at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, July 23, in
Room 1022, University High School.
His subject will be "New Trends in
Accrediting Secondary Schools."
The Men's EducationClub will meet
at the Michigan Union on Monday
at 7:30 p.m.
Episcopal Student Group: The
group will meet as usual in the down-
stairs lobby of the League on Sunday
evening at 7:00 p.m. The discussion
will be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dreschsler on Berkshire Road.
Transportation will be provided from
the League.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship on Sunday are:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a.m. Morn-
ing Prayer and Sermon, "What May

We Do With Pain and Sorrow?" by
he Reverend Henry Lewis.
Dr. Frederick Spence, of Firste
church, Jackson, will preachl t 10:45
omorrow at the First Methodist t
Church, S t a t e and Washington d
treets, on "The Social Significance t
f the Cross." a
Stalker Hall: Saturday, all day trip p
o Ashland People's College at Grant,.
Michigan. This college is patterned
after the famous Danish folk schools.
Students, interested in making the 1~
trip call 6881. Approximate cost isF
$2.00. s
Presbyterian Student Appointments
10:45 Morning Worship, Theme,
The Rediscovery of Prayer. Dr. Nor-
man E. Richardson.
6:00 Union meeting with Metho-
dists. Supper and fellowship. "Re-
ligion in an Age of Power." As seen
by a Labor Official. Mr. R. M. Burr.
All Well And Good,
But Doesn't Curtis
Have Any Opinion
RENO, Nev.., July 20.-(P)- "She's
That is how Thomas Severence
Delano, Jr., 67-year-old street sweeper
describes Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Dall,
President and Mrs. Franklin Roose-
velt's divorce-seeking daughter.
Fifth cousin to both Franklin De-
lano Roosevelt and the late President
Ulysses S. Grant, "Tom" Delano de-
cided last week he would like to meet
his sixth cousin, Miss Dall.
He went to the Reno office of Sam-
uel Platt, attorney who will represent
Mrs. Dall in her expected divorce
suit against Curtis B. Dall, of New
York, late this month.
He presented a letter of introduc-
tion and proof, in the form. of letters
and newspaper articles that his
claimed relationship is genuine. He
asked for an interview with Mrs. Dall.
They met that evening in Platt's
"So you're my cousin," Delano quot-
ed Mrs. Dall as saying as she shook
his hand.
He said they had a cordial conver-
satio during which Mrs. Dall indi-
cated she might visit Delano's modest
home in Sparks, little railroad city
of 4,000 people ; three miles east of
He also disclosed Mrs. Dall told him
she expected a visit from her mother
at Mrs. Dall's residence at Pyramid
Lake, Nevada, 42 miles north of here.
The President's daughter is living
there in comparative seclusion with
her two children, at the "Arrowhead
D" ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Shepherd Dana, formerly of
New York City.
A former locomotive engineer, De-
lano has lived in Nevada virtually all
his life.
Portage Lake 14 miles from town

City Net Meet
To Start Today
Finals in the men's doubles, wom-
n's singles,. and. juniors' singles
vents in the 14th annual city tennis
ournaient will be held at 4 p.m. to-
day on the Palmer Field Courts. In
he men's doubles Steve Lewis, Grad.,
and Chris Mack, champions for the
past two years, will meet Dr. John
Dorsey of the Law School and Prof.
Robert Angell of the sociology de-
Finals in the mixed doubles will be
played at 4 p.m. Sunday on the
Palmer Field Courts and the men's
singles finals will be held Wednes-
Men's Singles Third Round
Lewis d: Walcutt, 6-2, 6-2.
Schneider d. Hilsman, 7-5, 6-0.
Kasabach d. Piersol, 6-1, 6-1.
Bacon d. Dorsey, 6-0, 6-4.
Weiner d. Thomson, 6-2, 4-5, 6-0.
Gregory d. Nisen, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3.
Angell d. R. Edmunds, 6-0, 8-6.
Men's Single, Quarter-Finals
Lewis d. Schneider, 7-5, 6-1.
Bacon d. Kasabach, 6-2, 6-3.
Gregory d. Weiner, 6-3, 8-6.
Angell d. Sharfnan, 6-0, 6-2.
Men's Doubles, Semi-Finals
Lewis and Mack d. Whitker and
Frisinger, 6-0, 6-0, 6-3.
Dorsey and Angell d. Gregory and
Kasabach, 6-3, 6-3, 9-7.
Mixed Doubles, Semi-finals
Jeanne Keppel and Steve Lewis d.
M. Davis and John Dorsey,. 5-7, 6-2,
Helen Alexander and Bob Angell d.
Hobart and Chris Mack, 6-3,A6-3.
Women's Singles, Semi-Finals
Miss IHelen Alexander d. Miss Me-
rida Hobart, 8-6, 6-2, 6-4.
Mrs. S. M. Skinner d. Mrs. Henry
Lewis, 6-1, 6-1. -
Aane ve ry nigt ee ciA Mon.
.. d isio 4o a hia s

LATER, after he had remarried Elsie, they took
over the Drury Lane Theatre also, and ran it for
a long period with considerable success. Shortly
after "The Rivals" he wrote "The School for Scan-
dal" and several other plays. He sky-rocketed to
fame over night and took his place' among the
great playwrights of his time.
HIS GREAT ADBITION was to be a statesman
-not a dramatist, so, after making a study of
law, he was named to a position in Parliament. He
became prominent during the years that he was a
member. At 28 he was wealthy, a famous play-
wright, aid a power in government.
* * * *
WHILE at parliament, his wife ran the Drury
Lane Theatre. It started to go on the down grade.
After a few years it was condemned as a fire haz-
ard. Sheridan spent a great deal of money re-
building it.


-Horace Landers.

Screen Reflections

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45 - Morning worship.
"'The Social Significance
Of the Cross"
Sermon by Dr. Frederick Spence
of First Church, Jackson
For University Students
9:30 Seminar on Applied Christian-
ity. "The Church and Economic
Relations" - discussion topic.
3:30-InternationalaStudent Forum
on current social and political
6:30-"'he Function of Religion in
an Age of Power as Seen by a
Labor Union Offieial" - Mr. R. M.
Burr, organizer for the Railroad
Telegraphers' Union, speaker. Open
forum following.
-Supper and social honer at -6 o'clock.-


WITHIN A YEAR it burned to the ground - a
total loss. And within two years his father died
- his wife died - and his baby died. He was unable
to put up the money necessary to insure his elec-
tion to Parliament and was not returned.
* * * *
OVERNIGHT he became destitute. His fall was
even more sudden than his sensational rise. He
was forced to leave London in order to dodge
his creditors. On more than one occasion he was
sent to prison for his failure to meet debts.
** * *
SOME BIOGRAPHERS say that his funeral was
stopped by a group of creditors who wouldn't let
him alone even after death.
* * * *
HE WAS buried in Westminster Abbey in the di-
vision set aside for famous playwrights. While his
ambition was to be a great statesman - and he ful-
filled it to a certain extent - he is remembered
for his contributions to drama. Richard Brinsley
Sheridan would rest more happily in the section
of Westminster Abbey reserved for England's
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked, to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
Dear Editor:
I have read much and gained little from the
"Campus Opinion" column. In it I have found little
or no reference to a department, which in my
opinion, is one of the most interesting and valuable
parts of the whole paper - namely the editorials.
I wish to commend you as editor and your asso-
ciates for the liberal, broad policy in dealing with
a wide variety of subjects.
I read all the editorials and many with great in-
terest. In a publication such as The Daily, which
serves the interests of many readers, it is only
natural that some editorials should make a greater
personal appeal than others. This fact in itself
is only a point in favor, as it indicates the variety
of subjects and broad policy.

The Majestic has had a bad week. A very
bad week. It might have been due to unfortunate
booking. Or could it be that the managerial policy
has changed --lower admission price - poorer
screen fare?
Hollywood is still- turning out good movies
and it does seem the Maj might book one now
and then. Customers will stand for just so much
-and then they'll go to the Michigan, the Wuerth,
or the Whitney.
Let's review the summer season here. The Ma-
jestic had just one three-star picture so far. (Jimmy
the Gent) -five two-star shows -(Murder at The
Vanities, Looking for Trouble, Many Happy Re-
turns, Wharf Angel, Springtime for Henry) -
three one-star movies (The Merry Frinks, She
Made Her Bed, The Great Flirtation) - and a no-
star show (Laughing Boy).
A little simple arithmetic will reveal a 1.6-star
The Michigan, on the other hand, has had one
four-star, four three-star, two two-star, no one-
star and no no-star pictures - or a 2.85-star
average. Figures, to put it tritely, don't lie.
Of course this comes as no surprise to the
Butterfield management. The Michigan seats more
people - better shows are required to fill the seats.
Then again the Majestic changes three times a
week to two for the Michigan.
What we wish to say is this. The public won't
support any theatre which continually offers an in-
ferior fare. Your customers would be much more
satisfied with two shows a week (at least one
of them good) than three poor ones. -C.A.B.
Here's the next thing on the bill. It sounds good,
but we came to the conclusion long ago that you
can't believe anything that you read in publicity
William Powell, remembered for a remarkable
performance in "The Thin Man," will be featured
in "The Key," a triangular love drama set in the
background of the seething cauldron of the Irish
Powell and Colin Clive, brother -officers sta-
tioned in Dublin to suppress the rebellion, form
two of the sides of the triangle, while Edna Best,
the wife of Clive and the former sweetheart of
Powell, forms the third.
Clive, a serious-minded officer in tie secret
service, has never completely won the love of
his wife, who has a strange infatuation for the gay
and dashing captain in the person of Powell. The
outcome of this love tangle is one of the surprises
of the picture which is revealed in the climax.
The picture, which is based on the play by R.
Gore-Browne and J. L. Hardy, follows the exploits
of the Irish patriots in their uprising of the last
decade and the efforts of the British to put down
the rebellion.
Others in the cast include Hobart- Cavanauh.



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